[Southern Arcana 3.0] Deadlock (23 page)

BOOK: [Southern Arcana 3.0] Deadlock
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He knew exactly what it did to her to look at the hard lines of his body, so she didn’t bother to hide her admiring gaze. “You’re a show-off.”

“Only because you look at me like that.” The mattress dipped as he knelt at the foot of the bed, both hands falling to her ankles. “Roll over. Onto your stomach.”

He’d bound her hands together, but not to the bed. She rolled, the scent of warm leather filling her nose as she drew her arms closer to her body so she could rest on her elbows.

He started at the backs of her calves, smoothing his hands up her legs with long, languid strokes. He toyed with the edge of her dress where it fell across her thighs, then pushed it up. “I like the dress, but this has to go.”

“What has—?” The sound of ripping fabric drowned out the words as he tore off her panties. “

“Bad habit I have.” Strong hands urged her to her knees, legs wide, with her dress pooled across her lower back. “Good thing I can afford to replace them.”

It took her two tries to speak. “I shop at this place on Magazine. They might start to wonder what the hell’s happening to my underwear.”

He slipped his hands under the sundress and around her body, up to cup her breasts. The rough fabric of his jeans ground against naked flesh as he rocked against her. “Let ’em wonder.”

The urge to tease, to return a little of the torment he was visiting on her, made her head swim. So she arched her back, insanely grateful that one movement could thrust her breasts more fully into his hands
rub her ass against his erection.

He groaned, a low, desperate noise that turned into a challenging growl as his fingers closed tight on her nipples.

“Fuck.” The curse escaped before she could stop it, and she bit her lower lip hard to hold back her pleas. His grip tightened, pushed her just to the edge of pain, and eased off as he rocked against her.

Her nipples tingled, and she panted for breath. Every sensation was intensified because she couldn’t move, couldn’t reach for him, scratch him or pull his hair.

Instead, she squirmed while he dragged his nails along her skin, down her stomach and over her hips. Both hands followed the curve of her ass, and she felt his breath a moment before he bit her.

Heat streaked through her, a fire he had to feel as acutely as she did. “You’re trying to kill me,” she whispered.

“You know better.” He soothed the bite with his tongue only to bite her once more. Lower.

He’d drive her mad, leave her dazed and trembling—and then do it all over again. With a jolt, she realized that such pleasure wasn’t destined for a distant future, but now. “Is this what belonging to you means?”

“When it’s what you need.” He licked the inside of her thigh, his beard rubbing over her skin. “Belonging to me means you get what you need, whenever I can give it. Tonight it means me proving that you set off every dominant, animal urge I’ve got, whether you’re stoned on magic or not.”

“Don’t need proof.” She had it already, with each look and breath, and it meant so much more to her because they weren’t bound together by an uncontrollable physical instinct.

They’d chosen one another.

“That’s right,” he whispered, a quiet answer to the feelings she hadn’t spoken. He stroked her with his tongue, soft at first and then firmer, circling closer and closer to her clit without touching.

She dropped her head and breathed through the teasing pleasure. Keeping still was impossible, and her hips rocked, just a little, seeking a deeper caress. A sharper sensation.

Finally, he gave it to her, a hot, rough flick of his tongue, and she moaned and shook. He pulled back, smoothed a hand over her hip and brought his palm down in a sharp slap.

The juxtaposition between pain and pleasure drove her closer to the edge, and she threw back her head, gasping his name.

His groan rumbled through the room. “Fuck, woman, you have no idea how hot it is that I can
how much you liked that.”

“Yes, I do.” Every one of his reactions seared through her, a fire burning them both.

“We’re going to have a lot of fun learning what else you like, aren’t we?” She heard the quick snap of a zipper jerked down too fast, and two fingers slid deep inside her.

This time, she almost screamed as she clenched tight around his fingers. Together, bound by her empathy, they could push boundaries to the limit, dance the edge between just enough and too much with dizzying precision. “I like
. Want you.”

A soft groan. The tear of a condom wrapper. His fingers curled, stroking inside her until a maddening pressure built, one only he could relieve.

He pulled his fingers away and entered her with a single slow thrust that would have driven her to her knees if she hadn’t already been on them. She whimpered and tried to stay still, but she couldn’t stop the way her body arched toward his, yearning and hungry.

Instead of another thrust, she got a soft growl and the sharp slap of his broad hand across her ass.

She froze, though the sensation made her want to buck even harder, and when she spoke she barely recognized her own voice. “Tell me what you want.”

His fingers dipped between her legs again. Rubbed. His other hand fell to her hip, holding her still as he brought those slick fingers up to tease her ass. “Don’t hold back. If I don’t want you to come, I won’t let you. If I don’t want you to move, I’ll stop you.”

It was control in its purest form, and she wanted to give it to him. She needed to.

Don’t hold back.
Carmen moved suddenly, grinding against him with a low cry. She made it only a few inches before his fingers tightened on her hip, keeping her in place with effortless deliberation.

“I take it you don’t want me to move, then?”

Dark laughter rolled over her. “Didn’t say I didn’t want you to keep trying.” His fingertip pressed against her. Testing. “I love to watch you writhe.”

Just like she loved to hear him groan when she did something shocking. Instead of shying away from him touching her ass, Carmen eased closer. His finger probed deeper, arousing delicate nerve endings with an electric shock of sensation, and she shuddered through a moan.

His pleasure spiked along with hers, and he
groan, low and hoarse. Then he moved, rocking his hips back and driving forward.

“Alec!” Breathless, and still she had to speak. To tell him. “I need you.”

“I know.” Another thrust. Faster. Harder. His hand shifted until he was gripping both of her hips, holding her. Suddenly, he stopped, buried deep inside her.

Long seconds ticked by. Carmen whimpered as she tried to move, but he kept her still. She’d beg, plead, if only he would give her more, and she almost gave in.

Not yet.
Instead, she closed her eyes and squeezed her inner muscles tight around his cock.

Icy deliberation shattered. Not for long, just a second, enough for a single, wild surge forward. His hands hit the bed on either side of her arms, and he pressed his forehead to her shoulder with a groan. “You’re hell on my self-control,” he whispered, voice trembling with need and affection and something deeper that eclipsed both.

Then he fisted his hands in the covers and began to fuck her.

Rational thought vanished, not only unimportant but impossible in the face of such possession. Every stroke, every breath, was a new claim, one that drove her closer to the edge. Everything in her was his, and not because a hint of animal instinct hungered for him. Because he could give her what she needed.

And she could do the same for him.

The leather around her wrists creaked as she rocked with him. “Yours.”

“I know.” He kissed the back of her neck. Licked it. Bit it. “All mine.”

Words, because they were habit, though they only echoed what she could already feel through the empathy that bound them. A connection, both primal and immediate, that plucked at something deep inside her and rendered things like language obsolete.

It was that connection that swept her away, up into a dizzying spiral of pleasure that shook her, body and mind. “Come with me. Come—”

He shook above her, the last fine threads of control unraveling as they fell into flames together. His hips moved erratically, every thrust urging her on until nothing remained but the way he made her feel and the words he rasped against her cheek. “That’s it. You feel so good around my cock when you come. So goddamn hot when I’m fucking you.”

“Fuck, Alec.” Another orgasm swelled through her, and she slammed her head back against his shoulder. “

He came with her, roaring his pleasure as he drove into her one last time, hard enough to push her hips against the bed.

There was no beginning and no end to the sensations cascading through her, through them
, a chain reaction fed by pleasure and desire and even more pleasure. Carmen tried to slow it down, to separate what was hers from what was his, but it was useless. Everything was shared and doubled because of it.

“Shh.” Alec was stroking her, his hand smoothing from her shoulder to her hip in slow, gentle movements. Her wrists were free, though she couldn’t remember how they’d gotten that way, or when he’d shifted them so she was curled against his chest, her cheek pillowed on his arm.

She pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his skin and nestled into his embrace. “I love being in your arms.”

“I love having you here.” His hand followed her arm on the next stroke, fingers rubbing at her wrists. “Wasn’t too rough, was it?”

“Mmm, no.” She caught his hand. “I won’t break.”

A quiet, relieved sigh stirred the hair at the back of her neck. “Good.”

“You were worried.”

“Not really.” He yawned and tugged her closer. “Don’t have to worry so much with you. If I hurt you, I’ll know. I’ll feel it.”

She’d known men who enjoyed the sexual feedback associated with her psychic ability, but never one who valued it as a way to ensure her well-being, and never one who understood her other needs so completely.

But did he, really? The doubt rose, unbidden, but instead of pushing it away, she took a deep breath. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, honey.”

It was hard to find the words, but she tried. The last thing she wanted was to have her relationship with Alec fall apart because they couldn’t talk to each other. “The dominance. You said it’s not something you need in bed all the time, but what about out of it? Everyday stuff?”

“I’m a bossy fucker. That’s never going to change.” His hand settled on her hip. “But the nice thing about all those wolfy instincts going away? I don’t need you to obey me. Don’t even want it, unless we’re in a dangerous situation where I need to keep us safe.”

The fact that she wasn’t a wolf hadn’t mattered in the past, not to the other lovers she’d had to walk away from when their controlling behavior spilled over outside the bedroom. “Is that a typical alpha attitude, or are you unusual in that respect?”

“I’m more alpha than most, but that just means I don’t have much to prove. It’s the ones who aren’t secure—they’re the ones who have to throw their power around all the damn time.”

Maybe that had been the constant conflict. Insecurity could drive people to make all sorts of demands, and obedience was one she’d never been okay with. “I don’t need someone to control my life for me. It’s not that I think you would, but it’s caused problems in the past, so I wanted to get it out there.”

His hand tightened on her hip, and he eased her over onto her back before propping his head up on one hand. “Dated a few controlling assholes, huh?”

“To put it mildly.” Even her family didn’t know the extent of it, how close some of her lovers had come to crossing the line.

The sudden feral gleam in Alec’s eyes said she couldn’t hide as easily from him. “Don’t suppose you want to let me hunt them down and kick respect into them after the fact?”

“No, I do not.” She wiggled closer. “I’d rather move forward, if you don’t mind.”

“Spoilsport.” But he smiled as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Fine, I’ll behave.”

“Thank you.” The line of his throat beckoned, and Carmen followed it with her lips. “You’re an unusual sort of man, Alec Jacobson.”

“It’s okay. You can call me odd.”

“Your word, not mine.” She bit his chin. “I wouldn’t say odd. I’d say…fascinating.”

That earned her a smile. “I like that word. ’Specially when you’re saying it.”

She could have said so much more, and would have, except that his cell phone began to ring.

Alec heaved a sigh and rolled away. His phone sat on the night table, but when he picked it up, he frowned. “It’s your brother. Julio.”

“Want me to answer it?”

He passed her the phone in silence, and Carmen thumbed it open. “Hello?”

“Carmen.” Julio sounded rough, almost hoarse. “Are you finished with your thing in Wyoming?”

“Yeah.” She instantly regretted not telling him
she’d flown up on the spur of the moment, but she hadn’t wanted to worry him. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s Miguel. This thing, this spell—they did it to him too.”

A cold shiver took her, a curiously hot numbness on its heels. “They did what?”

“They turned him.” His voice grew even scratchier, as if he could barely speak. “Miguel’s a wolf.”

Chapter Fourteen

Another night of travel, another pot of coffee.

Alec was on his third cup of the morning, and glad he was used to going without sleep. “So they did the spell the night before they tried it on Carmen?”

“Apparently.” Julio prodded at one of the stale donuts he’d brought. “I tried to reach Miguel for days, but my father gave me the runaround. I guess to give him time to recover and adjust.”

What a fucking mess. “And has he? Adjusted, I mean.”

“As well as can be expected.” His mouth firmed into a tense line. “Not like I’ve had a lot of access to him, though. Carmen? She’ll be lucky if she gets to see him at all. Miguel inherited our father’s love of avoidance when it comes to tough situations.”

Alec had known Carmen long enough to know one thing. “She’s not gonna like that much.”

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