Southern Comfort (9781622863747) (11 page)

BOOK: Southern Comfort (9781622863747)
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“It was a terrible idea,” Katrina snapped.
“Well, since that's my only residence I guess I'll just go back there. See you when you get home.”
Katrina's mouth dropped as Saura left the room. Devon closed the door behind her.
“She's at your house?”
Katrina shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know what to do or say.
“What are you going to do, Katrina?”
“Tonight I guess I'll be staying at the Madison with Willow. I'll figure out the rest tomorrow.”
Willow sat at the bar nursing her drink. The crowd was almost gone. Ming and Carlos had gone and so had Teri and Victoria. Willow didn't know what to think about the night. She wondered what was happening in the back where Katrina disappeared with Saura. Thoughts were rushing through her mind until a finger tapped her on her shoulder. She turned around to find herself face to face with Saura.
“Hello, Willow, right? My name is Saura.” Saura held her hand out.
“Hello,” Willow said shaking Saura's hand.
“I just wanted to introduce myself. Looks like we are in a little pickle here.”
Willow put her guard up. She didn't know why Saura was being so nice to her.
“Well I just wanted to come over here because I mean we are women; we can be adults about the situation. Katrina told me what happened and I totally get it.”
Willow tilted her head. “I'm sorry, you totally get what?”
“Oh, nothing.” Saura giggled. “Well I have to get out of here. Enjoy your night with her. I mean you totally deserve it for coming from all the way across the pond to see her. But just understand it will be the last one.”
“Excuse me?” Willow felt her blood boiling.
“You heard me. Katrina might be a little confused right now. But it won't last. We are meant for each other. And no British bobble head is going to keep us apart. Have a good night.”
Saura shot an evil smirk at Willow before walking away. Willow wanted to pull all of her hair out but refused to cause a scene in Katrina's establishment. Willow didn't know if she wanted to cry or fight. She watched as Katrina came out of the back with two of her staff members. Katrina looked at her and smiled as she walked up to her.
“So I have to close things down here but then we can leave.”
“I think I'm going to go ahead and leave,” Willow said trying to keep her composure.
Katrina was worried. She noticed the expression on Willow's face. “Are you sure? I mean, I really want to come with you.”
Willow forced a smile. “No, baby, I mean I want to go before you. I will see you at the room; here is a key.” Willow pulled an extra hotel key card out of her clutch.
“Okay, well I will be over there very soon. No more than an hour.” Katrina kissed Willow on her forehead.
Willow arrived back at the room and instantly opened her iPad. She called Piper on Skype. In moments Piper's face covered the screen.
“What the fuck!” Piper screeched after Willow filled her in on the night.
“I don't know what to do, Piper. She is gorgeous, so fucking gorgeous.”
“So are you.” Piper sat back on her couch. “Fuck that bitch, she gave her up.”
“I don't know what to do. Maybe I should just come home.”
“No!” Piper jumped up holding her tablet in her hand. “Willow, you and Katrina are bloody perfect together. Don't let some twit come in and take what belongs to you now.”
Willow nervously ran her hands through her hair. “I don't know what to do. I can't compete with someone she loved for years.”
“Yes, you can. Obviously the girl wasn't all that if she was able to move on with you so fast. You just need to stake your claim.”
“So, what do I do?”
Piper pointed at the screen. “You show her why she is with you. That girl might have the past, but remind Katrina that you can be her future. Shag her senseless and show her how we British girls do it.”
Willow thought about what Piper was saying. She let Saura win the first battle but the war was far from over. She didn't come thousands of miles to go home without the woman she wanted. She was going to fight for what she wanted.
Chapter 16
Teri opened the door to her house. Victoria slipped out of her red bottoms and walked in the house as if she had been there a million times. Teri walked over to her wine shelf.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Merlot if you have some.”
Teri grabbed one of her more expensive bottles of wine. She knew that Victoria wasn't like the rest of the women she messed with who would be happy with some cheap moscato. This woman was different. She poured two glasses of wine, handing one to Victoria who was sprawled across her brown leather sofa.
“You have a nice place here,” Victoria said as she took a sip of the merlot.
“Thank you, it's a work in progress.” Teri took a sip too. “So, Ms. Gold, you said something to me earlier that I haven't been able to get out of my mind.”
“Oh, you mean the part about fucking you? Yes, I have a tendency to be straight to the point.”
“I see.” Teri put her hand on Victoria's exposed thigh. “Well I usually don't sleep where I eat, ya feel me?”
Victoria nodded her head as Teri's hand made its way under her skirt. “Neither do I, but I felt I needed to make an exception this time.” Victoria leaned in closer to Teri.
“As long as we are on the same page,” Teri said as she also leaned in closer.
Their lips were so close they could feel each other's breath.
“I want to fuck you, Teri, no strings attached. This isn't romance; this is fucking. Period, point, blank.”
Victoria's lips pressed against Teri's. Teri took the glass of wine out of Victoria's hand and placed it on the coffee table. Teri caressed Victoria's breast as they kissed again. Victoria's nipples began to poke through her dress.
Teri's free hand made its way down Victoria's body. With the other hand already under her skirt, Teri pulled Victoria's thong down her thighs. Teri stood up. She took Victoria by her hand. Victoria stood up following Teri down the dark corridor in her home.
Teri opened the door to her bedroom. She kicked her shoes off while turning the light dimmer just enough to give them a slight glow. Her California king sat in the middle of the large master bedroom. There wasn't much in the room besides the bed, dresser, and nightstand. The platform bed in the middle was all she ever felt she needed. Teri guided Victoria into the room. She pulled Victoria's body close to her with one quick pull. Victoria fell into her arms, wrapping her arms around Teri's broad shoulders. Teri unzipped the red dress while her lips pressed against Victoria's neck. Victoria pulled each strap down causing the dress to fall to the floor.
Teri took a moment to admire the vision in front of her. She had been with sexy women but Victoria was different. Victoria's dark skin was radiant under the soft glow of the light. Teri ran her hand down Victoria's flat stomach; there wasn't a hair on her. Teri cupped Victoria's butt in her hands, rubbing her lips against the silk on her bra. With one hand Teri unfastened Victoria's strapless bra. It joined the red dress on the floor.
No words were spoken as Teri fell to her knees. She couldn't wait; she had to see if she tasted as good as she looked. Victoria draped her leg over Teri's shoulder as Teri devoured her. She held on to Teri's head as she worked her magic. Victoria let out a soft moan as she ground against Teri's lips. Teri wasn't disappointed.
Victoria's hands massaged Teri's short hair as she sampled all the delight that Victoria had to offer. Teri stood up, picking Victoria up with her upper body strength. She laid Victoria on the bed who took no time pushing Teri's head back in between her legs. Teri pushed Victoria's long legs up in the air as she went in for the kill. Victoria arched her back, wanting to feel Teri as deep as she could.
Teri only stopped long enough to grab her strap out of her bottom dresser drawer. She put a condom on the eight inches of silicone. Teri turned Victoria over. Victoria moaned as she assumed the position on her knees. Teri admired the view rubbing the tip on Victoria before finally entering her. Victoria let out a louder moan. Teri went to work, slapping Victoria's ass in between stokes.
Victoria was obviously no stranger as she twerked against Teri. The sensation was almost too much for Teri to handle.
“I want to ride,” Victoria whispered as she pushed Teri down on the bed. Teri lay back on her pillow as Victoria climbed on top. She worked her hips while Teri aggressively massaged her bouncing breasts.
“Shit,” Teri moaned at the hurting Victoria was putting on her.
Teri felt a knot forming in her stomach. Victoria ground faster and faster until letting out a loud moan. Her body went limp as she fell on top of Teri, their breasts pushed tightly against each other.
Victoria climbed off and crawled off the side of the bed. “Restroom?”
Teri pointed at the door on the right. Victoria picked up her clothes and headed to the bathroom. Teri didn't know what to think. She wasn't used to women immediately getting up. She unfastened her strap and threw it on the side of the bed. Moments later Victoria appeared completely dressed.
“You don't have to leave you know,” Teri said staring at Victoria as she ran her hand across her hair still in the perfect bun.
“I know.” Victoria smirked as she walked out of the room.
Surprised, Teri jumped out of the bed and followed. She watched Victoria pick up her purse and shoes.
“This was fun; we have to do it again.” Victoria smiled.
“Oh so it's like that?” Teri was amused.
Victoria pulled something out of her purse. She took her thong and put it on Teri's head. “Keep these for me. I'll get them next time.”
Victoria opened the front door and walked out leaving Teri speechless and in awe.
Willow heard the key as it went into the door. Katrina walked in the room as quietly as she could. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Willow lying on her side in a baby blue bra and panty set.
“Well hi.” Katrina smiled.
“Hello,” Willow said in her most sensual voice. “I've been waiting on you.”
“Have you?” Katrina dropped her jacket and things by the front door. She unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off leaving just her sports bra and tank.
“I have, it's just been me and the telly here.”
“Well I have to do something to fix that.” Katrina pulled her pants off. “I'm going to take a shower. I smell like food.
Katrina disappeared into the bathroom. Willow sat up. She wondered if she looked sexy enough. She wanted everything to be perfect. She tried to think of what Piper would do in this situation.
Katrina let the hot water hit her head. Steam began to fill the bathroom. Willow looked amazing sitting on the bed; she wanted nothing more than to take her right then and there. Katrina closed her eyes. Saura and the incredible dress she had on came into her mind. She felt her heat rising. If nothing else Saura always made her horny.
Katrina jumped when she felt a pair of hands touching her back. She turned around to find Willow standing in the door of the shower completely naked. Willow stepped into the shower. Katrina couldn't resist. She pulled Willow into her, kissing passion into her mouth.
Katrina pushed Willow against the shower wall. The hot water covered them as her fingers entered Willow. Willow moaned for more as Katrina's mouth nibbled on her breasts. Willow wrapped her leg around Katrina as she sexed her. They kissed as Katrina hit her spot. Willow felt her body twitching with each stroke. She wanted to live in that shower with Katrina.
The rest of the night Katrina made love to Willow's mind, body, and soul. Katrina knew that the connection was real with Willow as she ran her fingers through Willow's moist hair. She couldn't deny that she wanted Willow. But as images of Saura filled her mind while lying with Willow, she couldn't help but realize that she still had something with Saura, and she had no idea how she was going to figure out which one she was supposed to be with.
Chapter 17
Katrina kissed Willow on her forehead waking her out of her sleep. Willow turned over to see Katrina standing over her in the clothes she had on the night before.
“Hey,” Willow whispered.
“Hey, you. I gotta get over to the restaurant for some press. Devon is going to come pick you up and take you to her house so you aren't in this hotel room.”
“She can just drop me at your place. I don't want to be a nuisance.”
Katrina froze, she knew that wasn't going to work. “You aren't a nuisance, but I don't want to leave you alone.”
“I will be all right.” Willow smiled.
Katrina sighed as she sat on the side of the bed. “You have to promise not to overreact.”
Willow braced herself.
“Because we shared a house together, Saura went back to the house. But I am going to tell her she has to go today.”
Willow wanted to scream. Saura was ruining all the things she had planned with Katrina. She should be in Katrina's house, preparing for another night of pure erotic bliss. Willow remained calm. At least Katrina was in her bed last night; that was a good sign.
“Okay, do whatever you have to do.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.” Katrina kissed Willow on her forehead.
Willow watched as the woman she was falling in love with walked out the door. She turned the television on and turned to the BBC. It was comforting to have a bit of her home in the foreign town. Willow finally pulled herself out of the comfortable bed. She took a quick shower, thinking about the amazing shower she had the night before.
Willow put on the plush hotel robe and searched for her outfit for the day. There was a quick knock at the door. She peered through the peephole to see Devon standing there. She looked a lot different from the night before. She had on a pair of baggy pants and a loose-fitting T-shirt, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail.
“Hello, girl,” Devon said as she walked in the room. Even her walk was different. There was a slight masculine movement to it.
“Hi. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were going to be here so soon. It won't take me but a moment to get dressed.”
“Take your time. Do I need to leave?” Devon asked.
“Oh no, you are fine,” Willow said as she pulled the robe off.
Devon couldn't help but stare at Willow's sexy body. Her ass seemed to sit perfectly in the lace boy shorts she had on. Devon understood why Katrina was having such a hard time deciding. Saura was hot, but Willow was just as sexy in a different way.
“So is there anything that you want to do today? We are in downtown so there are lots of things to do.”
“No, I don't want to be a bother, plus all the things I care to do I kind of want to wait on Katrina to do them.”
Devon felt a little bad. She knew how Saura had to be feeling. “How are you holding up, you know, with everything?”
Willow pulled a sundress over her head. She sat on the side of the bed. “Can I be totally honest?” Willow asked as she pulled a pair of sandals from her bag.
“Of course.” Devon admired the cute dress.
“It's so odd. I mean I really like Katrina. There is this connection between us that is unlike anything I've ever experienced. But I know there is major history there with her and Saura. Although she was with me last night, I can't help but think that she still has feelings for Saura.”
Devon nodded her head as Willow poured her heart out to her. Deep down Devon knew that Katrina still had feelings for Saura; she was devastated when she left and that's not something a person gets over in a few months. She felt bad for her friend and for Willow, who was now in the middle of a situation no one saw coming.
“I can't really speak on it, Willow, because I honestly don't know. I know that Katrina really does care about you.”
The words caused Willow to blush. “That's all I need for now. I mean we aren't together. She isn't my girlfriend. So I guess I just have to put my cards out there and let them fall where they may.”
Devon was impressed by the British beauty. She helped her carry her bags out of the hotel room. They waited for the valet to bring Devon's car. Two men stared them up and down, obviously thinking they were together.
“So, Devon, I like this look today. It's very different from yesterday.” Willow smiled.
“Yeah, I like to switch it up from time to time.” Devon put her Ray-Bans on.
“I like it. Well I like both looks. You can pull them off well.”
Devon handed a couple of dollars to the valet as they got in the car. Devon turned down a side street, which ended up taking them by the historic Beale Street. They ended on Main, passing a theater.
“Oh that's playing at one of our theatres,” Devon pointed to the marquee's sign for
Book of Mormon.
“I went to see
Mary Poppins
the last time I was in London,” Devon said as they drove down South Main.
“Oh you have been to London?”
“Yes, about a year and a half ago was my last time there. I went with my family.”
“Very cool.”
“So if you like fashion there are a few trendy spots on this street if you want to maybe check them out. You can also see the National Civil Rights Museum.”
“Oh yeah, I read something about that.”
Devon shook her head. She didn't expect a woman from London to know too much about Black American History. She parallel parked between two cars. The two got out and walked down the artsy street. They walked into a woman's apparel store where the manager complimented Willow on her dress. Devon was impressed to learn she made the dress herself.
They walked out of the store and headed down the street. They chatted as if they had been friends forever. Willow was very intelligent and knew a lot about fashion. She promised to make Devon a dress for her birthday.
Devon watched as Willow absorbed all she was learning inside of the National Civil Rights Museum. She knew a lot more than Devon expected her to know. Willow told her more about the British slave trade, something they didn't teach much of in the US school system.
They took photos outside the balcony where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated, before heading to grab lunch at one of Devon's favorite places on the street. The small restaurant reminded Willow of some of their local cafés.
“So tell me, when was the last time you dated before meeting Tree?”
Willow took a sip of her martini. “I didn't do too much dating before her. I went to boarding school so outside of fooling around with promiscuous girls I didn't do much. At university I met a few girls but none I truly took interest in. I had one boyfriend but that was to make my father happy. It wasn't until he told me he knew I liked girls that I just decided to come on out.”
“I totally understand that. My parents are so freaking conservative and big in the community. It took them awhile to warm up to the fact that baby girl might not marry a man.”
They both laughed.
“London is a little more liberal than America. I see all the gay rights issues you guys have. It seems positively horrid.”
“Yeah, and this is the South so it's twice as bad. People like Teri and Katrina have it much harder at times than me. As a feminine woman I can pass, but Katrina and Teri, it's not nearly as easy. We've had a few run-ins with men before.”
“That's horrible. But Teri and Katrina aren't that masculine.”
“But any bit of masculine can be too masculine.”
The women turned around to see a woman standing at the takeout counter. She pulled her shades off. Willow noticed the change in Devon's energy. She watched as Devon shifted in her chair as the woman walked up.
“Isn't this a surprise?” The woman smiled at Devon. She glanced at Willow giving her a slightly evil eye.
“Shanice, what are you doing down here?” Devon stood up.
The two awkwardly hugged each other.
“What am I doing here? You are in my hood. I am living over in South Bluffs while my house is being renovated.”
“Oh, okay.” Devon's voice changed. She sat back down in the chair. “Oh where are my manners? Shanice, this is Willow.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Willow said flashing a smile as she shook Shanice's hand.
“Likewise. I'm sorry am I interrupting a date?”
Willow watched as Shanice stared at Devon.
“No, actually Willow is dating Katrina.”
“Oh.” Shanice took it upon herself to sit at the empty chair at the table. “I heard about her opening. I have to try her restaurant soon.”
“You should,” Devon said folding her hands on the table.
The waitress brought Shanice her to-go order.
“Well, I guess that's my cue. Devon, keep in touch okay? Nice meeting you again, Willow.”
Shanice walked out the door, but not before giving Devon one final glance.
“Sooo, an ex I'm guessing?” Willow sipped her drink.
“That obvious?”
“A little.” Willow smiled hoping to ease the tension created by Shanice.
“She's the ex, the one who has been around for years but just won't seem to stay gone.”
“Ah, that has to be hard.”
“Especially since all of a sudden she's back and popping up all over the place. But that's neither here nor there. I have to stay away from her.”
“If you think that's best.”
The waitress brought them fresh glasses of water. Willow stared at the glass. “Katrina was right, you guys do use a lot of ice in your drinks.”
Devon laughed. She knew that in London ice didn't come in soft drinks. “I really like you, Willow. I'm glad Katrina met you.”
“Well I'm happy you like me.”
Both girls smiled as they continued to enjoy their afternoon.

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