Southern Comfort (9781622863747) (6 page)

BOOK: Southern Comfort (9781622863747)
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Chapter 7
It was a short plane ride and the couple found themselves in the Eternal City, Rome. Katrina was already excited, but seeing the love and enthusiasm Willow had for the city delighted Katrina. They didn't waste time; after checking into their hotel they headed out to rent a scooter.
Katrina was terrified as she sat on the back of Willow's scooter. She felt like her life was going to end in Rome as Willow zoomed past cars and down alleys. The terror subsided as she admired the city. It was the perfect mix of old and new. Historical ruins sat next to Italian restaurants and cafés. Katrina couldn't believe her eyes as they pulled up to the Coliseum and parked the scooter in an area with a bunch of other ones.
“Hey do you want to put your money stuff in my money pouch? I hear the pickpocketing is really bad out here.” Katrina surveyed the area around them.
“Oh yeah, it's pretty bad; you better keep that thing close.” Willow smirked.
“All right, don't be looking at me when your passport comes up missing.”
Katrina noticed the confused expression on Willow's face.
“Why would you bring your passport?” Willow questioned.
Katrina realized it was dumb of her to bring her passport. She stuffed it in the money pouch she bought, burying it deep under her clothes and against her chest.
“Keep walking, ignore them.” Willow grabbed Katrina's hand as they whisked past a group of men aggressively trying to sell them scarves. They were relentless in their pursuits and the moment they made it past the first group another group selling other random trinkets appeared. It only took a few moments of men shoving crap in their faces for Katrina to have enough. Things changed the moment she was clear of the men and able to truly take in that she was standing in front of a monument she had dreamed of seeing her whole life.
The Coliseum was breathtaking. Katrina stood outside admiring the massive ancient amphitheatre. Willow turned around when she realized Katrina wasn't walking beside her anymore. She ran back to Katrina who was in awe of the building.
“When I was a kid I was obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology. I watched
faithfully every day when I got home from school. Recently the new show
became my favorite show on television.” Katrina continued to stare at the structure. “I can't believe I am actually standing here.”
“Well wait until you are standing inside.” Willow smiled. “Come on you rebel, follow your Domina.”
Katrina was impressed. Willow obviously watched the same show she did by her use of the lingo. Willow led Katrina up the stairs. She put her hands over Katrina's face and guided her to a platform.
“Ready?” Willow said as Katrina nodded her head.
Willow moved her hands. Katrina's mouth fell open as she overlooked the inside of the Coliseum. Sunrays shined down illuminating the green grass that peered through the massive columns of brick that created entryways and rail systems back in the day.
“This is fucking amazing.” Katrina admired the massive arena.
“I stayed here for a month once, and every day I would come admire the beauty of this place. I love the way the sun peeks through each archway.”
Katrina held Willow's hand as the two stood in silence just existing in the moment.
After the Coliseum they hopped back on the scooter. They took a stop at the Church of Santa Maria where Katrina stuck her hand in the Mouth of Truth. After passing countless beautiful fountains they allowed themselves time to wander around the Roman Forum. Exhausted, they headed back to the room where Willow fell asleep in Katrina's arms. When they finally woke up it was dark outside.
“Okay, I'm starving.” Katrina rubbed her stomach.
“Oh I know exactly where we should go.”
They caught a cab as Willow spoke Italian to the driver. They pulled up to an area filled with tourists. Katrina's stomach rumbled at the smell of garlic coming from some of the cafés. They grabbed a table at a beautiful little café. Katrina took over, ordering pasta dishes for both of them.
“So why is this place so busy?” Katrina watched as a tour group walked passed them.
“You will find out soon enough.”
Katrina pulled her phone out, making notes about the food she ordered, snapping photos of their dishes and dessert as they came out. Willow was taken by how Katrina didn't just eat, she savored her food. She explained the textures of the wine they drank, showing Willow the proper way to smell and sip wine.
“That was amazing.” Katrina handed her credit card and the bill to the waiter. “I swear I just want to go back to the room and go back to sleep.”
“Not yet.” Willow grinned. “We have one other thing to see while we are over here.”
Willow took Katrina by her hand as they rushed past tourists and more men selling knickknacks. Katrina could hear something that sounded like a waterfall. Willow stopped causing Katrina to knock into her. She turned around smiling from ear to ear at Katrina.
“Okay, so the final thing of our night is right around this corner.”
“Okay, what are you up to?”
“Katrina, welcome to the
Fontana di Trevi.

The couple walked as the illuminated fountain came into view. People sat on the steps; some cuddled up while others snapped photos of friends and family standing in front of the large fountain. The duo headed down the steps until they were standing directly in front of the fountain. Katrina snapped photos with her phone, but realized none truly captured the beauty of the fountain.
After taking selfies with Katrina, Willow grabbed Katrina's hand. She placed two coins in her hand.
“So I'm supposed to throw these in?” Katrina looked at the fifty cent Euro coins.
“Don't you know the myth?”
“No, enlighten me.” Katrina rubbed the coins together.
“Well the saying goes that you are supposed to throw two coins in. The one is to ensure you are going to come back to Rome, and the second is so you can find love or get married.”
Saura's face appeared in Katrina's head. The last thing she wanted was to fall in love again. “I think I only need to throw one then.” Katrina turned her back toward the fountain.
Katrina threw the first coin over her left shoulder. Willow clapped as the coin hit the illuminated water. Katrina noticed how the dim lights and the illumination from the fountain lights put a soft glow on Willow's face. There was something special about the Brit. She didn't know if it was being in the Eternal City, or the romantic feel of the Trevi but Katrina felt a calm she hadn't had in a while.
“You know what? What the hell,” Katrina said as she threw the second coin over her shoulder.
Chapter 8
Willow sat on her exercise ball with a frown on her face. She watched as Katrina packed her suitcase. Each shirt was ironed and rolled with a precision Willow couldn't understand. Whenever she packed her bags she just folded items and worried about the wrinkles when she arrived at her destination.
“If you're going to stare at me, how about not looking like a sad puppy dog?” Katrina smirked.
The edges of Willow's mouth turned down as far as she could manage. She stuck her bottom lip out and folded her arms like a child. The pathetic excuse for pouting only made Katrina laugh harder.
Having such an amazing time together the couple decided they didn't want to part after Rome. After Rome they headed to Naples, hiked Mount Vesuvius and admired and explored the ancient city of Pompeii. Katrina let go of her fears during a day trip to Positano where they jumped off cliffs into the beautiful water and swam in the mysterious caves off the Amalfi coast. Their final stop was the City of Water, Venice, where they spent the nights getting lost down the Venice alleys or enjoying a romantic gondola ride. Not ready to leave, Willow talked Katrina into spending two more weeks in London with her. She introduced her to Piper who insisted they were meant for each other.
“Sleeping is going to suck without you,” Willow said as she stared at her bed; she really didn't want to go back to sleeping alone. She knew it was time for Katrina to get back home. Her friend Devon had been calling her daily about the restaurant that was ready to open whenever she arrived.
“I can tell you I am not looking forward to my bed at home either,” Katrina gazed up from her suitcase to see Willow's face etched completely with pain. Things hadn't gone the way she planned. Having some casual flings with hot European girls was on her bucket list, not meeting one amazing woman. She knew this feeling well, except this time she was the one leaving. In her mind she knew the truth: she had totally fallen for her British beauty.
Willow knew she was in trouble. In one month she had fallen irrevocably in love with the American. She wanted to tell Katrina the truth, but what would that help? She was getting on a plane in a little more than twenty-four hours. Their wild romance had come to an end.
“So what happens now?” Willow forced herself to mutter the phrase they had been avoiding since getting back to London.
Katrina sighed; as much as she wanted to believe that things could work, she knew the truth. Although the month was the most amazing time of her life, she had just gone through a breakup and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt Willow. If she couldn't make a relationship work with Saura who was only on the other side of the US, how could she even attempt to make something work with the girl she had only known for a month across the pond?
“Willow, I really don't know how to answer that.” Katrina took a seat on the side of the bed.
There was an awkward silence in the room. They both knew the answer; there was no need to ruin the little bit of time they had left.
“Hey.” Katrina stood up. “It's early, let's go do something.”
Willow's eyes brightened for the first time the whole day. “Go where?”
“I don't know; somewhere. It's our last day together; we might as well go out with a bang.” Katrina snapped her fingers. “I got it!”
Willow watched as a big smile covered Katrina's face.
“We have some unfinished business.”
A short train ride later the two found themselves standing on the Pont des Arts bridge. Willow watched as lovers hugged while locking their locks on the famous bridge. The Seine that usually looked dirty to her when she usually visited Paris now had a beauty to it she never noticed before.
“Okay, so how does this work?” Katrina said fidgeting with the plastic the lock came in.
“I can't believe we are doing this. You have a flight to catch in a few hours and we are here in Paris.”
“Hey, what's the worst that can happen? I miss my flight? That wouldn't be so bad.” Katrina scooped Willow into her arms, spinning her around.
Willow never wanted the moment to end. She wrote their initials on the lock. They found an empty spot next to a light post.
“So, Willow, tell me what do we do now?” Katrina asked as she wrapped her arms around Willow.
Willow sighed as she felt the warmth of Katrina's breath against the nape of her neck. “If we lock this on the bridge and throw the key in the river it symbolizes that you are locking your heart away for the other person.”
Katrina held Willow's hand. “Willow, I just want you to understand that I have never felt like this before. You are an amazing woman and you made this trip something I will never forget.” Katrina pecked Willow on her lips.
Willow pressed down on the lock until they both heard a faint click. She pulled on the lock, but it didn't budge. Willow turned around to Katrina as she took the key out of her pocket.
“I never want to forget this, or you,” Katrina whispered in Willow's ear. Their lips drew closer as she dropped the key into the Seine. Neither wanted the moment to end.
The two held hands the entire two-hour ride back to London. Willow rested her head against Katrina's shoulder. Katrina ran her hand through Willow's wild, curly tresses. For once in life Willow despised time. She prayed that Father Time would slow down for once in life just so that she didn't have to be without Katrina, but with every moment they drew closer to London, and closer to the end. It would never be the same again.
The couple exited the train and headed to the Tube never letting go of each other's hands. The lateness was a pleasure as the underground subway wasn't nearly as busy as it usually was. Katrina put her arm around Willow, kissing her on her forehead.
“I swear there is one thing I am not going to miss,” Katrina said as a train zipped past them.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, you probably aren't going to miss anything about my city.”
“Not true. I actually like London now.” Katrina held on to Willow. “Plus this city introduced me to you, so I really love it.”
The two laughed as their train approached. The car was mostly empty. The couple sat next to each other. Willow noticed the time on her cell phone. They had four more hours before she had to get Katrina to the airport. She didn't want to waste another minute.
Willow pressed her lips against Katrina's neck. Katrina laughed as she attempted to question what Willow was doing in the subway. Willow rubbed her hand on Katrina's thigh, slowly moving farther in until reaching her inner thigh. Katrina turned her head to Willow. Their eyes locked. In that moment nothing mattered.
Their lips locked. Each wanted nothing more than to savor the taste of each other. Katrina's fingers gripped the back of Willow's head through her curls. She aggressively pulled Willow's face as close as she could get it. They kissed, breathing love and passion into each other.
The couple only broke the embrace once the train arrived at their stop. They rushed to the flat they shared. As soon as Katrina got the door open it was on. With one quick pull Katrina ripped Willow's dress into two pieces. Willow didn't care about the shattered fabric; she wanted Katrina more than she had ever wanted anything in life. Katrina circled her tongue around Willow's hard, light brown nipples. Katrina cupped Willow's ass, pulling her as close as she could. They walked slowly until making it into the bedroom.
Willow watched as Katrina took her clothes off. Katrina's ripped, sexy body caused the stiffness of Willow's nipples to ache from anticipation of what was to come. She didn't want to wait for her to take her clothes off; every moment was time she was missing touching her, caressing her, tasting her.
“Tree, take me. Please, I need you,” Willow whimpered.
Katrina obliged pulling her foot out of her jeans. She towered over Willow, pulling Willow's legs toward her. Heat pulsated between Willow's legs; her whole body trembled. Katrina's touch electrified every inch of Willow's body. Each touch only intensified until Willow's body felt like it was going to explode.
Katrina dove in, pressing her lips against Willow's swollen clit. Her tongue parted Willow, tasting the salty and sweetness of the woman who was once just a stranger in a coffee house. It was her favorite taste and she didn't know if she would ever taste her again. Katrina wanted to savor Willow; she wanted Willow to remain in her taste buds for those nights she wouldn't be able to have her again.
Willow bit her lip and placed her hand over her eyes. Katrina was putting a hurting on her in the most pleasurable way ever. The mix of tongue, lips, and the vibrating of Katrina's tongue felt better than any sexual contraption ever could.
“I need to be inside you,” Katrina whispered.
Willow's eyes tightened closed as Katrina's fingers entered her. If she bit her lip any harder she would break skin. Katrina quickly found her G-spot, already completely familiar with all the inner workings of Willow's softest places. Flashes of their relationship played like a film in her head. Willow could hear the bell from the coffee house door ringing in her head.
They didn't close their eyes. Both stared at each other as stroke after stroke brought them closer to the pleasurable death. Willow had never felt so good. Her heat and wetness covered Katrina's hand. Katrina wanted to go as deep as she could, touching all the inner pleasure points Willow's body would allow. Katrina knew it might be the end, but she didn't want Willow to think it. She wanted Willow to feel her for the rest of her life.
Willow's body tensed as the erotic death was creeping upon her. She stared deeply into the eyes of the woman who had stolen her heart in just a month. Hitting her spots her body began to tremble until trembles turned into jerks. She exploded as Katrina held inside, exploding with her love. The river flowing from between Willow's thighs matched the river of tears flowing down her face. Willow jumped out of the bed and ran into her bathroom.
“Willow!” Katrina jumped up but Willow closed the door before she could make it to her.
Willow didn't want Katrina to see her cry. She hated what was happening. She wanted to curse everything that was taking Katrina away from her.
“Just give me a moment.” Willow forced herself to sound as normal as possible.
Katrina knew that Willow was crying. She knew that Willow was crazy about her, and she was crazy about Katrina. Katrina didn't know what was keeping her together. Maybe it was Saura and the fact that she had just gone through the same thing. She couldn't believe she allowed herself to get into another impossible situation.
Willow fixed her face as much as she could before coming out of the bathroom. Katrina was sitting on the side of the bed. Willow forced a smile as she crawled back into the bed.
“I am sorry, Willow.”
“Sorry for what?”
“For causing you this pain. I know how it feels to watch someone leave you. I hate that I have put you in this position.”
Willow wrapped her arms around Katrina's back. “Katrina, don't feel like that. We are both adults who just had an amazing time together. I will never forget this month and I hope you won't either. But in the end I am happy to just have been able to spend this time with you. It's something I needed, we both needed.”
Katrina turned her face toward Willow. She put her hand on Willow's right cheek. There was something so special about her; she was genuine. It was refreshing. Time was gone, it was time to say goodbye, yet neither wanted to pull away from each other.

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