Read Southern Seduction Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

Southern Seduction (122 page)

BOOK: Southern Seduction
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I watch as she downs the rest of her drink and gets up out of her chair. Her slightly glossy eyes let me know that she’s feeling pretty damn good. When she holds her hand out, I grab it and lead her to the edge of the dance floor that’s become pretty full. I should resist, knowing that we’re probably under intense scrutiny, especially since the guys all seem to like to check her out. When she turns around and presses her ass against my groin, all rational thought escapes my mind. My hands come to her hips and she grinds in rhythm to the hip hop song that’s playing over the speakers.

I didn’t spend four years of Greek living at Auburn without learning how to expertly bump and grind. I slide my hand from her hip to her stomach, pulling her into me as I match her movements. A few songs blend together as I enjoy Cheyenne’s closeness. I can feel beads of sweat rolling down my back, but I don’t care. As much as I’d love to be talking to her right know, hearing her sweet voice, the feel of her pressed up against my body is almost just as good. If it weren’t for the fact that we’re surrounded by coworkers, I’d have already whipped her around so that we could connect in the most intimate of places.

The music changes and a slow song comes on. Cheyenne turns in my arms, wrapping her own around my waist as she smiles up at me—a smile so sweet that I’m momentarily transported back five and a half years ago.

I must have a strange look on my face because she cocks her head and looks at me quizzically.

“Whatcha thinkin’, city boy?” she asks, her drawl emphasizing the words. Her hands slide up my chest and her eyes dance when she feels the muscles under my shirt. “Hmm, I may have to change that to city man.”

I can barely resist the urge to kiss her at her comment, so I laugh instead. “Hell no, pretty girl. If you start callin’ me city man, I’ll have to call you pretty woman. And, well, there’s no way in hell I’m about to do that.”

A small giggle escapes her lips, and I wrap my arms around her even tighter. I pull her into my chest, and she tightens her own arms around me as she grins up at me. “Oh, you mean you don’t want to pay me to date you? Come on. I am a pretty cheat date. You should know this,” she says, winking.

I lean down and my lips hover over her ear. “Are you agreeing to go on a date with me, Cheyenne?”

She seems to mull it over, apparently not sure what she should say. My mind’s sending her telepathic thoughts chanting,
Say yes, say yes, say yes.
I’m silently kicking myself, hoping I didn’t speak too soon and ruin all the progress we’ve made tonight. I don’t realize that I’m holding my breath until it releases when she breaks out into a huge smile.

“Okay, Sawyer. You’re on. I’ll agree to go on a date,” she says, pausing. “On one condition.”

Groaning, I let my head fall. She places a soft hand on my chin, forcing me to look at her. “Do I even want to know what this condition is?” I ask, causing her to grin wickedly.

“If you want a date, then you better start it right now. I’m starvin’ and the alcohol’s startin’ to go to my head. See? I can’t even pronounce my Gs!”

Not wanting to let her continue on her tirade, I grab her hand and pull her off the dance floor. I lead her to our table, where Cori and Bryan are arguing over something. She sits and I place my hand on the small of her back.

“I’ll go and settle up the tab. Then we’ll get out of here, okay?”

Her eyes twinkle in the bar light, and I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or some form of desire. I’m hoping for the latter. “About time. Don’t keep me waitin’.”

Heading to the bar, I can feel an extra pep in my step, more than ready for a date and some alone time with her.

I’m cashing out when I feel a presence beside me. Glancing up, I notice Bryan and brace myself for whatever warnings or threats I’m about to get.

“Let me guess. What are my intentions with your roommate?” I ask in a deep voice, eyebrows drawn.

He lets out a low chuckle. “What makes you think I don’t claim her as mine?” he asks suspiciously.

I finish filling out the slip before answering him. “If you wanted Cheyenne to be yours, I doubt you would’ve let her stay in my arms for more than one dance. Not to mention the way you’ve been staring at Cori all night. You didn’t even take a peek at Cheyenne’s ass in her tight jeans. That tells me you’re a good guy.”

“Observant, eh, Callahan? Fine. I haven’t seen Cheyenne smile so much in a long time. Just don’t hurt her,” Bryan warns me.

“I don’t know what you know about me, but hurting Cheyenne is something I will never do.”

Apparently that answer satisfies him because he slaps me on the back and we head to the table to collect the girls.


I’m trying to ignore Cori’s speculative grin as I wait for Sawyer to close the tab. Anxious to get some food in my stomach and some more alone time with him, I’m not ready to tell her all the details.

“You two seem cozy tonight,” she says, her pencil-thin eyebrows rising.

Her words wash over me and all of a sudden I’m aware of my surroundings. Shit. Were Sawyer and I just dancing suggestively on display for all our coworkers? This is exactly what I’ve been trying to avoid, but he’s just too damn irresistible. We have too much history for me to keep fighting the attraction between us.

“Nope, don’t you dare, Cheyenne. Get out of your head right this second.”

“I’m not in my head,” I tell her, but she gives me a knowing look. “I’m serious. Okay, maybe I was for a minute, but I’ve pushed all inner thoughts away. We’re heading out to get something for dinner. See you at home.

She grins at me wickedly. “Yeah, see you there. Probably tomorrow morning.”

She’s still laughing when the guys return to the table. “What’s up?” Bryans asks, and Cori just says that she’ll tell him later.

Sawyer looks at me, eyebrows raised, I shrug and then hop down from my seat.

“Let’s get out of here.”

When we get outside, he asks about my car. I tell him that I rode with Bryan, so he leads me onto the sidewalk. We walk for a couple of blocks, and once we’re far enough away from the bar, he slips his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. I shiver at the contact and he stops to look at me.

“Cold?” he asks, looking concerned.

My cheeks flush at having been caught. “Not exactly,” I tell him, and his smirk lets me know he understands me.

We’re about to pass a small park when he pulls me inside. He presses me up against the thick trunk of a tree. With one hand on my waist, he brings the other one up to cup my cheek.

As he looks down into my eyes, the familiar feeling of butterflies attacks my stomach. I watch as he closes the distance between us, and this time, when his lip met mine, I don’t fight it.

My hands slip around his waist and I pull him closer to me. His lips devour mine like it’s been six years since we’ve been in this position, not just a few days. He’s kissing me with a fiery hunger, and at the most inopportune time, my stomach decides to growl. His lips spread into a grin pressed firmly against mine. I can feel him shaking against me as he silently laughs.

“I guess I better feed you,” he says, breaking away, but I pull him back in, standing on my toes to press a kiss to his lips, my tongue invading his mouth. His meets mine with soft strokes as I press myself against him, wanting his friction, but he keeps himself just out of reach.

“Come on, city boy,” I say, breaking our kiss as my hands run down his back, stopping just above his ass. “Don’t stop when we’re just gettin’ started. I’m throwing caution to the wind tonight.”

“You are a temptress, but I promised you a date, so I’m going to give you one.” He steps out of my embrace and slips his hand into mine.

We walk in a comfortable silence until we reach a residential area not far from my own place. I look around, spotting familiar landmarks, and I’m beginning to realize that we’ve never talked about where he lives. Is it possible that he’s been right around the corner this whole time? Coming to a quiet building, we enter and he leads me to an elevator. We go to the top floor when he gets off and I follow him down the hall, not stopping until he gets to the last door.

“Your place?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow up.

“Hey, I said I’d feed you, and since it’s getting late, I thought it’s be nice to just come back here and talk in peace without having to raise our voices like we had to do at the bar.”

As my other eyebrow rises, I give him a playful slap on the arm. “When I said we could go on a date, I meant you taking me out. I didn’t mean for you to find a sneaky way to lure me into your lair.”

He laughs as he takes my hand, pulling me down the long hallway. “No ulterior motives here, Cheyenne. Other than just wanting to spend time with you without giving everyone at Wellsley more stuff to gossip about. Cross my heart,” he says, making the motions over his chest.

“Yeah, yeah. You say that now. I may have been a naïve girl once upon a time, but I remember how you city boys can be.” I wink at him, only teasing, and he just shakes his head and leads me to the kitchen. “Actually, it works for me. If I spent any more time in that loud bar, I was bound to get a headache.”

He pops a bottle of wine and pours two glasses, handing me one. “It’s not Wyatt’s lemonade, but it’ll work.”

Thanking him, I take a sip. “Hey, Sawyer?” I ask.

He stops rummaging around in the pantry and turns to look at me. “What’s up?”

As I toy with the stem on my wine glass, I lean back against the kitchen counter. “You never mentioned that you live in Five Points, even after you came over last week,” I tease accusingly. My condo is probably only a five-minute walk from his place, and I wonder how many times we’ve passed each other on the road.

He pulls away from the pantry and shrugs. I watch as he crosses the kitchen and pulls open a drawer next to the refrigerator. After he finds what he’s looking for, he turns around to face me. “I figured you’d be breaking your lease if you know how close I was to you, so I may have decided to keep that little tidbit to myself.” His admission makes me smile, especially because I know he’s right.

By the look in his eyes, he must’ve read my expression. He walks over to me and picks me up, setting me down on the counter as he slips between my knees.

“What about now, Cheyenne? How do you feel now that you know my dirty little secret? Are you going to run?” he asks as he leans in to press soft, slow kisses along my jaw.

I can barely concentrate with his lips on my skin, and once again, I’m shivering under his touch. As much as I want to wrap my arms around him and beg him to take this further, I somehow resist the temptation. This night is going unexpectedly, and while I’m happy with the turn of events, I know I need to be careful before I completely lose myself to him. I agreed to this date, I want this date, but there’s a nagging thought in the back of my head that keeps telling me to take this slow. So much is at stake here, and I need to do things the right way this time.

“No, Sawyer. I told you before. I’m done running. Your secret won’t change that,” I whisper.

Before he can respond, my stomach growls again, this time louder than before. Sawyer stills his lips, and I can feel him chuckling. Saved by the stomach. He pulls away, cocking an eyebrow at me.

“Okay, okay, I get the hint,” he says, handing me a piece of paper. Glancing down at it, I see that it’s a menu for my favorite Thai place in Five Points.

“Ah, so by feeding me, you meant ordering in? And here I thought you were going to cook for me,” I tease playfully.

“Well, that was the plan, but then when I got you up here, I figured ordering would give us more time to talk without distractions. I meant it when I said I want to get to know you again.”

“You’ve had two months to get to know me. I haven’t changed all that much,” I tell him, and he scoffs almost immediately.

“Cheyenne, I’ve seen you outside of the workplace only one time since you started there. We don’t exactly sit around the office talking about our lives. It’s all about work. I want to get to know you as Cheyenne, not employee, and for you to treat me at Sawyer, not your boss.”

Mulling it over, I realize he’s right. I’ve tried to maintain a professional distance from him, and for once, I finally want to let him in.

“You know what?” I ask him and watch as he waits. He’s tapping his fingertips on the counter, and I can tell he’s anxious about what I’m going to say. “I’d like that. I really would.”

Relief floods his face, and I can’t suppress a smile when he leans in to press a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. “My pretty girl,” he says, almost to himself. My heart flutters at the old term of endearment, and I realize just how much I’ve been missing him.

After asking what I want to eat, he proceeds to place the order. He grabs my hand and leads me to an open living room with brown furniture and a massive flat screen mounted on the wall. When he sits down on the couch, he pulls me down next to him. He turns on the TV and starts flipping through the channels, presumably to find something to watch while we eat. Instead of looking at the screen, I’m too busy watching him. Even his profile is gorgeous, and I almost have to pinch myself to prove that I’m really here, in his home, on his couch. I have no idea where the night’s going to go or where I want it to. I hope he’s okay with taking things slow, because I have a feeling I’m about to get way in over my head.

BOOK: Southern Seduction
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