Spanking Stories Erotica Under His Hands

BOOK: Spanking Stories Erotica Under His Hands
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Under His Hand

Michelle Fox

Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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This is a work of fiction intended for adults age 18 and over. Minors should stop here and close the book.

All events depicted are fictional. Characters are over the age of 18. Any resemblance to places and persons, living or dead, is unintentional coincidence.

While the author has tried to accurately portray the BDSM lifestyle, please note this story is a fantastical imagining of BDSM. Reality may differ. Don’t try this at home unless you know what you are doing.

Every effort has been made to provide a quality reading experience, but editors and technology are fallible. Please report typos or
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[email protected].

Under His Hands

I settled o
nto a stool at the bar
and surveyed the Friday night party crowd
. Luke had instructed me to arrive at eight a
nd to look for a orange shirt and black cowboy hat
. We’d exchanged pictures during our months long courtship, but
never met in person. Not until I agreed to his terms.

His demands started with what I should wear;
a mini skirt and heel
--the top he left up to my discretion
. Plus,
I had to do
to anything he said or else he would walk.
The lat
had been hard to accept
, but
I’d fantasized about being spanked
for years
and Luke seemed worth the risk

I don’t know why, but the idea turned me on in a way nothing else did. Which was how I’d ended up on FetLife, the Facebook for kink, looking for someone who could make my reality as good as my fantasies.
Luke had found me on a group of ‘spankos’ and approached me as a friend
. We talked and talked
in the beginning, about everything
not just sex. He knew my favorite books and movies as well as what I
had for dinner the night before.

In turn, I learned that he’d been into spanking for years, but his last relationship had fizzled
when his ex transferred overseas,
g him back in the dating game. A
nd now he was interested in spanking me.
Since we clicked well enough on
the phone, I decided to try
it his way.

I would do whatever he required of me and
we would test whether our online chemistry translated to the real world.

“Sara?” asked a masculine voice
with a
hint of Southern drawl.

Recognizing his accent,
I turned and my heart
skipped at the sight of him. Luke’s
square jaw and close shaven crew cut
made it easy to recognize him from
we’d exchanged
. His jeans hugged the hard muscles of his thighs a
nd his shirt
spanned broad shoulders. He looked like he could pick me
up and carry me back to his ranch
, a m
ental picture that sent a little tingle through me.

“Nice to see you
in person,
Cowboy,” I said using the nickname I’d given him after learning he originally hailed from Texas.
His twang was exotic to my Midwestern ears and a major turn-on. I slid off the barstool to give
him a
we knew each other too well for a mere handshake
. His arms folded me into the heat of his body, hands moving to squeeze my ass.

When I
stiffened and moved to pull away
the liberty, he
gripped me tighter, whispering
in my ear, “That’s what this
is all about, sugar
. Your ass under
my hands. If you can’t take this, we’re a no go.” He gave a final squeeze and released me.

I s
tepped back, a shy
smile on my face.

I just can’
t believe this is finally

It had been a shock to feel him in the flesh.
An unexpected one, but still very much desired.

“Just so we’re clear, this isn’t just a date, it’s about all those needs you’ve been suppressing. I expect full compliance from you, understood?”
His stern voice washed over me, tugging at my core. The first time we’d talked on the phone, I’d been so turned on
his voice
alone I soaked my panties. It didn’t help that I’
d also shared
my need to just be bent over and taken.

I took a deep breath and gave a firm nod. “Understood.”

Want a be


Luke ordered two Labatt’s and led us to a booth.
To my surprise, he sat next to me instead of across from me.

“You look great,” he said with a smile that lit up his

“You too,” I said, enjoying the crush of his body against mine in the small booth. His hard muscle pushed into
my soft, welcoming curves.
This wa
s so much better than talking over
phone. W
had I waited so long?
I reminded myself. Even now
with him next to me,
I quiver
ed with a dizzy mix of desire and
nervous anxiety. Would Luke be the man I needed?

“Is it bad that I want to just kiss you already?” He leaned i
n toward me, but stopped,

Feeling brave
, I said, “
just the kind of bad
I’m looking for.” I met him halfway and we
exchanged a
chaste, lips-
only kiss
that left me wantin
g more. He tasted of coffee, black and strong-brewed. I wanted to drink him down.

He took a sip of his beer and then turned back to me, looking for another kiss. I offered my lips to him
, greedy for another taste. H
e sucked my bottom lip into his mouth until I moaned. His hands traveled my body, skimming over my clothes.

Then he
pushed my legs apart a
nd delved under my skirt, shoving
my panties
to the side. Before I knew it, he was stroking me with a finger.

“Luke?” I asked, nervous. The bar was packed and loud. It would be hard for us to attract attention, bu
at the same time, I felt

“Shhh, for anyone to see you, they’d have to be under the table and I’m not going to let that happen. Just enjoy it.” He increased the pre
ssure and speed of his hand as he
seized my mouth in a forceful kiss.

he bar fell away as mounting pleasure clai
med all my attention. He explored
my mouth with
sensuous strokes of his
tongue, pausing to nip at my l
ips. His stubble pricked my face
, while his fingers
unleashed a flood of hot desire.
He set a fast, rough pace that had my hips arching up off the wooden seat of the booth within seconds. Luke wrapped his other arm around my shoulders pulling me close so he could nuzzle my ear. Goose bumps skittered across my skin, puckering my nipples until I wished I could take off my shirt so he could suck them.

The thought of his hot mouth on my aching
breasts, took
me over the edge.
I came
with a sharp cry as
he thrust his tongue deep into
my mou
th and
pushed a finger inside me
at the same time
. My core spasmed and clamped down
on his hand
. I tried to hold it together so no one looking at us would suspect anything, but I couldn’t keep my body from jerking at the force of the orgasm.

He removed his hand from between my legs and showered me with gentle kisses as I came back to myself. When my eyes could focus again, he made a show of licking his finger, his gaze locked with mine.

“Mmm, nothing like kicking off the weekend with my two favorite things, pussy and beer.”
He gave a wicked smile while I blushed. “Oh
look at you, shameless and embarrassed at the same time. I love it.” Luke pushed his finger between my lips so I could taste myself.

I sucked obedientl
y, stroking him with my tongue and tried not to worry about what t
he people around us would think. A thrill went through me as I realized this
was like those stories I read i
n my favorite Fetlife groups. It had always seemed that everyone but me was having fun, but
tonight, I would be the one with a hot story.

Luke shifted
in the booth
as I suckled his finger
, making room for the obvious bulge in his pants.
“I like a girl who can take direction and improve on it.

“At your service,
” I sai
d, talking around his finger
I gave a wicked smile of my own as I cupped his bulge, squeezing gently. His cock throbbed at my touch and a
picture of what it would be l
ike to ride him scorched
my mind.

Come on, let’s get out of here.” He removed his finger
from my mouth
and pulled me after him out of the booth.

“Where are we going?” I asked, yelling to be heard over the loud thump of bass. The DJ had arrived and the volume in the bar had gone up considerably.

he said, leaning down to yell
into my ear so I would hear him.

“What for
?” I tugged at his hand, providing counter pressure to his forward motion.

To give you what you came for
, Sara
. Don’t make me spank you harder than I have to
,” L
uke said, his voice a low growl that strummed over my skin. God, I loved his voice; deep and full of dark promises.

My heartbeat stuttered and a hot anticipation flooded my body at the thought of his big, strong hands punishing me.
Oh yes, please.

” I began in
weak protest
, not even sure what I wanted to say. The picture of Luke putting me over his knee had taken up all the space in my brain

Luke shushed me with a finger across my mouth. “
minute you stop listening to me, it’s over.”
He leaned in, his breath hot on my che
ek and said
, “Y
ou have to choose, sugar. Make your fantasy real or keep it
a dream?

The question gave me pause. Tonight my dreams could cross the line into reality, but I had to take the step. If I didn’t, I knew I would lose Luke forever, a consequenc
that stabbed my heart. I didn’
t want to let him go, but I was scared to step forward

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