Spanking Stories Erotica Under His Hands (2 page)

BOOK: Spanking Stories Erotica Under His Hands
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Luke gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “
Don’t deny yourself this.
It’s going to be so good between us
. Ca
n’t you fe
el it

I could.
I’d felt the electric connection the moment our eyes met, before we’d even spoken to each other.
My lips parted at the realization and my breath
ing became shallow.

He reached around and squeezed my ass cheek with one hand. “Say it’s not just me.”

“I feel it,
” I said hoarsely.

“Come on. Let’s go outside
get some fresh air
.” He pulled me after him, out of the noisy bar and into the cool
The air washed over
my overheated skin and my nipples puckered at the change in temperature.

s hand remained warm
in mine
and he seemed impervious to the cold air. His long legs never hesitated in their stride, an
d I admired the way they
flexed in his tight jeans. Luke didn’t have an ounce of body fat on him. His ass was round, but it was all muscle. Spanking him would be like hitting a brick.
I still wanted to grab his ass though, and fill my hands with the carnal knowledge of his body.

We walked, without speaking, to the back
of the bar parking lot where his
. The
lights didn’t quite reach that far, leaving L
uke shadows in which to hide when
pinned me against his pick-up
and cupped my breasts, running his thumbs over my nipples.

He kissed me, invading my mouth with commanding strokes of his tongue
until moisture
ed between my legs from
tasted of coffee mixed with hops and the scent of his woodsy aftershave went straight to my head. Underneath my hands, his rock solid shoulders felt like they could carry me through thick and thin. From taste to touch, my cowboy was all man.

“No one will see us here. Are you game?” He asked between kisses.

I paused at that. “Are you sure?” I looked pointedly at the cars parked next to his truck. True, we were hidden, but there was potential to be interrupted by bar patrons wanting to go home.

“I’ll be able to see them coming. Don’t worry.”

I nodded and he led me around to the back of the truck whe
re he lowered
the tail gate and then guided
me into a position where I was bent over and support
ing myself on the cool metal of the truck bed.
stood behind me gripping my hips with his hands, grinding his pelvis again
st me so I could feel his hard bulge.
I bit my lip at the thought of him inside me and m
y hips involuntarily undulated
, seeking to be closer to what my body now craved.

“I’m going
to pull up your skirt
and spank you silly. Then, when you’re hot and ready, I’m going to fuck you
. Bent over and
taken just like you asked for,

I nodded, the impact of his words leaving me breathless. H
e fumbled
to yank
my skin
tight skirt
. When I moved to help him,
eager to hurry things along,
he firmly pushed me back into place.
The cold air hit my ass
raising goose bumps
as he exposed me to the night, naked save for the thin strip of my lace thong.

aintain position unless I say otherwise, understood?”

” I said.
The subordination of control was foreign, yet, at
the same time, arousal flushed through me as I
put myself under his direction. He would choose what to do with me
and I would accept it
He gives, I take.
We had discussed this before, but now it was real and both scary as well as arousing. I wanted to give myself ov
er to him, yet my drive to do so
scared me.
Fortunately, not enough to call it off

“Good. Now you say the word and I stop
, okay? I’m going to push you. I
t won’t be easy
but it shouldn’t be so hard you can’t take it. If it crosses that line, you tell me.”

“Is there a safe word?” I asked.

“Stop works. But, since this is your first time
I’ll be watching your reactions closely. If you seem upset or overwhelmed
, I will stop and we’ll talk to figure out what’s going on.”

I nodded my understanding.
What he said sounded fair and I liked that he would be paying such close attention to my response. It made me trust him more.

“Open communication is how this works, always.”
He lightly tapped my ass
as if taking its measure.

I can take it.” I widened my stance in preparation.

a dangerous thing to say, Sara
. T
here’s a difference between what you want and what you can actually take. I need you to be honest with m
e about that difference.” He  continued the light spanks
, alternatin
g between cheeks. His hands were warm and rough on my skin, making
me shiver.
“If you let me hurt you, I won’t trust you enough to spank you again.”

“I’ll let you know
if it’s too much
I said, knowing
I would be quite vocal
if the spanking became too intense
I wasn’t a hero, that was for sure.

“We have an understanding then, good.”

There was a pause then
where his hands left me,
and I almost stood u
p to see what the delay was just as
the first smack came
. It stung my cheek, but, a
s he’d promised, it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. 

I remained relaxed and unmoved at the smacks he rained down on me. There was one spo
t though, on each side, that had a direct line
to my core. Wher
ever he made contact, pleasure spasmed through me and I found myself wiggling, hoping to keep his hand on that particular spot.

He wasn’
t interested though. N
o matter how I danced under his hands, he scattered the smacks equitably across both cheeks.

he intensity
increased to the point where I gave a soft grunt with each h
it. After several minutes
, he stopped and shoved a hand between my legs, feeling the results of his spanking.

dripping wet,” he said, pushing a fin
ger int
o my folds and caressing
my body with an experienced touch.

I moaned in respo
nse and
his hand, wanting more.
He chuckled at
that and withdrew to resume his

“You’re going to have to beg before I’ll give you what you’re asking for.”

“And if I don’t?” I asked, a sassy note in my voice.

“The spanking continues
, Miss Smart Mouth

he smacks
even harder
, but were still within my tolerance
. It was difficult to keep myself in position as
the force drove my body into the tail gate and caused me to go on tip-
toe in order
to keep from stepping forward.
My gasps were audible,
punctuated with high-
pitched moans.

He stopped again and teased my center with deft strokes of his finger. Pleasure coiled tight, clamping down and then began to expand, too big to be contained any longer. Before
the full release blossomed, he
pulled away.

I whimpered. “Luke?”

“Feeling like begging

“No,” I said, not wanting to come off as
a lightweight.
“Just making sure you weren’t getting tired
, Cowboy

“I’m touched by your concern, but I could do this all night.” H
e emphasized
his words with stinging slaps to my ass
tearing a shriek from me

I grit my teeth
to contain my voice
not wanting to attract attention,
but couldn’t stop a fo
ot from stepping out of place. The movement
earned me a barrage of spanks until I resumed position.

“Having a hard time?”

“No, I’m fine,” I said
, full of
false bravado
. “You?”
My voice sounded high and breathy
to my ears
, like Marilyn Monroe.

“You have a bea
ful ass. I love the way
it shakes.
I’m turned on.

“I aim to please.”

Call me a satisfied customer then
The sp
anking stopped again, but my body
throbbed as if still under his han
Then he wa
s back,
this time
smoothing his hands over my skin before
goosing me with sharp pinches.

I hissed
at the none-too-gentle pinches, which seemed to prompt him to fall back on spanking. More slaps stung me and he focused on my sweet spots, the ones that turned the pain into pleasure. Soon, I moaned in time with the spanks, rocking back and forth under him. My brain shut down and my eyes closed, giving me tunnel vision focused solely on the pleasure he elicited.

When he stopped again, I found myself
overly emotional
at the deprivation.

“Luke?” I asked, my voice a keening note of need.
Tears pricked my eyes. He’d left me hanging and I couldn’t think of anything other than his touch.


My brave facade
fell away, drowned by

“You can do better,” came his cool voice.
He pulled my thong off
, though, giving me hope.

“Please don’t stop. I need you,” I said, my voice catching.
I stepped out of my panties and kicked them away, not caring where they landed or if I ever saw them again. All I could focus on was the aching emptiness in my core demanding release. Nothing else mattered.

“Spread your legs a little wider.”

I rushed to comply, eager to have him inside me. To my surprise, however, his hand slapped against my pussy lips. My skin stung, but a delicious pleasu
re blossomed from where he
his hand had put pressure on my clit.

“How does that feel?”

“Good,” I s
aid, my voice tight

He responded with more spanks to my pussy, each one driving pleasure deeper into my core. The orgasm swelled within me engorged and ripe with mind-shattering promise. By then, I was crying softly every time his hand made contact, unable to contain myself. I began to wonder if I would even be able to remain standing once the climax came. Pure bliss surged through every nerve, obliterating thought and control of my body.

Once again, he stopped just as the orgasm began to crest, just before I reached the point of no return.

“No,” I said, my voice catching. “Luke, no.”

“Are you in charge here? Who are you to say no to me?”
He gave me a swift smack
hard enough that it
shook the opposite ass cheek as well

“No one,” I said as the sensations he brought to a peak within me receded to where I could think again.

“That’s right. When and how I touch you is up to me, not you. You best remember that sugar.”

I nodded.

Luke said nothing more while
my hips made sm
all circles of frustration, trying to speak for me. Then
the head of
his cock
was nudging
between my
I cried with relief, tears dripping down my cheeks.

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