Sparkling Steps (7 page)

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Authors: Sue Bentley

BOOK: Sparkling Steps
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Flame gave a startled meow and jumped out of her bag. His fur all stood on end and his ears were flattened. A flash of bright white light filled the whole coatroom and Olivia felt a shower of sparks come down all around her.
She blinked, half blinded. When she looked again, Flame had gone.
Olivia stood there, stunned. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Flame had left her without even saying good-bye!
She went back into the hallway in a daze and walked slowly back toward the room with the rails of costumes.
Lucy and Mariko were there now, collecting their costumes. Olivia frowned. She seemed to remember that Lucy's costume was pale violet, so why was she holding up a pale orchid tutu? As Olivia drew nearer, Mariko spotted her. She gave a start and nudged Lucy, who whipped around with a guilty expression on her face.
It was a moment before Olivia noticed the scissors in Lucy's hand. And then she saw the two big cuts on the bodice of her beautiful tutu.
Olivia gasped in disbelief at her ruined costume. There was a tight feeling in her chest, but instead of feeling angry, she just felt sad and weary. Flame had gone and she still couldn't really take that in. Hot tears began spilling down her face.
Mariko's face crumpled, too. “I'm really sorry,” she murmured.
Lucy dropped the costume and the scissors. “I was only going to cut the rosebuds off. The scissors slipped . . .” she said in a shaky voice. “You . . . you won't tell Miss Frances, will you? I'll get expelled.”
“Just go away and leave me alone!” Olivia sobbed.
Lucy's lips trembled. She turned and ran off as fast as she could. Mariko hesitated, looking at Olivia like she wanted to say something, but then she turned and hurried after Lucy.
Olivia picked up her ruined costume. There was no time to repair it, even if it were possible to mend the damage. She couldn't dance in the performance now.
Suddenly her spine began to tingle. She heard a crackle of sparks and slowly turned around.
“Flame!” Olivia cried, as his tiny blue-gray form crawled out from under the dress rail. “You're still here! How? What?”
Flame's emerald eyes glittered. “I have laid a false scent trail. But my enemies are still close. I cannot stay for long.”
She threw herself to her knees and picked him up. She thought her heart might burst with happiness. “Oh, I'm so happy you came back!”
“I wanted to be here to see you dance,” he meowed solemnly, rubbing the top of his furry, little head against her cheek.
“But how can . . .” Olivia began, looking down at the slashed bodice of her tutu.
Flame lifted his paw and a fine sprinkle of silver sparks shot out. They drifted on to the tutu like glittering talcum powder. The rips in the bodice edges drew together by themselves and the slashes faded slowly, until the only thing Olivia could see was the pale glint of the silky-smooth fabric.
She held up the tutu. “It's as good as new,” she said delightedly. “Oh, Flame. Thank you so much.”
“You are welcome. I think it is time for you to get ready now!” Flame meowed, showing his little, sharp teeth in a grin.
Olivia stood on the stage next to Tamsin. Her mind was a blank. She felt sure that she had forgotten every step that Miss Frances had taught her.
Her heart beat fast as the first bars of the Garland Dance began. Slowly, the curtain was raised.
Olivia took a deep breath and began dancing.
Her feet seemed to move by themselves as she drifted lightly across the stage, in perfect time with the other dancers. In the bright light, the stage set was a glittering fairy realm. Olivia danced with her heart and soul, losing herself completely in the spirit of the dance. All too soon the music began to fade and she swept into a graceful bow.
The audience broke into enthusiastic applause.
Olivia quickly glanced at the delighted faces, trying to spot her parents. With so many rows of seats, she couldn't see them, but she was sure they were there somewhere.
The music changed and Olivia glided on a cloud of happiness into the wings with the other girls.
As soon as they were backstage, Tamsin ran over and gave her a hug. “How amazing was that?” she cried.
“It was incredible! Like a dream,” Olivia said.
Miss Frances appeared from the shadows. “Good job!” she said, giving them both a hug. “I'm very proud of you both.”
Olivia and Tamsin were too shocked to speak.
Wonders would never cease
, Olivia thought, biting back a grin.
Miss Frances seemed almost human
“I've got some wonderful news. Nina Svetlova was very impressed when she saw you in class the other day. She's recommended that you both move up a class next semester!” Miss Frances said.
“That's fantastic!” Tamsin said. She grabbed Olivia and they jumped up and down with their mouths open in silent squeals of excitement.
Lucy suddenly appeared with Mariko backstage. “I still don't know how she repaired the costume so quickly . . .” Olivia heard her whispering.
But when she saw Olivia and Tamsin with Miss Frances, Lucy stopped. Her eyes flickered worriedly between Olivia and the teacher. “What . . . what are you talking to Miss Frances about?” she asked sweetly.
Olivia knew that Lucy thought she was snitching.
“Not everything's about you, Lucy. You tell them our news, Tamsin!” Olivia called over her shoulder, already rushing off to find Flame.
She couldn't wait to tell him the amazing news!
Olivia ran into the shadows of the prop room at the back of the stage, but before she could even speak, there was a blinding silver flash and a shower of sparks. A regal, young, white lion stood looking solemnly at Olivia. An older, gray lion stood next to him.
Flame raised his big, white paw in farewell and Olivia knew that his trick to escape his enemies had been discovered. This time, Flame was leaving for good.
“Be well, be strong, and dance with a brave heart, Olivia,” Flame rumbled in a deep, velvety voice. And then he and the older lion vanished.
“I'll never forget you, Flame,” Olivia whispered, her heart aching. But at least she had been able to see him one more time. She knew she would always remember her wonderful magic kitten.
“Olivia, sweetie!” called a voice. “We just got here in time to see the performance. You were fantastic!”
She looked up and saw her parents standing backstage, beaming with pride.
“Mom! Dad! I've got some amazing news!” Olivia called, running toward them.
Read all of the books in the Magic Kitten series!
Read all of the books in the Magic Puppy series!
About the Author
Sue Bentley's books for children often include animals or fairies. She lives in Northampton and enjoys reading, going to the movies, and sitting watching the frogs and newts in her garden pond.

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