Species Interaction (19 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #paranormal adventure crime comedy sensual romace

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Ducian half turned and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "He'll be spanking that sexy ass of yours before nightfall."

"What?" I gasped and sputtered. "He will not!" I insisted, but chewed my lip nervously. "He better not!" Those words held a bit less confidence. "What's the deal with you men and spanking, anyway?"

"Because women drive us insane." The low rumble came from the entrance to the non-scary bedroom.

Meat stood in a pair of old denim jeans, as much form fitting as they were faded from washings. His black button-up shirt hung loosely open, showing off that gorgeous chest and belly. Not bothering to close it, he approached the kitchen alcove, shirt tails flapping gently with his gliding movements. Long feet remained bare and silent as he padded over.

I hurried to the kitchen cabinets, busily pulling out eating utensils and plates. Anything to allow time for Mr Grumpy to forget why he wanted to tan my bottom.

"What's this about women and insanity?" Charity asked.

Ducian turned to smile widely in her direction. She wore royal blue slacks and one of his shirts from the way it enveloped her. The dark colors accented her medium brown hair hanging loosely at the collar.

"Women drive us insane, thus they need to be spanked," Ducian explained while watching her every move.

She waved her hand. "I can think of better reasons to be spanked." Her tone turned downright sensual. She sauntered over, to rub herself against Ducian's front.

"Mmm." He moaned when their lips met.

I looked from them over to Meat. His expression tightened while that stubborn chin lifted in determination.

A distraction was certainly in order to spare my backside. "Dinner's ready!"

The dinner conversation remained easy and trifling. Ducian teased me about attacking a poor innocent hotel worker with a dildo, calling me "The Mighty Shy at Bat." Further not-so-veiled sexual innuendos followed.

I snorted and felt obligated to casually inform him that his parents weren't married when he was born. He responded by flashing those gleaming fangs in a sneer full of only half-hearted threat before informing me vampires are turned not born.

Ducian grabbed his food out of the small fridge, making me cringe when he popped his teeth through the plastic bag and poured the contents into a glass. I kept reminding myself that he had to eat, too. And, better a donated dinner than a snack from my veins. At least he tried to be mannerly, without slurping, smacking his lips, or drinking straight from the bag. Although, the thought of him slapping his dinner to those pointy teeth and sucking like it was a grape slurpee could prove entertaining.

Meat thawed a bit, entering in the conversation now and again with comments leaving no doubt of the horniness he still felt.

After dinner, Charity helped clean up the dishes, piling them on a tray for easy removal by the hotel staff. One thing about Five Star hotels, they sure know how to feed their guests, making sure no one left hungry. That included shifters and other beings. As much as they ate, the supply of hot food and snack items never lulled.

I carried my dirty dishes to the cart, placed them on the top metal shelf, then headed back to the table for more. As I skirted by, Meat's arm reached out to pull me on his lap. He pulled my back snug against his front, one arm wrapped around securely enough to let me know escape wasn't an option.

His teeth latched onto the shirt collar, giving it a tug downward, enough to expose some skin. Those soft lips soon followed, placing gentle kisses to my nape.

I sighed and melted into his chest.

A sharp sting zinged from where my shoulder and neck met. "Ow!" I jumped, but only managed to half turn on Meat's lap. "What's that for?"

He laved the tender area with his tongue. "For not calling me when you thought you were in danger." The soft words blew whispery caresses across the small wound as they rumbled from his throat.

Sitting up straight, I scowled. Charity and Ducian sat across from me, watching with curious interest.

"I didn't know you were in the suite, Barbarian."

His fangs sank in once more, nipping in chastisement but not hard enough to break the skin, causing another prick of pain to roll over the area.

"Ouch! Dang it!" I squirmed to free myself from his grasp and escape his lap. No such luck with that muscle bound arm clamping tight as a band of steel. I tugged and pulled at his restraining limb, all to no avail.

"Stop with the biting already." I glared at the grinning faces of the couple across from me.

Once more, kisses rained over the aching area, as if attempting to soothe the injury. His tongue flicked my earlobe. "If I'm not nearby, then you should run. Not grab an improvised weapon and attack."

"But… but…" I felt those fangs gently pressing against the sensitive skin of my neck again, this time in a blatant threat.

My mouth clamped shut as I growled under my breath.

Ducian grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Maybe I need to try that method of controlling my woman."

Charity elbowed him hard in the gut followed quickly by a haughty snort. "Control, I don't think so." She looked at him, her features softening while her eyes sparkled. "The biting, however, is another story."

"Biting is over-rated," I hastened to report.

Meat murmured against my skin. I couldn't make out the words, but obviously Ducian and Charity could, as they both gazed at me with wicked grins on their faces.


"Oh, nothing," Ducky replied.

I wiggled on Meat's lap as he licked at the ticklish spot just behind my ear. The movements earned a groan from him and gave me a strong hint what his near future intentions were, if the large bump under my rear had anything to do with it.

A second later, Meat spun me halfway around, wrapping one arm behind my shoulders, while the other slipped under my knees. He stood swiftly and easily, cradling me as he strode away from the table.

"Don't forget her spanking." Ducian's voice carried across the room. "She's been anticipating it all afternoon."

I gasped and looked up into my boyfriend's face and immediately forgot the sassy comeback to the vampire's reminder.

He looked intense. Deep blue eyes flashed, a growl resounded from his throat. His lips pulled back in an almost grimace, reminding me of the Wild Kingdom episode about lion matings. Meat carried the same facial expression as a male lion scenting a female right before he climbed on board for some serious species reproduction.

My belly somersaulted.

I had a strong suspicion Meat's inner kitty prowled just under the human skin, snarling in demand for things his way. The biting used as punishment for not seeking his protection, the strong control, and the predatory attitude all shouted one thing. Feline displeasure.

Which meant I was about to get a quick lesson in female submission to an alpha male liger intent on staking his claim while proving his dominance once and for all.

I bit back a whimper of strong desire.

He carried me into the bedroom and shut the door firmly behind him. His lips sealed over mine in a sizzling hot preview of his intentions. Opening wide, his tongue sought the very recesses of my mouth, flicking and tasting. I nibbled his bottom lip and returned the favor, not pulling away until a lack of oxygen forced me.

Only then did he deposit me on the waiting king-sized bed. Gaining my balance, I scooted toward the center and waited.

"Turn over."

All too eager, I flipped over, gained my hands and knees, then twisted my neck to watch Meat. In a flash our clothes disappeared leaving me totally naked and staring at the proof of his heightened desire. His impressive manhood stood straight out, the head nearly purple, as a bead of moisture settled on the tip.

I licked my lips.

He groaned and crawled on the bed, not stopping until he kneeled directly behind me. "Spread." His voice dropped in tone and filled with sultry invitation.

Moving my legs farther apart, I sucked in a breath, more than ready for what came next. His tongue parted my folds, delved deep, and proceeded to lick a long path from top to bottom.

A moan ripped from my throat.

Without further preamble, he fit himself to me, and pushed forward. No condom separated his flesh from mine. Instead of a bout of anxiety, the realization nudged my arousal a notch higher. All thoughts tumbled from my mind as he leaned over my body, braced his weight on his arms that bracketed my shoulders, and began to pump.

Hot, dirty, and downright animalistic described our lovemaking. He settled in for a robust round of hardcore sex and I nearly lost my mind. I couldn't get enough and knew for a fact he controlled every aspect, biding his time, building to a level of ecstasy I'd never experienced.

He was in top alpha liger form. I was only too happy to let him flex his dominance, reveling in feminine vulnerability and submission to his powerful, commanding presence. Cherry bombs sparked as he completely covered me, whispered in my ear, as his body slapped against mine time and again, his granite hard cock stroking my flesh and reaching depths new to us both.

Never in my life had I been so desperate, so needy. So aroused.

I begged. I pleaded. I cried and held on for dear life. Meat orchestrated the storm overtaking me in a series of fast paced sprints of pleasure, surging toward the finish. My knuckles whitened on the sheets as I braced for such an earthshaking impact I didn't know if I would be able to move afterward.

Meat's fangs nipped the juncture of my shoulder and neck. "Mine."

"Yessssssss." I shoved back, meeting his pounding thrusts in an effort to push him higher, to reach our mutual destination faster.

"Say it. You're mine." He growled low, setting his teeth against my skin.

"I'm yours," I gasped out as breath sawed in and out of my lungs. Arching my back, I felt him sink so deep a ragged cry escaped my lips.

His teeth clamped shut, breaking through my skin, and held on tight. The sting shot me into orbit.

I forgot others inhabited the hotel room and even the entire building. My world narrowed to Meat covering my nude body, stroking hard and fast, his erection swelling inside my highly sensitive and wet channel.

I screamed.

Ripples of tight contractions gripped him, pulled him in, and refused to let go. Stars flashed in front of my eyes as taut muscles grew incredibly and impossibly tighter before slowly easing. Splashes of warm liquid fired in my depths, adding to the overwhelming rapture of the moment.

Meat roared.

Gasping for breath, I lowered my upper body to the bed, braced my forehead on the pillow, and simply breathed while tremors of residual climax coursed up and down my body. Meat panted in my ear for a long moment, his hips jerking now and again, sealing us together tighter than I ever believed possible.

After a long minute, he released my flesh, first licking then kissing the small wound. I shifted a bit and made a startling revelation. Make that two. My libido kicked right in as if I'd been without sex for ages and Meat's erection hadn't diminished a bit.

I clenched my muscles around his burgeoning manhood just to be sure.

He growled low in his chest, pulled back slightly, and stroked back in. "That's it, baby. Again."

"Again?" Still breathless, I raised back up to my former position.

"And again. And again. And again."

I doubted his words, our abilities and stamina.

He proved me wrong. Boy howdy, did he prove me wrong.

Chapter 20


We sat at the small dinner table, picking at the scraps remaining on the plates as well as in a variety of serving bowls scattered across the table's surface. Our final meal of the weekend. In fact, in a scant handful of hours, the Weekend Getaway would be officially over, returning us to our regularly scheduled lives.

I wiggled and felt sore muscles protest the motion. Dominant kitty sex could easily bring many fantasies true in a single session. It's hot and sexy while making a woman feel vulnerable and protected. The down side is that same kitty feels obligated to remind you over and over again, ensuring it soaks into the your thick skull. I wasn't complaining in the least. In fact, I reflected back on the experience, felt Shy parts perk back up, and contemplated on how to get Meat back into the mood.

Poking a grape in my mouth, I watched Charity. From my position on her right, I could easily see her gaze darting from Meat, back to her plate, then back to Meat again. That was odd. If you were enthralled with the man sitting beside you, wouldn't your attention be focused on him?

Peeking over, I noticed the same thing occurring with Meat. He seemed to fixate on Charity as if trying to reason out something. Yet, that spark in his eye, something about the way he looked at her, as if he knew her well. Quite well at that.

"You've had sex with Charity?" The words blurted from my mouth before I could think about their consequences.

Charity's head jerked up, eyes widening as she glanced toward Ducian. All eyes focused on the brunette as she chewed her lip nervously. Her chin lifted as her face tightened, mouth turning down.

Meat remained mute, prompting me to wade deeper. "She's a shape-shifter and part of your
, right? So you've slept with her?"

"Tyger cares for the needs of many of the
females," Charity hissed between clenched teeth as she sat ramrod straight in her seat.

A low rumble came from Meat's chest, his glare turned in my direction.

Ducian blinked, attention focused on his girlfriend. Every once in a while, his gaze flicked toward the alpha kitty before returning to Charity.

Those words. That tone of voice.
The puzzle pieces fell together to complete the picture. The rock Misha desperately sought, her obsession with it due to the amazing magical abilities it was rumored to possess. The disappearance of Misha and appearance of Charity. It all clicked.

"Misha," I whispered the name in stunned astonishment.

She scowled at me, fingers clenched into tight fists, knuckles whitening from the pressure she exerted. "You bitch."

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