Spectral (5 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duffy

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Spectral
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Taylor shot me a surprised look. “You okay?”

I cleared my throat, “I’m good.”

“Okay, well sorry I took so long,” she said. “I was talking to Jack on the phone. He can’t make it. Said he’s playing pool with the guys down at the Phoenix.” Taylor fumbled in her purse and then plucked out a set of keys. “He asked if we wanted to come hang out with them for a bit. You up for it?” She jangled her keys into the air as a conspiratorial look swept over her face.

“The Phoenix?” I asked, surprised by the coincidence. “Sure, love to.” I nodded to the librarian as we walked past her. The Ancient Witchcraft book was hidden deep in my bag. I promised myself I’d return it as soon as I figured things out—and once the book allowed me.

Chapter Eight


It was late afternoon, but when Taylor and I entered the Phoenix, it instantly seemed like night. The dimly lit room had a sprawling bar at the right with neon-green lampshades hanging down from the ceiling. Round, wooden tables lined the walls with candles encased in glass bowls and menus clipped into metal frames. Two pool tables spread down the middle and an empty stage sprawled across the back of the room.

Chase was there with Jack and a couple other boys I didn’t recognize. Taylor ran over to hug Jack who leaned casually against a pool table, and I fidgeted, unsure of where to go. I decided on a table close by when I glanced and caught Chase’s beaming smile directed at me.

“Hey, Maple Leaf,” he kidded. “I could use a hand here.” He held out the cue stick. “You as good at pool as you are at basketball?”

“Not so much.” I walked over. “You stripes?” I asked noting all the striped balls left on the table.

“Sad, huh? You wanna take a shot for me?”

“Pool’s not my strong suit either, sorry.” Even if I
play well, I knew I wouldn’t go for it. A bunch of eyes watching me perform wasn’t something I could ever see myself doing. I hated being the center of attention.

He cocked his head with a grin, and held out the stick. “Rub it for good luck then?”

I blew on my hands and rubbed the cue stick like I’d seen people do on TV at casinos with dice.

Jack and Taylor turned to watch, his arm draped affectionately around her waist.

Chase rubbed the cue stick with the chalk and then bent over, sizing up his next move. “Red ball, corner pocket.” He struck the ball hard and sunk it accurately.

“Trying to impress the ladies, huh?” Jack teased. “Try it again, Chase-ter. You’ve got a ways to go before catching up.”

Chase grinned at me. “Again?” He held out the cue stick.

I felt somewhat self-conscious, but played along and rubbed the cue stick. He touched his fingers against mine as I did. I wondered if it was on purpose. Each shot he took after was as accurate as the first until he finally sank the eight ball clean and crisp.

“Impressive,” said Jack. “I think you’ve found your good luck charm.” He tipped his glass toward me.

“I think you’re right,” said Chase before turning to me and asking, “You wanna drink? How about a little vodka?” he winked.

I lifted my eyebrows. “Vodka? They serve alcohol to minors here?”

“Nope. I buy the mix and add a little Chase flavor.” He smirked and pointed to the bulge in his back pocket which I assumed was a flask.

“Okay, how about some cranberry juice with the Chase special then?” I tried to act like this was normal. I actually had never had an alcoholic drink before, but I didn’t want to admit that to Chase. I wasn’t used to a guy being so friendly to me, and although it made my hands tremble slightly, it also made my insides warm.

Chase strolled over to the bar while Taylor and Jack started their own game of pool, entrenched in conversation and laughter. A mix of music rang out, and as I took a seat, I inhaled and exhaled deeply. For the first time in my life, I felt somewhat free—and then I remembered Aunt Eva.

I jumped up and ran outside telling Taylor I’d be right back. A wave of confusion crossed her face, so I held up my cell phone and said, “Aunt Eva.”

She nodded and pulled a face.

When I got outside, I saw there were three missed calls from home. Panicked, I dialed the number. On the first ring, Aunt Eva answered.

“Jewel!” she screamed into the phone so loudly I had to pull it away from my ear for a second.

I gave my head a shake and replaced the receiver to my ear. “Sorry, Aunt Eva. Cell phones aren’t allowed in the library. I had to put it on silent.”

She paused, as if considering my words. “Where’s Taylor?”

“She’s back in the library. I just stepped outside to call you.”

Aunt Eva inhaled a sharp breath. “Well, be home in an hour.”

I pressed the end button and even though I was relieved, I couldn’t help feeling irritated that Aunt Eva seemed to be taking over our house. I mean seriously, who the hell did she think she was anyway? And worse, it made me resent Mom for being so wimpy as to let her. Shaking my head, I went back inside where Chase stood looking dumbfounded holding a red drink.

He leaned against the pool table. “Something I said?”

I laughed and took the glass, gulping a mouthful to quench my sudden thirst. I tried not to wince at the strong flavor of the vodka as it burned going down my throat.

“Phone call,” I said, pounding my chest. I coughed and lifted the cup. “Thanks for the drink.”

“You’re beautiful, you know,” Chase said, taking me off guard. He reached out and took my hand. “And those eyes of yours…what color are they?”

“Bluish-gray,” I said, pushing my hair behind my ear. Chills tip-toed down my spine as his denim blues pierced mine.

“They remind me of the ocean.”

Nervously, I pulled my hand back and rubbed the back of my neck. I gulped down the remaining contents of my drink.
What do I say to that
? My face grew hot, until it felt like my cheeks would burst into flames. “I think you’ve had too much of that Chase special,” I finally said with a laugh.

“Okay, I’ll stop now,” he said, pushing away from the pool table.

“Sorry, Chase, I’m just not used to attention from such a—” I broke off, mouth open.
Way to go, Spaz.

“A what?” he asked, turning and taking my hand again, his smile returning to his face.

. “N-nice guy,” I stammered. “And—and my life’s confusing right now,” I stammered.

A loud bang made me jump and I followed the sound to the stage at the back of the room. Roman looked up from his dropped amp and stared at me through the crowd. Behind him, another guy I assumed was the cousin Roman had mentioned, tuned up.

Retracting my hand from Chase, I waved at Roman.

“So, I’m the
guy, huh? I guess bad boys are more your type then?” Chase asked, looking at Roman who had returned to setting up his equipment.

“It’s not like that,” I said, not liking how the conversation was going. I shook my head. “And Roman’s not a bad boy. He’s just my friend. Please don’t be mad.” I looked up into Chase’s eyes. I knew I shouldn’t even be there. I had bigger things to worry about like a biting snake-daggered book in my purse, my being a so-called Spectral—whatever
was—and people after me and my family at every turn.
Why do I have to meet these boys now? Why do things have to be so complicated?

As if sensing my confusion, he sighed and hugged me. He felt warm against me, and goose bumps spread across my skin. I could feel his muscles tense against me as he breathed softly in my ear, the whisper of his breath tickling me. “Just be happy, True. I’ll be your friend or whatever you need. And your eyes
like the ocean.”

I hugged him back, grateful he was so cool and understanding. “Thanks, Chase.”

A loud twang sound came from the stage as Roman struck a chord on his guitar, startling everyone to attention.

“I gotta go,” Chase said. “See you at school on Monday.”

“You sure?” I reached for his arm as he walked away, worrying my lip between my teeth.

“Yeah. Take it easy. And I’m not leaving cause of him.” He ticked his head toward the stage. “I’ve got karate class.”

I watched him walk over to Jack giving him a fist bump, and then strolling out the door.

I hated being responsible for making him feel badly. I finished the last of my drink, grabbing the glass Chase left behind, downing that one too. By that time, my head was a little woozy. I made my way closer to the stage and listened as Roman’s cousin’s voice rang out in an amazing raspy tenor. Roman’s fingers moved swiftly along the guitar frets and I couldn’t help but think how sexy he looked standing there. The music vibrated the floorboards beneath me and through my body like waves crashing on the shore, carrying me out with the feeling of the tide. I imagined it took me to a faraway island, away from my mess of a life. As Roman played, he watched me sway to the music through wisps of his dark brown hair that hung down across his eyes. I mingled in the midst of several others who danced, carefree to the world.

They must have played for almost half an hour before they stopped to take a break. After a few moments of silence, a CD started playing. Softer notes carried across the room and the couples moved closer and slow danced together.

My stomach tied itself into a tight knot as Roman lay his guitar down and walked toward me.

I bit down on my lip. “You guys were awesome.”

“Hey there, little butterfly,” he said with a grin when he reached me. He held out his hand for me to dance with him. “May I?” he asked all proper like. His slight, but totally sexy accent, made me swoon.

“Um, sure.” I placed my hand in his and he drew me into him. Warmth radiated through his shirt and his familiar scent, ocean breeze mixed with cinnamon, tickled my nose. His lips twitched upward at the corners, and I imagined tracing my fingers across his mouth.

What’s wrong with me
? Of course I’d had a few little crushes over the years, but this felt different. There was something about Roman that made me giddy whenever he was around.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear with a husky voice. “Were you drinking?”

“Just a little,” I said feeling my face flush hot. Then I added defensively, “It was the first real drink I ever had.” I didn’t want him to think I was reckless.

Roman leaned back to study me and his jaw relaxed. He pulled me against him again and thankfully he changed the topic. “Hey, thanks for coming.”

“No problem, I’m having a blast.” I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and then wrapped my arms around his neck, entwining my hands behind him. He was a lot taller than me, so I stood on my tip-toes as he held me tightly. My shirt had shimmied up a bit, and I was totally aware of his warm hands against the bare skin on my lower back. His touch sent shivers down my spine.

We danced against each other, the music and neon lighting transforming our bodies into fluid rhythm. His toned chest through the soft fabric of his t-shirt and the gentle sway of his hips against mine was intoxicating.

I tried to gather my senses. “Where are you from anyway?” I asked, realizing I didn’t know much about him.

“Italy originally. But I’ve been traveling around a bit.”

“Ah, that’s what it is.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your accent…I was wondering where you were from.”

He chuckled. “You’re the one who has an accent.”

…and I guess we have more in common than we first thought, huh?”

Amusement warmed his eyes. “Oh yeah? You’re from Italy, too?”

“No, not that part. The traveling around part. My family’s like a pack of gypsies you could say,” I forced a half smile.

“True?” His voice rose at the end of my name softly as he tilted my head up towards him.

I willed my eyes to stay focused on his as my heart rate climbed. “Yeah?” I asked, secretly hoping he would ask to kiss me, my eyes beginning to linger on his lips. I couldn’t tell if it was just the alcohol, or his total hotness that was making me swoon. Probably a combination of both.

“You’re not safe here.”

It took a second. I stared at his lips, watching the words form, then slowly they connected in my brain.

Wait. What?

Heart hammering, my eyes darted around the room. Taylor sipped soda while playing pool with Jack. A few people sat around chatting. Couples danced happily around us.

?” I asked. “Looks pretty innocent to me.”

“No, not
, here. I mean in Pomona Park.”

A chill trickled through my veins.
Crap. What does he know about me?
I dropped my hands by my sides. Roman kept his arms around my waist. I narrowed my eyes, brows furrowing in the middle. “Why would you say

“Let’s just say I know things and I care about you.”

Dread crept over me.

I looked over my shoulder trying to catch Taylor’s attention. Of course she ignored me, wrapped up in the male attention around her. I snapped my eyes back at him. “What could you possibly know about
? We just met.”

“Listen, I’m not trying to scare you. I just want to keep you safe. I’m your guardian, Jewel.” He reached down and took my hands, but I jerked them away.

Icicles plummeted down the back of my spine. “Wh-
did you just call me?” I looked back at Taylor again. She’d finally noticed me and now headed in our direction.

Roman slid an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. With his other hand, he made a big circular motion. Around us a filmy substance took shape. I pressed against the barrier, but its pliable force field sprung back. My jaw dropped. We were inside an enormous bubble like the kind I played with as a kid. I used to wish I’d be carried away with those bubbles—now I just wanted to escape from one. The sound of the music muffled as though we were under water and everyone in the room solidified, still as statues. My heart pounded. “What’s going on?” I asked, my throat growing tight. “Did someone send you here after me?”

“Well, yes,” he said, and my gaze snapped to him. He had the good sense to wince. “We’ve been trying to find you for a long time.”

been trying?” I clasped my hand over my mouth, my mind racing. “Oh my God, oh my God,” I cried. “You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?”

Roman frowned. “Jewel, what are you talking about?”

“Stop calling me that!” I shoved against the bubble again, harder this time, but its thick, gooey plasma held firm.

I was trapped.

“Well it’s your name, isn’t it?” He reached his arm toward me, but I batted it away. “Just listen to me a minute, will you?” he pleaded. “I’m not here to hurt you. I’m only here to help you. You’re in danger, Jewel—True,
you want me to call you. Things aren’t what they seem. I’ve been looking for you a long time.” He paused. “I’m your assigned guardian and I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”

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