Spellbound in His Arms (6 page)

Read Spellbound in His Arms Online

Authors: Angel Sefer

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Sleuths

BOOK: Spellbound in His Arms
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“No, it doesn’t!” he replied, watching her face very
carefully, “For the simple reason that
it belongs to me

Chapter Five


Roussos rolled with the pitching deck of
the cargo freighter as the powerful storm tossed the ship around like a piece
of driftwood.
He could see the faint outline
of the dock at Corfu but the howling winds were preventing the vessel from
reaching port.

He stood there, holding onto the railing, running
through his mind what he knew about Jackie Alexander and Nancy Felini, and
planning his next move. That’s what had kept him alive all these years—being
prepared, being prepared for
. He left nothing to chance.
Every assignment he undertook, he examined all the possibilities and all
possible outcomes.

That was the reason he’d chosen to travel on a derelict
ship and put up with the weather and the hours of delay, instead of taking a
plane and reaching Corfu hours ago. Airport security was very tight and there
would be a record of his arrival. Who would look for him on a floating wreck?


Jackie was still trying to get over the initial shock. Michael’s
statement that he was the owner of the mansion had left her speechless. But she
could tell there was no point trying to discuss the matter with him any
further, so she decided to wait until next morning. The attorney would set him
straight and he would be out of her life once and for all.

But what about now? What about tonight?
It was obvious this gorgeous man with the captivating eyes, the
sensuous lips, and the hard to resist body would have to spend the night there.
The mere thought of spending the night in the same house with him sent goose bumps
all over her body. Based on the way she reacted to him, she wasn’t sure she
could handle the proximity. But where could he go at that late hour and in this
kind of weather?

She couldn’t believe how things had turned out. And what
on earth did he mean he was the owner of the house? That was crazy. She had to talk
to the attorney and her uncle as well. If the phone wasn’t disconnected or out
of service due to the storm, she could call. She felt so frustrated that her
cell phone wasn’t working either.

Feeling trapped in a dangerous situation, she clenched
her fists and her lips pressed into a thin line. Wild thoughts whirled around
in her mind, trying to find a way to do what she had come here for and be on
her way as soon as possible. With Michael around though, it would be difficult
to examine the files. She would have to wait until he was gone. In the
meantime, she had to be very careful not to let him guess the real purpose she
was here, and, at the same time, not let him discern the influence he had on

Seeing an irresistible smile on his face, she averted
her eyes and let out a deep breath. He was obviously aware of the battle going
on inside her, and the fact that he seemed amused by it, infuriated her. She
would just have to deal with him the best way she could and pray she could get
out of this situation without jeopardizing her assignment, and, above all,
without jeopardizing her heart.

Suddenly, she remembered the open entrance to the
underground secret room and the folders on the desk in the study and gave
Michael a worried look. What if he walked back there? She needed to find a
chance to lock everything up in the secret room until after he was gone. In the
meantime, she had to lure him away from the study, one way or another….


Michael didn’t miss her look. He knew she was up to
something again.
What’s going through that pretty little head now
? This
woman would keep him on his toes. Being around her, he realized, was going to
be very challenging. But he knew how to handle demanding situations. He had
spent some of the best years of his life training and serving in the Special

He watched her as she turned on her heel and walked
towards the kitchen.

“Do you want something to eat?” she asked over her
shoulder, obviously trying to lure him into the kitchen for some reason.

Her sudden change of mood didn’t fool Michael, not even
for a second. But he followed her into the kitchen, having decided to play
along at least for the time being. Actually, if he wanted to be honest with
himself, he would have followed her anywhere.

He was fuming. He had been worried sick about her, and
now that he was here, instead of talking some sense into her, all he could
think about was how breathtaking and alluring she looked.

Walking behind her, he couldn’t help but watch the
torturing sway of her hips. Boy, she was a knockout!

He swallowed hard, trying to restrain himself from
pulling her around and crushing her in his arms. Those long legs and womanly
curves of hers drove him crazy. This was going to be a very long night, he
realized, and let out a deep breath.

This physical attraction he felt for her was very
frustrating. It prevented him from thinking straight.

Besides, she wasn’t even his type. She was strong-headed
and impulsive—the exact opposite of his ideal woman. He liked his women calm
and wise. Due to his job, he had too much turmoil in his life to want to put up
with a demanding relationship as well.

No, she was totally wrong for him. All he needed to do
was concentrate on the assignment and get it over with as soon as possible. In
the meantime, he would just keep his distance, and when this whole thing would
be over, she would be out of his mind for good.


“Aren’t you going to ask me about the house?” Michael
asked once they were in the kitchen.

“No,” she said simply, turning to face him.

“And why is that?” he asked, with a smile on his face.

Jackie took a deep breath. “What exactly do you find

“The whole thing,” he replied.

She stared at him for a moment, “All right,” she said.
“I’m asking you about the house.”

“Now, that’s better,” he said. “Now, we can talk.”

Jackie stood there, staring at him, waiting for him to
go on.

Michael remained silent, staring back at her, and
clenching his fists.

What is he thinking now? Is he trying to avoid
answering my question?
No, she could see the fire
in his eyes. The answer to her question was probably the last thing in his mind
right now. She hated to admit it was the last thing in her mind as well.

There was tension in the air. She could see it in his
eyes. She had sensed it every time he was close to her—every time they touched.

All of a sudden, Michael took a step closer and pulled
her into his arms.

Jackie felt her heart pounding and fireworks went off
beneath her skin. Her heart suspended in her chest, as she saw the desire
burning in his eyes. His lips, hot and demanding, came crushing down on hers
and made her lose every sense of reality. She knew she should resist and push
him away, but instead, she raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck,
pulling him closer.

Michael pushed her against the kitchen wall placing his
hand against it so she wouldn’t hit her back.

Jackie felt mesmerized by his touch and her body’s response
to it. She had never felt this way before and completely lost track of time.
She raised her head, as Michael left burning trails down her throat, across her
collarbone and down her chest. She could do nothing else but run her fingers
through his hair and pull his head even closer.

The sudden blast of a thunder brought her back to
reality. Jackie broke the kiss and placing her hands against his chest, she
pushed him away.


Even though, still disoriented by his consuming passion,
Michael didn’t resist. He took a step back to give her room to move away from
him. He turned and leaned against the wall, watching her taking a few steps
towards the kitchen table.

She turned and looked at him and the turmoil of her emotions
was evident in those beautiful eyes of hers. He watched as she raised her hand
and touched her lips. He knew exactly how she felt. His lips were still numb
from their passionate kiss.

So much for keeping his distance—the moment their lips
touched, he felt lost in her sweetness and the fire burning deep inside him
made him forget everything else.

“I shouldn’t have done that,” Jackie said and turned to
look away from him.

“If someone should apologize, it should be me.” Michael
heard his voice still vibrating from his emotions. “I’m sorry,” he added and
put his hands in his pockets to keep them from reaching for her again.

“Let’s not talk about it,” Jackie said and turned to
face him. “We’re stuck here tonight. Let’s not make things any more difficult
than they already are.”

All of a sudden, a smile flickered across her face.
“That was a good try, detective,” she pointed out.

He looked at her, surprised. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that kissing me was a good try to make me forget
about my question.
But still
, you have not answered me about the house.”

Michael was taken aback by her remark. “You’re not
insinuating that I kissed you just to avoid answering the question,” he said
and felt his temper rising.

what I’m saying,” she insisted.

Michael took a few deep breaths. It had been such a long
time, since a woman could affect him like this and make him lose his temper so

This girl was driving him out of his mind.


It was a terrible night. The storm was one of the worst
Nancy Felini, the attorney of the Demiris family, had seen in the last few
years. The wind was howling and the lights kept flickering on and off. She
looked at the man sitting in front of her and shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
She didn’t like him at all. He had shown up at her office just as she was
getting ready to lock up and go home. What on earth had come over her to stay
at her office this late at night? She would usually lock up, and go home long
before seven.

But tonight, she had been waiting for a return phone
call from the man who had called earlier that morning, inquiring about a hotel
deal on the other side of the island—the Evergreens Resort. The man told her on
the phone that he would call back later tonight after talking over the deal
with his attorneys. Nancy had been very worried ever since. Everything had gone
wrong with that damn place so far and now this. Someone knew something…someone
was asking questions.

It was almost nine o’clock and he hadn’t called yet,
when Nancy finally decided to go home. But by the time she was walking out her
office door, this man showed up and inquired about the same property.
on earth?
Nancy wondered, but couldn’t do anything else but ask him to come

Now, she was having second thoughts. She should have
told him to come back in the morning.

Roussos was watching the attorney very closely,
squeezing the knife hidden in his pocket. He could tell she didn’t trust him,
but he could care less. He would get the information he needed one way or
another. It was all up to her. The boss had said
at any cost


“There is no need to play games,” Jackie insisted. For
some reason, it seemed safer assuming his kiss wasn’t driven by desire. Even
though, deep down inside, she knew she was dead wrong. She had seen the passion
burning in his eyes and had felt the eagerness of his kiss. “I’m waiting for an
explanation. Why did you lie to me?”

“But I didn’t lie,” Michael protested. “I
do own
the house, and I have the papers to prove it.”

Jackie looked at him puzzled. “And where are those
papers?” she asked, watching him closely with clear suspicion in her eyes.

“I don’t have them with me.”

Jackie burst out laughing. “Yah, right!” she said. “And
I’m Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt!”

“That you are,” he said with an enigmatic smile on his
face. “You’re just as beautiful and deceiving as she was.”

Jackie looked at him surprised and couldn’t handle the
fire she saw in his eyes. She had difficulty breathing and felt the urge to run
as far away from him as she could. No, that was a lie. If she wanted to be
honest with herself, she would have to admit she was drawn to him like a moth
to the flame.

In the meantime, he had approached dangerously close and
was leaning over her, looking intensely in her eyes.

“Please… don’t…” Jackie whispered, unable to move.

“Jackie,” he said softly.

She felt as if his voice had touched her skin, caressing
it softly. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said irritated, not so much
at him, but from her reactions to his presence. She swallowed hard and shook
her head, trying to clear her thoughts. “I’m probably tired, and this old
mansion is making me act weird.”

“It’s not the mansion,” he said and looked at her
tenderly. “And it’s not the storm. It’s us.”

“There is no us!” she protested, even though she knew,
he was absolutely right. She could deny it to him, but she couldn’t deny to
herself. Every time she was around him, her entire body burned with desire, and
she could think of nothing else than to run into his arms and stay there

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