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Authors: Seressia Glass

Spice (7 page)

BOOK: Spice
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He'd pushed a bit when he'd ordered that she be ready for him, but he'd sensed she'd be receptive, especially given the way she'd responded to his demands the night before. That
yes, sir
text she'd sent in response had made him rock hard and desperate to be inside her. Need burned through him, and all he could think about was getting to her as soon as possible. If she thought the night before was good, he'd make sure round two was even better.


he end of the day couldn't come fast enough as far as Nadia was concerned. She zipped through her prep work for the next morning, waved good-bye to Siobhan and the rest of the staff, then gathered her flowers before heading for the door. Anticipation zipped through her as she stepped out into the bright but chilly late afternoon sunlight before quickly making her way up to the building's residential entrance.

Humming, feeling like dancing, she entered her two-story condo, flushing as she caught sight of her couch. Remembering how Kane had bent her over the back caused a spark of need to flare deep inside her. God, the man was good. So good that she hadn't thought twice when they'd made their way to her bedroom and he had her ride him to an explosive finish. She'd actually passed out for a while, only to awaken to a mouth on her breast and his fingers skillfully stroking her clit.

That third time, with Kane rising above her and dominating her with stroke after masterful stroke, had shown her that he was capable of being everything she could want in a lover. More than that, she thought there was a chance he could be everything she needed.

Her mind whirled as she placed the bouquet in a spot of honor on the granite bar, then set the main floor to rights. That Kane could read her so well should have unnerved her, but she couldn't decide if it bothered her or not. Maybe he was just good at what he did; he was a professor of human sexuality and psychology after all. He'd made a successful career out of studying people and their attitudes toward sex and sexual exploration. Given their mini-flirt at the café and their verbal foreplay at the restaurant, she realized Kane had probably systematically formulated a plan of ultimate seduction and enacted the steps needed to achieve his desired result. And that result was her spread beneath him.

That sounded so clinical, but Kane was anything but, she thought as she made her way upstairs to strip and redress the bed. There had been nothing clinical about the heat in his dark gaze or the way he'd touched her. Calculating, maybe. But so what? She'd been calculating too from the moment she'd handed him the remote control for her vibrator. She'd tested him and he'd turned the tables on her to orgasmic results. She'd wanted an expert and that was exactly what she'd gotten.

Their time together had been smoking hot. The man himself was a closeted sex god masquerading as a geeky professor. That part didn't bother her, Nadia reminded herself as she dumped the soiled linens in the laundry room then headed for the master bath. Calculating or not, the sex was incredible. And she'd get to experience it again very, very soon.

Desire hummed in her veins. That was the part that bothered her. One night, just one night of very, extremely, powerfully hot sex, and all she could think about was the moment she'd get to have it again. She craved the sensations, the pleasure, the release, craved it so much it was like a hunger.

She'd experienced cravings like that before. Needing pills to get her going in the morning. Pills to numb the pain so she could get through a grueling day of cooking, filming, partying, being on for the camera, for the people who depended on her for their bread and butter. Another set of pills so she could sleep deeply and then start the cycle all over again. She'd slipped into a spiraling whirlpool, an undertow of chemical abuse she couldn't break free of until it was nearly too late.

Like it had been too late for some.

She couldn't let that happen again. She could do this. Have sex with Kane, enjoy herself, and make damn sure she didn't go so far that she lost herself in the process.

Blowing away her negative ruminations with a cleansing breath, Nadia dumped the soiled linens in the laundry room then headed for the master bath. In the shower, she closed her eyes as the steaming water sluiced down her body. By herself, alone with her thoughts, she gave in to the wonder of the last twenty-four hours. “Kaname,” she whispered, enjoying the way each syllable felt in her mouth.
was a strong name, perfect for dealing with the college, teaching students, consulting with law enforcement.
 . . . that was a name to be said on a breathy moan just before you were rocketed up into orgasmic pleasure.

She lathered her bath sponge with a jasmine-vanilla-scented soap then ran it over her heated body, lingering on her breasts. Hunger that couldn't be satisfied with food welled up inside her. She wanted him. Wanted his hands cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples. His mouth gliding over her body, heightening her senses. His tongue circling her clit as his fingers pumped inside her folds. His possession taking her higher and higher until she came when he ordered her to.

“Good grief,” she breathed, pulling her hand away from her needy pussy. Just thinking about the man made her thoughts turn to sex and her body prime itself for orgasm. Her hand slid down her body again, and again she pulled it away. She could hold out for a little while until Kane arrived. Besides, she remembered with a thrill, she'd promised her orgasms to him. The reward would be all the more delicious for waiting. And she'd make sure he knew just how much of a good girl she'd been.

Her phone rang as she got out of the shower. Her stomach did a little flip of excitement as she saw Kane's name on the screen. Wrapping a towel around herself, she grabbed the phone. “Kane.”

“Nadia.” Even through the phone, the low and husky timbre of his voice skated over her senses, making her shiver. “I've been thinking about you all day. Do you realize how inconvenient it is to lecture while sporting an erection?”

Since she knew just how impressive an erection it was, she could guess how inconvenient it was. She leaned against the counter, her breath coming fast. “Am I supposed to apologize for that? I came close to burning several dozen cupcakes after I got your flowers and card.”


“Good? How is that good?”

“It means that I'm not alone in this, whatever this is. That it's as satisfying for you as it is for me. That you want more of what I can give you.”

“Kaname,” she breathed, wondering if she had any defenses that could withstand this man.

He released a harsh breath. “I like the way you say my name, sweet Nadia. I want to hear you say it just like that when I'm inside you later.”

Her nipples pearled. “So you don't think last night was just a fluke? Or the result of martinis and vibrators?”

He chuckled. “There's only one way to find out, isn't there?” he asked, his voice husky with intent. “Are you ready for me, Nadia?”

“Almost. I just got out of the shower, so I'm only in a towel right now.”

“Are you?” His voice dropped lower. “Tell me, you didn't take care of yourself while you were in the shower, did you?”

“I wanted to, but I didn't,” she confessed. “How did you know?”

“Because I thought about doing the same thing when I had my shower. I'm glad you didn't, though. Your orgasms belong to me.”

She automatically opened her mouth to protest, but what came out was a moan instead of a denial. Somehow, Kane was able to throw that switch in her brain, the switch that made her surrender and say that yes, of course her orgasms belonged to him, especially since he was so good at wringing them out of her.

“I remember,” she told him, her voice less than a whisper. She cleared her throat, spoke louder. “I think I deserve a reward for my restraint.”

His low laughter made her stomach clench. “Just what sort of reward do you think you deserve?”

She gripped her phone tightly. “Your orgasms. I want your orgasms to belong to me.”

Silence on the other end, and she wondered if she'd pushed too far in their sexy game. Then, “Do you, now?”

Her eyes slid closed as the dangerous softness of his voice sent tingles of awareness shooting through her. “Yes.” She took a deep breath. “Yes, sir.”

Another lengthy pause. “I'm coming to you, Nadia. I'm going to have you for dessert, then I'm cooking you dinner, and then we'll enter the
. Wear something simple so I don't have to rip it off you. Do you understand?”

She swallowed a whimper of need. “Yes, sir.”

“Excellent. Now how do you feel about seafood?”

“I see food, I eat it,” she answered. “Everything except oysters. Feel free to surprise me.”

“I think I'm the one who's surprised. Pleasantly so. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Be ready for me.” He disconnected.

“Oh my God.” Nadia released the breath she held as she put down her phone and picked up her hair dryer. Thank goodness she was already leaning against the counter, because her knees were so weak she nearly slid to the floor. As she dried her hair, she could only think of one thing: even if she had all the time in the world, she didn't think she'd ever be truly ready for Professor Sex.

She had just enough time to half dry her hair and toss on a caramel-colored microfiber slip dress that barely supported her breasts before the doorbell rang. Barefoot, she raced downstairs and threw open the door to let Kane in. For a moment she could only stand there, staring at him in amazement. Kane was just too good-looking for words. He didn't have his glasses on, enabling her to easily see the intense glint in his midnight eyes. The black cashmere sweater molded to the definition in his shoulders and arms, but the hem couldn't conceal the erection straining at the zipper of his pants. His dark hair fell over his forehead like a raven's wing, making him look downright devilish.

Finally she found her voice. “Hi.”

“Hi, yourself.” His expression heated as he backed her over the threshold and closed the door. She reached for him, his name a thick, needy breath on her lips.

“Not yet,” he said, his voice a bite. “If you touch me right now, as badly as I want you, it'll be game over and dinner will be ruined.”

That's when she noticed he had a canvas shopping bag in one hand and a small leather duffel in the other. She backed away, giving him room to pass her and head to the gourmet kitchen. As she followed him, she wondered if she was the only woman in town who'd mistakenly thought that Kaname Sullivan was a harmless, mild-mannered man. She'd never been more glad to be so wrong.

“What are we having?” she asked, hoping to break the sexual tension building inside her. Telling her not to touch him only made her want to caress him all the more.

“I noticed yesterday that you had a grill attachment,” he answered, nodding at her multi-burner stove as he emptied the contents of the grocery bag into the fridge. “So I bought vegetables and swordfish steaks to grill. But first, I need an appetizer.”

“Sure. I keep a fully stocked fridge. I'm sure I can whip something together. What do you have a taste for?”

“You.” He turned to her, holding out a hand. “Come here.”

The soft words were completely at odds with the hunger in his gaze. Mesmerized, she moved forward, body and mind focused on Kane and everything he offered.

As soon as she slipped her hand into his, he lifted it to his mouth, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to the back of her hand, then another to her palm. “In
The Perfumed Garden
, Sheik Nafzawi talks about a woman's pleasure and how important it is for the man to see to her needs in order to satisfy his own.”

“He-he does?” she managed to ask, watching breathlessly as Kane kissed his way from her wrist to her elbow, leaving fire in his wake. She'd read
The Perfumed Garden
cover to cover, yet she couldn't recall a word of it at that moment.

“Absolutely.” He lingered at the soft skin of her inner elbow, nibbling and licking. Nadia would have never believed the spot would be an erogenous zone for her, but Kane's expert touch caused her nipples to pearl and moisture to gather between her thighs.

He continued, punctuating each phrase with kisses as he continued up her arm. “‘You will excite her by kissing her cheeks, sucking her lips, and nibbling at her breasts. Lavish kisses on her navel and thighs, and titillate the lower parts. Bite at her arms and neglect no part of her body.'”

“I think I like this sheik,” she gasped as Kane nipped at her earlobe.

“I think I like this area right here,” he answered, his lips grazing her collarbone, her throat, then her chin. “You taste like the sweetest spices, Nadia Spiceland. I want to take my time exploring you, neglecting no part of your beautiful body.”

He claimed her lips.

Nadia twined her arms around Kane's neck, kissing back with equal fervor. At his silent urging she parted her lips, allowing his tongue to sweep inside. She groaned, he groaned, they both groaned, animalistic grunts of need and demand.

His hand slid down her backbone to cup her ass, bringing her core against the hard ridge of his arousal. She pressed against him with a whimper of pleasure, butterflies dancing in her stomach, wanting to get as close to him as she could possibly get. He trailed kisses from her mouth to her throat, turning her until her back pressed against the end of the island. His hands swept up her arms to her shoulders then back down, pushing aside the straps of her dress. The smooth fabric slid down her body, stopping only when the straps caught the bend of her elbows, exposing her breasts.

BOOK: Spice
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