Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) (14 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3)
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Chapter 12


"Where are we going?" Tommy asked excitedly as he
bounced up and down on the seat opposite.
Angel glanced in my direction and smiled sweetly as we made eye contact. I had
this knack of reading people, Diesel always said I should've been a shrink or counsellor
and as I sat reading Angel's body language and the way I caught her looking at
me, I knew that she wanted me. She would blush if I called her babe or looked
at her in a certain way, I had even caught her crossing her legs and grinding
them together to try and relieve some of the mounting pressure between her
thighs. Fucking hell, I wanted her so badly, in fact I've never wanted anything
as much as I wanted her right now but this time it was complicated. She had two
beautiful children to consider and although I was starting to develop feelings
for them, I really didn't want it to get messy. The more obvious issue was the
fact that she'd just gotten out of an abusive relationship. Friday night had
given me a taster but that was only the tip of the iceberg. As much as I wanted
her, I wasn't about to push my shit on her, if something happened it needed to
come from her and I was more than happy to play the long game, if it meant that
I could have her in the end.

"Spike please tell us!" Devon asked looking at me
as she stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. This girl was good, she had her
mother's angelic features and charm, and knew how to use it even at five years
"I'm taking you bowling." I stated looking at them for a reaction. I
hadn't asked Angel where they would like to go, I just assumed kids would like
such a place.
Devon and Tommy instantly cheered which was a relief and I relaxed about the
"We went bowling last year for a friend's birthday party. I'm not very
good are you?" Devon asked as she stood from her chair and casually
climbed onto my lap like she'd been doing it all of her life.
"Not really but I'm very competitive."
"What's that mean, conpetarive?" Devon asked looking at me puzzled.
"Competitive. It means that I will try my hardest to beat you because I
like to win."
Devon scoffed, "Yeah right, I'll beat you for sure!"
"Yeah, you think so?" I tickled her under her arms as she wiggled
around trying to get off my lap.
"Ahhh...Spike...stop it!" She giggled as I continued to tickle her.
"Alright you two, pack it in." Angel stood and put on her cardigan,
"The only person that's going to win is me." She winked as she took
Tommy's hand and we walked through the cafe.
“Amy, I’ve left the money on the counter.” I stated as we were nearing the
“Thanks Connor.” Amy quickly turned towards Angel, “Don’t forget about Thursday
She smiled sweetly, “I’ll be there, I’m actually looking forward to it.”
I placed my hand gently on Angel's back directing her out of the cafe and
towards my Jeep, we had a lane booked and I didn't want to be late.

"Strike!" Angel jumped up and down excitedly.
I watched her closely noticing the outline of her pert tits through her tight
blue t-shirt as she danced around showing her excitement.
"Are you letting mummy win?" Tommy asked frowning at me.
That was the funny thing, I wasn't letting her win I was just shit. I hated to
lose and knew that I needed to step it up in order to have a chance of beating
her but I was running out of time.
"Out of my way kids, I need to take a run up for this one." I quickly
swung the ball and let it go watching it hopefully as it rolled down the wooden
lane until it sharply veered left and went down the channel running alongside
the deck.
I turned and must have shown true disappointment, "You can always borrow
my metal frame to roll the ball down." Tommy said caringly referring to
the guide the children used so that they could hit the pins.
I smiled at him and ruffled his hair, "Thanks little man but I'm
fine." I walked over to the wooden seating area and sat next to Angel. My
leg brushed hers and she glanced at me shyly through the tendrils that had come
loose from her messy bun. I placed my arm along the back of the bench behind
her so if she were to lean back I would in effect be cuddling her but she leant
forward slightly, still a little on edge.
"Thank you Spike," she said not turning towards me so that she could
still keep a watchful eye on the children.
"For what?" I asked confused. She was always thanking me and to be
honest it should be me thanking her for allowing me to spend so much time with
her and the kids.
"For bringing a smile to their faces and making me believe that one day my
life may be normal."
She still hadn't turned around but I knew that she'd shed a tear as she brought
her hand up to wipe her face.
"Mummy can you help me?" Tommy asked as Devon rolled her eyes and sat
next to me on the bench where Angel had just vacated.
"You're not very tolerant of your brother," I said looking down at
"What's that mean?" she questioned looking confused.
"You don't give him a chance. If he can't do something, you as his older
sister of...how many minutes?"
"Older sister of five minutes should help and guide him to be able to do
those things. What do you think?"
She sat thoughtfully, "I'll try."
I noticed that the time we spent talking Devon was watching the interaction of
the family in the next lane, paying special attention to the Dad and his
daughter. They were holding hands and I saw Devon flexing her fingers as she
glanced at them.
I ruffled her hair lightly, "Are you okay poppet?" I asked at her sad
"Yeah, I just wish that..."
"We're all done, make sure you remove your shoes." Angel said as she
bent to take off her bowling shoes.
I looked at Devon, "You wish what poppet?" I asked trying to
encourage her to finish her sentence.
She shook her head and pouted, "Nothing, it's okay."
Angel shot me a look and I shrugged not understanding what that was about.
Tommy and Devon quickly took off their bowling shoes using the sticky Velcro
and ran to the counter to exchange them.
Angel collected the children's coats and we walked towards the counter to
change our own footwear. I noticed that Tommy was struggling to put his
trainers on and saw the simple exchange between them as Devon told him to sit
on the floor so she could help him. She glanced in my direction, I smiled and
gave her a wink as a huge smile of delight filled her face at the thought of
pleasing me.

"Have we got everything?" I asked before we set
The kids nodded and Devon came over to my side as we walked through the
reception area towards the exit. She gently placed her tiny hand in mine taking
me by surprise but I didn't let her see my startled reaction. I glanced at her
to see an unsure almost pleading expression of acceptance and gave her hand a
little squeeze to let her know it was perfectly okay which she returned with
the biggest smile I had ever seen. Devon skipped beside me swinging her arm as
she held my hand tightly.
Angel caught my eye as she watched the interaction between us but I couldn't
make out if she was pleased or annoyed by her expression.
The children happily got into the back of the Jeep and we fastened them in
securely which made me smirk as anyone looking from afar would assume that we
were a family on a day out.
It dawned on me at this very moment that this is what I had needed my whole
adult life. I needed a family that I could love, cherish and protect to help
get over my grief, my loss, my Helen.

We travelled in silence to the refuge and I assumed that was
down to the fact that the children were exhausted from having fun and nearing
their bedtime. Angel was equally as quiet but I didn't want to push her, she'd
talk when she felt ready.
"Kids, can you do me a big favour and just wait by the door while I have a
quick chat with Spike."
Devon and Tommy nodded sleepily, fatigue setting in. Devon quickly rubbed my
skin head and I turned in time to give Tommy a high five before they left the
I watched Angel unfasten her seatbelt and open the door as she shifted in the
seat so that she could dangle one leg out of the vehicle. She fidgeted and
rubbed her hands together clearly feeling uncomfortable, letting out a loud sigh
she turned towards me, "I think we've been spending too much time
Whoa, where did that just come from? I thought that she was enjoying
spending time with me?
I didn't move as she was clearly uncomfortable and I
respected her for mustering the courage to tell me although I was fucking
breaking inside.
"I don't want to confuse the children anymore than I already have, they
are obviously growing very fond of you."
I considered holding my tongue further but to hell with that, "And what
about their mother, has she grown very fond of me too?" I asked turning so
that I could see her reaction.
"Regardless of how their mother feels, her priority is that of her
children. She has let them down far too much over the years, she needs to put
them first." I could see her eyes well up as she looked at her children
through the windscreen.
"And has she asked the children what they want?" Angel blinked and
the tears that she was struggling to keep at bay trickled down her cheeks.
"I don't want to play games. I know you've got a lot going on but I'm here
to help not cause you more problems." I could feel myself slowly getting
annoyed as I felt helpless but this wasn't the time to have a shit attack, I'd
do that later behind closed doors. "Your little girl held my hand, I
didn't force her she wanted to do it. I observed her watching the family beside
us and that's what she wants babe, she wants to be a part of a loving family."
The tears continued to trickle down her face as she listened to what I had to
say but I could see the concern on the children's faces and knew that I needed
to wrap up the conversation quickly. "I'm not trying to be their dad Angel.
I just know what it's like to have a shit childhood and thought that if I could
bring a smile to their faces it may...I don't know it's probably selfish
reasons but I could probably cure some demons in my own fucking head as
well." Angel took the hanky I had given her out of her pocket and dabbed
her eyes, "I can back off if you want me too, it will fucking break my
heart but I'll do it to make you happy."
I noticed the lady that managed the refuge looking out of the window
disapprovingly. "The offer is still there for karaoke night on Thursday. If
you still want to come give me a call, no strings and if you don't I'll totally
understand. The ball is firmly in your court Angel, I can't say fairer than
She gave a small smile as she continued to wipe her tears. Angel slid from the seat
out of the Jeep closing the door quietly behind her and ushered the children
towards the refuge.
I waited for her to enter the building safely before driving off, in a fit of
rage. I needed to go to the gym to work off some of my building aggression.
was I going to do if she didn't want to see me again?

I accelerated down the road as I played the conversation
over again in my head, when I was pulled from my thoughts at the sight of blue
flashing lights in front of me and on closer inspection saw two police cars
veer over to my side of the road to block me in.
"What the fuck!" I watched as four old bill got out of their cars and
made their way towards my vehicle. I wasn't worried as the Jeep had recently
been serviced and had an MOT so it was perfectly road legal which was one
advantage of owning a garage.
The first officer to arrive at my vehicle lightly tapped on the window,
"Would you mind stepping out of the vehicle sir?"
I turned the ignition off and looked at the young officer through the glass,
"Yes I fucking do mind. Why are you stopping me?" I asked fucking
annoyed that four police officers would stop me for no good reason.
He opened my door, "Please refrain from using such language and step out
of the vehicle." He stepped back to give me some space as I rolled my eyes
and got out of the Jeep. The other officers had now joined us and I saw the
glint in O'Neil's eyes at the realisation that he'd pulled me over. He was a
fucking arsehole, a dirty officer that could be bought easily but with a clear vendetta
against the club.
"Get him up against the Jeep and search him." He stated to the
officers as they spun me around and pushed me towards the vehicle. I was
grateful that I hadn't brought any weapons out with me today and had only left
them at home because I was out with the twins.
As they patted me down O'Neil leaned against the Jeep and stared at me,
"Are things that desperate Connor that you have to hang around a refuge to
find a date now?"
I knew what he was trying to do and although I was irate, I needed to keep my
"Or are they easier to get into bed because their grateful you're not
knocking them around."
Even the other officers were surprised by his comments and I closed my eyes
tightly as the anger boiled inside. I wanted to fucking kill him but I knew
that would come with life because he was an officer. Never had one man made me so
angry, well there was Angel's husband but I was yet to meet him.
"I can see why you're interested though Connor, she's a hot little number
with those little titties and surprisingly tight arse considering she's had two
kids, I wonder if she'd like an officer? I bet she likes it rough though,
that's probably all she's been used to..."
"You fucking son of a bitch, I'll make you pay for that comment you
fucking cock sucking cunt!" The three officers held me back as I fought to
get to O'Neil and if I did he would die by my hands and fuck the consequences.
They eventually managed to get the cuffs on me but I continued to thrash around
which forced them to throw me to the ground and hold me in a restraining
position. The hand cuffs pinched and I knew not to struggle further as my
efforts would be futile.
As they held me waiting for the meat wagon to arrive, it gave me time to think.
How did O'Neil know that Angel had two children?
She had entered the
building by the time he'd arrived so he hadn't seen her. I was determined to
keep an eye on him because alarm bells were now starting to ring.
"Book him when you get to the station. I need to go and talk to his lady
friend to make sure she is okay."
There was no point wasting any more energy on him, he'd already achieved what
he set out to do and now I would spend the best part of the night in a police

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