Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) (18 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3)
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Chapter 16


"Are you sure this is still okay Spike?" I asked referring
to the hit and run involving Duke yesterday. Everyone was still in a state of
shock and on edge with what had happened and I was grateful that Duke was going
to be okay. "I promise we will be done by 6.00pm and then we can clear
away before Duke is due back from the hospital."
"Trust me it's fine, I've spoken to Duke and he's fine about it."
Spike smiled trying to reassure me.
"Come on Louise, the kids want to blow out their candles." Maggie
shouted across the room over the sound of the music.
I smiled as I walked over to the group who had now congregated around the table
that the twins were sitting at. Amy had made two beautiful cakes, a Scooby-Doo
cake for Tommy and a Disney Frozen cake for Devon. She was very talented and I
truly didn't know where she found the time to do everything.

On the count of three everyone sang happy birthday to the
twins and I was overwhelmed by how special everyone had made today. Spike and I
still weren't romantically involved although I was finding it more difficult by
the day to refuse my urges. I had never felt the way I did about Spike not even
in the early days with Liam although both men were completely different.
Spike had been so patient and given me the space I needed to analyse the whole
situation and helped me to be able to trust again. I was worried that I may
become dependent on him because he offered to do so much for me and the children.
I needed that support mechanism after everything that had gone on but I also
needed the time to see if there could ever be anything romantic between Spike
and I. 
It was so difficult for the men in this group to be anything but possessive. I
had watched all of them from a far and the way they treated their women, and
although they were dominant they were also caring and treated the women they
loved as equals.
Amy and Ink had explained that this was their culture, this is what they did
and this is what I had been struggling with as I didn't want to be controlled
any more.

Spike had explained earlier on in the week that he needed to
go to a tattoo convention this evening. Ink was originally down to go but
because of her full arm cast it was impossible. Spike was going to cancel
attending because of the incident involving Duke and because there was to be a
party to celebrate Hounds son being patched tomorrow but Duke expressed that he
should go and that the club would protect me. 

"I wanted to say thank you for organising everything at
such short notice. You have helped me to give the kids such a special day and
so many fantastic memories." Amy and Maggie smiled and each in turn gave
me a hug.
"You're more than welcome, any time you need anything Louise just ask.
We're a family here." She waved her arm in front of the group who were
involved in various party activities.
Spike and Diesel were teaching Tommy how to ride his new bike as he wasn't used
to not having stabilisers. My heart fluttered inside seeing the interaction
between them and reassured me as I needed Spike to enjoy spending time with the
children and in turn the children needed to accept Spike, which to be honest I
think had already happened.

"Whilst I have you here, I've been meaning to ask you
something personal. Spike's been calling me Angel and I was wondering what the
significance was?"
Amy and Maggie glanced at each other smiling, "It means he's claimed
you!" I furrowed my brows not understanding what Amy had meant. "He's
given you that name as a term of endearment. He's letting everyone know of his
intentions and once you're his old lady the club members will refer to you as
that name."
"Okay," I said hesitantly. "I'm not sure I like the term claimed
Maggie chuckled lightly, "It's an honour Louise to be claimed. He's
basically telling everyone that you belong to him and it means more than just
saying that you're his girlfriend."
This didn't sit right with me, I didn't want to be claimed or belong to anyone.
I'd only just got out of a controlling relationship.
Amy put her arm around me, "I can see you analysing what I've just said
Louise. They're just words and it shows how much you mean to him. He's not
trying to control you, it's just a term of endearment."
"So how come you don't have a nick name Maggie?" I asked intrigued.
Maggie turned to seek out Hound, "When we got together, women weren't
given names. They were almost treated like second class citizens. Things have
changed now for the better, I was asked if I wanted a club name but I declined
as I'm happy being Maggie."
"And we're happy that you're Maggie!" Amy said wrapping her other arm
around her so that she was squashed in the middle of us.

I heard laughter and glanced over to the picnic tables to
see Devon using her new face paints to decorate Hounds face with the
encouragement of Ink.
"Look at Hound," I said as the three of us laughed at the spectacle
in front of us but were quickly pulled from our thoughts as a small red car drove
into the yard followed by Bear and Woods on their motorcycles.
Diesel walked over to the vehicle and opened the passenger side door to assist
Duke out of the car.
"Thanks but I'm not a fucking invalid." He stated with a scowl.
It was comical to watch such a big man peel himself from such a small car.
"And you're buying a new fucking car, that's too small especially for a
"Erm what do you mean by that?" Maggie asked rushing towards them.
Duke looked between Diesel and Amy, "Didn't you tell them?"
Diesel shrugged, "Not my place to tell them."
Duke grabbed Taylor in a bear hug and kissed her softly on the forehead,
"This beautiful, independent and frustrating woman has given me two more
reasons to love her." The group started to cheer and I could see Taylor
blush as all the attention was now on her. Duke indicated for the group to
settle down and when they were quiet he continued, "She has agreed to be
my old lady and is also carrying my baby." Duke's hands moved to her tummy
to another round of applause, whoops and cheers.
The group surrounded them and the children made their way over to me because of
the noise. I crouched so that I was the same height as them, "Have you had
a good day?" I asked looking between them. I had tried so hard to make it
a special day and Maggie and Amy had jumped at the opportunity when I had asked
them for help. We never celebrated birthdays with Liam because he said they
were a waste of money so when he was at work we would have our own secret
celebration. I always made sure that no evidence was visible once we'd finished,
to prevent antagonising him further.
"I've had the best day mummy, I really love my bike." Tommy said
jumping with excitement.
I looked at Devon, "Me too mummy, it was the best birthday ever." I
brought both of them into my embrace. This is the reason I had left Liam, the
children for the first time in six years were truly happy. I had put them
through so much but I was now starting to believe that finally we'd be able to
be happy and forget about the past.

"I'm gonna have to make a move Angel, I've got an early
start and a busy day tomorrow." I stood and smiled weakly, I really didn't
want him to go but he needed to for work.
"It's not gonna rain so I'm taking the bike and leaving you with the Jeep
should you need it. You're insured so don't panic." Spike leaned closer
and took me into his embrace, "Ramsey will be outside and the guys are
only a phone call away. They're there to protect you while I'm away so make
sure you call them, do you understand."
I breathed in his scent as he held me close and closed my eyes relishing this
moment but was taken by surprise by his protruding erection fighting in the
confines of his jeans. I slowly looked down and bit my lip, instantly feeling
the tightening between my thighs. Spike placed his finger under my chin and
slowly lifted my head so that I was looking directly into his eyes, "I'm
masturbating more these days than I ever did as a teenager." I sniggered
at his comment, he just had a way with words that amused me. I clearly knew
what he wanted, his comments and erection made that perfectly clear and I had
now decided that I wanted the same.

"Spike there's something that I need to tell you,"
I needed to tell him about my scars. This probably wasn't the time or the place
but I didn't want us to become intimate and then for him to be sickened by the
marks on my back.
"Shhh," he put his finger over my mouth to quieten me. "Are you
about to tell me you're not interested?" I frowned as I shook my head,
"Then I don't want to know what you have to say."
"But Spike, you should see..."
"I don't need to see shit! There is nothing that you could say or show me
that would stop me from wanting you Angel." He took my lips by force and I
let him, slowly opening up so he could deepen the kiss further. My body melted
into his as he tightened his grasp and claimed me with his possessive kiss,
branding me in front of everyone.
I moved my hands to either side of his face so I could touch him and felt him
slowly move his hands down my body until they were groping my arse and yanking
me closer to his erection. I could feel the situation getting out of control
and my lady bits felt like they were on fire as they contracted with the desire
to be filled by him. If I didn't stop this now I would end up making a fool of
myself in front of everyone. I slowed the kiss and pulled away so that I was
looking deep into his beautiful eyes.
How had I been so lucky to find such a
wonderful man?
I was breathing hard and on close inspection so was Spike. He leaned forward
and placed a small kiss on my nose.
"I've really gotta go and you're not playing fair." He winked as he
loosened his grasp and stepped away adjusting his cock.
I glanced around the yard quickly looking for the children to see that they were
sitting with Diesel and Ink. I caught Diesel's eye and he winked at me from
across the yard which made me blush realising that people had seen our embrace.
Spike took my hand and led me over to the group. He picked Devon up from Ink's
lap and spun her around making her giggle before giving her a quick kiss on her
forehead, he then turned his attention to Tommy and lifted his hand to give him
a high five.
"Sorry to leave the party but I've gotta get going, I'll see you all tomorrow."
I waved to him as I watched Spike mount his motorcycle before riding out of the
yard. I raised my hand to my lips as I could still feel his kiss, I
contemplated everything that had happened recently and the sudden pang of loss
as he disappeared out of sight.
I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder which pulled me quickly from my thoughts
and looked to see Amy's small smile.
"He'll be back before you know it," I nodded but tomorrow felt like
forever. "Come on let's get the kids loaded in my car and I'll take you
I turned to look at the mess that we'd created with balloons, streamers and the
mountain of food that was still on the table, "I need to clear up
first." I stated gesturing at the mess.
Amy sniggered, "Maggie's already on it and has the prospect hard at
I noticed that Maggie had given Buster some black bags and he was tidying up
under her instructions much to his annoyance.

We arrived at my new apartment a little after 6.00pm. The
children were a little tired from all of the excitement but I had told them
that they could stay up a little later than they usually did as they wanted to play
with their new toys. I was surprised how generous the other club members had
been and they had an array of different gifts making this the best birthday the
children had ever had.
I fumbled around for my keys and managed to get them out of my pocket although
I was hampered by the toys I was carrying under my arm and balancing the
remains of the birthday cakes in a box that Amy had thankfully provided.
Opening the door, I stepped over the post that lay on the welcome mat and busied
myself walking into the living room to put down the presents and cake.
"Mum there's a letter for me and Devon." Tommy shouted as he sifted
through the post.
Why would there be a letter for Tommy and Devon?
We'd only been here
five days and all correspondence regarding benefits, housing and schooling
would be addressed to me. He held up the pink and blue envelopes and I let out
a sigh of relief realising that they were birthday cards. Spike had probably
posted them earlier, maybe remembering on his way to the convention although
they didn't need cards, he'd already bought Tommy a new bike and Devon an iPad.
"Can we open them?" Devon asked excitedly as she took the pink
envelope quickly from Tommy's grasp.
I rolled my eyes and nodded at their excitement as Amy and I started to empty
bags and contemplate finding homes for all of their presents.

"Thanks again for helping out today Amy, everyone has gone
above and beyond to make this a special day." She simply smiled and rubbed
my arm. I noticed that the children had gone quiet and glanced towards the
living room. Tommy was sitting on the sofa having brought his knees up to
conceal his face and Devon stood with unshed tears holding out the card for me
to read.
"What is it baby? What's the matter?" I ran to her side and crouched beside
her taking the card swiftly from her hand. She fell into my embrace as I
wrapped my arm around her and held her tightly as I read the card.

Happy birthday Devon. I promise I'll see you real
soon. Dad x

I dropped the card and raised my hand to my mouth to
stifle my scream.
"What's the matter Louise? Who's it from?" Amy bent down to retrieve
the card.
"He's found us Amy, he's bloody found us!" I shook uncontrollably as
I picked Devon up and moved to the sofa so that I could also comfort Tommy. I
had promised to protect my kids and now he had found us. I needed to leave, I
needed to move again and put some distance between us.
Amy was pacing the living room texting on her phone and then hastily stomped
"I want Spike mummy." Devon said quietly as she snuggled into my
embrace further.
I let out a loud breath I didn't even know I was holding, "So do I baby,
so do I."

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