Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) (33 page)

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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“You’re free?” She blinked rapidly.

He slid his fingers over her cheekbone, then tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You haven’t answered my question.”

Her vocal cords were tight, emotion burning her throat, stinging the backs of her eyes. “You want me and Noah to move in here?”

“Yeah, Peaches.”

“And you’ll move in when Noah gets used to you?”

“If you’re good with that?”

She swallowed. It wasn’t easy. “You, me, and Noah. Together, like a family?”

“That’s what I want,” he said, voice cracking.

She flung her arms around his neck and jumped, wrapping her legs around his hips, holding on tight, and kissed the hell out of him. The heat and warmth of his lips slid across hers, making her moan, making her squirm to get closer, to kiss him deeper. He squeezed her ass with one hand, the other cupping the side of her face.

He pulled back gently. “That a yes?”

She smiled so wide it hurt. “It’s a

He headed to the stairs. “Now that we have that sorted, I need inside you, woman. Like now. You good with that?”


He stormed up the stairs and into an empty bedroom and kicked the door shut.

Darcey’s back hit the wall, and they instantly started tearing at each other’s clothes. Joe shoved her shirt up and yanked down the cups of her bra so her hard nipples popped free. He groaned and wrapped his lips around one aching peak as his fingers went to work on her jeans. He dragged them down her legs without breaking contact, taking her panties with them. She kicked off one boot, freeing a leg, while he tore the front of his own jeans open. His cock sprang free, and he shoved a condom in her hand while he jerked off his shirt.

Opening it with her teeth, she rolled it on, wrapped her free leg around his hip, and whimpered as he gripped her ass, lifting her up against the wall again. Then the swollen head of his cock was at her entrance and he was pushing inside. She open-mouth groaned against the pounding pulse at his throat, sucking on the thick tendon there, nipping.

“Missed you, baby. Jesus, so much.” Joe’s hips snapped forward, and he filled her completely. “Missed my Peaches. You’re so perfect, every damn inch of you.” He slid out and jolted forward again and again. “Haven’t slept, couldn’t eat, could barely fucking breathe. I was dying without you, sweetheart. You’re my fucking oxygen.”

She clung tighter, crying out as he pounded deeper, thrust harder. “I love you, Joe, so much.” Then she arched against him, coming apart at the seams. Joe anchored her, his fingers thrust deep in her hair, fisting it tight, his hard, bruising grip on her ass. He slammed his mouth down on hers, swallowing her cries. Then he ground deep and fed her his own moans, deep and raw as he pulsed inside her.

They stayed like that, mouths still brushing as they tried to catch their breath. Joe’s heart hammered against hers, and she knew hers was doing the same, that he could feel it, too.

She ran her hand over his shoulders, over his smooth skin. “Is this going to be our room?”

He lifted his head and held her stare, his dark eyes turning soft like melted chocolate. “Yes.”

“I love it.” Then she smiled, her heart so damn full it was close to bursting.

His eyes crinkled at the corners, and he slid his thumb over her lower lip. “I love you, Darcey.”

“I love you, too.”

“Let’s not break up again, okay? Cause I gotta tell you, it fucking sucks.”

His forehead was pressed to hers, and she nodded against him. “Agreed.”

She brushed her fingers over his whiskered jaw, her eyes locked with his. “You know, you’re the best man I’ve ever known, Joe Colton. You have the biggest heart, and it shines from you. Do you know that? It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

“Baby,” he rasped and pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her almost reverently, making her belly ache and her heart pound.

When he pulled back, his eyes looked suspiciously glassy, proving her point. Showing her that big, soft heart.

He ran his nose along hers, so close his eyelashes tickled her cheek. “You mean beautiful in like an uber manly way though, right?”

She laughed, so damn happy it hurt, and bit her lip, nodding. “Of course.”

He swiveled his hips. “And if me, Adam, and Hugh were to compare dicks, you know mine would be bigger than both of theirs put together?”


“Okay, that sounded weird, but you know what I mean.”

“Yes, baby. In a dick contest, you would be the winner.”

He grinned. “Excellent.”

She couldn’t look away from him. Afraid she’d wake up and this would all be a dream, that she was really in her bed all alone, clutching her pillow, wishing it was Joe. But then he did another hip swivel, proving how real it was, and she moaned.

He was hard again, and she rocked against him, unable to help herself.

“Now that we have that sorted, are you going to make love to me again or talk all damn day?”

He chuckled. “The first one.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Then he kissed her again.


Four months later.

oe took Darcey’s hand and pushed open the door to Abella’s. Noah ran in ahead, making a beeline for the table at the back. Hugh and Shay, as well as Lucy—home from college for a few days—were already there. Edna and Harold, Shay’s elderly neighbors from the trailer park she used to live, were there as well. His brother gave Noah a high five and Lucy ruffled his hair. Shay, on the other hand, pulled him in for a hug and Darcey giggled beside him when her brother screwed up his face.

“He loves it, really,” she said, grinning up at Joe.

He grinned back “‘Course he does.”

Darcey gave him a squeeze and he glanced down at her.

“I’ve never seen him so happy, Joe.”

Her eyes got glassy, and he tugged her in to his side, kissing the top of her head. “You made it happen, Peaches.”

“Not on my own.”

Noah had been back with Darcey for three months. It had taken him a few weeks to settle after all the shit he’d been through, but once he realized he was there for good, that no one could take him away from his sister, he’d been a different kid. He’d warmed to Joe pretty fast, too, and the feeling was mutual. He’d recently signed to play baseball, and Joe had to admit he was loving going to the games and helping him practice in the yard.

He’d finally moved in with Darcey and Noah the week before, and so far, everything was going great. It probably helped that he’d bought Noah a puppy to soften him up. It’d worked. He really was a great kid.

It was starting to feel like they were their own little family. He’d never been happier in his life.

Joe gave her another squeeze. “We’re both lucky to have you, and I thank whatever higher power sent you my way every day.”

She blinked up at him. “You’re going to make me cry in front of everyone if you keep saying stuff like that.”

He gave her one more kiss, because he had to, then led her to the table. “I’ll keep the sap to a minimum for the rest of the night, I promise.”

Her hand landed on his chest, resting directly over his heart. “I’d appreciate that.”

Fuck, she was beautiful.

Joe tore his eyes off her and they took their seats. He glanced over at Hugh. “Adam not coming?”

The door opened at that moment and the man himself strode in. Lucy sat up straighter across the table, his sister’s expression going from relaxed to surprised to pissed in a matter of seconds. Joe tapped her foot under the table. “I know the guy rubs you the wrong way, but try to keep the claws sheathed tonight. No squabbling, shrimp.”

Lucy tapped him back, but harder. “Why don’t you tell him that? Your friend is a douche lord.”

Adam had reached the table and smirked down at her, picking up instantly that she was talking about him. “Nice to see you, too, baby girl.”

A flush crept up Lucy’s neck, darkening her cheeks. She clamped her lips together and turned her back on him.

His friend shook his head. “The silent treatment, huh? Mature as always, Luce.”

Lucy spun around, fire lighting her pale green eyes, her jaw going slack.

Joe groaned, not in the mood for these two and their bickering. “Do you have to bait the woman?”

Adam shrugged. “Doesn’t take much.”

“Dick,” Lucy muttered.

Adam crossed his arms. “You’re actually kinda cute when you scowl.”

Her brows lifted. “Well, you…your face looks like a baboon's ass.”

Adam snorted. “Nice come back, shrimp. Are we in grade school?”

“I hate you,” she ground out through clenched teeth.

“No, you don’t.”

Lucy opened her mouth to fire something back, but Hugh cleared his throat. “Now that everyone’s here…” He looked pointedly between Adam and Lucy. “I have some news to share with you.” He glanced down at Shay and she slid her hand into his, her smile so bright it felt like a thousand-watt bulb shone around her. “I knocked Shay up. We’re gonna have a baby.”

Edna hooted. “Knew it wouldn’t take long.” She turned to Harold. “You owe me twenty bucks.”

Shay scowled at Hugh, poking him in the ribs. “Don’t say ‘knocked up’.”

His brows dropped. “Right, sorry.” Then he grinned like a goof. “I planted my manly seed in my woman, and she’s going to bear my superior offspring.”

Noah screwed up his face. “Ew!”

Shay started giggling, tugging on his hand, pulling him down for a kiss.

Good news. Fucking spectacular news. He was so damn happy for both of them. Hugs and congratulations were passed around before they took their seats again.

Noah started chatting to Adam animatedly, while Shay, Hugh, and Lucy discussed nursery colors. Edna looked like she might explode from sheer happiness, sucking back her gin and tonic enthusiastically, and Harold finished off the garlic bread. Joe tightened his arm around Darcey, pulling her in close and burying his nose in her hair. “You want kids someday?”

She turned to him, her soft cheek brushing against his, eyes bright with emotion. Happiness. “Yeah, one day.”

He grinned down at her. “Good. Me, too.” Then he kissed her, slow and deep, until Noah yelled that he was “going to puke if they didn’t cut it out”. Adam, the prick, agreed wholeheartedly.

~ * ~

Later that night, Joe did the rounds. Darcey was already in bed,
bed, in
room, in
house. Yeah, he freaking loved that.

He headed to Noah’s room to turn off the light. The kid was crashed out, Gandalf, his puppy stretched out beside him. Joe grinned. He’d grown to love the kid in the short time he’d known him. And he’d make sure he had everything he needed. That he never felt scared or afraid ever again.

He switched off the light and headed down the hall, sucking in a breath when he rounded the corner to his and Darcey’s room. She wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary. Just sitting crossed-legged on the edge of the bed, hair up in a messy bun, wearing one of his shirts while she stared down at her phone, tapping out a text. But tonight, like every night, she took his breath away.

“Who you talking to?” His voice came out gritty, and she turned to him, picking up on it instantly.

She smiled. “Shay. She wants to go baby clothes shopping tomorrow.”

“You gonna go getting all broody on me?”

She shook her head. “Not yet. I like the family we have now. I’d like to keep it just the three of us for a while.”

He nodded and walked toward her. She put her phone on the bedside table and dropped back, wrapping herself around him as he came down on top of her.

“Agreed.” He ground his hips against hers. “I think we should just stick to practicing for a while.”

“Lots of practice.”


She curled her fingers around the side of his neck, fingers grazing the pounding pulse there, brushing her thumb over his beard. “I’m in the mood for a vigorous practice session tonight, how about you?”

His dick ached, and his heart was beating like a techno beat. “Hell, yeah.” He rolled to his back, dragged off his shirt, shucked down his jeans, and slid his fingers down the sides of his boxers, grinning at her. “Let me just release The Beast.”

Darcey threw back her head and laughed, rolling toward him and straddling his hips. “You’re crazy. You know that, right?”

He slid his hands into her hair and pulled her down for a kiss. “Yes,” he murmured against her lips. “And you love it.”

“Damn right I do.”

When she’d said those words, there was no laughter in her voice. It was soft and sweet and made his chest ache. “You make me feel like I’m spinning out of control, but with you, I know there’s no chance I’ll ever crash, so I just get to sit back and enjoy the adrenaline filled ride.”

She leaned in and smiled against his mouth. “I like that.”

Sliding one hand up and down her back, he looked into her dark eyes. “I’m also insanely in love with you.”

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