Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) (32 page)

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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“Please, son…”

Joe narrowed his eyes at the fucker.

“Joe,” his father corrected. “Take it. Please let me do this for you.”

Joe opened his mouth to tell him to shove it when Hugh cut in. “Take it.”


“He’s right. He owes us. This is the least he can do.” Then Hugh turned to their father. “These gonna clear?”


Hugh nodded. “That all you wanted?”

He looked like he wanted to say more, but instead, he dipped his chin and rose to his feet. “It was good to see you both.” He ran a shaky hand though his hair. “You’ve turned out real good.”

When neither one said anything to that, he finally walked away.

“Here, have it.” Joe tried to slide the check to Hugh. “I don’t fucking want it.”

Hugh’s expression went hard. “It’s yours.” He sat back in his seat. “We fucking earned it. Don’t know about you, but I plan on kids one day. I’m taking this for them, for their future.” His Adam’s apple slid up and down his thick neck, emotions darkening his gaze. “Put it in the bank, forget about it if it makes you feel better. But don’t let him off the hook.” His expression was fierce. “Take it.”

Joe shoved it in his pocket. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s just get the fuck out of here.”

As they headed out, he had the urge to call Darcey to tell her what had happened.

To go to her so he could hold her in his arms, drown in her scent, let her soothe away the rough edges this meeting with his father had left.

“Come home and have a beer with me? Shay’s making burgers.”

“Sure. Sounds good.”

Not like he had anywhere else to be.

Chapter Twenty-Four

oe stood in the small bathroom and looked around. Yeah, it was dated like the whole house and would need remodeling, but it was definitely livable.

The house was sturdy. Had three decent sized bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a backyard big enough to toss a ball around. It was also only four blocks from Hugh and Shay’s house, so that meant there was someone close by in case of an emergency. He liked that idea. A lot. In fact, besides the backyard, that was one of its biggest selling points.

He hadn’t intended on using his old man’s guilt money…until he’d seen the newspaper a couple weeks ago. There’d been a front page write up on Len and the infamous Ramirez family’s takedown. Len was in prison, awaiting trial for a whole slew of charges, things that would have him locked away for a long time. By the sounds of it, they’d had someone on the inside feeding the cops intel and there was no way the guy was weaseling his way out of this.

Joe was fucking free.

The operation had completely crumbled with Len at the helm, and there was no one left. No one to enforce his debt. He was still struggling to believe it. Had waited after his last deadline came and went, looking over his damn shoulder, expecting one of Len’s henchmen to pay him a visit…but it had never happened.

It was over.

He’d been tempted to drive straight to Darcey—but then he’d gotten an idea, and it was a pretty fucking magnificent one, as far as he was concerned.

Glancing down at the ugly as all hell, green, seventies-style toilet, he frowned. “That’ll need replacing.”

Swinging the sledgehammer gripped in his hands, he let it fly, smashing in the side of the bowl.
Good thing he’d already bought a new one, now he just needed someone to install it.

He turned to Shay, who was giggling like a crazy person beside him. “Looks like I need a plumber.”

She dropped her hands covering her mouth. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you just did that.”

“You’re up.” He handed his future sister in-law a piece of paper with Darcey’s work number on it. “No pressure, but if you screw this up, my entire future will be destroyed and my life won’t be worth living.”

Her eyes widened. “Stop it, Joe.” She jabbed him in the bicep. “I’m nervous enough as it is. You know I’m a terrible actress. I suck at this kind of thing.”

“You do. This is true.” Shay was about as subtle as the sledgehammer still gripped tight against his clammy palm. “Even so, you managed to fool my thick-headed brother for a while there. You really had him convinced you only wanted him for his giant, Sasquatch-sized body and not the soft, squishy center that makes me and Adam want to puke whenever you’re together.”

She snorted. “You’ve got a pretty squishy center of your own there, buddy. You just broke a toilet to get back the woman you love.”

“Yeah, but that was manly,” Adam cut in from the position he’d just taken leaning against the doorframe. “He got to smash shit up.”

“Hugh’s manly,” Shay fired back.

“He’s whipped.”

She planted her hands on her hips. “He is not whipped.”

is. You’ve turned him into a cupcake.”

She frowned. “What does that even mean?”

“It means he’s gone soft.” Adam patted his flat gut. “Next, he’ll have a paunch and you’ll have him walking around in hand-knitted sweaters.”

Her gaze darted away. “What’s wrong with knitted sweaters?”

Adam barked a laugh. “Oh God, you’re not knitting him a sweater, are you?”

Shay’s face darkened, a flush lighting up her cheeks.

“Would you two cut it out? My life is hanging in the balance here, and you’re talking about fucking knitting.” He turned to his friend. “You. Piss off. You’ll only make her nervous.” Then he turned back to the curvy redhead beside him. “Shay, call the damn number.”

Adam smirked at him, and then clapped him on the shoulder. “You’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure Darcey’s not the knitting type.” He laughed and jumped out of the way when Shay tried to kick him as he walked off.

Joe looked down at Shay. “Are you really knitting Hugh a sweater? I mean, how much wool would that take?”

She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Sorry, ignore me. I’m nervous and rambling. I’m sure it’s awesome. Please, will you just make the call and put me out of my misery?”

She pulled her phone out of her bag. “Fine.”

“Just act natural…”

“Shut it.”

“Right.” He fake zipped his lips.

Show time.

~ * ~

Darcey shoved the door open and climbed out of her truck. Grabbing her toolbox out of the cab, she made her way to the front door.

It was a cute house. Needed a coat of paint, and the gardens could do with some TLC, but it had a great vibe. Kinda welcoming. And by the looks, it had enough room for a dog. Maybe even a small pool out back, just big enough to cool off after work or school.

She’d found herself doing this at every house she went to. Assessing, dreaming…hoping like hell she’d find something reasonably priced for her and Noah.

She knocked on the door and waited.

The state of her bank account was looking a lot better. She was only a couple weeks off from being able to afford a new place—not a place like this, though. As much as she’d love that, her budget wouldn’t stretch that far. But a two-bedroom apartment in a better part of town, a place child welfare would deem suitable for Noah to live—she was sure she could swing that.

No. She
swing it. Failure wasn’t an option.

The sound of a lock rattling interrupted her thoughts, then the door opened. A short, pretty redhead with banging curves answered it. Her face was flushed and her smile was a mile wide.

“Hi—” she cleared her throat. “Hello, you must be… I mean…plumber! You’re the plumber.”

Darcey grinned back, couldn’t help herself. “That’s me.” The woman seemed sweet, maybe a little flustered. A door opened and closed behind her, and with the blush the woman had going on, Darcey wondered if she’d interrupted a sneaky nooner. “Is this a good time? When you called, you said it was urgent.”

Her smile got wider and a nerve started twitching in her cheek. “It’s a perfect time. A great time!”

Good God. Was she high? The redhead was still blocking the door. “I’ll ah, need to come in.”

“Right!” The other woman laughed, a loud snort escaping. She slapped her hand over her mouth at the same time Darcey heard a deep groan from inside.

If there was some weird orgy going on inside, she was out of there. “Okay. Why don’t you lead the way?”

The redhead opened the door wider and ushered Darcey inside. The place was empty, which gave her pause. Empty house, urgent call, groaning sounds, and some weird chick who Darcey was now 100 percent positive was high leading her God knows where—seemed like something she should avoid.

“It’s just through here.”

Darcey frowned. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on here…”

“The toilet’s broken,” the other woman said over her shoulder without missing a beat, then pushed open a door and stood back. “It’s right through there.”

Darcey edged closer. What if there was a dead body or some weird, naked dude in there. “Um…”

The redhead giggled nervously. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m not trying to kidnap you or anything.”

“Okay.” Darcey lifted her hands. “I’m out.” Red’s eyes went wide as Darcey spun to leave.

The nut-job ran around her, jumping to the left, blocking her path, then right when Darcey tried to dodge past.

“Oh my fucking God,” A deep voice said from behind her. “What in the fuck was that, Shay?”

Darcey froze. She recognized the voice instantly. She turned slowly, mouth dropping open when she saw Joe standing behind her.

He was frowning at the redhead. “What the hell?”

The other woman
… Shay
he’d called her, blushed, face going as red as a fire truck. “I told you I sucked at this stuff.” Then she turned to Darcey. “I’m sure this is all very confusing, and… You’re probably freaking out. I’m not really a psycho, I promise. I…” Then she held out her hand. “I’m Shay, Joe’s future sister in-law.”

Darcey took it, her mind spinning, jaw slack, and yes, confused as hell.

Joe groaned. “Good God, you can go now. Go and knit your fiancé a sweater. Hopefully you’re better at that than whatever the hell that was…”

“Um, guys? What in the hell is going on here?” A swirl of nerves started up in her belly. She wasn’t scared for her life anymore. All she could see was Joe. So big and tall and gorgeous.

Shay squeezed her hand. “He may act like a jackass, but he’s a pretty decent guy.”

Joe planted his hands on his hips. “Gee thanks, Sis. I’m overwhelmed by your endorsement.”

“Well, that’s the best you’re going to get right now, you ingrate.” Then she spun on her cute retro platform wedges and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Darcey’s gaze darted back to Joe. “What…?”

“I ah, have a problem with my toilet.” He motioned to the bathroom. “Will you have a look?”

They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, and
what he says to her. After that insanity she’d just witnessed. A wave of hurt pummeled her.

She forced it down and walked into the small room, staring down at the smashed toilet. “Um…”

“It’s broken,” he said, stating the obvious.

“It looks like someone”—her voice trailed off when she spotted a sledgehammer leaning against the wall—“purposely broke it.”

He nodded. “Hmm, it does, doesn’t it?”

“Did you do this?”

“Yes,” he said would hesitation.

“Okay. Why?”

“To get you here.”

“You could have just asked.”

He grumbled under his breath. “Yeah, well, I’m starting to see that now. I had the stupid idea that this might be more… I was worried that you might not…” he dragged a hand over his face. “Shit, I’m screwing this up.”

Her belly flipped and it took all her strength not to go to him and kiss the pants right off him. “Who’s house is this? Why are we here?”

“What do you think of it?” He slid his hands into his pockets, and all she could think was that she wanted them on her.

“It’s really nice.”

His brows lowered, and he looked unsure. “Yeah?”

She nodded. “It’s great, but…”

“It’s yours…”

Her jaw unhinged. “What?”

He took a step closer. “Well, ours really. But I got it for you and Noah. You two can move in now, and when he gets used to me, I can move in, too…if you want?” he said, voice gritty. The vein in the side of his throat throbbed, and an expression that could only be described as vulnerable transformed his handsome face. “What do you say?”

She was struggling to comprehend what he was saying. “But…how?”

“You heard about Len?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Someone was feeding the feds information from the inside. There’s nothing left. The debt I owed was dissolved when Len went down.”

“Someone snitched?” She jolted. “Edith. It had to be her.”

Joe’s hands came down on her hips and he gave her a squeeze. “I’m free, Darce.”

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