Spiritwalker (23 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Corcoran

BOOK: Spiritwalker
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“Thank you very much for your time Mr Hamish.” Anna said standing up to go. “If you do hear from her will you give me a call?” She handed him one of her cards. He looked at it.

“What brought you all the way from Ireland?” He asked noticing the address on it.

“I suppose you could say I’m a friend of the family.” Anna replied not wanting to go any deeper into it.

“You let me know if you hear anything. I hope nothing bad has happened to her, promise me.” He looked very ernest.

“I will, I promise.” Anna said. She had known from the moment she met him that he wasn't her attacker or Sassy's abductor.

After leaving Hamish's office, Anna rang Morley as she had promised. They agreed to meet for lunch at a small place near Canary Wharf. It wasn't far from where either of them were. Morley had sounded excited on the phone but when Anna questioned him, he promised to tell her when they met. She had an hour to spare so she went shopping, she bought herself a dress and matching shoes. With a few minutes to spare she reached the sandwich bar. Morley was nowhere in sight so she ordered a latte for herself and a beef and horseradish wrap. She had only just found herself a little table in the corner when she saw Morley enter. He smiled and waved at her. “Can I get you anything else?” He offered as he approached her table.

“No thanks, I'm good.” She replied wondering what the good news was that had lifted his mood so much from yesterday’s.

He got his food and sat down tucking into a large brie and chicken baguette. Washing it down with great gulps of coffee.

“Sorry, I was famished.” He apologised. “How was your meeting with Mr McGregor?”

“Good, though nothing much to tell about Jane. He's a bit scary at first, but I'd say he has a soft heart under it all. He was away on safari when Jane vanished. He's definitely not the man that attacked me. How about you? You look like you’re about to burst. What did you find out?”

“I went to see the pathologist. At first he was of the same mind as everybody else about it being a murder/ suicide. I asked to see Naizi's body. I felt a bit like Sherlock Holmes.”

“What like a proper detective?” She teased him. “Sorry do go on.”

“Anyway as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted... I borrowed a magnifying glass from him and I examined the body. I'd say he thought I was a bit of a loon. But then I noticed two darker marks on his neck, they were disguised by the bruising on the neck from the rope. But under magnification they stood out more clearly.”

“What were they?” Anna was intrigued

“Well I was looking for puncture marks, like the ones left by a syringe. I thought he might have been drugged by injection. When I pointed them out to the pathologist, he examined them closely. He said he thought he knew what had caused them.” He paused for effect.

“What, had he been drugged, don't keep me guessing?”

“No not drugged, at least that’s not what caused these marks. He showed me a picture of a cadaver he had autopsied a couple of weeks ago. It had the same sort of marks on it, minus the rope burns. He thinks they were caused by a stun gun. Not the kind that shoots out probes, but one that you hold against your victim. It leaves two burn marks where the metal conductors come in contact with the skin. Since they were hidden by the bruising caused by the rope they weren't noticeable at first.” Morley was pleased with his narrative.

“What does that mean?” Anna asked

“It means my dear, that he was subdued by someone. Someone who tried to make us believe that he had committed suicide. Someone very clever and very dangerous.” Morley said grimly.

“What happens now?” Anna asked

“It looks like a double murder now. They are going to test for drugs now. He certainly didn't go to his death willingly. The pathologist is taking samples as we speak. Carter is a bit pissed not to have uncovered it first. I didn't let on that I had help from beyond the grave.” Morley was obviously thrilled to bits with his find. He hadn't been happy to have everything looking so cut and dried when he had seem the crime scene photos. It bothered him that someone could be so heartless to murder a young woman, then calmly fix her hair and remake the bed. Then just as calmly hang himself. He wondered if such a person existed. If they did he had never come across them.

They finished their lunch and Anna departed to keep her appointment with Mr Kingston.

Chapter thirty one

Anna was shown up to Kingston's office, by the receptionist who departed in a hurry after offering her a seat outside his secretary's office, and enquiring if there was anything she could get for her. Mr Kingston had given her strict instructions regarding this visitor and judging by the black moods he had been in lately she certainly didn't want to do anything that might bring his wrath down on her. She did wonder however what was so special about Anna as she cast a critical eye over her attire. She didn't look like the sort of lady he usually entertained. Anna was kept waiting for five minutes before the inner office door opened. A man stuck his head around the door and seeing her seated there enquired if she was Miss Cotter. Anna confirmed that she was. She studied him briefly, dismissing him as a suspect. He wasn’t the man who had attacked her in the apartment.

“Mr Kingston?” She enquired rising.

“Afraid not.” He apologised. “Mr Kingston has been delayed, but he should be here in about ten minutes. He asked me to let you know, in case you decided to leave without meeting him. I know he is very anxious for you to remain if possible.”

“That's not a problem. I'm not in any hurry.” Anna smiled at him.

“May I offer you a coffee or a tea?”

“Coffee would be great, thanks. Just black no sugar.”

He disappeared and returned carrying a tray with coffee and biscuits on it. He poured her a cup and handed it to her. At that very moment the door opened and Richard Kingston entered. Anna was at once aware of his presence. The sudden shock recognition hit her like a slap in the face. She dropped the cup of hot liquid almost scalding herself and the young man who had given it to her.

“Oh my god I'm so sorry” She apologised as the poor man jumped back to avoid getting burnt. She quickly gathered her wits about her and tried to pretend that nothing was amiss. Never before had she been hit with such a powerful revulsion, and instant feeling that evil was present. Every fibre of her being was screaming at her to get out, to get as far away as possible. She knew she had to brazen it out, she had to stand her ground. At least she thought to herself, he won't try anything here and she was suddenly glad of the other man's presence. Standing before her as casual as anything was the man who had tried to kill her.

“Blast it Steven are you trying to injure this poor woman.” Kingston said trying to sound jovial.

“It was my fault.” Anna jumped in quickly, she could see that Steven was flustered over the incident. He seems to have an adverse effect on everyone, she mused. Steven was terrified of him and he wasn’t very good at hiding it.

“Miss Cotter, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, let’s step into my office.” He approached her with his hand outstretched. Anna hesitated briefly but realised it would look odd if she didn't shake his proffered hand. An involuntary spasm gripped her as she shook it. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice. And like Carter before her, when he released her hand and turned his back to walk towards his office. Anna wiped her hand on her jeans leg and reluctantly followed him, wishing that she were anywhere else at that moment other than entering this evil man's lair.

She sat on the edge of the chair and looked like she was about to bolt at any moment.

“You're here about the disappearance of Jane Turner I believe. “ He enquired studying her intently.

“Yes, I just had a few questions if you don't mind.” She was both terrified and excited at the same time. She knew for certain now that this man had abducted Jane. Her only hope was that she wasn't too late, that Jane was still alive.

“Please, ask me anything. I'll try and help if I can. “He was studying her, wondering why it was that she seemed so ill at ease. He sensed that she was coiled tightly like a spring ready to explode. She couldn't possibly know it was me, could she? He wondered. He dismissed that thought, there was no way she could know. He had to be careful though, the very presence of her made his blood boil. He fought against the urge to strangle her there and then.

“Basically I was wondering if you could tell me where Jane is. Jane's family are very worried for her safety.” Anna remembered reading somewhere that one should repeat the victim’s name so as to make the kidnapper see them as real people. She doubted that it would work on him.

“I'm afraid I haven't seem Jane for some months. I really don't know where she is. I wish I did.”

He sounded so plausible. But Anna knew they were lies. He might just as well have put a big neon sign over his head. He's good she thought, if I didn't know for sure it was him I would believe him. She tried a different tactic. She had to try and draw him out.

“Jane's husband Ian, is at his wits end. All her family are. Her daughters want her back safely, so does her sister.” At the mention of Ian Turner, Anna saw a distinct change in Kingston's demeanour.

“Pah...” he spat angrily. “That man didn't deserve a woman like Jane. She's better off without him.” He was barely able to control himself. Who does this bitch think she is he fumed to himself. Talking to me about that man....that adulterer. He knew he was beginning to lose it. That bitch was pushing his buttons. Then it dawned on him......She knows.

Anna could see he was on the brink. The murderous rage was barely under control. Should she push it? What if he attacked her here, would she be able to get away. She decided it was worth the risk. So she said.

“Do you know Dr Naizi?” She asked as innocently as she could.

“What.... Yes. Why?” That question took him by surprise. What was she getting at?

“Dr Naizi was found dead in his flat along with a young woman. He apparently left a suicide note, confessing that he had killed Sylvia Cavendish. The police think that Jane's disappearance and Sylvia's death are somehow linked.”

He didn't like where this was going, he knew something was wrong. He could feel himself being reeled in like a fish on a hook.

“It seems that at first the police thought that Dr Naizi killed his housekeeper then killed himself, but then they found evidence that he had been assaulted. Possibly even drugged. Forced to write a suicide note. Now it’s a double murder investigation.”

This news knocked him for six. He went deadly pale. How could they have known? He had been so careful, planned everything down to the smallest detail. He looked at Anna and he saw as clear as day that she wasn't just imparting casual information to him. She knew it was him... She had to die. He was about to jump up from behind his desk and strangle her, to hell with the consequences.

The telephone on his desk rang breaking the spell, he felt like he was in a nightmare and no matter what he did he couldn't wake up. The sound of the phone brought him back. He was able to gather himself together quickly.

“Look Miss Cotter, I don’t want to be rude but I’m afraid I'm very busy. I don't know where Jane is. If she does get in touch I'll be sure to let the police know. As for Dr Naizi I know nothing of the matter and I'm sure the police will do their job and the right people will be brought to justice. Good day.” With that he picked up the receiver on his desk and growled at his secretary to show “Miss Cotter out.”

Anna didn't need a second invitation, she jumped up and was opening the door before the secretary arrived. She was glad to be out. She heaved a sigh of relief as she exited his office. The secretary seeing her reaction smiled sympathetically at her. She was well used to his black moods.

“You okay?” She asked Anna

“Fine thanks.” Anna smiled as brightly as she could. Her legs gave away her true feelings. They felt like jelly and it was all she could do to walk out of that building without collapsing in a heap. She walked for a good twenty minutes putting as much distance between herself and Kingston as she could. She finally stopped and went into a café. She needed to think and she needed to find Jane. She was certain now that Jane was still alive. He had spoken of her in the present tense and that was a good sign...a very good sign, she thought as she sat at a vacant table to drink her coffee.

Anna decided that she needed to follow Kingston, she was certain that after their conversation, he would be sure to lead her to Jane. She intended to follow his every move from now until she got a result. So this is what's it feels like to have your prey in sight she thought. She was exhilarated.

“Eva, Its Anna.” She said into her mobile. “Would it be okay if I stayed in Jane's house in London? I think I'm finally getting somewhere with the investigation.”

“Of course, I'll let the housekeeper know. Has something happened? Have you some news?” Eva was excited.

“I think I finally have a strong lead, Look Eva I don't want to get your hopes up just yet. I hope to know more by tomorrow, I’ll ring as soon as I have more information.”

“Can't you tell me now, please?” Eva begged

“I don't know any more just yet. I promise you'll be the first to know when I do.”

“Fair enough.” Eva relented, she felt optimism rising inside her. “Good luck.”

Anna hung up. She tried Morley's phone, she wanted to keep him in the loop. She had promised to let him know if she got a lead and since he was the only investigator who was likely to believe her, she had to tell him. What she really wanted to do was go into the nearest police station and demand that they arrest Kingston. But she knew that they would only laugh at her. Morley's phone rang for a second then went straight to voice mail. She left a message on it for him to contact her as soon as he got her message.

She hailed a taxi and gave the Turner's address as her destination. The housekeeper was still there when she arrived. She had been contacted by Eva and requested to wait until Anna turned up. She didn't seem at all put out when she answered the door and welcomed Anna. She showed her to the guest bedroom and she handed her a spare key and showed her how to use the alarm. She informed Anna that she wouldn't be working the following day and if she was leaving to just post the key through the letter box when she was finished. Anna lost no time, she made herself a sandwich and a cup of tea. It might be a long time before she got a chance to eat again. She then went up to the guest room and lay on the bed. It didn't take long for her to leave her body and float out into the big city skies.

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