Spring for Tiger: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Shifter Seasons Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Spring for Tiger: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Shifter Seasons Book 2)
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I just can’t believe it. I just can’t.” My tears started to flow. “What’s wrong with me? Why would he do this to me?”

Susie patted me gently on the back. “I’m so sorry, Janet…so sorry.”

Through my blurry, watery eyes I could see the sympathy in her face and in Anne’s.

It really sucks,” Anne said quietly, but it was obvious she was not surprised.

This was so humiliating. After Bob left, I realized that if he’d told me white lies in the past, and now a big lie about this ring…maybe there was a lot more I didn’t know about him. I’d hired a private detective to investigate and the results were not pretty.

Bob had been lying to me about a number of things. Not only was the ring a fake, he had exaggerated his job position, telling me he was a top level manager when he was still a trainee. Why hadn’t he told me the truth? I could handle that. I didn’t need to marry the head honcho of a company, although I had to admit, I would prefer it. Maybe he had just been trying to impress me. But when I’d found out he had another woman on the side—it was like a bullet to my heart. All this time when he had been courting me, romancing me, and telling me he loved me—he had also been with her! I was devastated.

“I can’t believe
he was cheating on me. I’ve been such a…such a fool.”

Anne shook her head sadly, but we all knew there was no love lost between her and Bob. She’d thought he was a schmuck and after my money since day one. Apparently she’d been right. Bob had turned out to be a loser. He wasn’t any different than all the other guys I’d dated in my past.

He’s just like the rest of them—a big zero. All they’re interested in is my money.”

That’s not true,” Susie squealed. “You’re a wonderful woman. You’re loyal, fun to be with—not to mention beautiful!”

I snorted. “Beautiful? Yeah, right. I don’t think that describes me.” I was a big, curvy woman, hardly America’s idea of a beauty, but I was okay with that. I didn’t need to be perfect, I was fine the way I was. I just wanted to find a man who would appreciate all of me, for me—not just be interested in what was in my pocketbook.

You are way too hard on yourself,” Anne said soothingly.

No. Honestly, I’m fine with the way I look. I really am. I just wish I could find someone who actually wants to be with me, and not just use me for my money.”

It must suck,” Susie said. “To be honest, I wish I had problems like that. I’m so broke, I barely squeak by every month.”

Anne grunted. “I’m sure you will find someone. Look at me. I never dreamed I would find real love. Here I am, married to Zane, and we have the sweetest, most beautiful baby boy in the world.”

You’re so lucky, Anne,” I sighed. “Everything is going perfectly for you.”

Well, I’m still looking for ‘the one,’” Susie pouted.

“Yeah…well…I guess I’d better get going. I’m just going to go home and cry; eat a gallon of ice cream.” I hated admitting my feelings to the girls, but I was so bummed I couldn’t help myself. “I’ll get over Bob sooner or later, just like I got over all the rest of my exes.” I turned to leave. “Thanks for listening, I’ll just slip out the side door.”

We love you, Janet,” Anne gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

Thanks guys. I’m so glad I have friends like you two. I’ll talk with you later.” I truly was fortunate to have friends like them. They were always there for me.

I gave the girls a wave and then made my way towards the back of the store. As I walked, I rubbed my eyes. It was so upsetting to think about what a creep Bob was, but it was even worse to realize I’d almost married him. As I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand, streaks of mascara ran along the skin. After shedding all those tears, I must have looked like a total mess. I decided to duck into the bathroom near the side door and clean up.

After washing my face and hands, I realized how hungry I was. Since breaking up with Bob I’d been feeling too sick to eat anything. I decided to go ask Anne and Susie if they wanted to have lunch with me for a little pick-me-up. As I walked back to the main floor, I heard Susie mention my name. I couldn’t help myself, and I stopped, hidden by the wall, and listened.

I feel bad for Janet, but let’s face it, she does flaunt her money,” I heard Susie say.

That’s no excuse for a guy to treat her like that, though,” Anne replied.

Yeah, but let’s face it. If some guy was wearing a gold watch, sporting alligator shoes, and flashing money all over the place—you’d think he was rich, right?” Susie asked.

Right,” Anne agreed.

And that’s attractive to women, especially a woman looking for a husband to take care of them.”

Janet flaunts her expensive jewelry, designer pocketbook, fancy clothes…naturally, a guy is going to see that she has money. And the guys that want to be taken care of will come out of the woodwork and flock to her.”


She’s attracting the wrong kind of guys,” Susie said firmly, “but I bet I know what she can do to attract the right man.”

I heard that,” I said, stepping out from behind the wall.

Janet!” Susie cringed. “I’m sorry. Yes, we were talking about you. But it’s all true. You’re attracting the wrong type of men.”

I know,” I said dully, “this money can be a curse.”

Susie rolled her eyes.  “Look, I think I have a solution to your ‘problem.’”

What, what is it?” I asked eagerly.

Give all your money to me,” Susie grinned.

I made a face.

Just kidding.”

Great, that’s a lot of help,” I replied sarcastically.

I was just kidding. But I really do think I have a solution.”

My ears perked up as Anne’s eyes widened.

Susie leaned in and smiled. “What about trading places with me for a few months?”





Susie’s place was smaller than I’d imagined it would be. I had never been in it before; she had always come over to mine.

See, you have everything you need,” she cried, waving her hands around the living room. “Look at the view,” she jerked her finger towards a window, “it’s nice and sunny!”

I squinted in the direction she was looking at. It was a beautiful spring day, but you wouldn’t have known it from inside her apartment. Though light was coming in, her view of the parking lot was not ideal. Oh well, it was just three months, I thought to myself. I switched my attention to the rest of the space.

It looks fine,” I said, “cozy, even.” In all actuality, her apartment looked a little run down. The couch was threadbare and the side tables were nicked, but it would have to do. I just hoped her mattress didn’t sag.

May I?” I pointed towards the kitchen.

It’s your place now. Of course…” Susie grinned, sweeping her hands towards the room.

I walked into the kitchen and glanced in the fridge. There was hardly anything in it; a few tubs of yogurt, two apples, some juice, a small packet of lunch meat, and a lonely bottle of mustard. At my home, I always had a nice variety of everything you could want to eat or drink available…a variety of cheeses, chocolates, fresh fruits and vegetables, Italian bread, savory meats—you name it, I had it. It looked like I would have to go shopping.

Here’s the list of what I spend every month.”

As I took the sheet of computer paper from her and scanned it, my eyes widened. My housekeeper Hilda always did the grocery shopping for me so I wasn’t sure exactly what things cost, but the amount Susie had listed for groceries seemed very small. If I stuck to that amount, I would probably be eating a lot of rice and beans.

I couldn’t believe I’d agreed to Susie’s proposition—but I had. Susie had suggested that we switch lifestyles this spring, throughout March, April, and May. I would stay in her apartment and work at Courtland’s Gems while trying to live on the same budget she worked with in her everyday life. She would live in my place but still work at Courtland’s Gems as she still had to make money in the long run. According to Susie, by the end of the three months, I would meet a guy who wanted me for me—not just for the cash I had in the bank.

When I’d first heard Susie’s proposal, I had balked at the idea. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Over the years, all the men I’d dated had only been after one thing—my cash. If I didn’t have much money anymore, I should attract the right type of guy to me—right? I certainly hoped so!

I may have to go shopping for some food,” I murmured, putting the paper filled out with various budgets for food, and utilities on the table.

Well, I guess you
, but remember, you can’t be shopping for clothes, furniture, or going out for meals very much. You’re on a budget now—a tight one—remember?”

I nodded.  “Yeah, I want this to work.”

Good. Well, I guess I should be going,” she said, picking up my leather designer handbag. We had even switched pocketbooks. The one I was using from her was a quilted cloth bag.

Ok, I’m ready to try this,” I replied. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Aren’t you going to answer it?” Susie asked as she watched me stand in place, my mind wandering off.

Oh, right,” I replied. At my house I was used to Hilda answering the door.

I walked over to the door and pulled it open. The most delicious man stood in the hallway; a toolbox in his hands. He was tall, about 6’5”, and muscular. He had tousled brown hair, a scruffy beard, and a cute dimple. He was wearing an old tee and a tattered pair of jeans. I knew with his height and the powerful look of his body he had to be a shifter. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind.

Is the leak in the kitchen?” he asked, his amber eyes holding mine.

Ah...leak?” His eyes were a gorgeous and fringed, with long, dark lashes.

The water leak, is it in the kitchen or bathroom?”

Uh...ummm…” I turned to look at Susie. Whoa! Why hadn’t Susie ever mentioned this guy?

Janet, this is Zeke Marshall. He’s the building super. Zeke, this is my good friend Janet Sayer. She’s going to be staying here for a while.”

Zeke’s eyes widened. “Oh?”

Yeah, I…I just moved to the area.”

Where did you move from?” Zeke asked.

From...uh…Maryland,” I had never been to Maryland but for some reason the state was the first thing that popped into my head.

Well, let me officially welcome you to Nashville—music city!”

Thank you,” I smiled. “I just got a job at Courtland’s Gems. I need to save money to move into an apartment, so Susie—um…she said I could stay with her for the time being.” It felt weird to lie to him.

The leak is in the kitchen, Zeke,” Susie said, reaching into my—now her—purse.

It’s good to have friends that help you out,” Zeke grinned as he headed towards the kitchen.

Susie turned to me. “Well, I need to get going.” She reached into a bowl near the counter and pulled out a set of keys. “Here are the keys to the apartment and the mailbox.” She leaned in, grinning, and said quietly, “You enjoy, I know I will.”

Thanks, Susie.” As I shut the door, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud clatter of metal hitting the floor. I scurried into the kitchen.

Is everything ok?”

Zeke was bent down on the floor looking at the pipes in the cupboard under the sink. It was hard not to admire his firm ass. His jeans were stretched a little from kneeling and I could see the sweet line of his butt crack starting. I could just imagine running my finger down it…

Oh, everything’s fine. I just dropped my wrench. It looks like I just need to tighten this…ok, all done.”  Zeke stood up, brushed off his jeans, and started putting his tools back into the tool chest. “If you have any more trouble with it, let me know.”

Thanks, I appreciate it.”

Can I help you with anything else?” Zeke raised his brows.

No, um, I think I’m good. Susie never mentioned any other problems.”

Well, here’s my number if you need anything,” Zeke handed me a bent business card. “I’m just down the hall in apartment 202. You can bang on my door if you need something—anything—at all.”

Thank you,” I replied, taking the card. As I looked up at him, our eyes locked.

Zeke turned towards the door; then back to me again. “Are you hungry?”

Was he asking me out on a date? “I…uh...”

I’ve got some chili on the stove and hot dogs,” he added.

Hot dogs?” I raised my brows.

Uh huh, and cornbread too.”

That didn’t sound appetizing at all...and Zeke wasn’t exactly the kind of guy I normally dated. He seemed nice and down to earth, but I liked ambitious men in suits with high powered jobs, not maintenance guys who wore tattered jeans. I surprised myself when I answered:

I love hot dogs and chili.”



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