SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (39 page)

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Schematic of the Envisioned Use of Freya for Rocket Guidance

Artist’s Conception of the Mobile Freya Unit Deployed

Note now that in the artist’s conception of the radar unit, the central antenna, labeled number four in the drawing, is labeled a
, a sending and receiving antenna, while two other
antennae are located to either side of this central antenna (the antenna on the left is obscured in the reproduction, being barley visible in the black smudge on the center of the picture). In other words,
sending antennae, one of which doubled as a receiving antenna. This system is somewhat obscured in the schematic of the drawing, which, if one studies it closely though, also indicates that the radar unit’s two “side” antenna are sending pulses.

Why is this three-antenna sending system so important? And what does it have to do with scalar weapons? First, such plural sending antennae would have been necessary for a simple, prototypical
phased array
radar. If each antenna sends out a pulse
slightly out of phase
with the pulses from the other antenna, the result is that the signal of the whole apparatus can be caused to “bend” or “shape” itself in a certain way, and hence, one can bend the signal to look “over the horizon.”

But as has been noted already by Col. Bearden, the
thing such radar sets can do is interfere electromagnetic waves on nonlinear material, creating the longitudinal or scalar wave in the medium. Thus, such radar devices are potential prototypical
weapons, as the following diagram of Bearden of a scalar device sending out two pulses, not only
out of phase
but indeed,
different times and velocities
. The pulses only overtake each other
on the target, producing the longitudinal wave:

Bearden’s Diagram of a Scalar Weapon Pulse

As any cursory examination of Bearden’s diagram with the wartime German schematic of
will attest, there is little basic conceptual difference between the two types of operation.

While this is not to suggest that
was a scalar weapon, it is clear that such phased array radars constitute the first elements in such a system,
for by simple reconfiguration, one may advance from the idea of out-of-phase pulses to out-of-phase pulses fired at different times and arriving on target at the same time.
In other words, it is not the hardware that changes, it is the
template for action
that changes. It would have been a small step for the Germans to make the change, and, as has already been indicated,
this appears to be exactly what happened in their late-war radar experiments on radar absorbent material (RAM).

tion of the claims of this chapter?

b. An Odd Allied Intelligence Report Indicating the Nazi
Operation of Scalar Weapons

The destruction of a German regiment on the Russian front in 1943 by what appears to be a scalar weapons test
remains speculative. But there is again another indicator from a declassified American intelligence document. The document was uncovered by German researcher Friedrich Georg:



13. Fantasia; German Secret Weapons

The following stories are from sources of doubtful reliability and may well be pure products of the imagination. However, in view of the striking similarity between them, they are printed for what they are worth.

First Story

Around 15 Sept 44, CP of 1127 Gren Regt 559 Inf Div was in REINANGE at GSGS 4416/U1/912797. It was a warm sunny day with a few scattered clouds and no wind. About 1600 PW
was standing near the church in REINANGE and observed a formation of Allied aircraft pass, flying from SW to NE, low enough to be recognized as four-motored planes. He counted up to 30 planes. They were flying in close formation.

While PW watched them pass by, he saw what he believed to be a small fighter plane (grey color, no identification marks) climb and approach the Allied formation from an easterly direction. PW states that the “fighter plane” was flying at abnormally high speed at that it penetrated into the midst of the formation apparently without being fired at.
Suddenly there appeared, where the “fighter plane” had been before, a red ball of fire, somewhat larger than the plane itself. A split second later, the ball of fire turned into a rapidly expanding red circle (parallel to the ground). This circle was bluish-red at its edge, and as its diameter increased, the interior of the s\circle became an empty space. As the circle enveloped the planes, they just seemed to disappear. In a matter of seconds the entire formation of Allied planes had disappeared, and the sky was just as it had been before.

PW discussed the incident with several others who witnessed it, including a Hptm
of 1559 Arty Regt.
This officer (who was subsequently killed) told him that the “fighter plane “ in question was a wooden miniature plane with a speed of over 1000 km per hour and which was operated by remote control. The name of the plane is KOMET. The Hptm told him that he had lived near an airfield where such planes were tested and that he had recognized it at once.

(Source: Werner LUTMER, UFFZ. HQ 1127 Gren Regt)

HITLER’s Plans.
About 10 Oct 44, the CP of 1127 Gren Regt was visited by the 1st general staff officer (I-a7) of XIII SS Corps (an Oberstlt, name unknown). PW talked for about 10 to 15 minutes to this officer’s driver, a Rottenfuehrer, who told him the following:

He, the Rottenfuehrer, had overheard a conversation between the general staff officer and HITLER and HIMMLER, who had nvisited the XIII SS Corps HQ a few days before. During the conversation he had overheard HITLER say that “the new secret weapon” would not be employed until a 24 hour mastery of the air and sea could be guaranteed. HIMMLER is supposed to have added that another prerequisite was a temperature of 10 degrees below 0.

(Source: ibid)

The Allied Intelligence Report Indicating Possible German Use of
Scalar Device

What is one to make of this remarkable document?

First, the attitude of the American preparing the report is clear: it is pure “fantasia,” purest fiction.

Secondly, if it is nothing but pure “fantasia,” then why keep it classified until April of 1998? Either it remained classified through simple bureaucratic inertia and the sheer mountain of material at the U.S. National Archives awaiting declassification review, or there was a
to keep it declassified for so long. In my opinion, it is the latter, and that brings us to the third thing about this document.

Note that the final anecdote about Hitler and Himmler having an idle conversation about secret weapons and the need to ensure a 24 hour mastery of the air and sea occurs
at approximately the
same time as the alleged Nazi a-bomb testing the Baltic, ca. 10-11
October 1944.
At that point, successful delivery of an a-bomb to any Allied strategic target could only have been accomplished by a Luftwaffe bomber, since the V-2 and V-1 would not have had the ability to lift such a heavy weapon, nor the range to deliver it to any worthwhile Allied target. Hence, the last anecdote makes sense.

But it is the
story that contains the reason for keeping this document under wraps for so long. Notably, two elements are not “pure fantasia,” since the Messerschmitt 163 “Komet” was in fact a small rocket plane capable of great speeds. Moreover it had a distinctive shape that, once an individual had seen one, would have allowed it to be readily identified. So this element rings true.

The second element that is not “pure fantasia” is the “cloud” apparently fired by the “fighter plane” at the Allied formation. This has all the hallmarks of the “Kugelblitz” system first detailed by Renato Vesco, a gas that was used to ignite or neutralize Allied ignitions.

But here the connections to known German secret weapons projects end, for the “cloud” then behaves in a most
-gas-like manner. It neither explodes, nor do the Allied planes’ ignitions explode or simply stop. There are no planes falling from the sky, no crashes on the ground, no debris, no nothing. However, the signatures of the “gas cloud” are remarkably similar to the glowing globes that apparently annihilated a German regiment on the Eastern Front in 1943, and remarkably similar as well to similar globes spotted by various pilots near the former Soviet Union and adduced by Bearden as demonstrations of scalar weapons systems by the Russians.
The report is clear: the Allied planes simply
So we have, from an unlikely source, yet another indicator that Nazi Germany most likely was developing scalar physics and scalar weapons as a component of its most sensitive and secret weapons projects.

4. Conclusions and A PostWar Scalar Postscript: the “Scalar
Weapons” Nations and Germany

It is significant that Bearden initially maintained that in addition to the Soviet Union there were three other nations possessing scalar weapons. More recently, Bearden maintains that

A friendly little foreign nation
have such weapons including (quantum potential) weapons that operate in multiply connected spacetime…. That little nation has been responsible for our continued survival and has continued to deter the planned KGB strategic energetics strikes upon the West. There are indications…that at least one – and possible two – other friendly Western nations also possesses such weapons.

One can only surmise – though it is rather obvious – that the

“friendly little nation” Bearden refers to is Israel.

The reason why it most likely is Israel requires some explanation. In my second book on the Great Pyramid Weapon Hypothesis,
The Giza Death Star Deployed
, I argued that these three nations were most likely France, Japan, and the then West Germany.

As argued there, West Germany would have pressing geopolitical and military reasons for developing such weapons, since it could never hope to offset the American and Russian – not to mention French and British - preponderance in nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, even if it chose to develop its own atomic Bearden makes the astonishing, and quite disturbing, assertion in
Fer De Lance
that the notorious Japanese yakuza – the Japanese “mafia” with its own neo-fascist and neo-imperialist ideology – has recently acquired scalar weapons. In effect, this means that
has, since the yakuza is intimately connected to the mainsprings of Japanese economic and governmental power. and hydrogen bombs. Additionally, West Germany had outstanding treaty obligations against the development of atomic weapons.
Scalar weapons were not covered in these treaties, and thus afforded the fastest and cheapest method for Germany to acquire strategic weapons that would level the superpower dominated playing field. Their existence in the contemporary German arsenal would also explain two recent events: first, the recent decision of the German government to take all of its nuclear power plants out of commission, since the “left over plutonium” would no longer be needed for any bombs;
and secondly, the sudden “reunification” of the two Germanies after a series of devastating earthquakes hit the Soviet Union in 1989.
In other words, Germany may have sent the weakened Soviet Union a clear “scalar message” not to interfere in the reunification.

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