SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (73 page)

BOOK: SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology
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f. Making the inventor an offer he “cannot refuse,” in the old Mafia sense. In the latter, nicely dressed persons come to the inventor’s house, meet with him, and offer him a large sum of money to quit what he is doing for the rest of his life. The going sum varies between $5 million and $10 million, usually. The offer is real and it cannot be refused, either the inventor accepts it, or he and all his family are dead when these gentlemen leave the premises. If the inventor refuses anyway, he and his family are killed. Usually the bodies also just “disappear” and are never found or heard from again.

g. These days, variations are used such as a careful crask of another auto into the back of the inventor’s car so he is really shaken up badly but not seriously hurt. He goes to the hospital for checkup, in case of concussion,
Everything is seemingly okay, but he is kept overnight for observation. That night he is given a hypodermic of air in his veins. Next morning his family receives a call that the inventor has suffered seizures from an apparent concussion after all, and is fighting for his life. If he doesn’t die, he becomes a human vegetable. Piece of cake.

h. Then there’s the ice dart dipped in curare. The curare paralyzes the muscles of the heart and lungs; the inventor goes down in convulsive floundering, gasping and unable to breathe or pump blood. He expires very quickly. The curare breaks down in the body, the ice melts, and you have a fellow the medics find died of convulsive hheart seizure,.
Works like a charm. This is an adapted “dirty spooks” trick, adapted from those branches of the intelligence communities of the world that specialize in assassinations.

i. Use of “gaming,” which was originally developed to influence or change the behavior of foreign leaders. Imagine writing a scenario, as for a movie. Only you have the deep psychological profile of the targeted individual. You also have the deep psychological profiles of quite a few other individuals who have “knee-jerk” reactions in a certain direction useful to you in your games (in your scenarios). These are called “agents of influence”, to get them into interacting with the target, only a phone call or other contact need be made and a stimulus given, and they are off and running, self-powered and going after that target with their knee-jerk response. So very sophisticated computers are used, the scenario (intended plot of events to happen) is prepared (the artificial intelligence programs will even give the probabilities of success of all the variants), and a recommended scenario variant is derived and accepted. Then the controller has one or more agents working for him that contact the players (the agents of influence). They get their phone calls or stimuli, react in predictable fashion, and come pell-mell at the inventor, interacting all over the board with him. The range of games is enormous, from stock schemes to lawsuits to infiltrating agents of influence into the internal organization of the inventor to money laundering,
The controller follows the progress, and only once in awhile makes slight adjustments (may need to trigger other agents of influence, send in one actual agent, etc.). Over the last 20 years, the gaming has become very expert. So many games can be launched against a single inventor that he usually is finished or nullified by one of them, eventually. Having been gamed over 200 times in the last two decades, I plan to write a book one day on the subject of the games and what to watch for.

j. ...

k. A variation is to send in a special agent who penetrates the (inventor’s) group and becomes a member. Indeed, the high cabal has certain persons who specialize in just such penetration and are specialists at setting up disruption. They have had plenty of practice, and are very good ar their trade. The identities of some of these “special agents” would surprise the causal observer. The so-called “overunity community” is rather strongly penetrated and misdirected by a number of such special agents, in addition to a greater number of agents of influence.

Such a passage, coming in the middle of an otherwise highly theoretical physics text, is extraordinary.

A. Nick Redfern’s FBI Documents on Nazis and UFOs

UFOlogist Nick Redfern is one of few “mainstream UFOlogists” that has at least given the Nazi angle on the early UFO phenomenon a hearing. In fact, he has done more than just give it a hearing, but devoted a whole chapter to it in his book
The F.B.I. Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed.

Before addressing the issue of FBI involvement in this matter, let us first acquaint ourselves with those few tantalizing facts on this emotive issue. Consider the following, extracted from a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report of 27 May 1954:

“A German newspaper (not further identified) recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945. Klein stated that he was present when, in 1945, the first piloted ‘flying saucer’ took off and reached a speed of 1,300 miles per hour within 3 minutes. The experiments resulted in three designs: one designed by Meithe, was a disk-shaped aircraft, 135 feet in diameter, which did not rotate; another, designed by Habermohl and Schriever, consisted of a large rotating ring, in the center of which was a round, stationary cabin gor the crew. When the Soviets occupied Prague, the Germans destroyed every trace of the ‘flying saucer’ project and nothing more was heard of Habermohl and his assistants. Schriever recently died in Bremen, where he had been living. In Breslau, the Soviets managed to capture one of the saucers built by Miethe, who escaped to France. He is reportedly in the US at present.

This is the standard Nazi Legend of the UFO: the secret test facilities in Breslau and Prague, the names of Habermohl, Schriever, and Miethe, and the allegation of Soviet capture of at least one of these devices. Again, with Prague, one has the connection to the

But with the mention of Breslau, one must pause once again to consider yet another curious “operational anomaly” of the end of World War Two, and that anomaly is the fanatical German defense of Breslau against the overwhelming Soviet forces besieging the city. Breslau, of course, was in Lower Silesia, then a province of Germany. As such, it was the nearest large city to the environs where the Bell was tested. So, once again, behind the consistent Nazi UFO Legend and its insistence that something highly advanced was being worked on in or near Breslau, one has in The Bell the probable
of the legend. It should be noted, however, that at no time in the development of the history of the Bell does Polish researcher Igor Witkowski ever mention the names of Miethe, Habermohl, or Schriever in connection with it.

Redfern also mentions the involvement of the United States Air Force in tracking down the Nazi Legend of the UFO:

A report dated 3 January 1952 from Brigadier General W.M. Garland, USAF, to General Samford, Air Force Director of Intelligence,
, also addresses the issue of German involvement in the UFO mystery. Although somewhat speculative,
relevant portions of the report
confirm that elements of the USAF were of the opinion that some UFOs were of earthly origin.

“The continued reports of unusual flying objects requires positive action to determine the nature and origin of this phenomena (sic)…. It is logical to relate the reported sightings to the known development of aircraft, jet propulsion, rockets and range extension capabilities in Germany and the USSR. In this connection, it is to be noted that certain developments by the Germans, particularly the Horton wing, jet propulsion, and refueling, combined with their extensive employment of V-1 and V-2 weapons during World War II,
lend credence to the possibility that the flying objects may be of German and Russian origin. The developments mentioned above were completed and operational between 1941 and 1944 and subsequently fell into the hands of the Soviets at the end of the war. There is evidence that the Germans were working on these projects as far back as 1931 to 1938. Therefore it may be assumed that the Germans had at least a 7 to 10 year lead over
the United States….

Reading carefully between the lines, it is clear that as late as 1952, the director of United States Air Force Intelligence is entertaining the possibility not only that some UFOs are of Soviet origin, but of
origin as well. But in 1952, Germany was already divided, and in no economic shape to continue such black projects. In other words, General Garland was indicating a possibly
independent and continued German development of these technologies in places outside of Germany
. Note too that according to General Garland, such projects may have been begun in the early 1930s, with the terminus ante quem being fully two years
the Nazis took power. In any case, the period from 1931 to 1938 was when the various “aether vortex theories” were being developed in Germany by Hilgenberg and others, so it stands to reason that some experimental headway in technologies based upon those theories had already been made.

However, Garland’s remarks might indicate much more, if one places them in the wider context of the Bell, the
and Igor Witkowski’s own remarks to the effect that the Bell represented an “off-the-books” program, buried deep behind the V-1 and V-2 and various other rocket and secret weapons projects of Nazi Germany. In effect, Garland is indicating that the possible real beginnings of a UFO-study and engineering group were in the years prior to World War Two, and in Germany. In this connection, I pointed out in my previous book on Nazi secret weapons,
Reich of the Black Sun,
that such a secret UFO study group clearly existed in Fascist Italy, having been established by Benito Mussolini in 1933.
By the time of the end of the war, the SS had in effect become this “study group,” and it is no less significant that The Bell was its most sensitive project.

Redfern then cites an FBI report that indicates that those on the “inside” were clearly aware that something was quite wrong with the Allied Legend of American nuclear bomb-engineering superiority over the Germans:

…In addition (source) said that more recent reports have been received from representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency in Southern Europe and Southern Asia to the effect that the Russians were experimenting with some type of radical aircraft or guided missile which could be dispatched for great distances out over the sea, made to turn in flight and return to the base from which it was launched. He related that this information was extremely worthy of notice as experiments in this country have so far only developed to the point where we are concerned with delivering a missile to the required point of impact and no consideration has been given to imparting to that missile the ability to return. (Source) also advised that it is a known fact that the Russians are attempting to develop some type of nuclear energy, that
they received a wealth of information concerning nuclear energy at the time of their occupation in Germany, and that they have at their disposal a limited supply of fissionable materials. (Source) pointed out that the Russians have some very capable scientists in the field of atomic energy and that, in addition thereto, they took into their custody some of the most-advanced and capable scientists of the
German nation.

But why worry at all if the wartime German scientists were such nuclear bunglers? Unless, of course, one recalls that Baron Manfred Von Ardenne had hit upon the idea of using cyclotrons for enriching uranium.

Then Redfern delivers some bombshells.

The first is a report delivered to the FBI in the summer of 1947 – the year of the alleged Roswell crash and recovery, as well as of the alleged founding of MJ-12 – by one of its informants, a Mr. Edwin M. Bailey of Stamford, Connecticut. Bailey’s comments were the subject of the following memorandum to the FBI’s director, J. Edgar Hoover:

Bailey stated that the topic of ‘flying suacers’ had caused considerable comment and concern to the present day scientists and indicated that he himself had a personal theory concerning the ‘flying saucers.” Prior to advancing his own theory, Bailey remarked that immediately after the conclusion of World War II, a friend of his (censored), allegedly observed the “flying saucers” from an observatory in Milan and Bologna, Italy. He stated that apparently at that time the “flying saucers” had caused a little comment in Italy but that after some little publicity they immediately died out as public interest. Bailey stated that it is quite possible that actually the “flying saucers” could be radio controlled germ bombs or atom bombs which are circling the orbit of the earth and which could be controlled by radio and directed to land on any designated target at the specific desire of the agency or country operating the bombs.

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