Read Stalk Me Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Stalk Me (11 page)

BOOK: Stalk Me
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Trevor nodded, taking the keys. They got in and Nicole drifted to her thoughts while he began to leave Corpus. She didn’t even care where they were going. The kiss they shared left her body desperately wanting to be touched. Not to mention, their separation brought the pain back.

Half an hour flew by and it wasn’t until the car pulled down a dirt road that she began to notice her surroundings. Trees, that’s all she could see. Trees and endless land.

“Where are we?”

“Sandia, at Ayden’s ranch. Some other people will be here, so if you don’t want to attend the meeting, that’s fine. But just so you know, your mate is Alpha, which means you have the right to be present if you want to.”

“I’m not sure. How long do you think it will take?”

“Well, they usually last around half an hour or so. The reports vary. But they’ve been known to last hours.”

“I think maybe I’ll go in.”


A large house came into view, and Nicole had to keep herself from dropping her jaw in shock. Four cars sat next to Ayden’s truck, and she fought for the courage to face everyone.

Trevor pulled in, and she quietly followed him to the door. The moment she walked in, the laughter died. Ayden stood from the

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couch, his face full of what looked like pain.

“What’s she doing here?” he asked softly.

“Ayden, she’s your mate. She has the right to attend the meetings.

Plus, you ordered me not to leave her alone.”

So many things went through Nicole’s head, but she couldn’t say anything. A hand grabbed hers and Nicole followed Trevor to the couch across from him to sit down.

He looked different. Clearly, he hadn’t shaved in days. The clothing he wore looked wrinkled as if he slept in them.

“I…” Ayden shook his head. She watched him run his fingers through his hair and look back towards her and his best friend. “You shouldn’t have brought her here.”

Trevor wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

“She’s my mate, too, Ayden, even if you won’t allow me to mark her. Did it ever occur to you that
didn’t feel safe not knowing how she was doing? Without the mark, we don’t share the connection the two of you do. I’m going to ask you this again. Take it off. You wanted me to have her, to take care of her. Let me. I can’t without the mark, and you know it.”

“You know I can’t do that.” Ayden turned to Nicole. “I can’t, I’m sorry.”

“You can’t or you won’t?” Nicole glared at him, angry that he would let her go through pain.

“I won’t.”

Tears of rage made it almost impossible for her to see.

“Do you know what I’m going through? You blame yourself for Michael. It’s why you left me, isn’t it?”

“Nicole, you don’t understand. Between Michael and my sister, I just can’t end up hurting you, too.”

“You already have, you just don’t know it. The physical pain you’ve brought me by marking and leaving me, I can learn to live with. But the hurt you’ve caused for not just me, but for my other
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mate, that, I think hurts the worst. You’ve set us up for failure. We’ll never fully be able be connect without the mark. At least give him your permission to mark me, too.”

“No,” Ayden said angrily.

Nicole jumped to her feet.

“Why not? Just take off the mark or let him mark me. You can’t have me to yourself when you don’t even want me.”

“I can’t do that. I can’t let him claim you when my body and mind tell me you’re supposed to be with me.”

An aggravated scream came from Nicole’s mouth.

“Then be with us, damn it! Grow up, Ayden. This isn’t just about you!”

He got quiet and stared at her. She looked around, noticing the four other men staring at them. Heat rushed to her face as the embarrassment of what she just did registered. Trevor’s hand gently pulled her to sit down. The moment she became seated a black kitten jumped in her lap. Her eyes looked up, but Ayden’s dark eyes quickly looked away.

“Go ahead and get on with pack business, Ayden. I want to take Nicole home. You’re right. I should have never brought her here. She doesn’t deserve this.”

Nicole listened numbly while he addressed a man, another cop, named Stephen, about a woman he was taking care of. Things would never be how she wanted them with Trevor if Ayden didn’t let go or join them.

Fingertips traced over her palm while she stroked the kitten curled in her lap. Between her thoughts and controlling the pain, she hardly noticed what happened around her. Voices began to argue and still she didn’t give it attention. It wasn’t until Trevor spoke that she came to.

“No, I don’t have anything to report. Can we leave now? You all have been arguing for the last two hours, and Nicole hasn’t eaten yet this morning. I’m sure she’s hungry.”


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“You didn’t feed her or make her eat something?” Ayden asked, shocked.

“He tried, but the moment he mentioned your name I lost my appetite. So, are we allowed to leave or not? I want him to help me start looking for a new place. I figure, since we’re mates, then we should maybe start searching for a house. What do you think?” She turned to Trevor. “Would you like to find a house and live with me?

Having you around, it feels right. I’m ready now.”

He smiled, cupping her cheek.

“I think that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. I’m ready, too.”

“A house for what? You both aren’t thinking about starting a family, are you? I mean, you just met. You can’t tell me you’re ready to jump into the whole shebang already. A house is such a big step.”

“Not really,” Nicole said quietly. “Funny thing, Ayden, is that with Trevor, I know from the bottom of my heart he’s never going to leave me. The trust I have for him runs deeper than I ever thought possible for ‘just meeting,’ as you put it.” She looked down, tracing her fingers down the black fur. “Besides, what we do is, truthfully, none of your business. If you’re not going to play the part of mate, then you don’t deserve to know what we do. Come on, Trevor. We have things to take care of.”

They both stood and headed for the door. Nicole cuddled the kitten into her chest.

“Hello, you adorable, little thing. You want to come home with me?”

“Now, wait one minute. You can’t take my cat. I found her, she’s mine.”

She turned looking at him. “What’s her name?”

Ayden opened his mouth, but closed it almost just as quickly.

“Well, I haven’t actually named her yet.”

“Well, I have. Her name is Courage. She jumped on my lap even though we were fighting. I think she prefers me. Too bad her previous owner doesn’t. Come on, Courage. Let’s go home.”

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“But…she’s mine.”

“Not anymore.” Nicole walked out the door, rushing to the car. If the cat was the only thing she’d have to remember him by, then damn it, the kitten would stay with her.

Trevor walked to the car while Ayden stared at her from the door.

She prayed he’d find peace. As for her, she’d run out of everything she could think of to convince him. Placing the kitten on her lap, she prayed they’d reach a solution soon.


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Chapter 16

Nicole and Trevor discussed locations to move to over fast food on their way back to the apartment. Both decided it might be best just to contact a real estate agent to find what they were looking for.

Lying down on her bed, she stared up at the ceiling. The feel of Trevor joining her made her turn in his direction.

“I really embarrassed myself at the meeting, didn’t I?”

“He needed to hear it, Nicole. I think you even hit something inside that thick head of his. Did you see the way he reacted when we were leaving? If I know my best friend at all, I’m betting he’ll be back by tonight. I still can’t believe you stole his cat. What’s the story behind that?”

“Just a conversation we once had about him getting a cat and me having the chance to name it.” She focused more on his previous statement. “Do you really think he’ll be back?”

Trevor’s fingers pushed the hair from of her face.

“I don’t bet unless I know I’ll win. How do you feel about him returning?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“You know I love him. If I knew he definitely wouldn’t leave again, I’d be happy for him to join us. But if he can’t promise, I think I’d rather it just be us. I won’t tolerate a man who can’t commit.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Trevor pulled her body closer to his.

“I’m not sure if you’re interested or not, but I think I know a for sure way to make what we both want happen.”

Nicole rose to her elbow and looked down at him.

“What do you have in mind?”

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“Well, Ayden says he’s okay with the two of us and it doesn’t bother him that we’re together. I say let’s test the theory. Let’s see how much of the future he can stomach. He’ll either come back or come to realize he truly can’t take it.”

Just thinking Ayden would give up knotted her stomach. “Kiss me, Trevor. I don’t want to hear anymore.”

Nicole pulled her shirt over her head and pulled off her pants.

“Just make the thoughts stop. What happens, happens. If he comes back, then great. If not, it’ll hurt, but I’ll have you.”

Weight pushed her down as Trevor’s body settled over hers. His lips pressed into hers, immediately bringing her body to life. The taste of his tongue caressing hers made the outside world disappear. All she knew in that moment was her mate.

He lifted and tore the small piece of fabric resting between her breasts. Slowly, he separated the material of her bra, exposing the generous mounds. The feel of becoming unrestrained while he took in her appearance made her nipples tighten painfully.

“You are so breathtakingly beautiful.”

He lowered, sucking the hard nub into his mouth. Nicole moaned and slid her fingers into his blond hair. Switching to her other breast, he took his time sucking and gently biting her nipple between his teeth.

Trevor removed his clothing and she couldn’t help but stare in fascination. Defined muscle covered his lean body. She sat up, tracing her tongue along the indentions of his six pack. He immediately lifted her to her knees.

“I’ve waited too long to taste you. I don’t think I can wait anymore. You’re scent is phenomenal.”

He tore one side of her panties with a quick jerk. The feel of her body slightly moving from the pressure made wetness seep from her pussy.

“This is what you like, isn’t it, Nicole? I could tell when I tore your bra just how much you enjoy having your clothes ripped. You

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once asked me not to talk dirty to you, but I can’t help but tell you exactly the way I feel and what I want to do to you.”

“Tell me.”

“I’m going to tear the rest of your panties off, and you’re going to stay just like this. Then I’m going to lie down, put my head between your legs, and eat your pussy until you come all in my mouth. When I can’t taste you anymore, I’m going to fuck your pussy with my fingers until you come again. That way I can taste you some more.”

Nicole moaned as his fingers wrapped around the other side of her panties and he pulled, ripping them completely off. The bed shifted while he lay down and nestled his face between her thighs. The brush of his tongue along her slit caused her to cry out with pleasure.

Seeing Trevor’s hard cock in perfect reach, Nicole leaned forward and wrapped her hand around the long length. He moaned and grasped the outside of her thighs.

Lowering herself, she brushed his tip across her lips. Pre-cum made him slide easily back and forth. She licked it off and moaned at his taste. Using her tongue, she circled around his width, tasting every part of him she could.

Fingertips pressed tighter into her thighs while Trevor buried his tongue deep inside of her pussy. Nicole began to rock her hips, feeling her clit run across his chin with each movement.

Not being able to take it anymore, she took his length deeply into her mouth. The small taste of his pre-release drove her faster. She wanted more. She wanted him to fill her mouth with his flavor.

“Fuck, Nicole, slow down. This wasn’t part of my plan.”

Stroking his cock to meet her mouth, she applied more suction. He groaned loudly and began sucking on her clit. Spasms immediately took over her body, but she didn’t stop. She moaned her way through them, never removing him from her lips.

His hands grasped her hips, pulling her farther down on his face.

His tongue dove inside of her, licking around in circles and probing deeply.

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Trevor’s width swelled in her palm, and she applied a little more pressure. Hot cum shot into her mouth, intoxicating her. She drank in everything he offered, just as he did to her.

* * * *

Trevor sucked in air while he lifted Nicole to lie next to him.

Looking into her eyes, he felt the need to kiss her, to hold her, but mostly to taste her again. He’d never experience anything like what they just shared.

“You know we’re not done, right? We’re just getting started. Now that I have you, nothing is going to make me let you go.” He moved his fingers down to her wet pussy tracing along the folds.

“Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you with my fingers, Nicole.” Trevor slid two of his fingers deep. She moaned and gripped his shoulders. He began to penetrate them into her so fast, a scream broke out with her orgasm.

“I don’t think you showed me how bad you want it yet. One orgasm is not enough,” he said, licking his fingers and moaning at the taste. “No, you have more. Let’s see how many more.”

His fingers slid back into her tightness while plunged into her again, hitting the G-spot with every thrust. Nicole reached for him, but he held her off. He wasn’t ready to fuck her yet. He couldn’t let her go through anymore pain, and if Ayden was going to come back, this was going to have to go on until something happened that he wouldn’t tolerate. But what would that be?

BOOK: Stalk Me
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