S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Southern Comfort (73 page)

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Authors: John Mason,Noah Stacey

BOOK: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Southern Comfort
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Strider offers his hand to help him up. Before accepting his help, Tarasov looks him deep in the eyes.

“Would you? Would any real Stalker?”

“So, you’re a free Stalker now?”

“The worst enemies are my best friends now. I have to see how far this takes me.”

“You better keep an eye out for the jackals. I won’t be around to save your skin again… at least for a while.”

Many words rush to Tarasov’s mind in a reply to Strider’s remark, but all he gives him is a painful smile.

“Good bye for now,” Strider says, saluting, “and good hunting. Now it’s time for me to get out of here, Stalker!”

Tarasov, now on his feet again, returns the gesture. Followed by his squad, Strider moves out and makes his way westwards. Tarasov watches their column march through the rocky terrain, where the setting sun has by now turned the shades of ochre into pale red.

A howl comes from afar. Cradling the rifle, he looks at the wreck one last time.

Time for me to get out of here, too. The jackals will have a lavish dinner tonight but it’s a party I don’t want to join.

His long, dark shadow moves ahead of him as Mikhailo Tarasov turns eastwards and sets out on his long trek home through the New Zone, towards a hidden valley where desperate men from all over the world flock to live their lives according to a code of honor that not even the greatest evil could overcome, and where he has found the comfort without which not even the strongest men can live.





Tribal (Farsi/Hazara) - English glossary



Khosh haal hastam az inke in gasht tamaam shod. Mesle sag khasteh hastam.

“I’m glad this patrol is over. I feel dog tired.”


Are, man ham hamintor. Chandin rooz ast ke inja sabr kardim ta in suckers saro kaleyeshan peida

“Yes, me too. We’ve been waiting for days until these two suckers showed up.”


Fekr nemikoni bayad be Lance Corporal Bockman begim ke biaad va be motor negahi
? Zaaheran dandeh moshkel darad.

“"Don’t you think we should ask Lance Corporal Bockman to check the engine? Something’s wrong with the gear shift, too.”

Dar har haal. Man
hastam, to raanandegiat ra bekon.

“Whatever. I’m the commander, you just do the driving.”

Aslaheye khodkaare jadide M-27 ra didehyee? Boxkicker yek mahmooleh.

“Have you seen the new M-27 machine gun? Boxkicker got a shipment.”

Dar haale haazer hich selaahi barayam mohem nist. Bogzaar bekhaabam.

“I couldn’t care less about guns right now. Let me sleep.”



“Zendeh bogzaaridash!

“Spare his life!”

“Man behesh tarahhom kardam!”

“I have mercy on him!”

Daastaani toolani va ghamgin ra bayad be to begooyam…”

“I have to tell you a long and sad story…”

“Dokhtram tarjomeh mikond, chun man englisi sohbt nemikonam

“My daughter will translate because I don’t speak English.”

“Marde shayesteyee baraye to khahad bood.
Be harhaal hich marde dighari to ra nemikhahad!”

“Trust my choice. He will be the right man for you. With the scar on your body, no other man wants you anyway.”


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