Read Starbright Online

Authors: Alexandra Richland

Tags: #Fiction

Starbright (21 page)

BOOK: Starbright
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Aidan stood with her next to the fireplace, surrounded by the warm glow of Christmas lights. Amongst Mr. DeRosa’s yuletide gay and assurance that all troubles would fade, they danced and kissed like they had all the time in the world.

“When’s dinner?” Aidan asked when the song ended.

“I told them we’d be there at four o’clock.”

Aidan looked at his watch and frowned. “We have twenty-five minutes.”

Beth’s sigh echoed his disappointment. “I wish we could stay here all evening.”

“Me, too, little dove.” Aidan brushed his thumb along her cheek, his lips lifting into a smirk. “Knowing Olivia, though, she’d send a search party after us.”

Beth giggled. “You’re right about that.”

Aidan removed the record from the hi-fi to prepare for their departure while Beth picked up Nathan’s present from under the tree.

Neither of them had been to Nathan’s house before, but accordingly to the directions, it was located in the richest part of town. Olivia had mentioned he owned a beach house in Malibu as well. Mr. Mertz obviously paid him very well for his around-the-clock efforts at the studio.

Aidan identified Nathan’s address easily by an inscription on a brass plaque mounted on one of the stone pillars at the end of the driveway. The front gates stood open, and there was no security to check in with.

They drove along a twisting laneway lined with cedar trees tall enough to shade the road from the afternoon sunlight. Around a sharp bend, Nathan’s residence appeared. The dark gray stone exterior, bell tower, and arched windows lent the impression of a medieval castle. All that was missing was a drawbridge and moat.

“Holy smokes. This is where he lives?” Beth scanned the grounds, her eyes wide with wonder.

Aidan parked in the circular driveway at the closest point to the front door. Dense forestry surrounded the perimeter of the property, sealing them off from civilization. Despite the colorful landscape, the vibe he got felt more sinister than welcoming.

Hand in hand and carrying gifts, they walked to the front entrance, where Aidan gave the mammoth brass knocker a go. He was surprised when Nathan answered the door personally. He assumed such a large place demanded upkeep and management from a great number of employees.

“Merry Christmas!” Nathan’s gregarious grin seemed a stark contrast to the dim, drafty foyer he welcomed them into.

“You, too, Nate,” Aidan replied, looking around.

Nathan greeted Beth with a kiss on her cheek and took her coat.

“Merry Christmas!” Olivia barreled down the hallway like she’d already had a generous helping of eggnog. Her eyes went straight to Beth’s neck.

Beth blushed and placed her hand to the angel pendant.

“Wow.” Olivia gave Aidan a thumbs-up. “Nice job.”

Aidan splayed his hand across Beth’s back as they followed Nathan and Olivia down the hallway. The interior of the house matched the exterior. It was the type of place where one expected torches to line the corridors and a stone staircase to lead to a dungeon in the basement.

Instead of family photographs hanging on the walls, there were dark-colored tapestries. It lacked Nathan’s warm character, or any personal touches for that matter. Based on Beth’s inquisitive glances, it seemed she felt as confused by the house as Aidan did.

Nathan brought them into a living room decorated with one of the largest Christmas trees Aidan had ever seen. The ceiling looked about thirty feet tall, and the top of the tree almost touched it. Bows and baubles hung from the branches, evenly spaced, matching the white wrapping paper and golden ribbons tied around the parcels beneath. It looked like it belonged in a department store’s display window, not someone’s home.

The four of them conversed for about half an hour, and then Nathan escorted his guests to a large dining hall with a long table covered with platters of food supplied by a catering company the studio often used. Four chairs were set up at one end of the table in front of glasses of wine and placemats with cutlery rolled inside white cloth napkins.

Nathan explained they would have to serve themselves because the caterers were gone, which suited everyone just fine. Aidan still hadn’t seen any household staff since his arrival. In fact, he was pretty certain the four of them were the only people around.

Once Olivia and Beth were seated, Aidan sat down. Nathan remained standing.

“I would like to make speech, if you don’t mind.” His voice echoed off the stone walls in the manner of a King commanding his subjects, but his expression lacked arrogance.

Aidan took Beth’s hand, giving Nathan his utmost attention.

“It’s no big secret that I have many acquaintances but not many true friends.” Nathan raised his wine glass in salute. Aidan could’ve sworn that tears shimmered in his eyes, but the dim lighting made it difficult to tell for sure. “I want to thank you all for your love and friendship, and Connie and Matthew, too, even though they aren’t here with us today. This has been one of the best years of my life, and hands down, the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”

Aidan thanked Nathan along with the rest of the group, and they toasted to friendship. He related to the speech, since his Christmases in recent years had been spent alone in his New York apartment. At the time, his plans didn’t bother him. In fact, he couldn’t have cared less about the holiday season. But now, as he sat with Beth and two of their dearest friends, the thought of going back to that life filled him with dread.

The four of them passed around ceramic steel bowls full of steaming mashed potatoes, yams, carrots, and freshly baked rolls. Nathan carved slices of white and dark meat off the turkey and piled them high on each person’s plate.

After the first course, when Nathan announced he was going to retrieve another bottle of wine, Aidan offered to accompany him. They traveled along a maze of dark corridors and arrived at a large kitchen with state of the art appliances, marble finishes, and the requisite stone walls. A cool draft followed them down each hallway, curbing the pleasant atmosphere in the dining room.

Aidan pushed his thoughts about the house aside to address the reason he offered to help with the wine in the first place. He wasn’t used to opening up to anyone besides Beth but was committed to sharing what he wished to say to his friend.

“Listen, Nate, about your speech…”

Nathan placed a hand on his shoulder, his eyes communicating the warmth and understanding Aidan was accustomed to from him. “Hey, don’t worry. I get it.”

Aidan shrugged. “I know, but I feel like I should tell you myself that, well, I consider you not just my friend but a brother as well.”

“That means a lot to me, Aidan. You’re like a brother to me, too.” Nathan was quiet for a moment. “After growing up an only child without my mother, it feels great to have a family again.”

The melancholy look that appeared on Nathan’s face when he mentioned the loss of his mother was one Aidan knew all too well. In terms of personality, they had many differences, but the similar circumstances of their pasts created a closeness between them that their friends, and even Olivia and Beth, couldn’t share.

Aidan might not have known the details of how Nathan’s mother passed away, and vice versa, but the two men found comfort in knowing the other understood what it was like to grow up without them.

“So, is everything all set for tomorrow?” Nathan asked, changing the subject.

“Yeah, Beth doesn’t suspect a thing.” Aidan clapped a hand on his back. “Thanks for helping me. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Any time.” Nathan grinned. “Now, let’s return to our girls.”

Back in the dining room, the group enjoyed dessert and more wine, though Beth stuck to water as usual, and then they returned to the living room to exchange gifts, listen to Christmas records, and discuss their plans for New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas.

At ten o’clock, Beth and Aidan announced their departure. Olivia was staying with Nathan until Monday to coincide with Aidan’s plan surrounding Beth’s final gift, which meant an empty house awaited them.

On the drive home, Beth leaned back against the headrest, admiring Aidan with a moonlit smile.

“Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” He brought her hand to his lips for a kiss before grasping the gearshift again.

“It was lovely. And wasn’t it wonderful of Nathan to arrange that delicious meal?”

Aidan focused on the road ahead. “Yeah, it was.”

Beth leaned over and nestled into his side. She moved her hand up his thigh, her fingers kneading and tickling him.

Aidan moaned. “You can’t do this to me while I’m driving, baby.”

Beth slipped her hand between his legs, feeling how hard he was for her.

“Beth.” His grip on the steering wheel and gearshift was tense, but his tone sounded playful. “If you keep that up, I’m gonna veer off the road.”

With a giggle, Beth withdrew her hand but remained cuddled up to him. Aidan switched gears and accelerated, determined to get her home as soon as possible.

When they entered her house, he locked the front door and pulled her into his arms immediately.

His eyes radiated love and lust. “Mistletoe, remember?”

Beth whimpered as Aidan’s mouth claimed hers. Her coat came off somewhere in the hallway. In the living room, Aidan started a fire in the hearth, and they resumed kissing near the Christmas tree.

“Can you sleep here tonight?” Beth asked between kisses.

Aidan hesitated. Staying overnight wouldn’t work with his plans for tomorrow. He had no choice but to lie. “I can’t. I have a car appointment in the morning.”

Beth’s warm gaze melted his resolve. “You could still stay over. We can get up early so you can leave on time.”

Aidan considered her suggestion. If he left before eight in the morning, he should be all right. Besides, with the way Beth looked at him now, there was no way he could spend the night without her.

“Of course I’ll stay.”

Beth pulled him in for a deep kiss.

“Aidan, please touch me.” Her breathless plea stormed into his heart like an electric shock, emitting pleasure to every molecule in his body. When she guided his hand to her left breast, he knew exactly what she wanted.

Aidan found the zipper of her dress and lowered it, watching for any signs she felt uncomfortable. As the garment fell to the floor, she pulled at his tie and then went to work on the buttons of his dress shirt. Aidan helped by shrugging off his suit jacket.

Beth took a step back, and he devoured the sight of her. She wore a black lace brasserie, matching panties, hosiery, and frilly garter belt. Her legs looked long and sinuous propped up by her high heels.

“Olivia helped me pick the outfit.” The Christmas tree lights showcased Beth’s deepening blush. “I thought I would try something new. Do you like it?”

“New is good.” Arousal strained Aidan’s voice. “New is

Their lips met in an amorous frenzy. Aidan’s pants were off soon after, followed by his socks. Beth moved to the waistband of his briefs, but he gripped her wrists gently, preventing her from going any further.

“Don’t worry about me right now.”

“Are you sure? Because I can do what I did to you at the hotel in Santa Barbara.”

Aidan exhaled a shuddering breath, fighting against the stimulation he incurred from her erotic offer. “Let me touch you first, okay?”

Beth nodded and brought her hands behind her back to unclasp her bra. It slipped to the floor, bringing her supple breasts into view. Aidan cupped them gently, rolling her nipples between his fingertips. She gasped and latched onto him, burying her face in his shoulder.

“Can I put my mouth on your breasts?” Aidan asked for consent first because this was all new to her. He didn’t want to do anything they hadn’t already experienced together without permission.

“Yes, please.”

Aidan dropped his head and rolled his tongue over one breast while his hand worked the other. He reveled in her tight grip on his hair, the warmth of her body, and the waves of arousal that struck as she trembled against him.

With a lingering moan, he pulled back, admiring the way her skin glistened from his attention. He walked to the couch and pulled her on top of him before taking her breasts in his mouth again. Her angel pendent rocked in his face as she moved against him, whimpering and gasping his name.

As Beth’s hand traveled under the waistband of his briefs, Aidan stopped what he was doing and closed his eyes. His head pushed back into the couch cushion as he lost himself in her perfect touch. Almost immediately, he felt the familiar sensation of an approaching orgasm. He reached out to halt her strokes.

“Are you close?” Beth’s eyes burned brighter than the fire.

“Yeah, but you first.”

Beth stood. Aidan rose to his feet, too, and placed a throw pillow under her head as she lay down on the couch on her back. Her hair cascaded over the cushion, framing a face that looked gentle and trusting.

After removing her heels, Aidan crawled over her and lowered her garter, followed by her hosiery and panties. Beth closed her eyes and parted her lips. His gaze traveled down her neck, over the angel pendent, to her breasts and flat stomach. In between her legs, her hair was trimmed like the last time he saw her, and she glistened for him. The urge to taste her for the first time overwhelmed him.

“Beth?” His voice was hoarse, his breathing heavy.

“Yes?” she murmured.

“Can I put my mouth on you… down there?”

She tensed.

“Listen, uh, never mind.” Aidan straightened his elbows and moved up along her body.

Her eyes popped open. “I’d like that very much.”

Aidan shook his head. “Forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.”

She brushed her hand to his cheek. “No, really, I want you to.”

He kissed her stomach. “Okay.”

“But, um… Aidan?”

He swallowed hard at the vulnerability in her voice. “Yeah?”

“Go slowly, please. I’m… I’m nervous.”

Never before had Aidan felt such a strong responsibility to love her, to worship her. “I will, baby. I promise.”

Beth still seemed tense, so Aidan decided to ease her into it. He placed soft kisses to her collarbone and breasts, followed by her stomach, traveling lower and lower until he finally pressed his closed mouth to the top of her cleft.

BOOK: Starbright
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