Stardust (11 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Darton drank deeply, savoring the cool liquid and grateful for the pouch which kept it so. He cursed himself for his weakness. He should have realized the spinning sensations he had experienced earlier were not related to the thinning air. On Earth he had participated in many such climbs without feeling the height sickness. Now he had endangered Aurora with his own stubborn pride. He pushed himself upward, fighting
the waves of dizziness which
even now threatened to engulf him.

We must go. The Sybortron will arrive shortly.

He crawled forward, not waiting to see if she followed. Once outside the small cave he stood.

You did well, little one. You climbed the great rock.

Aurora stood at his side.

Do not think I do not know of your treachery, Darton. Distracting me with your words about my friend. If you were not so grievously injured, I would show you the depth of my feelings.

Darton laughed at the flash of spirit within the violet eyes.

I fear not your reprisal, Aurora. Better
males than you have tried.

His hand encircled her neck, pulling
her to him. His lips met hers, the dampness of the water transferred to her mouth as his tongue plunged between her teeth. He ended the contact seconds later, breathless, but not from his injury.

I fear I will need your help now,

he said, ignoring the stunned look on her face. He glanced upward as a flash of bright red light appeared in the evening sky.

The Sybortron has found us and I cannot climb this mountain alone.

We will lodge in the cavern. You burn with fever,

Aurora stated, concern for him edging her voice.


Darton shook his head.

The Sybortron will climb this path. Siara and I have laid false tracks to slow his progress, but the dwelling is not safe. He will explore the entrance and the cavern beyond. But we will give him a warm welcome.

His eyes filled with a renewed burst of energy at the thought of defeating their enemy. He bent to open the pack, taking several items from its depths.

Where is that turin of yours?

Aurora knelt beside him.

I left her at the top. What are you doing?

He straightened and headed back into the cave, glad the dizziness had subsided somewhat. He did not fool himself for a moment thinking he was out of the woods yet. Many head injuries worsened and bettered themselves time and time again. He must prepare a place for Aurora in case he lost consciousness again.

I bet the flea infested ball of fur did not like that.

No, she did not.

Aurora followed him inside, curious to the metal prongs he was placing in various places along the cave

s ceiling.

She suggested you were not worth the effort to retrieve.

Darton mumbled under his breath concerning the worth of rodent pudding.

What are you doing,

Aurora questioned, ignoring his comment.

I am making welcome our new friend. When the Sybortron crosses this path, a small blast will occur, bringing rock down upon his head.

Will it be enough to cause termination?


Darton shook his head in resignation.

It will merely slow him down.

Show me what you do,

she demanded.


s eyes flickered over her pale skin, noting the revealing fit of her clothing. Even in his injured and exhausted state, he still wanted her.

We do not now have time, my beautiful warrior. We must climb upward.

He motioned her from the cavern.


She remained where she knelt.

I must know these things in case something happens to you. I did not like the feeling of helplessness when you were missing.

His large hand cupped her jaw.

Nothing will happen to me or to you. My spirit will always protect you.

Aurora would not let herself be persuaded by the bright, sensual pull of his gaze.

Then why do I find you in a cave, unaware of
the world around you?

Damn, but you are a stubborn female. If I promise to show you these things when we reach the crest of the mountain, will you come with me now?

Aurora nodded her head, following
her mighty warrior along the rocky path. They made their way deftly back to the top where she absently commanded Talena to follow. Treading with great care along the rocky mountain, she cast furtive glances at the silent
male walking by her side. H
ow she wished the circumstances of their meeting had been different. She wished she
could have shown him her world –
as it used to be. Glancing down at her torn and filthy seka, she grimaced in disgust. She would also like to show him how well she could p
resent herself. She sighed,
apparently it was not to be.

Sparing him another glance as he climbed ahead of her, she smiled. She was definitely better off for having
met this lean warrior. Her gaze lingered
lovingly over his big body, noting with pure female appreciation the way the strong muscles bunched as he moved, the firm buttocks that felt like steel beneath her palms and the silky length of his golden hair.

Darton turned to help her over the jutting ledge on which he stood. As his eyes rested upon her countenance, she could not co
ntrol the shiver of desire which
raced through her body. He looked as though he would like to devour her upon the rocky ground. She was embarrassed to admit the same feeling overwhelmed her senses as well. As if sensing her need, he pulled her tightly against his aroused frame, letting her feel the power of his attraction.

You do not know how very much you tempt me.
If it were not for our uninvited quest, I would drag you off to the cave
below and ravish you until you begged for mercy.

Bawna warriors never beg,

Aurora said, feeling the rush of heat at his words. Determined that she would not let him remain unaffected while she burned with unconcealed desire for his touch, she leaned closer, brushing the abundant swell of her breasts against his masculine chest. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, she smiled.

But you are welcome to try.

That I will, my lady. That I will. But first we must take care of our mechanical friend.

The path widened and they walked side by side.

You are an amazing woman,

he murmured.

She slipped her hand into the warmth of his larger one.

No, I am just a female like any other. But your appreciation will be rewarded as soon as possible.

Growling with mock ferociousness, Darton momentarily tightened his hold on her slim hand.

That is a promise I will not forget.

Can we stop this nonsensical chatter and find a place to rest? I am sweltering in this heat.

Both turned in surprise at Talena

s wail.

I swear, one day I will...,

Darton began.


Aurora soothed.

Talena is right. The sooner we find shelter for this night, the sooner I can take a closer look at your injuries.

Darton grunted indignantly.

There is nothing wrong with me, woman. I told you I would protect you and I will not fail.

Aurora barely succeeded in suppressing a grin.

ut away your over inflated male ego, my love. I o
nly wish to see for myself
you are not seriously injured.


he murmured, stroking a lean finger down the ivory smoothness of her cheek.

If it will make you feel better, I will oblige.

Thank you.

The light of love glowed in her violet eyes.

Now can we please go?


s plaintiff cry cut through the magical moment.

Yes, we will go, you minuscule ball of fur.


s voice held no real anger, only a mock threat which no one took seriously.

We will be there shortly, my friend.

Aurora bent to pick Talena up and put her in the seka between her breasts but Darton

s large hand stopped her.

That is my place now,

he said softly, his gaze
caressing her flesh.

I must carry her,

she protested weakly, breathless at his blatant look.


Darton shook his head forcibly.

If the creature cannot walk, then Siara will transport her.

He took the turin and placed it on the jaguar

s back.

Aurora, do not give in to this male

s false superiority. Remove me from this beast at once.

She laughed at her friend

s expression.

I believe that is a most welcome idea. You and Siara will become friends very quickly.

Darton stepped over a small crevice in the rock.

The climb will get more perilous as we journey farther up the great rock. It is best if we continue along this path in single file. I will go first and Siara will bring up the rear.

Aurora only nodded, her mind already spinning with the knowledge that she must now travel farther up this monstrou
s mountain. But the thought which
scared her most was that at some point she must come back down. With a pensive stare, she glanced at the one pale sun still lingering in the evening sky. Soon darkness would cover the arid landscape. She co
uld only pray to the gods
a safe place would be found soon. She did not want to even think about having to tread these unknown paths in the dark of the night.

Just as the last rays of the watery sun were sinking below the horizon, Darton found a place for the weary group. Upon closer inspection a small crack in the mountain

s protective rock wall turned out to be the entrance to a large, warm cavern. The crevice was much too small for the Sybortron to enter undetected.

Aurora smiled with relief as she took in the large pool of steaming water surrounded by lush aquatic vegetation.

It is a natural hot spring, fed by a pure underground pool.

Darton placed a warm hand on her shoulders, rubbing gently.

Once we are settled for the night, we will relax in the soothing waters.

She gave a long sigh before moving away from the tempting comfort of his strong body.

Then we had better get started. I cannot wait much longer to become one with a warm bath.

Moving further into the cavern, Darton found a place to make their camp. Working quickly, they soon established a comfortable area in which to sleep.


He straightened from his task as the big cat moved forward at his softly spoken command. Placing one hand on the cat

s large head, he stroked the lavish fur.

You must make a trip around the mountain. Travel to the top and farther across, and then return to me.

Without making a sound, the large cat bounded from the cave.

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