Stardust (12 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Why have you sent Siara out into the night?

Aurora could not mask her surprise.

She will make a new path for the Sybortron to follow. The tin-man will not find us this night.

He flashed Aurora a smile so shamelessly male, it took her breath away. Quirking a blonde brow, he held up two sealed packages he took from his pack. Battle rations.

Would the lady prefer mush or stew for her evening meal?

Laughter bubbled merrily within Aurora as she thought of the night to come and she chuckled in delight.

Stew, of course, my lord. Mush is the morning meal.

With a courtly bow, Darton set about preparing their nourishment.

Several hours later Darton tensed at the sound of falling rock outside the cave. Moments later, Siara

s shadow filled the entrance.

Come girl. You have earned your rest.

He motioned the great cat forward and a low purring filled the room.

Yes, you are right. We are not completely safe in our small dwelling. We must travel further tomorrow. Go now and sleep.

His body filled with another type of tension as the great cat settled herself for the night. To his left, Aurora lay on the hard ground, sound asleep after their eventful day. She had almost literally fallen asleep on her feet. After dinner they spent many moments setting more charges along the pathway. He was more than surprised at the intelligence she had displayed and his first impression of the Palermonian female had proven correct. She was most unusual. As if sensing his scrutiny, she turned and sighed. The natural cave provided a constant temperature that was most pleasant. But he knew she would be much more comfortable on the pallet he had fashioned from their limited supplies.

Kneeling at her side, he was slightly amused by the bundle of dark fur secreted against her middle.

You infernal turin,

Darton mumbled quietly.

Have I not told you she is mine?

With surprisingly gentle hands he lifted the sleeping creature and placed her near Siara.

He slid his hands beneath Aurora, trying not to waken her. She had followed his every step and deserved her time of rest but he felt his body tighten at the soft brush of her hair. How he ached to take this woman to him again even though he knew he must not.


His name came in a low whisper.

I am here, little one.

Aurora woke slowly. She felt the hardness beneath her head. The cold stone floor had not proven to be a very wise choice of sleeping space. Immediately she realized the firmness beneath her was not the ground. It was the muscled flesh of Darton

s chest. Her body swayed gently as he carried her.

Where do you take me?

she questioned.

I have prepared a pallet.

Aurora was suddenly wide awake.

Have you bathed in the mist?

Darton knelt on the thin layer of silk.

No. Siara has just now returned.

Then we must see to your wounds.

She slipped from his hold.

My injuries are well enough. We need our rest.

She did not heed his words. Instead she made her way to the pool, the gurgle of water guiding her footsteps. She bit her lip in frustration.

I should have tended your needs before the light waned. Now I cannot see the extent of the damage.

I will provide you with light.

He opened a pouch and removed a small object.

How can you produce light?

she scoffed in disbelief.

That is merely an animal covering.

Darton removed the fur and instantly the cave was showered with a crystal blue light.

This was given to me by my birth parents. I have had it for many moons.

I have never seen such a thing,

she exclaimed, stepping closer. She touched it and the brightness faded.

How can a portion of the mountain glow?

Darton frowned as he watched the light fade.
It had never done that for him.

I do not know the magic this rock holds.

His frown deepened as she removed her hands and the color changed back to it former state.

But I do know it will provide us with enough illumination this night. Come, we will bathe.

He set the stone on the edge of the naturally formed pool and removed his karta. Walking into the water, he submerged his tired body until it was engulfed by the soothing mist.

Aurora hesitated before joining him. Her breath escaped on a sigh at the sight of his golden body. Knowing she could not bare herself so freely, she stepped over the narrow ledge to join him, keeping her seka safely on.

Darton held up one hand, preventing her descent.

You must remove your robing.

Aurora shook her head.

I cannot.

Do not tell me my great Bawna warrior is afraid,

he taunted softly.

I am afraid of nothing.

She stiffened at his teasing tone.

Then remove your seka,

he dared, his green gaze mocking hers.

Aurora could not hold his
stare. Bending her head so
her long hair shielded her from his probing gaze, her fingers plucked nervously at the soft silk.

I cannot bare myself before you.

He edged closer until he stood before her.

I have already seen your beauty. You have no reason to be ashamed.

He looked earnestly into her eyes.

Besides, we cannot risk dampening our only clothing.

With a determined hand he pulled the black fabric from her body.

At the first stroke of his fingers, Aurora felt her body readying itself for his full possession. Standing naked before the strong warr
ior with whom sh
e now belonged –
heart, body and soul –
she could not control the shivers that racked her frame. What would she do if he did not find her as desirable as before? What would she do if he chose not to mate with her again?

Seeing the shivers and the tiny goose bumps raising along every inch of her porcelain skin, Darton stretched forth a hand, inviting her to join him in the warm pool.

Come, my heart. Enter the pool and bathe with me.

When she hesitated he turned.

Come Aurora, you will catch your death standing there.

Slowly she dipped one foot into the silky water.


She could not stop the small gasp of surprise.

This feels more wonderful than Nubrian cloth to my skin.

Without further hesitation she submerged herself in the cocooning warmth.

Is that not wonderful?

he smiled indulgently
at her blissful expression. Sliding closer, he lifted
one finger, chasing the drop of water down the dewy softness of her check.

Her eyes locked with his. Mesmerized by the possessive touch and warm glow in his green eyes, she could feel herself melting. The water only barely covered her breasts, but she felt as though she were drowning in his liquid gaze.

his hand moved to cup her neck to pull
her close, she could only acquiesce. At the first touch of his firm lips, she was lost. And with he
r inhibitions went her fear
he might not want her again. Now that she knew he did, her heart leapt with joy. Her body sang like the finest instrument as his large hands played over her. Needing to be closer to his vibrant warmth, she locked her hands behind his neck, pulling his body tightly against hers.

Darton moaned as the firm breasts and hard tips rubbed
seductively against his slick chest. He longed to lose himself in her lush sweetness until it was impossible to tell where one body ended and the other began. With her, he felt the completeness of his soul. Breaking contact with her honeyed lips, he leaned slightly away, and took a deep breath to regain control. He wanted her with an urgency that shook him to his very core. Never before had any woman made him feel so alive. With passion-darkened eyes, he looked at her. Her ruby mouth was moist and swollen from his kisses, her ivory body completely visible to him through the iridescent water. Her long hair flowed past her shoulders.

You are a lovely sea witch,

he growled huskily, nipping gently at her nipples.

And you are more magnificent than the god, Poseidon,


s words were low, running with the conviction of her feelings.

How do you know of such Earth lore?

Darton asked.

I know of many things,

she teased.

And you will teach me more.

That I will. That I will,

he promised as she moved her hands over the muscled contours of his shoulders, his muscles flexing beneath her palms.

Do you like my touch?

she whispered, biting the hard nubs of his nipples as he had done hers.

More than I desire my next breath, I desire your touch.

For surely if she were to stop, he could not bear it.

Then lay back, my heart, and let me pleasure you as your words have pleasured me.

Darton moved to a natural ledge by the side of the pool, partially lifting his body from the water.

Her eyes widened at the evidence of his arousal. Never had he been so hard.

Do you desire me so?

Touch me and see.

His body burned
with need.

Aurora stroked the hardened flesh, eliciting a deep groan of pleasure from between his clenched lips. She moved closer, placing her legs around his. The engorged flesh pressed against her softness, seeking her soft inner core.

Yes, my love, yes.


s eyes closed and his head rolled back.

Never have I known such passion.

His hands reached to pull her fully atop him.

Not yet,

Aurora giggled as she eluded his grasping hands.

First I must cleanse your wounds.

Darton growled.

I have a much greater need.

She laughed again and Darton thought he would die from the sound of such sweet music. Somehow he knew she had not found joy so easily in the past.

Aurora cupped her hands and gathered the warm water. Gently she poured the cleansing stream upon his arm. Almost immediately the wound lost its red and swollen appearance.

This is healing water,

she exclaimed happily, scooping up another handful. After three washings Darton

s arm was completely healed.

He examined his wound carefully.

This is truly amazing. This water must run through fire rock.

Throughout the galaxy the healing powers of rock forged from the bowels of a planet were well known.

Aurora raised her hands, leaning closer.

I need to bathe your head. You must be at your best against the Sybortron.

Her countenance fell at the mention of their enemy.

Do not worry my midnight warrior. We will defeat him when the time is deemed right.

His gaze drifted to the fullness of her breasts.

Right now I have other things to occupy my mind,

he stated firmly. Raising his hands, he cupped her heaviness, raking his thumbs across the hardened pebbles of her flesh.

If this is indeed healing water, I must bathe you.

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