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Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (21 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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Somora overruled her objections and unbuttoned Aurora

s seka herself. Talena fell to the floor, a sleek ball of indignant fur.

A turin,

Somora exclaimed, picking the turin up by the scruff of its neck.

How exciting. Come girls.

She urged the other women forward.

Look at the precious thing Aurora has captured.


Aurora snatched Talena back into her arms.

She is not a prisoner. She is my friend, she can even

She was cut off by a furious growl from the ruffled turin.

You are most fortunate, Aurora,

Somora said.

Turins are said to be very selective of their masters. Now come let us wash away the worries of the day.

She clapped her hands and the women around them jumped into the pools gasping and groaning in delight at the feel of the heavenly water.

Aurora stood on the edge stroking the fur of her friend. As unobtrusively as possible, she placed Talena on a small ledge and whispered softly,

Why did you not wish for me to say you could speak?

Talena begin to lick the fur
of her feet, cleansing herself the best way she could.

Many fear the talk of a turin. I do not wish to find myself a tasty snack for the yellowed-eyed reptile.

Aurora laughed at Talena

s expression.

No one would find you tasty. You are much too sour for that.

She removed the seka from her shoulders and dropped it at her feet.

I will find out what I can. We must escape from this place and rejoin Darton. Wherever he might be.

Be careful, mistress,

Talena cautioned.

Golden cages still have golden bars.

* * *

Darton returned to consciousness abruptly. Immediately he felt searing heat radiating up his arms. Cursing savagely at the bonds that held him, he pulled on the iron holdings, increasing the fierce pain. His struggles were useless. The metal chains would not give.

There is no use in fighting, my friend. In fact, it is a wasted effort. The jailer has done an excellent job restraining you.


s head snapped up, searching for the voice that taunted him.

Show yourself blasted pit dweller!

he yelled into the darkness.

What kind of warrior are you that hides within the shadows while your foe is held captive?

He heard a slight hiss then the slither of scales. He controlled his shudder of repulsion with great effort. He had about as much fondness for snakes as he did the underground. Siara growled low in her throat from her position of captivity at his feet.

Easy girl,

he soothed.

We have nothing to fear from a coward.

I am no coward,

Slamock said as he stepped forward.

Then why do you hide in the darkness?

Slamock circled Darton, eyeing the warrior

s massive body suspended from the rock ceiling.

Would you rush your opponent,
unknowing of the skills he possess?

Darton followed the

s movements.

What are you?

he asked finally.



, but


is the question you should ask. I am Slamock, leader of Krossos.

As you said, the enemy must be carefully studied,

Darton countered.

I must first learn what I fight.

Slamock laughed heartily.

It is too bad you will not fight me today. I think you would have made a fine enemy.

Darton tried to lunge at the snake creature, but his chains held him fast.

Tell me why you have bound me. Does not a warrior deserve an honorable way to die?

You are not to die. Not just yet. I fear I will need you before the final battle is fought.

Slamock returned to the shadows.

No, you will ease my way with the beautiful Aurora.

Darton roared with fury.

What have you one with my woman?

he shouted.

If you have harmed her in any way, I will cut your repulsive head from your body and watch you wither and die!

A sad expression came into the yellow eyes of the snake creature.

In time, my enemy, I will grant you your wish. But first I must ensure the continuance of my people.


Darton shouted as Slamock disappeared completely from view. His heart broke at the thought of the vile creature

s touch upon his beautiful Aurora. He tugged at the chains until blood poured from his body coating his arms with the red flowing essence of his life.

He must free himself and rescue Aurora. He tried not to think of the darkness beyond the small circle of light made by the single torch hanging from the wall. Emptying his mind of all thoughts save his beloved, he allowed his mind to flow and go forth through the dark underground. This touching technique was something he had not practiced since his days on Earth
. For hours his father, Walks With the Wild, had made him sit upon the hard
barren ground and call upon his sense to


the enemy who sought him
. He prayed he could touch Aurora in the
same way. To reassure her
he was sti
ll there, still protecting her.

His essence flowed through the caverns, searching hopelessly for her, his mind repressing the shudders of fear at the unknown things lurking just out of sight. Then his vision stopped abruptly as if he had physically ran into one of the hard rock walls.

Drudgery and scum,

he cursed. Someone –
or something

was blocking his way.

He tugged at the chains again, his motions making Siara restless.

I know, my friend. I must find a way from these barbaric holdings. We must not forget why we are here,

he murmured.

He read his pet

s thoughts, guilt at her censure eating at him. He had lead Aurora to believe the crash landing of their ship upon the planet of Krossos was a necessary evasion of the Sybortron. She did not know he had flown vastly more damaged starships, many more thousand of light years during the rebellion against Bartok. Not even their travel through the dark vortex had been necessary. His loins tightened as he remembered the passion-filled hours they had shared during that detour.

Darvek would not be pleased with that turn of events. He had requested the safe passage of his niece from Palermos, not a sudden introduction to the oneness.

Darton cursed again. He had not even fulfilled the promise to his dear friend, he thought harshly, experiencing a stab of grief for the older warrior. Darton had been at the battlefield when the sword had pierced Darvek

s body armor and had heard the last words of concern the brave warrior had spoken for his niece and the evil lord Bartok

s plans for the lovely girl. Darton could do no more than whisper a word of promise before Bartok

s men had swarmed upon them. He had barely escaped before the guards had carried the lifeless Darvek away, no doubt a trophy to be slung at their master

s feet.

But he feared Aurora was in more serious danger here than she would have been at the hand of Bartok. The rebel ruler would have at least given her the benefit of committal to ensure the support of the republic. Which was more than he or the loathsome Slamock could say.

He had no doubt the spirited Aurora would have much to say about her present predicament. And the blasted turin, Talena, would no doubt blame him entirely. He wrapped his hands around the chains, taking the pressure from his ravaged wrists. He lifted himself bodily, pitting his massive strength and weight against the metal. He felt a slight give of the rock, but the chains refused to release its hold. Again and again he swung his weight upwards knowing it was his only avenue of escape.

* * *

Aurora sat at a long shining table, listening to snatches of the conversation around her. The women
at the table had insisted
she dress as they did and she was supremely conscious of the amount of
skin showing through virtually transparent white material of the short gown she now wore
. She crossed her arms self-consciously, hiding the dark crests of her breasts with her arms. Suddenly the conversation ceased and she glanced up aut
Her gasp was lost in the clatter as the other women pushed back their chairs and stood.

Get up, you foolish woman.

A scaly hand grasped Aurora by the arm, pulling her upright. Her scream of terror was cut short as the one known as Slamock raised his staff,
knocking the unfortunate solider to the floor.

You stupid imbecile.

The fallen creature quaked at Slamock

s fury.

Do not touch this female ever again if you wish to be spared your lowly life.

The cowering soldier glanced up, then covered his face at the look of anger directed at him.

Yes, my Lord. I am sorry. I did not mean to-



s shout echoed off the walls and Aurora jumped in fright. Silence reigned for several uncomfortable moments until Slamock smiled benignly.

and let us sup together.

Aurora blinked, amazed at the sudden change in Slamock

s demeanor. Everyone else in the room seemed to take no notice however, for they sat immediately and continued their conversation as if they had not been interrupted.

Please, my beautiful princess, sit at my table and learn of our ways.


s words were low, meant for her ears alone. Aurora sat obediently, but she could not control the shiver of distaste that licked through her.

If Slamock saw her shudder, he pretended to ignore it, taking his seat at the head of the wide table. Aurora was on his immediate right; his mother beside her; his sisters, Satar and Mendak, sat across from him. Six warriors, including the one who had treated her to the rough display, took the remaining sea
ts at the end of the long table.

As soon as Slamock was seated, Somora tapped her glass gently with her nail and all conversation ceased.

Let us give thanks for our bounty,

her eyes rested briefly upon Aurora before moving down the table.

And let us give thanks for our new friends.

All around her the others began to eat. Aurora picked up the two long wooden instruments and
secured a bit of vegetation which
resembled a Palermonian pea. Hesitantly she bit into the yellow skin.

I see you have mastered the art of using the ohmays,

Slamock commented, his eyes piercing her with their intensity.

Aurora held the two long sticks aloft.

They are very similar to yays of Palermos and chopsticks of Earth.

You have been to Earth?

Slamock took a large bite of undercooked meat.

Krossos is the
first planet, other than Argon, which I have traveled to,

answered, trying not to gag at the sight of the nearly raw meat Slamock was eating.

BOOK: Stardust
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