Stardust (22 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Then how do you know of such things as chopsticks?

Slamock questioned.

Palermos does not believe in the education of its females.

How do you know of Palermonian customs?

Aurora countered.

I am sure Saatan did not share his vast wealth of knowledge with you.

You are a fiery female

Slamock laughed hardily.

No wonder Darton enjoyed you so

Aurora jumped from her seat.

You know where Darton is? Take me to him at once,

she demanded.

Slamock shook his head and motioned her to sit.

I did not say I know the location of your companion,

he said.

I merely said I do not blame him for enjoying your considerable charms.

His pale eyes focused on the heaving of her breasts, the dark circles prominent
against the revealing fabric.

Aurora resisted the urge to cover herself from his eyes. She would show him no fear.

If you do no not know of Darton

s whereabouts, then how do you know of our activities?

She refused to allow the
dark color she felt rising to her cheeks surface. She would not be ashamed
of the pleasure she and Darton had shared.

I have spies everywhere, my beautiful woman,

Slamock grinned nastily.

Did I not tell you of the Sybortron

s search?


s eyes widened in shock as she realized Slamock or one of his warriors may have witnessed the act of oneness between herself and Darton.


Slamock murmured.

I know of all your lovely secrets. But first things first.

He rose to his feet, his clawed hand clumsily grasping the delicate crystal goblet.

Ladies and gentlemen of Krossos. I present to you your new queen. Queen Aurora.

He lifted his glass high, saluting the stunned expression on Aurora

s face as the crowd around them cheered their joy at his news.

* * *

Saatan reached his sleeping chamber quietly, not wanting to arouse the guards. Tenderly he rubbed the sore and bruised spot at the base of his skull. He could not believe his own incompetence. King Jalon and Darvek had escaped. He tried to smother a hacking cough that had plagued him upon waking on the cold, damp floor. He would find the person responsible for disrupting his plans and see that they paid. And paid dearly.

He felt a brief stab of guilt at the demise of the beautiful Selina. She had aroused him as no other female ever had. But the lying witch would have stabbed him just as swiftly given half the chance. No, it had been time to take Selina from her misery. Besides, he thought, a lusty grin
curving his thin aged lips, he had the delectable Aerial
to take her place.

He opened the door and quickly slipped inside. And there stretched out on the mat in all her lovely glory was the object of his torrid thoughts. Her white limbs were bare to his view, exposing the dark triangle of curls between her legs. Yes, Aerial could easily take Selina

s place.
Selina had started to become too competent, too versed in the ways
to please a male. There was much he could do to teach the young female. Much.

Rise to your feet, lowly woman,

he commanded loudly. He laughed in silent delight as Aerial jerked awake.

Her first instinct was to cover her beautiful charms.

What is it?

she gasped.

What has happened?

Saatan walked forward, feeling his body respond to the open fear in her eyes.

You dare fall asleep upon my mat?

he growled.

Who gave you permission?

Aerials eyes cleared instantly showing
she did not fear the elderly man in the least.

You have returned, Saatan. What did you discover?


s hand lashed across her cheek.

Your familiarity will not be tolerated. Get to your feet at once.

She rose, laughing softly. She stretched her body languidly, her firm, young breasts thrust into the air.

Does my body not please you this morning, master?

Her hands cupped the milky softness of her breasts then moved slowly toward the dark apex that had thrilled him earlier.

Is there not something you wish for me to do?

Yes, my little wench, there is something I wish for you to do.

He clapped his hands twice, bringing the ever present guards.

I wish you to fear me.

Immediately they seized the woman and Saatan gripped Aerial

s chin as she twisted between the two powerful males.

I will teach you the meaning of respect.

Tie her to the device,

he instructed, pointing to the far corner of his nephew

s bed chamber. He knew Bartok had many lovely instruments of pleasure. Selina had told him of the things she

d been forced to do in order to keep her favor with Bartok. It seemed only fitting that he should
teach this young female the ways as he had instructed the palace seductress to train Selina those
many years ago.

The guards bound Aerial

s wrists and legs, suspending her body between floor and ceiling.

Saatan circled her, eyeing her as a scavenger would a young Yulonian water walker that had wandered too far from the herd and now neared its death. Savagely he flicked one of Aerial

s distended nipples with his long, yellowing nail, making her flinch in discomfort but not cry out.
he thought,
she will not show her fear easily
All the more pleasurable for him. He was disgruntled by the fact that his shaft had not become rigid at the thought. But he could easily fix that. Picking up a smooth leather thong he brandished it in the air. Her cries of surprised pain soon pushed him to his satisfaction.

The feel of water upon her skin jerked Aerial awake. The icy rivulets ran down her body, biting into the raw and tender flesh of her back and buttocks. She had passed out after an hour of violent beating. She could not believe the fierce savagery that had possessed Saatan. He had gloried in her pain.

So my dear, you have decided to join me in the world of living.

Saatan spoke from the chamber

s doorway.

Why have you done such things to me?

she implored.

I thought you cared for me.

His harsh laughter filled the room.

Why would I care for such a creature as yourself?

He walked toward her, stopping within inches of her still suspended body, his eyes raking her shivering form.

Do not misunderstand me, my pretty. I do have some feelings for you. If I did not, I would have allowed my nephew to introduce you to the, shall we say, darker side of pleasure. He would have lasted much longer and been much more vigorous in his demands. As you can see,

he motioned with his hand to the depleted state of his body,

I have found my pleasure.

He laughed wickedly.

But do not worry, little lamb. I have found the answer to such unfortunate occurrences.

He held a vial of black liquid high in the air. It was so thick the light could not penetrate its darkness.

Unfortunately this is my last portion of the pleasure liquid. Bartok was much stronger than I had originally thought.

He drank the horrible looking liquid quickly, wiping the back of his mouth with his hand once it was gone.

In a few minutes I will be able to teach you without stopping. And my nephew has such enjoyable implements for me to use.

For the first time, Aerial felt a sliver of fear as she took in her surroundings. The velvet and silk could not entirely hide the contents of the room. She had not shown her pain as Saatan had lashed her; his feeble strength was nothing compared to the vicious beatings she had received at the hand of her own parents.

The Compassioners at The House of the Unloved had believed the story of her parents

deaths and that she was a helpless young orphan in need of their care. But her parents were not dead. Aerial had left home, had left her father

s cruel hand, realizing she would not be safe much longer from his incestuous eye. But never had she dreamed she

d be subject to t
he hands of fates such as this.

Having heard stories of the opulent lifestyle females could attain if they gave themselves freely in the act of oneness and knowing she must eventually experience this act, she had chosen to go to The House of the Unloved, knowing they sold many females to wealthy males for training in the acts of pleasure. She remembered the old woman by the pool. At first she thought she had been trying to warn Selina, but perhaps she had been trying to warn her as well.

Where is Selina?

she asked
eagerly. If the older woman were here, perhaps Saatan would turn his desire to her for a short while, allowing Aerial to formulate some alternate plan. Her original desire was the same. She would become mistress to the ruler of Palermos, but she would not suffer at his hands.

Selina is no longer with us.

Saatan shrugged his shoulders, dismissing the demise of the other woman as of little or no importance.

Aerial did not ask the question burning on her tongue. Had Saatan killed the lovely Selina? But she could not speak the words, fearing she would receive the same fate.

Saatan summoned a guard then instructed him
it to release her from her suspended hell
. She groaned at her release and rubbed her wounded wrists.

etter, my sweet?


s eyes were glazed over, telling her of his madness. She would endure what she must. Her body even began to respond to the thought of another coupling with Saatan. He had brought her pleasure before. She straightened her shoulder proudly, ignoring the sharp stabs of pain from the bleeding whelps. Knowing she must manipulate the old man, she sobbed,

Please, oh, great one, do not hurt me so again.

Ready tears fell from her face. She smiled secretly as Saatan

s body responded to the fear in her voice. She saw the thin manhood become emboldened with the power of passion. Her eyes widened as he grew to even greater proportions than before.

Saatan approached her, stroking his expanding manhood.

Yes, the potion is indeed powerful. If I gave you a drink, you would achieve heights of pleasure so fierce you would think you had
died and traveled to the stars –
no matter what I did to your young flesh.

He wiped the inside of the vial with his fingertip, smearing the liquid against her mouth. Instinctively she licked her lips, swallowing the small drop of essence.

Saatan approached her from behind and she felt the tip of his manhood against her woman

s entrance and shivered. Suddenly she felt empty inside and longed for the fulfillment of his touch. She gasped in wonder as he slid into the very depths of her body. Again and again he stroked her, making her burn with fire. She felt the start of her pleasure, and unmindful of the pain she felt, she pushed herself backward, seeking the strength of his flesh.


s firm grip on her hips stopped her before she reached satisfaction. Still fully encased inside her, his shaft pulsating with energy, he breathed harshly in her ear.

Not so fast, my lusty whore. Did I not promise you the darker side of pleasure?

He laughed wickedly as he bent her forward and pierced her remaining virgin orifice, exulting in her scream of fierce pain.

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