Stardust (44 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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What is that?

Selina asked, quite content to stay within Darvek

s arms for an eternity.

Why, after all these millenniums, has Benkyar shown himself?



Coming over the last rise of the mountain range, Darton

s worst fears were confirmed. The Galentina stood proud and alert, jammed into the hard rock where he had been forced to land her. What caused his heart to flut
ter was the tell-tale clue
all was not well. From the back quarters of the ship came a steady stream
of light, informing Darton
the ship was not empty.


he cursed, lowering himself against a rock.

Where did you learn such a word? In fact, I have heard you use several similar words before.

Aurora lay down beside him. With her attention focused on the pack Slamock had given them, she did not see the cause for Darton

s concern. She rummaged inside, hoping Somora had added her things with the food. She smiled briefly as she found a soft bundle of silk. It was a gown she had briefly admired on one of Slamock

s sister
s. Retrieving the headband
she had been searching for, she secured her hair in a tight braid.

Darton did not remove his eyes from the ship as he answered in an offhand manner.

It is an old Earth expression. One I learned from my brothers.

Finished with her bothersome hair, Aurora finally realized what had caused Darton

s anger.


She repeated the curse loudly as she looked over the rise.

Darton realized the uselessness of staring at the ship and turned upon his back, his arm slung across his face.

That is not an expression for a lady to use,

he cautioned.

Strong Win
d would be most displeased
I had taught you.

Aurora propped herself against his broad chest. She was much too content to allow the thoughts that lay ahead to take from her the pleasure of Darton

s presence.

You have never talked of your time on Earth,

she commented idly, running her fingers across the smooth, silky skin of his golden chest.

If you recall, we have been more than a little busy.

He could not help but gaze upon her face, the beauty of her features distracting him from the job at hand.

I have not thanked you for coming to my rescue.

Darton laughed harshly, remembering their fast-paced coupling on the hard rock.

When this is over and the ship is safely headed on Palermos, I will take my thanks.

Aurora gazed over his head, seeing more of the ship

s lights blink on.

Is it the Sybortron?

That is what I fear.

He lifted her from her comfortable perch and drew the blue sword Nalene had given him just before they had departed.

If I do not return within the hour, take Siara and return to Slamock

s city. He will see
you are returned safely to Darvek.

My uncle?

she squawked.

What do you know of my uncle?

Darton cursed the slip of his tongue. He had not meant Aurora to discover the truth of the first meeting at the holding bay until after they had returned to Palermos.

Darvek was a fine and brave warrior.

Yes, he was,

Aurora agreed, her eyes narrowing dangerously as she rose to her feet.

But I have never mentioned my uncle by name.

Darton flinched at the coldness in her voice.

No, that is true,

he agreed.

But your name was upon his lips many times. And when he died, your well-being was his last thought.

He knew the time had come to reveal the truth.

It was my duty to see you safely away from Palermos.

Aurora felt her anger mounting. Their meeting in the holding bay had not been coincidental, a sprinkle of fate she had so longed for. And neither had their joining on the starship or any of the times after. She felt tears well within her eyes. She had thought Darton had been her destiny and instead, she now faced a male who merely used the taking of her innocence to confuse and betray her. She swung around sharply, digging into her pack once again.


s fingers clenched around the handle of the sword at the sight of her tears, knowing as he knew his own name what she was thinking. He reached out and touched her shoulder.

It is not as you think.

Do not touch me!

Aurora shouted as she sprang to her feet, her tagua in her hands. The smooth rock felt heavy in her hands. She started toward the cliff, climbing awkwardly in her anger.

Aurora, come back here,

Darton demanded. When she failed to obey, he followed, catching up with her on a small ledge two feet below.

I love you.

Is that another Earth phrase?

Aurora bit out sarcastically. She could not allow herself to believe his words or the wounded look upon his face.

It is the truth,

he swore, his green eyes growing even darker.


s voice was sad when she spoke.

It does not matter now. We must secure the ship and return to Palermos.

She raked his rigid figure with her eyes.

I take it by your actions it is a suitable time to return.


Darton said, knowing now was not the time to mend the hurt.

We must return within the next cycle of the moon.

Aurora continued down.

I suppose our ship is not badly damaged either?

Darton helped her across a large break in the rock, hating like hell to admit his deceit. He vowed from this moment on there would be no more deception between them.

I thought Krossos would be the perfect place to detain you. I did not know of Saatan

s destruction.

Why did you wish to detain me?

Aurora frowned.

Was it not Darvek

s wish I be brought to a safe place to live?

Darvek was not the only person who wished you safely from Bartok

s clutches.

Only recently had Darton began to see the truth of his mission. How would Aurora feel when she discovered the extent of his deception?

They neared the ship and Darton motioned Siara in front. The large cat sank into the shadows. Aurora and Darton followed, their talk ceasing.

It is the Sybortron.”
The landing bay was open and the large, gleaming figure could be seen inside checking the controls.

I will go inside and disable the beast,

Darton said.

No, wait,

Aurora said, tightening her grip upon her weapon.

It is I the thing wants.


Darton said.

We are wasting time arguing.


s mouth tightened at his dismissive manner.

Oh, you are so stubborn. Don

t you see? He will not harm me. Bartok will have programmed him to return me to Palermos. Not to terminate me.

Darton shook his head.

We cannot be certain of his intentions. It is best if I go.

You will not dictate to me,

Aurora said.

I will go.

Oh, do hush up, the both of you,

Talena hissed.

It is bad enough that you made me walk upon those jagged stones but I will not become ear muffs for a mechanical man when your bickering brings him down upon us.

Do not interfere,

Aurora warned, for once upset by her pet

s meddling. She turned to Darton.

I am going.

Darton admired the steel set of her jaw and nodded his head. More than likely the Sybortron had been programmed to retrieve Aurora as she suggested. But his gut still tightened at the chance she would be taking.

Very well, but remember, I will be right behind you.

Aurora rose to her feet and made her way quietly up the landing door. Once she was safely inside, she signaled Darton to follow.

Creeping along the darkened edges of the ship, Aurora made her way to the captain

s bridge, relieved to see the Sybortron engrossed in setting the controls.

Looking for something?

she asked as she leapt high into the air and landed several feet in front of the mechanical beast. She smothered a laugh as a stunned expression seemed to cross his metallic features seconds before the tagua connected with his control box. A few sharp whistles sounded before his power disconnected.

I am most impressed,

Darton said, startling her. She had been so engrossed in the moment she had failed to hear his arrival.

Thank you,

she bowed, giddy with success. The actual use of such skills in combat were much different than in practice. If the high priest was found well upon her return, she must thank him for his efforts over the years. That dark thought sent a cloud wafting over her elation.

Darton knelt beside the disabled Sybortron and did not see her unhappiness.

We must secure him
before his alternate energy
is engaged.

He laid his sword aside and lifted the half-man, half-machine by the arms. Dragging him backward, he maneuvered the Sybortron until he was inside the holding cage Siara had used on the trip to Krossos.

I am sorry, my friend,

Darton said to the cat,

yours is the only cell
can be locked.

Aiming the connector, Darton sealed their enemy inside.

Aurora was already at the controls when he returned. He did not like the set expression on her face but did not comment.

Are we ready to depart?

he asked, taking his seat beside her.

I don

t know, you

re the pilot,

Aurora snapped, dropping her hands into her lap, refusing to help.


Darton sighed,


m sorry
I lied. But now I need your help.

He flipped a red toggle, relieved
to see
the Sybortron had not been idle during his wait for them to return. The damage was repaired and the ship ready for takeoff. He turned to Aurora, his anger surfacing at the unfair way she was judging him.

Or would you rather return and marry Slamock? I am sure Nalene would return him to his former self if you so desired.

Aurora suppressed the shudder of revulsion that ran through her.

Do not be a smart ass,

she snapped, manning the controls once again.

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