Stardust (45 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Darton hid his grin as he fired up the engine.

Where did
learn such an expression?

He shouted to be heard above the roar as the engines blasted to life.
There was still damage to the ship.

My uncle taught me many things.

Aurora clung to her seat, dreading the moment they entered hyper speed. She watched with fascination as they left Krossos

atmosphere behind and headed toward the stars. She felt the smothering pressure right before the stars lost their brilliance and the viewing screen went blank.

Aurora closed her eyes, willing the sic
k feelings away. She could not – would no –

ask Darton for one of those white tablets. She would never ask him for another thing, she vowed silently.



s low voice compelled her to look at him.

I have no more of the medicine to stop your hyper sickness, but I think if we leave the ship on auto pilot and lay on the sleeping mat, it will not be so bad.

Aurora jumped to her feet.

Do you think I am a fool?

she hissed.

I know what you

re trying to do but you won

t be able to trick me again so easily.

Darton was too angered by her words to sit so he too, rose to his feet.

I have no ulterior motive, Aurora.

He kept his voice even although he would have preferred to shout.

I think only of your well being.


Aurora spat disbelievingly, then promptly doubled over as a wave of sickness washed over her.

She did not object when Darton lifted her in his strong arms and carried her determinedly to the sleeping quarters.

He lowered her gently to the soft mat, then removed her seka.


Aurora protested weakly, feeling her stomach heave at even the slightest of movements.


Darton soothed, removing his own garments and laying down beside her.

You will feel better without the restriction of your clothing.

Aurora could feel her body relaxing, the queasiness passing more quickly than she would have imagined as he held her.

And will I feel better if you are undressed as well?

She kept her voice matter-of-fact, even though her heart raced at his nearness.

I certainly hope so,

Darton chuckled lightly, then frowned as she pushed out of his arms.

I knew you were trying to trick me. You are as cunning as a Yulonian trade vendor. I should never have trusted you.

Darton raised himself, reclining his weight on one bent elbow as he gazed upon her beauty. With his heart in his throat he stretched out one long finger and gently traced the soft curve of her check. Although she did not openly respond to his touch, Darton was encouraged
when she did not push him away


he questioned softly, then more urgently when she did not respond.

Aurora, look at me.

One strong hand cupped her stubborn chin and turned her face toward him. Still she kept her eyes lowered and he could see nothing of her emotions through the thick veil of her lashes.

Darton drew a deep breath, knowing his next words had to be carefully chosen. He did not want to fail. This was the most important mission of his life.

I am sorry
I had to deceive you. I would never willingly hurt you. You must know that now. But when we first met, you did not know me. And I did not have your trust.

Now Aurora raised her eyes to his.

And you think
deceiving me was the way to gain my trust?


Darton withdrew his hand and lay back on the bed with a tired sigh.

I knew I had to gain your trust before I could make sure of your safety. It

s true, at first I was simply keeping a promise to a dying friend. Then, once I saw you, I knew I would give my life to ensu
re your safety. And I will to me last day

Darton lay still, listening to the loud silence once his words had stopped. He did not dare turn his head to look at her.

His breath left his body in a loud


as Aurora

s slight weight landed on top of him, their skin smacking together noisily. Darton automatically locked his arms around her tiny waist, anchoring her to him.

What are you doing?

he questioned, warily eyeing her innocent expression.

Aurora propped her chin on her hands, resting her elbows on Darton

s strong chest. She looked straight into his eyes, her lips curving into a slow grin.

Do not look so scared. I am not going to bite you.

She immediately gave li
e to her words by leaning down and nipping his shoulder.

Why you little witch,

Darton exclaimed, rolling over and pinning her body beneath his.

Aurora looped her arms around his neck, sliding her fingers through the silky hair.

I realize you were only trying to protect me. And I apprecia
te the fact that you were –

Are –
honorable enough to keep a
promise to a dying warrior
you barely knew.

Aurora drew a deep breath.

I guess what I

m trying to say is, I don

t want to fight anymore.

It was Darton

s turn to draw away and he did so, leaving only the lower portion of his body intimately entwined with hers.

Then what do you want to do?

Aurora slid her hands across the smooth expanse of his muscular shoulders, delighting in the feel of him.

I want to make love with you.

When he didn’t answer, she went to move away.

rton captured her retreating
hands in one of his as he moved his body slowly against hers. Hard against soft.

Wide-eyed, Aurora

s startled gaze flew to his face.

Does that feel like I don

t want to?

he questioned huskily.

Aurora could not contain her ragged gasp nor the flush of excitement that stained her cheeks as his rigid shaft pressed eagerly against the mound of her body



she murmured, blinking at the suddenness of her response.


she moaned again, breathlessly, as he repeated his earlier gesture, rotating his hips intimately against her yielding flesh.

Releasing her wrists, Darton trailed his hand through the silky length of her hair, holding her captive for
his kiss. With a gentleness which
caused tears to spring to her eyes, he rained soft kisses on her cheeks, eyes and neck, murmuring words of love between each delicate touch of his lips.

I want to touch you, to hold you for
ever and know
you are mine. I want to feel your body responding to mine, to see your desire and know it is for me alone.

With unhurried movements, he captured one aching breast, kneading it with firm strokes, as his lips finally took hers in a slow, deep joining.

Aurora groaned her pleasure at the feel of his calloused palm, his long fingers rubbing so delectably across her sensitive flesh.

he moaned, her eyes closed against the tidal wave of feeling washing through her.

Your touch consumes my thoughts, the feel of you haunts my dreams. I want you so much.

She writhed against him, her long limbs twining around
him, begging for a release
only he could provide.


she whispered, raggedly.

Take me now.

With amazing ease, Darton slipped from her grasp, pushing her firmly back into the soft mat when she would have followed.

No, my heart. I will love you well this night. I want to explore every inch of your perfect body with my eyes, my hands and my mouth.

Aurora gasped at his bold words and his hot look scorched her already burning skin.

Please Darton, I don

t think I can stand anymore. I...

her body quivered, straining for fulfillment.

Shh, my love.

White teeth nipped playfully, almost painfully at one pebble-hard nipple.

You will endure much pleasure before the night is
over, for I intend to see
it is so.

With those bold words, he opened his mouth over her breast, drawing the succulent mound into his hot cavern. His hand molded the tender flesh as his tongue laved and sucked the turgid peak.


s delighted cries filled the room as she pushed her hands into the silky coolness of his hair, holding him to her. She thought she would die of pleasure as he moved his mouth, repeating the caress on her other aching breast.

Darton smiled with male satisfaction as he heard her sounds of pleasure. Aurora was his. Never would another know the expressions of her love. Lowering his head, he savored the sweet flesh of her stomach. With strong yet gentle hands, he opened her thighs, his long fingers finding and parting the slick folds of her womanhood, exposing the essence of her desire. His gentle strength held her still when she rolled her hips against his seeking hand.


Aurora gasped at the first touch of his mouth against her.

This is for me,

he whispered, his breath fanning the moist, tender pink skin. He closed his mouth around the center of her body, caressing the bud with his tongue until she bucked and rocked beneath him. He did not stop his loving ministrations until he felt her body convulse.

Rising up, he mounted her swiftly as the waves continued to wash over her. Pressing his burgeoning manhood forward, he sank into the hot depth of her body. His constraint was sorely tested as her body rippled under him.

Slowly he eased away, causing Aurora to whimper, begging him not to leave.

Darton stopped, leaving the tip of his hard tool inside her quivering flesh. He gathered her in his arms, one arm beneath her back and the other loosening the tight braid of her hair. He spread the dark strands across the silk cover of the pallet.

I have hungered for you in my dreams, searched for you in my thoughts. Do you think I would leave you now in your most desperate hour of need?

he teased huskily.

My need does not seem any greater than your own,

Aurora murmured, lifting her hips. He sank deeper into her softness.


s arms tightened around her, preventing any further movement.

Do not test my will, Aurora. The pleasure must be for both of us. The time is not right for you and, I fear the time will be too soon for me.

Aurora laughed at his grimace of disgust.

As you have spoken, the night is ours, the time of darkness long and empty. Will you not allow me the joy of giving you satisfaction?

she purred, caressing the hollow of his throat with her mouth.

Take me, brave warrior,

she urged, as eager for completion as he.

My body yearns for your fullness.

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