Stay (11 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

BOOK: Stay
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“Toby told us where you were. I promised Casey I’d find Vera.” Eric smiled at her, and I wanted to smack him. Was I really getting possessive over a bear? A bear who pissed me off more than anyone I’d ever met?

“Have you seen them?” I tried to keep the panic out of my voice, but it wasn’t easy. I had no idea what condition Casey would be in.

“I’ve seen Toby, Casey was with her mom though. They are at some bear island place.” Hailey was finally looking at me again now that I was appropriately covered.

“She’s with our mom?” Vera asked. “When? I haven’t heard from Mom in weeks.”

“I helped connect them.” Eric smiled sheepishly. “I’m kind of the middle man.”

“That’s great, but more to the point, has anyone seen Casey?” We had no time to lose.

“I saw her. She’s not feeling great.” Eric seemed worried. That only worried me more.

“Tiffany messed with her head.”

“Tiffany?” Hailey looked at me funny. “

“Oh yeah. You don’t know yet.” There was so much to explain, yet so little time.

“Uh, what don’t I know?”

“Tiffany isn’t Tiffany. She’s a crazy witch who’s been behind everything.”

Hailey shook her head. “This isn’t the time to play games with me.”

“Tiffany is the bitch who tried to kill us?” Vera asked.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Then he’s telling the truth. The boss is a crazy witch.”

“And we have no time to screw around. She messed with Casey’s head and is going to use her to take over The Society.”

“Are you sure the witch didn’t do something to you?” Eric asked.

I stepped toward him. “Listen to me,
. Casey is in danger. You said so yourself that something is wrong with her.”

“Yeah, but take over The Society?”

“She’s planning to have the king and queen killed.” Vera sighed. “We have no time.”

That did the trick. “What? Allie and Levi?” Hailey stumbled back.

“Yes. I have to warn them.” Unless I was too late. That thought was there lurking under my forced optimism.

“I knew it.” Hailey paled. “That’s why I came. I needed to know where to find them.”

I tried to keep my outward appearance calm. It would just upset Hailey more if she knew how worried I was. “You said Casey was with her mom? Does her mom know what’s going on? Does Casey realize her head’s been messed with?”

Hailey still looked white as a ghost. “She knows something is wrong.”

“We need to make certain she knows. Tiffany can take control at any time.”

“Take control? Like a puppet?” Hailey ran her teeth over her bottom lip.

“Exactly, it sounds like she can be in complete control of her mind if she wants to be.”

Hailey gaped at me. “Oh my god. She wants to kill Allie and Levi so Casey becomes queen.”


“Let’s go get them. We need to save them.” Hailey transformed.

“I will get them, you get to Casey. Who knows what Tiffany could be having her do?”

“I need to get Allie. You can’t go alone.”

“I’ll go with him.” Vera responded immediately. “You said Casey is with our mom. If I show up it’s going to throw everything off.”

“I’ll go with Hailey then,” the bear offered. “I might be of some help dealing with the other Ursus.”

“Fine, but we’re flying.” Hailey crossed her arms. “And I’m only agreeing to this because I care about Casey.” She put a hand on my arm. “Jared, get them back and do it fast.”

“I will.” I meant it. I’d do anything for Allie and Levi.

Hailey took off in a blur, carrying the giant bear with her. No one could say Hailey wasn’t strong.

Vera turned to me. “Do you plan to fly with me?” There was a faint layer of excitement in her voice. Did this bear actually want to fly with me?

“Yes. I’m not leaving you here, but you better not slow me down.”

“I saved your ass in there.”

“I know you did.” It was all I could say.

“We can’t fly all the way there. I can’t hold you that long and even flying on my own would be too slow. We need to fly to the city so I can get us a jet.”

“A jet? Nice. But how does this part work? How should I stand?”

There was something amusing about the way she described flying. If things weren’t so dire I would have focused on all the little innuendos in her words. “That depends. Do you want to watch where we’re going?”

She nodded.

“Then turn around.”

“Turn around?” She eyed me suspiciously.

“Come on, you just saved me. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Fine.” She huffed out a deep breath.

I wrapped my arms around her, trying not to enjoy the way her body felt against mine.

“You better not get a hard on when we’re up there.”

“Why? Would that bother you?”

“No, but it would bother you.”

I laughed. “I think we’ll be okay.” I took off, trying not to focus on all the insane problems I needed to deal with. I was flying. Like the sun, my ability to fly was something I’d never take for granted again.

Vera screamed as I soared up higher, but I realized quickly it was a happy scream. She spread her arms out wide, and I was almost positive she had her eyes open. A bear who liked to fly. I supposed stranger things have happened.

It was a fairly short flight, but I tried to enjoy every second of it. It felt so good to have my wings out, and to have Vera’s body pressed against mine. Her excitement fed into mine, and despite everything I was on a bit of a high by the time we landed.

Chapter Fifteen

“You’re the only man I’ve ever loved.” Mom gazed up at Gareth, and there was no doubt she meant the words she was saying. But what did that mean for me? I came from a relationship that meant nothing?

“And you know I’ve never loved another, but I need to know what happened.” Gareth tightened his arm around her. “What made you leave, and how did it happen?” He looked at me. I guess I was the
that had happened.

“Remember when you sent me up to that summit? You had to deal with problems within the clan, and you sent me in your place.”

“Yes.” He nodded. “I remember. I hated to make you go alone, but I knew you were more than capable of representing our clan.”

“Everything was going as planned until I met a woman who asked me to help her. She told me her friend was hurt, and she desperately needed the help of a bear with the gift.”

A bear with the gift? I wanted to know what she was talking about, but I figured the smart thing to do would be to keep my mouth shut.

“Continue.” He rested his hand on her leg.

“I followed her out into the woods to help, and then I remembered nothing more.”

“What do you mean?” I had to talk.

Both my mom and Gareth stared at me, so I shut my mouth.

“I don’t remember anything until I woke up sometime later confused, dazed, in pain, and without my clothes.”

“But you never told me of this? Did you tell anyone?” His hand tightened on her leg. She didn’t seem to notice.

“I got dressed and left my room, but before I could make it two steps out the door a beautiful dark-haired woman hurried me back inside.”

Gareth nodded.

“At first I thought it was another witch, but it wasn’t. It was a human.” Mom looked off in the distance. I was sure she was reliving an experience she wanted to forget.

Gareth and I waited silently for her to continue.

“She told me the witch had used powerful magic, and that I’d become a pawn in a dangerous dispute.” Mom swallowed hard. “She told me the king had been drugged and attacked by the magic as well.”

“The king?” Gareth shot off the couch. “You don’t mean?”

Mom hung her head. “I didn’t want to believe her, but her face was so kind. So trusting. She told me that if I got pregnant I needed to run. I needed to hide. She told me not to tell anyone.”

“She hurried off, and I tried to remember. I used every ounce of strength I had to bring back memories of what had happened, but nothing worked. I moved through the day, determined to talk to the healers when I came back home.”

Gareth sat back down. “Did anything else happen before you returned?”

“I saw the human again. She was on the arm of a high ranking Pteron. I tried to talk to her, but she pretended we’d never met. The Pteron she was with handled her roughly after that, so I just packed up and left. I didn’t want to get the woman in more trouble.”

Gareth put his arm around mom again.

“I returned home to find you and Astrella, and all I wanted to do was pretend nothing had happened. But I couldn’t. I could feel it. Something was different about me. Something had happened.”

I’d happened. I tried not to let the story upset me, but it did.

“I went to see the healers and they sensed the magic at once. They tried to rid me of it, but no matter what they did there was still some left.”

“Because I was already part of you. They couldn’t get rid of me.”

Mom moved away from Gareth and kneeled down beside me. “You are the one positive thing that came from everything. I have more of the story to tell, but don’t forget that.”

“I’ll try.”

Mom returned to her spot on the couch. “Daria was able to confirm for sure that I was pregnant. She has that gift as well, and I knew right away that this pregnancy was different. It felt different, and if the human was to be believed, I was carrying the child of the king. Her existence could change everything. She’d be a target.”

“So you left? You took Astrella with you?”

“She goes by Vera now, and yes. I’d debated telling you everything, but I knew you’d tell me to stay. You’d insist on raising the child as your own.”

“Which I would have.” Gareth gazed at me for a moment before turning back to my mom. “That would have been what was best for everyone.”

“Except for her. It wouldn’t have been what was best for my unborn child. She couldn’t know what she was. As soon as she did she’d be in danger.”

“So you left, and took my daughter.” For the first time some anger entered Gareth’s voice.

“I had a premonition. A horrible dream that Vera would be killed if I left her behind. I was trying to protect her.” Mom hung her head again.

Gareth patted mom’s back. “You should have confided in me. You should have stayed.”

“I wish I could have.”

“But what’s done is done.” Gareth looked across the room at me again. “What’s your name?”

“Casey.” I tried to stay calm. He couldn’t hurt me. I was a Pteron. I was strong. But even as I said it my body begged for sleep. I wasn’t strong enough to do anything.

“I know we do not know each other, but I’d like to change that.”

“Why?” I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. “I’m the reason your mate left you.” I used their word even though it still felt foreign.

“Because you are Taliana’s daughter. She is my mate, and that makes you my child by all the rules I follow.”

This was the second man I didn’t know claiming me as his daughter in just a few weeks. It was all too much. “I need to lie down.”

“Is she ill?” Gareth looked at my mom.

Mom quickly helped me over to the couch. “Yes. She was captured by someone, and I fear that the same kind of magic was used on her.”

I rested my head down on the soft couch, immediately finding relief. I couldn’t keep my head up any longer. The exhaustion and the stress of hearing my mom recount the story was too much.

“I will get the healers.” Gareth’s voice sounded far away.

“You’re going to be okay.” Mom brushed my hair away from my face. The motion reminded me of being a child. My mom always knew how to make me feel better.

“He isn’t angry?” It took a lot of energy just to speak those words.

“He’s hurt that I didn’t confide in him, but he’ll come around.”

“You did all of that for me.” She’d fill in the blanks, speaking was so hard. I needed a short nap.

“I’d do anything for you, or Vera. For both of you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“How long ago did this happen?” An unfamiliar voice asked. “How long has she been like this?”

“It’s only been a few days, but I wasn’t with her. Is it that bad?” Mom asked.

I gave myself another moment to wake up before forcing my eyes open and moving to sitting. Mom immediately sat at my side to steady me. “Take it easy.”

“I’m fine.” I wasn’t fine, but I wasn’t going to admit weakness in front of people I didn’t know. From what I’d seen, showing any weakness in The Society was dangerous.

“Who did this?” a woman wearing a long purple dress asked. “Who did this to you?”

“I don’t know. It was all dark and shadowy. There was smoke and chanting.”

“It’s quadrious witchcraft.” She looked at Gareth when she spoke. “It’s going to take some work, but we may be able to fix it.”

“What did they do to her? Why is she so weak?” Mom asked.

“It’s not the weakness that worries me.” She spoke softly.

“What do you mean?” Mom’s voice lilted. “What aren’t you saying?”

“Perhaps we should speak outside?” the woman suggested.

“No!” I shot up to my feet. “Anything you have to say you can say in front of me.”

The woman shook her head. “I’m not sure I should.”

“Just say it. I will assess the news and determine a course of action.” Gareth definitely liked to take charge.

The woman sighed. “There’s something here. Some influence. I believe whoever used the magic wanted to have control.”

“Control?” The world started spinning. “Control of me?”

“Yes.” The woman folded her hands in her lap. “I believe so far you’ve been able to fight her influence off. That says a lot about your strength.” She smiled slightly. “But I assume the effort is why you are so exhausted.”

“But I haven’t been trying to fight it off. I haven’t been trying to do anything.”

“Your subconscious has been. You’ve been fighting it this whole time.”

Mom took my hand. “What do we do? How can you get rid of it?”

“It’s going to all come down to her.”

“What do you mean?” I sat back down. “I have to do it myself?”

“Not alone, but you’re the one who has to take charge.”

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