Stay (12 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

BOOK: Stay
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“So if I can’t fight this off, there’s nothing anyone can do?”

“You can fight it.” Mom sat back down next to me. “You can do this. We can do it together.”

“What if she’s messing with me now? What if these aren’t my thoughts?”

No one said anything, and the silence terrified me. Finally the woman spoke. “You are in control. You are fighting it. You need to reach to the place that makes you feel strong.”

I closed my eyes, that place was the sky. That place was flying.

“We should get Toby.” Mom spoke the words I wanted to say but was afraid to utter.

“Toby?” Gareth asked. “Who is that?”

“Her boyfriend. He’s a Pteron. Of the Blackwell line.”

“Boyfriend?” Gareth looked at me. “Do you intend to be his mate?”

“I don’t know. I don’t even really understand what this whole mate thing is.”

“That doesn’t matter now.” Mom shook her head. “What matters is that he calms her. He’ll be able to help.”

“Is he nearby?” Gareth asked. It seemed like he wasn’t going to argue.

“On the other side of the lake. My guess is he’s still waiting.”

“Go get the Pteron,” Gareth ordered one of his men. “Bring him immediately.”

“Yes, sir.” One of the men from earlier hurried off.

“We need to rid her of the magic so we can perform the ceremony.”

“The ceremony?” I asked. “What kind of ceremony?”

“I already told you you’re my child, but I need to claim you as my daughter officially and welcome you home.”

“You’ve welcomed me enough already.” The word ceremony didn’t sound good.

“Maybe.” He smiled. “But we haven’t welcomed your boyfriend yet.”

Chapter Sixteen

I shouldn’t have been happy that Vera was with me. She was only going to slow me down. She did understand bears a hell of a lot more than I did because she was one, but she might also be sentimental. I was going to strike first and ask questions later. I hoped she felt the same way.

Landing right on the island would have only tipped the enemy off, so I told the pilot to land about a twenty minute flight away. Hopefully Vera would be up for a second flight.

“I could get used to traveling this way.” Vera lounged on one of couches in the private jet.

“Yeah well, I have too much on my mind to enjoy it.”

“That’s not it.” She sat up. “You’re jaded.”


“Yeah. You’ve grown up with all this.” She gestured to the plane. “You’re used to it.”

“You do know this isn’t my plane, right?” I wasn’t sure what Vera knew about me, but I assumed by the way she treated me she knew I wasn’t royal.

“Yes, but has the use of it ever been denied to you? Would they have ever made you fly commercial like the rest of us? In coach nonetheless?” She smirked. The girl had a sense of humor.

“I have wings. I wouldn’t settle for coach.” I laughed picturing having to squeeze in between two people on a commercial flight. That wouldn’t go over well. It was hard enough controlling my urge to transform when I flew on a Laurent jet.

“You know what I mean. You’ve probably always had everything.”

“I’ve had all the material things I’ve needed, but haven’t you?” I didn’t know that much about New York, but Long Island wasn’t a bad place to live. Casey had worked a part time job, but that was a more recent change from what I understood.

“We did, but not like you. You know one of the reasons I left home?”

“I thought it was because you wanted to be with the bears.” Which I understood on some level. It was probably hard to stay with humans once you knew you were more. She probably wanted to learn more about her abilities and other form.

“That was part of it. I also wanted to protect Casey from all the crap that came with being a bear. Especially the guys.”


“Yeah. He’s better than a lot of them, but he still hurt her. I should have protected her better.”

I shrugged. “You do what you can do.”

“Yeah.” She looked away. “That’s a few of the reasons.”

“But there’s more?” I wasn’t really in the mood for small talk, but maybe it would help pass the time.

“I knew my parents couldn’t pay for both of us to go to college. Casey’s the smart one.”

“You were willing to give up your own education so your sister could get one?” Either I had misread her, or Vera has a lot of hidden layers. I’d never pegged her as that sort. I wondered if I’d have been willing to do the same? Probably not. I was selfish most of the time. The realization bothered me more than it should have.

“She’s the most important person in the world to me.” She spoke with such conviction that I needed to know more.

“You guys were close growing up?”

“As close as sisters can be, well until I started pushing her away. I didn’t want her to turn out like me.”

“And what were you?” I leaned back. This conversation was getting more and more interesting.

“I knew what guys wanted and how to use that to my advantage.”

“I see.”

“What?” She was in my face in a blur. “You of all people are going to judge me for that?”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

She laughed dryly. “Don’t pretend you’re any better.” She sat back down.

“I don’t use my body to get what I want.”

“No, you just use girls to feel good about yourself. It’s the same thing.”

“I don’t use girls. I just enjoy them.” At least I used to. Sex was starting to bore me, which scared me more than most things.

“You mean you discard them.”

“You don’t even know me.” I’d been chewed out by women before, but aside from Allie they had all been ones I’d slept with. Allie got a pass because she was the queen, but Vera didn’t have that excuse.

“What happened with my sister?” She glared at me.

“I saved her.”

“Before that.” She crossed her legs and leaned forward. “What happened?”

“I didn’t know what she was. We had fun.”

“And you found out what she was and discarded her, isn’t that how Toby explained it?”

“It’s not something I’m proud of.” I’d beaten myself up about it enough. She didn’t need to do it herself. “Why does it matter now? She’s with Toby.” And in much more serious danger than I ever was to her.

“Because I’m trying to understand you.” She ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

“To understand me?” I laughed. “Why would you bother doing that?”

“Because we’re spending time together. I might as well.”

“I think you’re right.” I stretched, leaving my hands behind my head. “We are alike.”

“I never said we’re alike. I said you were just as bad.”

“Same thing.”

“No. It’s not the same thing.” She rested her elbows on her knees.

“How so?” I was enjoying the banter way more than I should have. Why was this girl getting under my skin?

“I used guys who wanted to be used, who were using me.”

“And the girls I sleep with aren’t using me?” And she thought I was sexist?

“Was Casey using you?”

“Leave Casey out of this. She’s not who you’re really talking about, and you know it.”

“No. I don’t think the girls are using you.”

“I’ve never misled anyone. I’ve never promised more than I was going to give.”

“But you don’t think they expect more? That they don’t expect there to be a next time?” There was a vulnerability in her voice and in her expression that made me pause.

“Who are we talking about now?”

“You. The girls you use.”

“Ok. I was just making sure we weren’t talking about you.”

She blinked in surprise. “Why would we be? I’d never be dumb enough to sleep with you.”

“Oh yeah?” I smirked. “Dumb enough?”

“I’m sure you’re uh good, but plenty of guys are.”

“I assure you I’m more than good, but don’t worry. I have no interest in touching you either.” That was completely untrue. I had plenty of interest in touching her, touching her everywhere, but it wasn’t an option.

“That’s not what your eyes were doing yesterday.”

“Admiring a beautiful woman is different from wanting to bed her.”

“Beautiful?” She asked.

I loved watching her reactions. She was so easy to read. “I’m guessing the bears you spend time with don’t use that word much.”

“I doubt you do. Besides, what does it even mean? Who defines beauty?”

“Are we getting philosophical now?” I walked over and sat down next to her. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I knew she was dangerous in that she was a real distraction, but I couldn’t resist getting close to her. Once we found Levi and Allie though we were going to have to part ways.

“I’m just asking a question. You’re the one who used a term you can’t define.”

“You don’t think I can define beauty?”

She shook her head. “No.”

I responded instantly. I didn’t need to think over my answer. “Beauty is strength. It’s eyes that are clear and bright, and it’s a gracefulness that very few people have. It’s a glow.”

“And I have those things?”

“Yes, but you’re also sexy.” So damn sexy it was killing me.

“And sexy is different?”

“Of course.” I leaned in, unable to resist getting a whiff of her intoxicating scent. I could look but not touch I reminded myself.

“What’s sexy?”

“Sexy is about curves and edges, lips that beckon, and legs that call to be opened.”

“Oh?” Her voice wavered. I was having an effect on her, and I couldn’t have been happier. Was I losing it? Had the time in the cave driven me insane?


“My legs call to be opened?”

“Yes.” I rested a hand on her bare leg, right below the edge of shorts. Her skin was warm and soft, and I wanted to explore more of it.

“Like this?” She opened her legs slightly, and I wished she’d been wearing a skirt.

“Yeah, you don’t want to sleep with me, remember?” I forced my eyes up to her face.

She stood. “You’re weaker than I thought.”

“I’m not weak.” I tried to compose myself. I couldn’t let this girl get to me. Anytime would be bad, but especially not then. My best friend, the king, was in trouble, and I was the only one who could save him. I had to save him.

“You are, but there’s no time for that.”

“Exactly. You’re the one who started the stupid conversation.”

“You didn’t think it was a stupid conversation a few minutes ago.”

“Just drop it.” I spoke through gritted teeth.

“Fine. What’s the plan?”

I took a seat. “We meet up with Owen, and check out the island.”


“Yeah, he’s Levi’s chief advisor.”

“And I’m guessing he’s ridiculously young and inexperienced too?”

“We’ve been training for our jobs for years.” For nearly our whole lives in my case at least. There was never a question that I was going to be in security, it was just whether Levi would trust me to be in charge. It had only been a few months, and I’d let all hell break lose. Maybe I hadn’t been the right choice.

“I’m sure you have.”

“Look, can you just stop?” I was beating myself up enough. I didn’t need her adding to it.

“Stop what?” She put a hand on her hip.

“Trying to piss me off. I get that it’s the only way you know how to deal with people.”

“Oh yeah?” She walked over to the bar and poured herself a shot of whiskey into a glass.

“What are you doing?” Was she for real?

“Getting something to drink. What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Now? We’re going to a potential fight. Do you really think drinking is a smart move?”

“Trust me.” She took a long sip of the brown liquid. “I’ll be better after this.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I need a drink.” She took another sip.

“I’ll take one too.” I walked over to the bar.

She filled a glass. “I thought drinking was a bad idea.”

My fingers grazed hers as I picked up my glass. I couldn’t ignore the spark that ran between us, but I wanted to. I needed to. “Alcohol doesn’t really affect me, but if you’re having one, I might as well have one too.”

“Don’t act like you’re doing me a favor. I really don’t care what you do.”

“Sure you do.”

“I don’t. I’m only with you because you need my help.”

I slammed my glass down with more force than I intended. The glass shattered sending whiskey spilling out all over the bar top. “What is it with you? What do I have to do to get you to stop making everything a fight?”

“Stop being an asshole.”

“Me? I’m the asshole?” I ran a hand through my hair. “If this goes back to Casey again, I’m going to be pissed.”

“It has nothing to do with Casey.” She hopped up onto the bar.

“Then what does it have to do with?” I did my best to calm down. I had to stop letting Vera get to me.

“I don’t know.”

I laughed. “You don’t?”

“No. I just hate the way you make me feel.”

“How do I make you feel?” I took a step toward her. “It can’t be what being near you does to me.”

“You mean you don’t simultaneously want to punch me and fuck me?”

I coughed. Could she actually read my mind or something? “No, that actually sums it up about right.”

“Then just kiss me already. Get it over with.”

“Kiss you? Are you kidding?”


“I already told you I’m not sleeping with you.”

“Then just shut up.” She yanked on my shirt pulling me toward her. Her lips were on mine before I could process it. My lips responded immediately, greedily sucking on her bottom lip before pushing my way into her mouth.

She moaned, eagerly letting me in. My tongue tangled with hers, as I explored every corner of her mouth. Before my hands could do their own exploration she broke the kiss. “So much better.” She hopped down from the bar.

“Excuse me?” I was still spinning from the kiss. Had she really stopped that suddenly?

“Ok, let’s talk about the plan.”

“Now?” I asked with disbelief. “After that?”

“You could say thank you.”

“Thank you?”

“For easing the tension. It was thick enough to cut with a knife, but I preferred your tongue.”

“So that’s it? You just did that to ease sexual tension?”

“What did you think I was doing?”

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