Steal Me From Heaven (20 page)

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Authors: Toni Crawford

BOOK: Steal Me From Heaven
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“No. I am a Vampire, and I will drink as such. If you want me to have your blood, you will submit to me and offer your neck.” He backs away, looking flustered, and stands. I pull myself up out the tub. I do not rinse even though the water is bloody. He looks at me and sees the faint lines of scars that mark my flesh. He closes his eyes. He cannot even stand to look at them, let alone be the one who causes them. He picks up my towel and brings it to me. After he wraps it around my body, and I secure it tightly, he kneels down and offers me his neck. I think of Jacob.

“I am truly sorry,” he says. “I have been treating you like an Angel this whole time and not nurturing the side that holds your heart. My blood is your blood however you wish to take it.” Malachi’s eyes glimmer in the soft light. I want to give in to him more and more.

“Can you heal me with your light?” I ask.

“Yes, if that is your wish.”

“It is for now.” I do not want to lose my connection to Jacob.

He stands. “Come here.” He embraces me in his arms. I start to cry. Picking me up, he carries me to the bed and sits me down. He takes off his clothes and gets under the covers. I am still in my towel and lying on top of him with the covers between us. He takes my head in his hand and lays it in his lap. He is petting me as he runs his hand across the side of my hair. I relax and give in to him. I close my eyes and sleep.

When I sleep is when I hear Jacob the loudest. My mind is more susceptible. I feel his anguish and his torture. Images enter my mind—horror, fire, and silver blades. Lilith is mocking him. I tremble as I sleep. Tears stream down my cheeks.

A couple of hours later, I wake up to him healing me. My scars have disappeared. My thirst is no longer controlling me. It is almost nine, and we must leave soon. I get up to dress and head for the closet. I pick out some of Harrietta’s clothes and put them
on. Malachi sees my old bloody clothes on the floor and walks over to pick them up. My jeans are lacerated with holes and tears. The shirt and bra are torn in two down the middle. He lets out a scream in a voice that I have never heard.

“What did he do to you? He was never allowed to touch you with his bare hands or gaze upon your flesh. Tell me now. I will kill him if he—”

“No, he didn’t go very far. I don’t think he would have gotten past my breasts. He wouldn’t….”

Malachi storms out of the room. He still is not dressed. I follow him quickly down the steps. The front door opens as we near the entryway. Gerald steps in with his gear in his hands. He is covered in blood, my blood. Malachi’s wings break out of his back. His spears spring outward. He backs Gerald up against the wall and advances. I cannot see my Angel’s face, but by looking at Gerald, I can tell that he is scared. Malachi pierces his right shoulder with one spear and pins him to the wall. He raises his other wing behind him and slowly draws it towards him, stopping only inches in front of Gerald’s heart.

“No, he is a great ally. You do not wish to harm him. We are done here.” I walk over and put my hand on Malachi’s shoulder. “He has taught me well today. I know why he did what he did. I told you that I didn’t think he would have done anything. He needed me to do something and by the looks of him, I think I did pretty well. Now please release him.”

Malachi slowly draws his spears back into his wing tips. Harrietta is now watching from the kitchen entry. Her mouth is open, yet she does not speak. Gerald places his hand over his wounded shoulder. Gerald dares to speak. “Malachi, you do not know what she is capable of. She had given up. I threatened her, that’s all. It worked. She can project her light outwards as a weapon. Knocked me out for several hours and fried my brain a little. If I would have had the guts to do it, I would have stabbed her in the heart. You are right. I do not think she can be killed. With proper training…”

“I am taking over from now on. I would appreciate your discretion, of course. Everyone knows what’s at stake. We are leaving now. Harrietta, if you would, please retrieve my clothes from upstairs. We have another stop to make.” Malachi walks away from Gerald and over to me. He touches my face and kisses me. I feel uncomfortable in front of our guests. “And Gerald, I told you that she is mine. We are coupled. If you touch her again, I will not stop my spear from touching the inside of your heart.” He kisses me again for emphasis.

I want to smile, but I do not. When I try to walk up to Gerald, Malachi grabs my arm. I look at him to let me go. “While I do not agree with your methods, I did learn from you. Malachi could not have taught me the sting of the blade. It would be an honor to fight alongside you. Can I count on your loyalty when the time comes?”

“Marion, the honor is all mine. I touched you against Malachi’s orders. I crossed the line. Can you please forgive me?” He holds out his hand. I take it as a peace offering.

“Gerald, you are forgiven from the both of us.” I hear Malachi snort behind me. Harrietta returns with Malachi’s clothes. He puts on the pants but carries the shirt. I guess that we are flying. I reach for the bottom for my shirt to pull it over my head, but Malachi stops me.

“No, I will carry you.”

“But I can—”

“No,” he snaps sharply. “Harrietta, Gerald, thank you for the hospitality. I will see you at the gathering place.” They all nod their heads at each other, and we leave through the front doors. I feel the force field as we walk through. After throwing the sword sling across his shoulder, he hands me his shirt to carry. We make it about a mile up in the sky before I start asking my questions.

“Why didn’t you let me fly?” I ask.

“I did not want him to look upon your wings and bow to you. There is a time and place for everything.”

“I do not think that man would bow to anyone. He is not kind like you.”

“He serves his purpose when I need him. I would not have objected to his methods if he had not torn your clothes. I did not tell him about Charles. He would not have done that if he had known.”

“Did you order us not to fly during training?”

“Yes, I know that it limited your resources.”

“It’s not your fault,” I say.

“Marion, I still don’t know if I can hurt you.”

“If you do not train me with all that you are, then I will be too easily killed in battle. Then it would be your fault, and I will not forgive you.” I stare into his eyes as I speak.

“I will do what I must. Failure is not an option. But…I am afraid that you will think of me like the way you looked at Gerald. You will not want me to make love to you.”

I forgot about the ruling with everything that has happened. “Honestly, I do not know how I will feel. We will take it day by day. If I become scared of you, we will stop.” I stay silent for a little while. I do not like to be carried when I can fly myself. I think he just wants to be close to me. “I thought you said that Fallen never sleep, but I heard Gerald snoring from my bedroom.”

“No, I said that I never sleep. There is a difference. Gerald and Harrietta are coupled for life. Once you find your mate, you find peace and no longer are in search of him or her. You rest.”

“But we are coupled. Doesn’t that mean that I am yours?”

“I pondered that. I came close to sleeping a few times. Maybe it is because I have never had you completely. But soon…”

“I cannot tonight in Jacob’s house.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I would never.”

“When will you adorn me with silver weapons?”

“I do not wish that for you.”

“You have them,” I remind him.

“I told you how painful it is.”

“But would it help me?” I ask. He does not want to answer. “Malachi, would it make me stronger?”

“Yes, but you are not ready.”


“If I believe that you are ready when we go to the gathering, it will be done if you wish. I will not ask or tell you to do it. You have to carry the pain. You take the risk of killing yourself with the metal inside your spine. The weight alone is hard to carry. Maybe you should strap blades to the outside of your body for now. We will try that first.”

“Who does the procedure?”

“I will do yours. No one else will touch you but me. You do not have to decide today.”

“How many of them are there like you, warrior Angels?” I ask.

“There are only several hundred Angels that have done it.”

I see the mansion coming into view. I close my eyes, not wanting to cry. Malachi drops down from the sky and lands on the front steps. I look over to the patio where Jacob and I last made
love. Malachi follows my line of sight and lets out a breath. He recalls the memory just as well as I do.

The front door opens, and we are led up to the third floor and to the hidden door. Once inside, we make our way towards Jessica’s bedroom. The doorman leaves. A few knocks later, Jacob’s sister opens the door. I do not know how she will react to us being here.

“Marion,” she says as she hugs me. She is happy to see me. I squeeze her back. “You are pale and thin. Malachi, are you not taking good care of her?”

“She will not drink, only a few sips here and there. We have come to discuss a plan to get Jacob back. Is Rebecca here?”

“She just returned last night. She did not find what she was sent to locate.”

“You mean the flower petal?” I ask.

“Yes, but how did you know?”

“Jacob.” I look away. “Do you think that Deborah will tell us where she found it years ago?”

“Maybe, if we can find her,” she says. “We could split up our search and double our efforts. Rebecca and I could try for the flower again, and the two of you could find Deborah.”

Malachi speaks. “Do you have someplace that we can go to talk instead of the doorway here?”

Jessica nods. “But of course. There is a dining hall down this way. I have already asked Rebecca to meet us there.” We go to a set of large double doors. Once inside, we take a seat at one end of the large table.

“Jessica,” Malachi says, “I hate to ask but I will need to feed tonight.”

“What about your charge?” she asks.

“I need another source—Vampire, female—if you don’t mind?”

“No one has fed from me since Nathanial. I do not know.”

“I’ll do it.” Rebecca’s small voice enters the room before she does. I have things to settle with her. She walks over to Malachi. “Do you want to do this now or would you prefer later when we are alone?” She traces a finger over his bare collarbone. I rise up out of my seat. Everyone is looking at me. I am acting like a territorial Vampire. “Careful, honey,” Rebecca says. “People might get the wrong idea and think that you don’t give a damn
about Jacob.” Her hand is resting on his shoulder. I want to kill her.

Malachi raises his hand and swats her away. “Maybe now is not the best time. Later, but we will not be alone. Marion will be by my side. We are coupled. Do not forget that, Rebecca.”

“I did not realize. I was out of town, remember? Why does she always get all the best men?” She stares at me. I sit back down.

Now is just as good a time as any. “Why did you try to kill me?” I ask.

“I needed your flesh for a spell to try to locate the flower. After you and Jacob left for your date, I went into the bathroom and retrieved a vial of burned skin from the tub. I would have closed the curtains but you figured that out on your own. I got as far as China before I ran out of my magic potion. I will need to ask you for another donation.”

“Why? You did not know what Jacob would do.”

“I see the future. I will go back to where I left off and start from there. The spell I will make from that flower will bring back Jacob’s body. Without his body, Lilith and her Demons can do little harm to him. He will only be a spirit in Hell, and he will not be able to feel physical pain. I do not know how to get his soul back.”

“I’ve been thinking about that. Deborah said to me that every time someone is banished, someone returns. It’s like they bargained for their soul or something. I don’t know for certain.”

“You may be onto something. But why would Deborah want you to wake up? We all know why Jacob wanted her to awaken, so that he could fight his marriage to her and so he can be with you.” Malachi ponders. “We will see her at the meeting. It is required for all Fallen to attend.”

“Good, we will try to find her before that meeting and you find that flower as soon as you can. I do not want Jacob down there too long. How much flesh do you need from me?” I ask Rebecca.

“Enough,” she responds.

“Malachi.” I hold up my arm.

“No, I will not cut you,” he says.

“You will do as I ask.”

“Only if you drink my blood. It has been too long. I will not heal you any other way.”

“Fine,” I spit. I feel like a child being forced to eat her vegetables.

“Not here. I will have her skin to you by in the morning. Do you require anything else?” he asks Rebecca.

“Yes, but I can handle it.”

“Do you have a room for us?” I ask Jessica.

Rebecca has a quick tongue. “What’s the matter? You don’t want your new lover in your old bed? If Malachi can replace Jacob between your legs, then sleeping in his bed shouldn’t be a problem.”

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