Steal Me From Heaven (21 page)

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Authors: Toni Crawford

BOOK: Steal Me From Heaven
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“Rebecca, enough,” Jessica growls. “You will behave yourself. I apologize,” she says to me. I feel sorry for Jessica. She has a spiteful two-year-old on her hands. “If you will follow me.” We all get up to leave. When we get to our door, Jessica says good night. She needs to go pack for their departure to China. Rebecca follows us into the room. I turn and look at her.

“Is there something else you need?” I ask her.

“No, but I need to satisfy your Guardian since you don’t,” she says. I step towards her but Malachi stops me.

“Sorry, but I really need to drink tonight.” I want to tell him to drink from me, but I am not ready to let Jacob go. He needs me.

Rebecca starts to unbutton her shirt. Malachi takes her by the hand and stops her. “No,” he says as he raises her wrist to his lips. He pierces her skin and drinks. Rebecca stares at him. I really need to find that horny girl a man, preferably one that isn’t mine. After he is satisfied, he lets her go. Rebecca licks her wrist like a lollypop and closes her wounds. He watches her tongue move over her flesh. “Has Jacob ever fed from you?” he asks her.

She averts her eyes. “No, I am Jessica’s property. He is not allowed.”

I do not know why he just asked her that question. I no longer want to stay in this house. “Rebecca, one more thing before you leave. I heard that you were the keeper of the Biltmore Hotel. Perhaps Malachi and I should stay in one of those rooms for privacy, you know.”

“There will be a key waiting for you at the front desk. I will have a car drive you over. Give the driver your flesh to return to me. The sooner I have it, the better.” She adds a little tone in her voice to the last part. Malachi nods to her and thanks her for her gift of blood. I want to vomit from the nausea of watching him feed. I need to eat something soon.

We ride in silence over to the hotel. He gets the key from the clerk and we ride up to the fourth floor. He opens and closes the door to our room. “Marion, we need to talk.” He seems serious.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“It’s about Rebecca.”

“I know that she is a problem…” I start to say.

“No, it’s not that…it’s—”

“Spit it out,” I demand.

“She’s your daughter.”





Chapter 10


“How do you know that she is my daughter?” I ask.

“Her blood.”

A flash enters my mind. “Jacob is her father. I was pregnant when we were separated.”

“Yes, I know.”

I start to cry. One child is alive. Malachi holds me in his arms. “She doesn’t know. Jacob said that she made small passes and innuendos but he did not see her that way. Arthur kept her from me, and Merlin hid her behind his magic. I only saw her a few times. I felt sorry for the children who were kept under lock and key. They were Merlin’s apprentices. They were always looking for the next great wizard.”

I do not wish to tell her without Jacob. He should know first anyway. I wipe my tears.

Just then, there is a knock on the door. Malachi opens it and the driver is standing there. “Just a minute,” Malachi tells him. He closes the door and calls forth his wings. He reaches inside his feathers and pulls out a silver blade.

“I can do it,” I tell him.

“No, I have to get used to it sooner or later.” He takes my arm in his hand. Sliding the blade across my skin, he cuts a large triangular portion. I do not scream or cry out. I feel him scrape the bone as he digs out a chunk of my skin and muscle. I close my eyes to the pain. Somehow it is not as bad as before when Gerald cut me. Malachi opens the door and hands my skin to the man. He cringes as he takes it in his hands. “I guess you should have thought about bringing something to put it in,” Malachi tells him. I find it funny. The driver turns and leaves. He heads for the service elevator.

My Angel turns to look at me. Walking up to me, he hugs me and lifts up his neck. “No,” I say.

“You promised you would drink.”

“I will, but later. The wound is almost healed. I want to take a shower. This room is too nice not to use all the luxuries.” Malachi follows me into the bathroom. I notice that there is no shower curtain, only a glass panel. I undress and turn on the hot water to steam up the room. Malachi leans up against the vanity. “You can join me if you wish,” I tell him.

“I will watch, if you don’t mind.”

“You should already know that I don’t mind,” I remind him.

I open the glass door and step inside. I do not linger in the shower. Every now and then I glance over to him. He does not look away, but I quickly turn each time. His heated gaze is too much for me. I wish he would just join me. The glass steams up to where I can no longer see him. I do not know how much he can see of me. I rinse my hair and wring it out. After turning off the water, I wipe my hand across the glass. He is no longer standing by the vanity. I get out and wrap a white fluffy towel around me.

When I enter the bedroom, he is lying under the white hotel comforter with his back resting on the headboard. No wonder white is his favorite color. It brings out the blue in his eyes. I place my knee on the bed and swing my other leg over his hips to straddle him. I am inches from his throat. I cannot resist. Leaning forward, I circle my tongue around his beating pulse and draw his skin into my mouth. He does not resist my bite as I sink my teeth into him. I haven’t been fully satiated in days. I feel like I could ravish him. Instead, I release pleasure hormones into his blood stream. He moans as they take over his whole body. I feel him harden beneath my groin. The comforter is restricting him. He raises my body and pulls the covers down to free himself. I lower back down and he slides into me for the first time. I am stretched to receive him. I haven’t had intercourse in months. The pain is a welcomed pleasure.

I rock my body against his hard shaft as I begin to drink. He reaches his hands up to my breasts and pulls down my towel. It falls around my butt. He grabs the ends of the towel and moves me faster as he pumps up to meet me. I can no longer hold his throat by my fangs. I release him in order to scream. Blood trickles down his neck and onto his shoulder. I lick his flesh clean before I bite him again. This time I am sucking his jugular right above his collarbone. I know that this location of my teeth hurts. He shifts his legs underneath me and rises to his knees. I hold onto his shoulders as he flips me backwards onto the mattress. I do not release him, and he is still tight within me. I close my eyes as he rotates his pelvis, pushing himself deeper inside. I feel an electrifying jolt to my center. The air is cooling all around me. I
do not have to open my eyes to know that his wings are expanding and contracting above us. Our bodies are encased in his light.

He sends a shockwave to where my teeth are sunken into his flesh. Realizing that I have taken too much, I stop my drink. If he were a mortal, he would be dead from my Vampire kiss. I pull back my dark side and call forth my light. The combination of the two of us is tantalizing. I give in to my passion and surrender to its release. My bottom lip quivers. He places his hands over mine and we clasp our fingers together. He raises my arms above my head on the mattress. I stretch beneath him. He stares into my eyes as I spasm out of control. I cry out his name. I beg him not to stop, to go faster, harder, and deeper. He does not disappoint me. Lifting his upper body, he raises my legs to rest my feet on his chest. The position makes me gasp as the length of him purges my senses. Immediately I have my third orgasm. He moans my name.

He lowers my legs into the cradle of his arms. The sex was definitely worth the wait. He withdraws and before I realize it he is licking my slick flesh. I try to get away. “No,” I say as I squirm. “I do not like to be cleaned this way after sex.”

“I haven’t even finished yet, I’m just getting started.” He pulls my thighs closer to him and kisses the inside of my leg. I look down and see that indeed he is still erect. I jump when he bites me. He never liked to bite while pleasuring me. My body tenses as I feel my blood being pulled into him. I lay my head back down and my breasts rise and fall with my quickened breaths.

He is busy concentrating down below. I take my nipple and tweak the pebble. My stomach tightens again, and I shake uncontrollably. I am on the verge of losing all consciousness. When I ride my wave back down, I can no longer move. He positions himself to enter me again.

“Wait, no more, I can’t,” I beg.

“Are you saying that you are fully satisfied?”

I hesitate at his question. He should know that I am beyond fulfilled. I do not answer him. He mistakes my silence as an invitation for more. My flesh accepts him again. I gasp. His rigid rod is rubbing my nub in just the right way. Moving faster and faster, I peak again, bringing him with me this time. He rests his head on my breasts as I run my fingers through his hair.

After he catches his breath, he kisses me gently at first then elevates me with a heart-melting passionate kiss that leaves me wanting more sex. I push him up off of me, and we are kneeling, facing each other on the bed. We lock lips again. I realize how tired I am and slow down my advances. We do not have to make up for everything all in one night. I crumple over and sink into the mattress. Resting my head on my pillow, I pull the comforter up to my chest. The sheets and blanket feel good against my naked flesh.

“Come here,” I tell him. He puts his wings back to where they belong and settles beside me to rest his head on top of my abdomen. The sun is rising in the east. I send out a mental image and close the heavy curtains. Malachi has never seen me move objects with my mind. I do not know why I haven’t shown him.

“Do you think that you can move blades and spears with a thought?” he asks.

“I assume so, but I have never really tried to do much other than open and close blinds and curtains.”

“We will try to work on that skill in training. It could give you an extra advantage.” He wraps his arms round my waist and hugs me. I run my hand up and down his back, soothing him. His breathing slows, and I realize that he is sleeping. I start to silently cry as I acknowledge the meaning of his slumber. I am his life partner, yet Jacob is mine.

He wakes, wanting my body again. I surrender time and time again. When I go to shower, he is already sleeping again. He looks so happy and peaceful, but I am tearing in two. I do not reprimand myself for my actions. I will not deny my feelings for Malachi, and to do so now would be hypocritical. His tender touch is lovely, emotional, and soulful. Jacob is territorial, predatory, and raw. I find them both satisfying. When the water washes away the evidence on my body, I release my tears from my heart. I haven’t heard anything from Jacob since I made love to someone else. I fear that he knows.

Not noticing anything around me, I feel Malachi wrap his arms around me. He holds me as I cry. No questions are asked. We wash each other and dry off. Night is almost here, time to train. I look around the room for my clothes. I do not find them.

“Where are my clothes?” I ask.

“I sent them to be cleaned. I transported back home and packed a bag for us. We are going to stay here to train. I do not want to miss them when Jess and Rebecca get back.”

“When did you go back home?”

“After you were in the shower for so long, I thought I would be back before you got out. I didn’t expect to find you so upset. I’m sorry if I am the cause of your tears.”

I walk over to him and kiss him. “You are perfect. My sorrow has nothing to do with you. I just can’t hear him anymore. I do not know what is happening.”

Malachi runs his hand through his hair. “He is getting stronger rather than weaker. I believe he is blocking you now where he couldn’t before. I think he knows your feelings towards me have changed and that we have been intimate together. He shouldn’t be upset about it since he ordered us to have sex. He is giving you the space you need to make your choice. If that is the case then he knows he will be returning soon. He has found a way. Still, we will go about our mission just in case.”

I am mad nonetheless. Jacob has no right to block me. He heard me say that I would always choose him, so why is he making me betray him this way? I march over to the duffel bag and pull out one of the two low-cut dresses. I bypass the white one and pick the black one. It is night after all and I am feeling very much like a Vampire. I put the dress on with the split in the front instead of the back. I am working with blades. I do not need to fly and if I do, I can just remove it easily enough. I turn and see Malachi holding out several leather straps with blades attached. He walks up to me and kneels down. As he straps the leather to each thigh, I watch him work. Next, he ties a belt around my waist that contains about a dozen throwing blades. Finally, he places bands on my forearms that each has a knife that runs from my wrist to my elbow. I am going to end up stabbing myself. After I am weighted down, he stands back to look at me.

“It’s heavy,” I say.

“It weighs the same as the weapons to be implanted. You should get used to running, jumping, climbing, and flying with the steel on you. Take the sword.”

“Shouldn’t we start off with less and then add more to it?”

“No,” he says as he slips into his pants. He is wearing jeans. I have never seen him in a pair of denim. He looks nice. I go to hug him but he stops me. “No,” he repeats. I do not know why he has an attitude. I watch as he goes into the small closet and comes back out with a backpack. I know that he has torture weapons in there. Gerald’s backpack certainly did.

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