Stockings and Cellulite (38 page)

Read Stockings and Cellulite Online

Authors: Debbie Viggiano

Tags: #Romance, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: Stockings and Cellulite
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‘Good morning Mrs Cherry!’ said Martin Henniker coldly. I slowly turned to see my grim-faced boss seated in the sofa area reserved for clients. ‘I
in the middle of a meeting with Miss McDermott.’

‘And a very good morning to you too Mr Henniker,’ I smiled sweetly. ‘I was just referring to that new docu-drama on the television last night.’

‘Oh really? What was it called?’

‘Er, Raiders of the Lost Libido. See you in five.’

Bugger, bugger, bugger.

At lunch time Morag, Julia and I sat on our favourite park bench. The late November sun shone weakly through the trees, soft white light peeking through bare branches.

‘I had terrible trouble keeping a straight face after you’d left Cass,’ Morag snorted. ‘Oh Julia, if only you’d been there – Henniker’s face was an absolute picture!’

‘Laughter aside,’ I said grimly, ‘what’s wrong with me? I love Jamie. Fancy the pants off him. So why has my body ceased rejoicing?’

‘Maybe you’re going through the menopause,’ suggested Julia. ‘My friend Maisie went through it in her late thirties. Almost immediately she went right off sex and-’

‘Thank you Doctor Julia,’ Morag interrupted, ‘but I think I’m more qualified than you to give advice.’

‘Which is?’ I asked.

‘You’re simply run down!’ Morag exclaimed. Emotionally, mentally, physically. We’ve all experienced it at some point and suffered the screaming heebie-jeebies when our fannies have failed us.’

‘Morag!’ Julia and I gasped in unison as a passing jogger overheard and nearly cannoned into a tree.

‘What you need is some of these.’ She reached into her enormous Dr Doolittle handbag and pulled out a bottle of tablets.

‘Oh no, not more of your home prescriptions,’ I groaned. ‘You nearly murdered my intestines last time around. I’m not having you bumping off my private parts too.’

‘Don’t be silly.’

‘Are they legal?’

‘Of course! Take some of these and you’ll soon perk up. In no time at all you will be completely perkified and wanting to perky all over the place.’

‘What’s in them?’

‘Only ginseng and herbs from my Chinese therapist. I’ll let you have these but if you want any more you’ll have to go to him yourself. Now do you want them or not?’

‘Do they definitely work?’

‘Cross my heart.’

‘In that case I’ll take two of them right now.’

‘Cass, you only need one. They are very powerful.’

‘I know my body. Trust me, I need two.’

‘And you wonder why you get extreme results,’ she flung her hands up in exasperation. ‘On your head be it.’

After work I detoured to the local supermarket to pick up some convenience meals for dinner. However, when I staggered into the kitchen trailing carrier bags, it was to find Edna already in situ. Having briefly gone home for a few days, she was now back ‘visiting’. Edna was somehow managing to strain sprouts, make gravy, baste roast potatoes and slice up an enormous joint of beef all at the same time.

‘Hi,’ I cranked up a smile just as one of the carrier bags split and shed its load all over the floor.

‘Hello Cassandra dear. Dinner won’t be long. Would you like to get washed and call the children down? Jamie has telephoned and he’ll be home any moment.’

‘Er, yes. Right. Will do. I’ll just sort this little lot out before-’

‘Leave it dear, I’ll put your shopping away. You go and freshen up.’

‘Right,’ I said again. Just at that moment the telephone rang. I snatched it up possessively. Edna might be cooking in
kitchen and putting away
shopping but she wasn’t answering
telephone as well. ‘Hello?’

Silence. Oh not the anonymous caller again. I thought Jamie had said the new telephone number was in hand?

‘Who is this?’ I demanded. But I was talking to myself. The line had gone dead. I punched out one four seven one, but an automated voice advised the caller had withheld their number.

‘Sorry darling,’ Jamie later apologised, ‘I completely forgot to sort out the number business. Tell you what, why don’t we just get a blocker put on so withheld numbers can’t get through? In fact I’ll do it right now.’

That night I quickly cleaned my teeth before miserably swallowing two more of Morag’s capsules. Slipping under the duvet I pulled it over my head, feigning sleep as Jamie came into the bedroom.

At work the following morning, something peculiar happened. Martin Henniker was, for once, late. He strode into the office in a filthy temper demanding coffee
right now
. For some perverse reason he came across as strong, commanding and – dare I say it –
. And for one brief moment I went a bit funny. Kind of
. Only for the teeniest moment you understand, but there was a definite warm rush of – well, just a warm rush.

Even more peculiarly, when Morag, Julia and I later congregated on our park bench for lunch, I caught myself leering at the regular lone jogger as he pounded his well worn path.

‘Why are you looking all lustful?’ demanded Julia, eyes sharp and watchful.

‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ I snorted tearing my eyes away from the jogger’s buttocks. Suddenly I was feeling hot and seriously bothered.

‘You’ve gone bright red!’ exclaimed Julia. ‘You’re having a hot flush. I knew it! Didn’t I tell you she was going through the menopause Morag? That’s exactly what happened to Maisie after she’d gone off sex. Within days she was having hot flushes. You’ll be sweating buckets next,’ Julia waggled a finger in my face, ‘with soggy sheets and manky armpits-’

‘Oh for goodness sake Julia!’ barked Morag. She shifted position to take a better look at me. ‘I told you not to overdose on those herbal pills,’ Morag waggled her own finger under my nose. I slapped her hand away.

‘Will you two stop remonstrating with me! I’m just a bit warm that’s all.’

‘Seriously Cass, cut back the dose. It’s working.’

Before going home I detoured to the High Street. Edna had insisted on picking all the children up from school so I could start on Christmas shopping. However, buying cards and wrapping paper was the last thing on my mind. Now that my libido seemed to be back, I needed to make my body look the part.

I pushed open the door to the beauty salon.

‘Good afternoon!’ trilled the beautician. ‘What are we doing today?’

‘Lots of things – starting with my chin.’ The beautician adjusted her spectacles and peered at where I was pointing. ‘It’s gone all whiskery see? Confession time, I’ve been plucking.’

‘Hm, I see. Okay, come and lie down on the couch for me.’

‘Can I have a bikini line too?’

‘Have you been plucking down there as well?’ she frowned.

‘No,’ I lied. ‘I want a really svelte result. Like a lap-dancer, but I can never remember the name. A Denmark Doo-flip or something.’

‘I think you mean a Brazilian.’

‘That’s the jobbie. Although actually,’ I hesitated, ‘on second thoughts take the lot off. Yes. I’ll have a Baldie.’

As the beautician got down to business, I distracted myself from the self-inflicted pain by telephoning the twins’ father.


‘Hi Cass. Kids all right?’

‘Yes fine. I wanted to talk to you about arrangements over Christmas and-’

‘Ah yes Christmas. I’m at home at the moment so why don’t you pop over.’

‘Oh, right. Be with you in half an hour.’

When I arrived at Stevie’s I was greeted by a dishevelled young woman wearing nothing other than a man’s shirt which just about covered her backside.

‘Charlotte!’ I gasped.

‘Hello again,’ she had the grace to look a bit embarrassed and tugged at the shirt’s tails.

‘Er, hi. Is Stevie there?’

‘STEVIE!’ she squawked. ‘Your ex-wife’s on the doorstep.’

Nice to know she hadn’t lost the ability of reminding me who I was.

‘I don’t mean to rush you Charlotte but I’m in a bit of a hurry. Got to get back home and get the dinner on.’ Before Edna produced another show-stopping mega feast and the children got up a petition insisting that she live with us forever.

‘Cass! Come in,’ Stevie bounded down the stairs zipping up his flies. ‘Now I’m perfectly aware that you’re off to the Bahamas and-’

‘Are you? How do you know that?’

Stevie suddenly looked shifty. ‘Oh. Um, one of the kids mentioned it.’

‘Really?’ I scratched my head, puzzled. I wasn’t even sure I’d discussed the Bahamas trip with any of the children. Well not properly anyway.

‘Now don’t worry about a thing. I’ll look after the twins, sort out the cats, so all you have to do is get on a plane and have a wonderful time.’

‘Well it will only be a whistle-stop visit. But it’s just too much taking all the children with us. So Edna will look after Petra and Jonas-’

‘And I’ll look after Livvy and Toby. Of course. We’re looking forward to it. Aren’t we sweetheart? Charlotte?’

But Charlotte had stomped off upstairs.

‘What on earth is she doing back here?’ I whispered.

‘In a nutshell we bumped into each other and things rekindled.’

‘You’ve forgiven her for the galloping graffiti session?’

Stevie smiled benevolently. ‘Yeah, she’s promised not to do it again.’

‘Blimey,’ I shook my head in wonder. ‘Must be love.’

Unfortunately I hadn’t quite managed to pip Edna to the post regarding evening dinner.

‘Did you have a successful shopping trip dear?’

‘Oh! Er, yes thank you.’

‘What did you buy?’

‘Something for Jamie,’ I smiled secretly.

‘Ooh lovely. Can I have a peek?’

‘Ah. Best not Edna. It’s a surprise you see.’

‘I quite understand dear.’

Privately I didn’t think Edna would remotely understand if she glimpsed my newly acquired bald spot.

The telephone rang. Edna got to it before me.

‘Hello? Yes. Yes dear. Just a moment and I’ll get her for you. It’s for you Cassandra dear.’



My heart began to beat a bit faster. It was the anonymous caller again. And this time they’d asked for me by name.

‘Why are you doing this?’ I demanded, but I was talking to a dead connection. I spun round to Edna standing over the range. ‘Was that a man or a woman you just spoke to?’

‘A woman dear. Is there a problem?’

‘Er, no, we got cut off that’s all.’

‘Perhaps they’ll call back dear.’


I walked out of the kitchen taking the handset with me. I knew that Jamie had now put the blocker in place on withheld calls. In which case – I excitedly punched out one four seven one – it meant the caller had left their telephone number! Sure enough an automated voice began to reel off the numbers. I hit the number three button on the handset to return the call. There was a pause and then a click as the connection was made. At last I would find out the identity of my tormentor! Nervously I listened to the ring tone.

‘’Ello?’ said a rough male voice.

I nearly dropped the handset in shock.

‘Hello?’ I ventured cautiously.


‘Who is that please?’


‘I see. Do I know you Harold?’

‘’Ow the bloody ’ell should I know?’ the voice demanded.

‘Well you keep ringing my home so presumably you know me?’

‘Listen love, I don’t know who you are but this is a public payphone. I just happened to be walking by as it rang. I only answered it ’coz curiosity got the better of me.’

I rocked back on my heels in dismay. ‘Oh. Can you tell me the address of this payphone please?’

‘Why? Are you gonna write it a bloomin’ letter or sumfink?’

The receiver crashed down.

I gnashed my teeth in frustration. No matter. I would get to the bottom of this. Sooner or later. I looked up at the sound of a key turning in the front door.

‘Darling!’ Jamie greeted me with a smile as he wiped his feet on the hall mat. ‘How’s my beautiful fiancée this evening?’

I tossed the handset onto the hall table – prank phone call instantly forgotten – and flew into Jamie’s arms, smothering his handsome face in kisses.

‘What’s got into you?’ Jamie laughed.

I knew exactly what had gotten into me. Oh yes! And in the process of re-awakening my own sleepy libido, I’d unwittingly unearthed the secret of Morag’s ability to untiringly sizzle and spit sexual energy.

‘I’ve got a surprise for you.’

‘Lovely. Can I have it now?’

‘At bedtime,’ I whispered huskily.

‘Are you making me wild reckless promises?’


Later that evening, instead of me darting up the stairs ahead of Jamie and feigning sleep the moment he crossed the bedroom threshold, we went upstairs together hand in hand.

‘So what’s the surprise?’ asked Jamie shutting our door and turning the key for good measure.

‘This for starters,’ I leant in and kissed him full on the mouth.

Mm. Nice. A thrill of awakening rippled through my body. Mm. I kissed Jamie again. Ooh lovely. As a third lingering kiss unfolded, Jamie broke off.

‘To the bed!’ Jamie ordered hoarsely. ‘And now,’ he declared pushing me back on the duvet and tugging at my jeans, ‘I’m going to make mad passionate–’ he stopped abruptly.

‘What?’ I sat up startled.

‘Good God!’

?’ I repeated.

‘What have you done to yourself Cassie?’

‘Oh yes. That’s my surprise. It’s called-’

I hesitated. I was fairly sure it wasn’t called

‘Um, Monty.’


‘Yes. As in The Full Monty. Do you like it? Jamie? I said do you – ooh. I’ll take that as a yes.’

God bless Morag’s little pills.

At work Martin Henniker was still without a permanent secretary. Susannah Harrington summoned me to her office and surprised me with the proposal of considering the post myself.

‘But he hates me!’

‘On the contrary my dear. Martin is fully aware that a floating position suits you with the children and so forth, but nonetheless asked me to approach you.’

She then mentioned a salary so inflated my eyes bulged.

‘Bribery,’ she purred.

‘Oh Susannah, I don’t know.’

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