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Authors: 10 Author Anthology

Stockings and Suspenders (20 page)

BOOK: Stockings and Suspenders
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Alex grinned and her nipples tingled.
She pictured his full lips on hers. “You’re welcome to drink all you like,
Nita. We won’t judge.”

Cameron poked his head around the
corner. “Dinner’s ready.”

Alex tucked her arm in his, the
gesture reminding her of old movies. Men didn’t do that anymore. She bit back a
giggle. The rum was already going to her head. She’d better eat something
before she got drunk and lost what little was left of her inhibitions.

Nita slid into a chair and surveyed
the feast in front of her. It looked like a spread from one of those cooking
magazines. In the center of the table was a wicker basket filled with pumpkin
bread. That must have been what she’d smelled while standing on the porch.

“Dig in,” said Cameron.

She tasted the turkey and dressing.
Maybe it was the hunger, or the really great rum, but she’d never tasted
anything so delicious. In addition to the turkey there were sweet potatoes,
green bean casserole and real cranberries. Alex and Cameron kept her glass
filled with eggnog, laced with just the right amount of cinnamon.

“No one else I know can make it
right,” she said. “They never put enough cimmamon in it.” Nita giggled. “I mean

Both men grinned, making her pussy contract
again. What would it feel like to have their mouths on her clit, licking it
until she came, over and over again?

As she watched them eat a sudden
thought occurred to her. Two drop-dead gorgeous men living alone in the woods
were probably a couple. What an idiot she was. She took another forkful of
green beans while she thought of a tactful way to ask.

“Do you both live here?”

Cameron nodded. “Yes.”

“Which one of you is the gourmet

Cameron chuckled. “We share the

And to think she’d been lusting after
them. At least they’d never know.

“What kind of work do you do?”

“Alex and I are architects.”

Nita put down her fork. “So am I. I
worked for Bronson and Curruthers in Chicago.”

“We know. Sorry that they folded like
that,” said Alex.

“How do you
know I worked for them? Oh…it was on the news, right? I loved that job. But I
guess it worked out for the best since I would have left Chicago anyway.”

Nita reached for the pumpkin pie and
cut herself a giant slice. She didn’t want to think about Gabe tonight. “Where
do you work?” she asked, looking up at Alex from under her lashes.

“McCormick Brothers, in Cleveland.”

“Long drive from here.”

“It’s worth it.”

“They might be looking for help,” said
Cameron. “We could put in a good word for you.”

Nita swallowed hard. “That’s really
kind of you. I’d appreciate that.”

“Happy to do it,” Cameron said,
rising. He began to gather the plates.

“He’s such a neat freak,” said Alex,
winking at her.

The rum had calmed her nerves but also
left her a bit drunk. At least the fear was gone, and there was the possibility
of finding another job already. The evening had certainly taken an unexpected
turn. Sharing dinner with two men who could cook like this was far better than
explaining Gabe to her family.

She stacked the silverware on top of a
platter and picked it up, following Alexander into the kitchen. “How long have
you two been together?”

Alex stopped suddenly and she nearly
collided with him. When he turned around Nita almost dropped the platter. A
wicked smile curved over his full lips, and his eyes danced with light.
“Cameron and aren’t gay, Nita. We’re not a couple. We were roommates in college
and Cameron built this house when he was engaged, but she dumped him before
they got married. I moved in because it’s a great house, and Cameron hates
living way out here all alone.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed…” She
wished the earth would open up and swallow her. A flush crept up her neck and
there was nothing she could do to stop it.

“Don’t be embarrassed.”

Nita handed the platter to Cameron and
watched as the pair rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher. When she
glanced outside the spotlight she’d glimpsed from the road illuminated what had
now become a blizzard.

She crossed to the window and looked
over the deck and back yard. At least six inches of snow covered the ground. If
it kept up like this the roads would be impassible until plowed.

“It’s still snowing.” Cameron was
right behind her. She could feel the heat coming off his body. “You shouldn’t
try to drive in this.” His voice washed over her like warm honey. “Let’s go
watch the rest of the movie.”

When he took her hand, a jolt of
electricity shot through her. She looked into his eyes, dark and welcoming. She
was safe with them. Nita couldn’t explain how she knew that, but she was
certain of it.

She took a seat between them on the
sofa and watched Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed dance the Charleston while the
gym floor opened behind them to reveal a pool. This was one of her favorite

“Why do you love this movie so much?”
asked Cameron, grinning in a way that made her want to shove her tongue in his

“Everyone loves this movie. It’s about
how your life means something to the people in it, even if you can’t see that.
It’s about accepting who you are, and playing the hand you’re dealt.”

“No it’s not,” said Alexander.

“What?” she turned to face him, her
breath catching in her throat at the look in his eyes. Lust mixed with
adoration. It was too much to deal with. She’d wanted Gabe to look at her that
way, and he had for the first year or so of their marriage, until the doctors
told her she’d never be able to have a child.

“It’s not about that at all. It’s
about passion. Here. I’ll show you.”

He picked up the remote and
fast-forwarded to the scene in Mary’s home when Sam Wainwright calls her from New York. Nita watched, mesmerized by the tremor in Donna Reed’s voice and the turmoil on
Jimmy Stewart’s face as he tries one last desperate time to resist his feelings
for Mary. Why had she never noticed that before?

“See what I mean?” Alex’s voice was
heavy with that same passion. “That’s the focal point of this entire movie.
When they finally shed their fears and give into their true feelings for each

His face was so close all she’d have
to do was lean forward a couple of inches to kiss him. The compulsion was so
strong it frightened her.

“I really should get home.”

Cameron’s eyes bored into hers. “Do
you really have to leave, Nita?”

Her attraction to him and Alex
confused and aroused her at the same time. Cameron put his arm around her and
she leaned against his body, drawing strength from it. Her dress felt too tight
and her clit throbbed again. Images of sliding her tongue over Cameron’s body
filled her head.

“Because if you don’t have to go,” he
said softy, “we’d love for you spend the night.”



Chapter Three


O Sexy Night


“Spend the night,” she repeated, her
eyes roaming over Alexander’s button-down shirt. Did he look as yummy naked as
she imagined?

“Yes. With us.”

“I’ve never spent the night with

“We’re not strangers anymore, Nita.”

“I’m confused. I don’t know what to

All she could comprehend was that she
was drunk, horny, and two delicious-looking men were sitting too close for
comfort. Instead of frightening her, the realization filled her with a peaceful
slipping sensation, as though she could fall into their arms and be perfectly
content to stay there for the rest of her life.

A sharp sliver of fear tried to force
its way in. They
put something in her drink. She pushed away the thought
as soon as it took shape. They weren’t going to hurt her. She knew that from
the look in their eyes and the tender way Cameron now stroked her arm, sending
shock waves of desire straight to her soaking wet pussy.

“You haven’t been treated right, Nita,”
Cameron’s voice whispered close to her ear. When his tongue flicked over it she
gasped. Images of that tongue on her nipples filled her mind.

“What Gabe did to you was
unforgiveable,” said Alex, slipping off her boots.

Anger shot through Nita like hot pokers.
She sat straight up. “Don’t talk about him. Don't.”

Tears stung her eyes, and before she
could wipe them away Cameron’s hand gently stroked her cheek. His dark eyes
bored into hers. “It’s all right. He won’t ever hurt you again.”

Nita’s breath hitched in her throat.
“He was already married to someone else.”

“We know,” said Alexander, his hands
running up and down her calves.

“They had kids. I can’t… I can’t have
any. He didn’t want me after that. But it was all a fucking lie anyway. He
already had another life. He had a wife and kids in fucking Des Moines Iowa.”

“It’s okay, Nita.” Cameron’s lips
nuzzled her neck, and a fresh wave of heat shot through her body. “That’s all
behind you now. We’ll help you forget him.”

Alex continued stroking her calves. Nita
watched his hands, mesmerized by their soft touch. She willed them to continue
up all the way to her aching pussy.

“Have you ever made love to two men at
once, Nita?” Alexander gently pulled off her pantyhose, holding her gaze with
his beautiful eyes.

“No.” Nita bit her lip to keep from
crying out. His fingertips on her bare legs sent spasms through her entire
body. She was so close to coming all he’d have to do was touch her clit. How
could this be real? She’d never been with two men at the same time, but she’d
fantasized about it often enough. The images had invaded her dreams for years.

“Well then, think of us as a Christmas
present.” Cameron’s tongue flicked over her ear, then traced a line down her
neck to her collarbone. He unzipped her dress and Nita moaned. Alex gently
parted her legs and began to stroke her upper thighs.

Cameron helped her to her feet and she
let the dress fall. He smiled as his gaze roamed over her black bra and thong,
making her glad she’d chosen this outfit tonight. What a stroke of luck.

“You’re absolutely fucking beautiful,”
he said softly.

“I’ve never done anything like this. I
just want you to know that.” Her last ounce of willpower was hanging on by a
thread. She desperately wanted to lose herself in these two and forget the
events of the past six months, even if just for one night. To hell with the
consequences. She’d lived her life always mindful of the consequences, and in
the end that had meant nothing.

Cameron stroked her cheek again, his
gaze soft and warm, as Alexander moved behind her. His erection pressed into
the small of her back and Nita closed her eyes, letting the waves of passion
course through her.

“It’s all right,” whispered Alex. “We
won’t hurt you. You get to call the shots.”

Alexander reached around and cupped
her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples through the satin. Nita moaned,
and Cameron took her face in his hands. She opened her eyes as he dipped his
head to kiss her. Alex unhooked her bra and it fell to the floor. He took her
breasts again, his strong hands kneading them while his thumbs played with her

Nita groaned into Cameron’s open mouth
as his tongue slid in and out. His lips moved over hers in such a perfect kiss
she felt dizzy. Alex’s hands moved to her thong and teased the edges with his
fingers until she wanted to rip the damn thing off already.

Cameron’s lips moved to her neck, over
her collarbone, and down to her breasts. His breath was hot against her skin,
and his soft kisses left a trail of fire. He took one breast in each hand and
raked his teeth over her nipples, sending shock waves straight to her groin.
Nita tangled her fingers in his soft hair and pushed him closer.

Alexander slipped a finger inside her
thong and ran it over her swollen clit until she was whimpering and rocking her
hips against him, silently begging for release. The pressure was unbearable.

“Tell me what you want,” said Alex.

“I want your fingers inside me.”

Cameron looked up and smiled. “And
what can I do for you, beautiful Nita?”

“You’re fine right where you are.” She
could barely catch her breath let alone speak.

He fastened his mouth on one nipple,
taking as much of her breast into it as he could. Nita held onto his shoulders
as waves of dizziness washed over her. She’d never been so aroused in her life.
Every fantasy she’d ever had couldn’t compare to the reality of these two men.
She didn’t want them to stop.

Alexander slid her thong to the floor
then slowly ran his hands back up her legs. She stepped out of the thong and
opened her legs. He massaged her ass, working his fingers in slow circles over
her cheeks and puckered opening, until finally he stroked her clit for long,
delicious moments before slipping two fingers into her pussy. His thumb rubbed
her clit in time with the thrusting of his fingers. She hadn’t had sex in
nearly two years and her vibrator didn’t count. All the pent-up frustration let
loose and her pussy exploded in spasms.

BOOK: Stockings and Suspenders
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