Stockings and Suspenders (24 page)

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Authors: 10 Author Anthology

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“So, what about your mother and
father? You never talk about them.”

“I’m estranged from both for reasons
I’d rather not get into. But when I say my childhood wasn’t very good, I’m not
exaggerating. They have their own lives and I have mine.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. My family is
pretty good. They’re not perfect, and we have our own little problems, but it’s
nothing compared to yours.” He sat back on the couch and then looked up to the
ceiling. “Do you date?”

“Wow, you’re getting it all out there
now. I do, but haven’t in some time. What about you? I never hear you mention
any women in your life. A good looking guy like you must have more than a
couple prospects.”

“I was seeing someone a while back,
but that ended at the start of fall. She wanted an open relationship and that
idea didn’t fly well with me. I am a one woman type of guy and I expect the same
from my partner. I refuse to compromise what I want in life. I expect the same
in a partner. I like woman who are real… and down to earth like you.”

 She paused, her heart beating hard
inside her chest from his last comment. “That makes sense. It’s no use settling
into a relationship you know you won’t be happy with. Too many tend to do that
just to not be alone. Anyway, I think I’ll turn in,” she said, placing her
empty glass on the coffee table. If she stayed with him any longer, she
wouldn’t be responsible for what she might do. “I’ll get you a pillow and some
blankets so you can settle.” She went to stand, but stopped and fell back on
the couch when Joey’s hand landed on her forearm.

“Leda?” Her name rolled off his tongue
like smooth velvet.

She turned to him, and that’s when he
leaned in slowly and kissed her. She held her breath as he did so and when they
broke for a moment, it was she who went back for a second one. His hands found
her waist and his strong arms held her close, pulling her to him. It might have
been the wine, or it may have been the strong desire coursing through her
veins, but one thing she knew was that she wanted Joey now, there was no doubt
in her mind about it. She wanted him to do things to her, naughty things. Her
sensibilities were now tossed out the window into the storm playing out around

She pushed him back against the couch
and straddled him, guiding his hands upwards to her breasts. He cupped them and
she groaned as he squeezed them, her nipples hardening inside her bra.

“Very nice,” he muttered. “More than a
handful, but not too big.”

Thank you,” she replied, lost for all
other words. She leaned down and kissed him again feeling his day old stubble
against her cheek, his tongue in her mouth toying with her own.

“Bed,” he said. “Now.”

She nodded.

* * * *

She was soft and supple under his
tender touch, and as she stood there nude he knew he’d never seen anything so
beautiful, and perfect in his whole entire life.

Leda smiled as he touched her breasts,
cupping each on in his hand, savouring how they felt as his fingers slid over
each nipple, tweaking them just enough to elicit a small moan from her.

“On the bed,” he said. He wanted to
give her pleasure, to make her see how special she was to him. He waited for
this for so long, hell, he dreamt of it. “Lay back.”

She did as he’d told her, and when he
parted her thighs her feet came to rest high upon his shoulders. Her sweet
feminine scent drew him closer to her pussy. He ran one finger down across her

“Oh yes,” said Leda. “That feels so
good when you do that.”

“This?” he asked doing it a second
time. He spread her slick lips and stuck out his tongue, gingerly swiping it
across her stiff bud. He stopped and looked up. “How about that?”

“That too.” She let out a long sigh
which made him smile. Inside his pants, his cock throbbed, begging to be let
free. She tasted sweet, just as he’d thought she would. He inserted one finger
inside her cunt and then a second, his thumb manipulating her clit as he finger
fucked her. It was a sight to behold and damn it, if he didn’t get inside her
soon, he was going to come anyway.

* * * *

Leda gripped the bedding underneath
her. She writhed under his manipulations, and wow, he knew how to work her

“Oh God,” she cried feeling that
moment of exquisite intensity rising from deep inside her. She clenched her
hands and then reached down to guide Joey closer to her pussy. Between his
fingers and tongue he was going to make her…Oh my, yes!

“Lick me,” she begged. “Please, eat my
pussy.” She inhaled deep, and shuddered with pleasure as she felt her orgasm
rock through her. She was on fire and burning up for him.

Afterwards, she lay there for a moment
staring at the ceiling overhead, oblivious to everything else around her. Her
pussy tingled in afterglow, and when Joey fell on the bed beside her, she
kissed him hard to show her appreciation to him.

“Was it good?” he asked, caressing her
left arm.

“Good? Hell yes!” She was embarrassed
at her reaction to him. But now it was his turn. The pleasure boat rocked both
ways, and she had a strong desire to see his cock along with the rest of him.
“Your turn,” she said, rising from the bed. “Those jeans have to go, now.”

Leda pulled them down over his hips
and made sure she got his boxers too. She nearly gasped when faced with what
was one impressive specimen of man-meat. Her pussy ached just thinking about
taking him deep inside her.

He must have gaged her reaction, for
when she looked him in the face, he was grinning from ear to ear.

“What?” she asked, her cheeks burning.

“You like?”

She more than liked. “What do you
think?” She lowered her head and brought his cock to her mouth tracing her lips
across the engorged head. “Does that answer your question?” She tugged gently
on his foreskin, before sliding his length into her awaiting mouth. He tasted
sweet yet salty. She savoured him.

“Your actions speak much louder than
words.” He guided her head along, his fingers tangling in her hair which she
brushed aside. “Suck my cock,” he said. “Just like that, take it deep. Work it
in and out of that hot, sexy mouth.”

She sucked him down and cradled his
balls in her hand, massaging them. She then pushed his legs open to get better
access, and when she popped his cock from her mouth, she jacked him with one
hand while she moved her tongue to his balls and that sensitive spot just

* * * *

She was driving him absolutely crazy,
and to think she looked so damned innocent.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Leda was proof of that saying being true to life.

“Whoa,” he said, feeling her doing
something to him he’d never experienced before. Was she? Why yes she was. Never
had any woman played with his ass. It was a strange feeling and foreign to him,
yet it felt pretty good.

“I bet you’ve never had that before,”
she said.

“You bet right.” He squirmed when she
put her mouth back over his cock head, keeping up the massaging motion on his
anus. “If you keep doing that, you’re going to make me explode,” he warned,
feeling his balls drawing up.

“We don’t want that, not yet.” She
held his cock firm in her hand. She then slid from the bed and went into the
hall to the bathroom. When she returned, she tossed a small foil packet at him.
“I’m a safety girl, always.”

“And I’m a safety boy,” he replied,
tearing the foil packet open. He unrolled the condom down over his cock and
when Leda straddled him, he helped guide his cock to her cunt.

“I like being on top,” she said.

“I’m not surprised.” He smirked. “I
like a woman who’s in control.



Chapter Three


Leda ground down against Joey’s cock
as he sank inside her pussy. She reached down and rubbed her clit as he
starting pumping in and out of her, his hands on her hips, holding her against

That was the one word that came to her mind as he fucked her hard, and did the
man ever know how to do it. She braced both hands against his chest as she
leaned in over him. She felt hard muscle rippling beneath the palms of her
hands and every time he grunted as he pushed into her pussy, she felt this
immense sense of satisfaction knowing the pleasure she was giving to him.

“Fuck me,” she said, her breath coming
quick. “Harder, give it to me harder.”

The musky scent of two people fucking
filled the room, and while outside it was freezing, inside they had built their
own little, delicious inferno.

“Oh, God.” Leda reached down between
her legs and started to rub her swollen bud. She was going to come again for
the second time tonight very soon. “My tits, feel my tits,” she ordered,
squeezing them together.

“Sweet fuck,” said Joey. “I can’t hold
back any longer. I gotta come. My balls are going to fucking explode if I
don’t.” A fine sweat had formed on his brow.

“Me too. Fuck me, fill me up,” she
ordered. She clenched her cunt around his cock and milked him for all she was

For the second time she felt that hot
sensation bubble to the surface and biting down on her bottom lip, it raptured
through her sending her over the edge into the land of ecstasy.

“You pussy feels so good clenching my
cock, so hot, wet and tight.” Joey pushed into her and then he came. “Fuck
yeah.” He grunted and held her close to him. “Fuck, fuck, and double fuck!”

* * * *

Together, they lay side by side. Now
that it was over, the first thing that came to Leda’s mind was guilt. She knew
this would happen once she crossed the link from their working relationship
into an intimate one, and here it was slapping her in the face like some tacky
late night TV movie. The line had been crossed and there was no turning back no
matter how much she may have wanted to click back the hands of time. What was
done was done, plain and simple.

 She left the bed and went in to the
bathroom taking a backward glace at him as she walked away. She stared in the
mirror before turning the shower on. What the hell had she been thinking? She
was always the sensible and practical one. Rarely did she ever venture out of
her comfort zone. This totally wasn’t her. Her life was always predictable.
That was the way she liked it. Hell, she even made sure her panties and bra
always matched.

“Can I join you?” Joey was behind her,
his arms curling around her waist. He gently kissed her neck. “That was great.”

“Sure.” She forced a smile and stepped
into the shower stall. “Could you grab two towels from the closet?”

When he returned, she moved aside to
allow him room to get in with her. It was a tight squeeze. They kissed and
caressed each other. She figured it was best to keep up the mood from the
nights events, but come morning, she’d have to face the stark reality of the
newfound situation they both created.

* * * *

Joey managed to find everything needed to brew a pot in the kitchen
while Leda still slept. It was early, just six am, but he figured he get an
early start to the day just in case the weather had cleared overnight. It
hadn’t. Outside the snow was still falling and to complicate things, it was
accompanied with a flurry of high winds.

He looked through the cabinets and
settled on making toast to go along with the coffee. For a baker, Leda didn’t
have much in regards of supplies.

“I smell coffee.” Leda walked into the
kitchen wrapped in a white fluffy robe.

“It’s brewing,” he said. “Toast? It’s
about all I could find.”

She nodded. “Toast is good. It’s still
storming outside.”

“Yeah, looks like it. I hope it clears
off before this evening, being that it’s Christmas Eve. That’s always family
time, and I don’t want to miss it.”

“I understand.”

He watched as she sat on a stool at
the counter. “I want you to come with me.”

“We’ve already talked about this. I
said no. I’m not into that stuff.”

Yes they had talked about it, but he
thought that last night might have changed things between them. “Why not? Give
it a chance, you might enjoy yourself.”

“It’s your family. They wouldn’t want
me there. I’m nothing more than a stranger, your boss. I wouldn’t fit in.”

He poured a cup of coffee and pushed
it in front of her and added two more slices of bread to the toaster after the
first two popped. “Is that what you really think? You don’t even know my
family. They like it when I bring other people around. Hell, they love
everyone. They’re like that. It’s their nature. My mother will be thrilled that
I finally brought a woman home. Fuck, it’ll be like an early Christmas present
for her. She’s been dying for me to find a girl.”

* * * *

Leda rolled her eyes. “I’m hardly a

“Leda, I know your life has not been
perfect. You’ve made that more than clear to me, and it’s obvious that you have
some trust issues. I’m not going to judge you for them, but we’re both adults.”

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