Stolen by the Sheik (Black Towers Book 2) (10 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock,Lauren Hawkeye

BOOK: Stolen by the Sheik (Black Towers Book 2)
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“What?” Liv leaned forward and narrowed her gaze.

“Look at that headdress.”

“What about it?”

“It’s a

“I what?”

.” Deema waved her hand in the air. “It’s a . . . how do you call it. A headdress that covers the face. It is typically worn with the

Liv shook her head. “You’re losing me.”

“In some countries men will wear a niqab, but it isn’t common, particularly in the city.”

Liv straightened and stared at the computer screen. “Are you saying . . .?”

“That this is a woman? I believe so, yes. Or a man who does not know much of the subtleties of Arab culture. I have never seen Nayo, nor any other man in my country, wear a niqab. Only women.” She narrowed her gaze and leaned in closer to the computer. “And that scarf. . .” She glance up. “Can you make it bigger?”

“I can try.” After a little trial and error, Liv enlarged the picture on the screen.



“See how it is frayed on the end there? That was when I tore it last week.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m not certain, but I think that’s my scarf.”

Liv stared at Deema as she digested her words. “But you didn’t plant those bombs. Did you?”

“I didn’t.”

“Then who is wearing your scarf?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey ladies,” Vi called from downstairs. “I think you better come see this.”

Liv raised her brows at Deema.

“We better go see what she wants,” Deema said.

“Yeah.” Liv followed Deema downstairs.

“In here,” Violet said as they approached the first floor.

Liv found her standing in the middle of the living area, holding the remote. She waved it at the television set. “They’re playing the footage from when they brought in Nayo.”

Liv stared at the screen as the angry mob gathered outside the police stationhurled insults to a handcuffed Nayo as he was brought in for questioning.

“Oh my God.” Liv sank down onto the couch. “He didn’t have those bruises on his face when he had left the house.”

“No, he didn’t.” Deema sat down next to her and took her hand. “It’s worse than we thought.”

Like the mob, the reporter was merciless, his thinly-veiled contempt oozing out of his commentary like a festering wound.

“Doesn’t anyone care about the truth?” Deema asked.

“He’ll never survive the questioning,” Liv said, remembering his words. “He’s never going to see the inside of a jail cell. There’s too much hatred and fear.”

“I don’t understand,” Vi said. “This isn’t supposed to happen.”

“We have to do something, Olivia.” Deema squeezed Liv’s fingers. “They’re going to kill him.”

Chapter 11

don’t know
what to do,” Liv said. “We’re just three people. We can’t fight the entire police force.”

“This was never supposed to happen.” Tears streamed down Vi’s face as she sank down into the couch.

“What do you mean?” Liv asked.

Deema sat down next to her. “You couldn’t have prevented any of this.”

“You’re wrong.” Vi looked up and met her lover’s gaze. “This is all my fault.”

“How could it possibly be your fault?” Liv asked, drawing her attention.

“I was the one who placed the bombs,” Vi said. “It was me.”

Deema removed her hands and stood. Vi reached for her, but Deema backed away, putting distance between them. “Explain.”

Vi took a deep breath and stared down at her hands. “You were being forced to marry him. I thought . . . I thought that if I could bring him a little shame, your father would call off the marriage. So I reached out to his brother.”

“Jamal?” Liv asked.

“Yes.” Vi turned toward Liv. “I convinced Jamal that if we got Nayo out of the way, we could both have what we wanted. Nayo would be seen as unfit to rule and Jamal would be next in line for the kingship. . .” Vi turned to Deema. “And I’d be free to have a relationship with you.”

“And he agreed to this?” Deema asked.

“Not at first. It was Taz who eventually convinced him.”

“Taz was Nayo’s best friend,” Liv said, trying to wrap her head around the information.

“Taz was tired of listening to Nayo talk about the westernization of his country. He thought that Nayo had no respect for the old ways, and would eventually homogenize their people until they became fat and lazy, like Americans.”

“But Taz agreed to come to America with Nayo.”

“He saw it as an opportunity,” Vi explained. “We had already tried to bring him shame in his own country, but our efforts were thwarted. Taz thought that if we tried something in America, it would show his father that sending people over here was too dangerous.” She turned to Deema. “But then something went wrong. They were never meant to get caught. Then Taz got shot and. . .” She swallowed and looked at her hands. “Things got out of control. We were just supposed to scare and embarrass him, not kill anyone.”

“I can’t believe this,” Deema said.

“I did it for you.” Vi stood and closed the distance between them. “For us.” She reached out for Deema, but the Arab woman retreated, as if stung.

“You need to go to the police with this.”

“I can’t. They’d throw me in jail.”

“You have lied and put people’s lives in danger.”

“The bombs never would have gone off. They were just decoys—”

“It doesn’t matter. What you did was dangerous and selfish.” Deema turned to Liv. “Could you take us to the police station?”

“I can’t go there. They’ll kill me!” Vi shouted.

“Don’t be so dramatic. You’re American. I’m sure that will give you some entitlements that Nayo doesn’t have.”

“She’s right.” Liv grabbed her purse. “We’ll have to take public transportation.”

Deema nodded. “That’s fine.”


Deema held up her finger. “If you love me, if you’ve ever loved me, then you will do this.” She straightened. “What you did was dishonorable, and I cannot be with a person who has no honor.”

“I don’t want to go to jail.”

“You should have thought of that before you developed this plan.” Deema placed her hand on Vi’s shoulder. “I ran away from my country because women were treated like objects. Here, you have done the same.”

“I wanted us to be together.”

“You have framed an innocent man for your own selfish gain.”

“I did it for love.”

“You treated me like an object to be won. If I wanted that, I would have stayed in my own country and married a man I did not love, and who had no love for me.”

Vi nibbled her lower lip in defeat. “If I go to the police station . . . will there still be a chance for us?”

Deema took in a shaky breath and withdrew her hand. “Possibly, but only if you fully repent and correct the harm you have caused.”

“Come on,” Liv said before anyone changed their minds. “Let’s go.”

***They took a taxi to the police station. Liv tossed some bills at the driver and slammed the door behind her, sprinting a few steps to catch up with Vi and Deema who were already pushing their way through the mob blocking the front doors. Finally making it through the doors, they reached the front desk of the police station.

“We need to speak with the police chief immediately,” Liv all but shouted at the man behind the desk. “We have vital information pertaining to the bomb threats.”

“Okay ma’am, take a deep breath. He’s currently unavailable. Why don’t you three take a seat over there and wait.” He said, gesturing to a few chairs against the wall.

“You don’t understand. This can’t wait. A man’s life is at stake!” Liv was afraid they were already too late. Every second that passed put Nayo in more danger.

“Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to calm down. If you can’t I’ll have to have one of our officers escort you off the premises. The chief is very busy, we’ve just captured a terrorist you know.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you, you’ve got the wrong man, he’s inn…

“I planted the bombs.” Vi cut her off.

“What did you just say?” the man said, shock clearly written all over his face.

“I planted the bombs. It was me. But they weren’t even real bombs. This is just all out of control.” Tears started to roll down Vi’s face as the man behind the desk spoke quietly into the phone.

Three officers came out front and took Vi to the back of the police station to take her statement.“I’m so sorry Deema. Forgive me,” she said as took her away.

“I know.” Deema said, tears stinging her eyes.

Deema and Liv waited in silence for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Nayo walked into the waiting area, escorted by Officer Buzz Cut who had questioned Liv earlier in the day.

“Well, Mr. Darzi you’re free to go. Sorry for the mix up,” he said.

“Thank God.” Liv jumped out of her seat and ran to Nayo, enveloping him with her arms and squeezing him tight.

“Liv, what’s going on? Not that I’m not grateful, but what happened?” Nayo asked.

Deema stood from her chair, somber, and turned to Officer Buzz Cut.

“What of Violet, then?” she asked.

“Your girlfriend told us everything that happened. She’s still giving her official statement and will be detained while an investigation of her claims is held.”

“Violet? What’s he talking about?” Nayo asked.

“Shh. I tell you once we get out of here,” Liv whispered to him.

They turned to Deema. “Are you coming?” Nayo asked

“I’m going to stay, I want to make sure Violet is okay. Maybe see her if they’ll let me. I’m so sorry, Nayo. I had no idea.” She gave Nayo a quick hug and returned to her chair.

On the way back to Cole’s, Liv explained everything to Nayo. She told him how Vi had orchestrated this whole thing just to be with Deema. After the shock and anger wore off, she just felt sad for Deema and Vi. Clearly there was a strong love there. One that would never be allowed to be.

The finished gathering up what few things they had left behind at Cole’s place and were doing one last quick scan of the kitchen to make sure they didn’t miss anything.

“I don’t want you to go.” Liv threaded her arms around his neck.

“Liv, don’t.” He pressed his forehead against hers and placed his hands along her lower spine. “You know I have to.”


“Because I need to sort things out with my father.” He lifted his head and kissed her forehead. “There is so much he doesn’t know about American culture. Someone needs to teach him.”

“Will he make you marry if you go back?”

He hesitated for a moment before responding. “Deema doesn’t graduate from the university for a couple more months. I’m sure if we approach the family together, something can be arranged.”

“But your father—“

“Is a hard man, but not impossible.” He slid his thumb over her cheek. “I’ve had to deal with him my entire life. Trust me on this. It is better that I go back now and explain things, then to hide here in the States indefinitely.” He hooked his finger under her chin. “My family does not look kindly on someone who hides his head in the sand. If I want my father to respect me, then I need to face him.”

“Then I’ll go with you.”

“No.” he traced her lips with his thumb. “You know nothing of our culture, and there are many in my country who still hate the westerners.” He sighed and dropped his hand. “I will work with my family to find some sort of common ground, but these things take time. If you come with me now, it would be far too dangerous. People will see me as being defiant and be unwilling to work with me.”

She sighed and slid her hands down over his muscular chest. “I suppose this is goodbye, then.”

“No.” He took her hand and kissed her palm. Liv’s skin warmed under his touch, and she fought back the urge to cry. “Not goodbye. Just . . . see you later. Once my father sees my ideas, things will be safer. I will come back for you then.”

“But what if your father doesn’t see your way of thinking?”

“Have faith, Olivia. Someday, when things are better, I will return for you. I promise.” He tightened his grip on her fingers and brushed his lips against hers. The touch was soft and gentle, and Liv’s body immediately opened up to it. She slipped her hands back up around his shoulders as he reached around and grabbed her backside. Liv tilted her head and parted her lips, inviting him further.

He was leaving. Part of her knew that he would never return. He had to overcome so much, do so much. As his tongue swept inside of her mouth, Liv clung to him, as if she was drowning and he was her last gulp of air.

“I will work, too,” she said a few seconds later when they parted for breath. “I will work to improve relations here. I’ll show Americans that you aren’t all bad, and that—”

“Olivia.” He brushed a stray hair form her face.

“You don’t think I can do it?”

“No, I know you will kill yourself working toward your goal.” He kissed first one cheek, then the other. “This isn’t your fight. It’s mine.”

“It’s ours.”

He met her gaze, and Olivia saw the flicker of hope in his eyes. “Ours.”

“Yes.” She smiled and kissed him hard. “Ours.”

Something in the air snapped, and it was as if a dam had been broken. Liv tore at his clothes as he kissed first her lips, then her jaw and neck. Her skin heated, and her breathing hitched as he dragged his fingers under her shirt and lifted it over her head.

She didn’t speak, and neither did he. Words were unnecessary as they peeled layer after layer of clothes from their bodies. There was a desperation in his movements, and she was sure that it mirrored her own. He covered her mouth once more, tasting, exploring. . .

As he kissed her, Liv slid her fingers over his bare back, then dug her nails into his skin. She wanted to brand him as hers, to pull him under her skin and never let him go.

He crouched down and wiped the items off the kitchen table with the back of his hand. Loud crashes echoed through the room as he turned her around and leaned her up against the table. She slid up onto the surface, shivering at how the cool marble pressed against her ass. He kissed her again, pressing forward and cradling her as he eased her back onto the table.

Liv gasped as he pulled away and straightened her legs into the air. Within seconds he was bent over between her thighs and sliding his warm, wet tongue along her folds.

“Oh God.” She reached above her head and grabbed the edge of the table to hold herself steady. Nayo was merciless, stimulating every inch of sensitive skin until her entire body felt as if it was on fire.

“Please, don’t stop.”

He spread apart her pussy and eased a long, slender finger inside her body. Liv gasped and arched her back as her muscles stretched to accommodate the intrusion. Nayo adjusted his stance and ran his tongue over her clit. Liv groaned and bucked beneath him as he used both his hand and his mouth to drive her body higher.

“Yes.” She let go of the table’s edge and lifted her head. “Yes.”

She watched his dark head move up and down between her thighs. The man was so sexy, so attentive. Her entire body was going to explode if she didn’t have him inside her now.

“Deeper.” She threaded her hands thorough his thick hair. “God, yes.”

He made a low, throaty sound as he exchanged one finger for two. Liv curled her fingers tighter around his head, holding him close as he tongued her clit.

“I’m close,” she whispered as she felt herself teetering on the edge. “Nayo, please.”

She wasn’t sure what she was begging him for, but it didn’t matter. The man seemed to know instinctively what she wanted. He adjusted his fingers, pressing a sensitive spot deep inside her core. At the same time he scraped his teeth over her clit, sending a quick, sharp pain through her core.

Liv’s world exploded. White stars danced across her vision as her orgasm slammed into her. Arching her back, she dug her fingers deeper into his scalp as pleasure poured over her, seeping into every inch of her body. Through the euphoria, she felt a connection, as if the act had somehow connected both of them in ways she couldn’t explain.

“Olivia,” he whispered as the last strands of her orgasm faded away. “I need to feel you.” He straightened and positioned himself at her opening. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him forward, forcing himself to brace his weight on the table or else land on top of her.

“I love it when you say my name,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Olivia.” With a quick thrust he entered her, filling her balls-deep. Sliding his fingers under her shoulder blades, he buried his head in her shoulder as he performed shallow thrusts inside her body.

Liv tightened her legs around his hips and blinked the tears from her eyes. Part of her couldn’t help but think that this was it. This was the last time that they were going to be together. In a world filled with so much hatred, how could they ever find a lasting love?

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