Read Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] Online

Authors: Morgan Fox

Tags: #Romance

Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] (12 page)

BOOK: Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]
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“Oh my God,” she breathed, smacking herself on the forehead with the palm of her hand, holding it there for a brief moment. “I’m such an idiot.”

He removed her hand, holding it gently in his own. “No, you’re just being cautious,” he said softly, holding her face in his hands once again, his thumb stroking gently across her cheeks. “I’m glad you are.”

His bold, blue eyes ignited her heart, and a steady rhythm filled her ears.
For a long heated moment she studied the soft curve of his lips and wondered if he might try to kiss her again. Then she reminded herself that she’d been hysterical and he’d only tried to calm her.

Perhaps it’s time for me to freak out again.
She clenched her teeth together, stopping herself from thinking like that.
I’m not his type.

She moved her fingers to wrap around his forearms, tenderly squeezing the firm muscles. His thumb moved from her cheek to her bottom lip, and she considered sliding her tongue out just enough to capture his finger for a quick suckle.

Then again…

Never in her life had she thought to be this intimate with a man, especially James Ryan. Stone had been the first to break down her walls and allow her to experience a connection that made sex passionate, fun, and exhilarating. Standing so close to James, her kid crush, made the thoughts as real as the air she breathed.

What the heck are you doing?
Stop trying to live in the past. He’s a cop and wouldn’t want anything to do with a former hooker. Face it, sweetheart, you’re trash.
Her thoughts were harsh, but true.

She breathed hard, putting slight pressure on her hands that now rested on his hard, masculine chest. “I shouldn’t let myself get so carried away,” she told him, forcing a smile. 

“Don’t worry, Gracie. I’ll keep you safe.” He leaned in, looming so close she could feel the heat from his body. 

Her tummy fluttered nervously. “Should we…”

Her eyes widened as he slowly lowered his mouth to hers. His sweet, eager mouth massaged her lips, sucking her bottom lip. Easing back, he stared at her. The moment was over way too fast. “I probably shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t help myself. I can’t seem to resist you, Gracie. You’ve got some kind of power over me.”

Stunned, she held his heavy-lidded gaze. Her heart raced. The feelings that told her to resist him, memories of the past she was trying to escape, never resurfaced. Instead her body filled with passion, desire, and a desperate need to feel his mouth on hers again.

Practically jumping up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hauled herself up against his chest. With a quick breath she was devouring his rich, primal flavor. Her tongue probed deep, tasting the desire burning inside him. His arms supported her weight, pressing her up against the wall, pinning her deliciously with his strength and size, but still giving her the freedom to move and explore.

The passion in his touch set fire to her blood, warming her everywhere. His hard cock pulsed sweetly over her jean-covered pussy, teasing her with pleasures she’d only prayed she’d experience.

“Gracie,” he groaned, kissing and nibbling her lips, chin, and cheeks. His warm breath blew gently across her skin, driving more heat throughout her body. Her pussy throbbed to a tantalizing beat.

Suddenly, the stairwell door opened, forcing them to spring apart as if they’d just been doused with a bucket of ice water. Her chest swelled as she sucked in a sharp breath. A rush of blood charged up her neck and into her face. This behavior was so unlike her. Or was it?

You are a former prostitute, after all.
The reminder sent ice chilling through her veins.

What was it about him and Stone that turned her mind into mud and her body into molten lava? She was burning for their touch and kiss. What would Stone think if he knew she’d been kissing James, sneaking kisses like underaged teenagers on restriction?

Her belly rolled with acid as she considered the thought that maybe she never would escape her past, that one way or another she’d always be the little whore from the wrong side of town.

“Oh, excuse me,” a blonde nurse in blue scrubs said as she passed them, moving swiftly down the stairs. 

Gracie wiped the back of her hand over her damp mouth, her lips felt raw and tender. She stepped away from the wall and reached for the handle of the door. James’s hand clasped over the top of hers, gently pulling her back flush up against his hard chest. She bit her lips, closed her eyes, and fought the regretful tears that bombarded her.

“Don’t leave, Gracie. Not like this.” He tenderly gripped her shoulders and spun her to face him, her eyes still closed. “I know you have feelings for Stone.” Her eyes popped open. “I also know that something about you is consuming my every thought. I want…”

“Stop,” she said softly. “I don’t want to hear it. What just happened between us can’t happen again. I’m not that person who can jump from one man to the next.” She swallowed hard as water leaked from her eyes. “At least I’m not that person anymore.” She placed her hands on his chest and pushed enough to get him to drop his hold on her. “I think it’s best if we just keep things professional between us.”

James stared down at her. His eyes were filled with confusion and something else. She couldn’t tell exactly what, but it had her feeling torn even more so than she already was. She didn’t know what else to say to him. Surely he understood that this was a hopeless situation. Perhaps it would’ve been best if he just stayed angry with her, hating her for deeds her brother had done.

“Maybe we should check back in on Stone,” she said plainly.

James took a big step back, crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned against the railing. “The doctor said he’s going to have to stay for observation at least one more day.”

Her heart dropped into her stomach. “Why? Is there something else wrong with him?”


* * * *


James placed his hands up, blocking her from the panic he could feel pulsing out from her eyes. “No, the doctor just wants to make sure he gets plenty of rest. He took a pretty good beating, and he’s got some bruising and broken ribs, and the more rest he can get now, the faster his recovery.”

Gracie placed her hand over her heart and sighed. He watched as relief washed over her. He didn’t know why, but watching her panic over Stone left a sinking feeling in his heart and a jealous knot in his belly. Why did he feel this way? Why was it so easy to care for her? Why did he want to kiss her sweet mouth so badly again?

She glanced up and locked eyes with him. “What are we going to do, James?”

He wasn’t sure what she was asking. Was she wondering about him and her, or was it more about how awkward things might be at work? He reassured himself that things would remain professional, no matter how much he couldn’t get his mind to focus on anything else but her.
 Never in his life had he been so overwhelmed with the need for a woman, and that scared the hell out of him. She had him stealing kisses and acting emotionally reckless when he should be anything but. His behavior was way out of character.

For years he’d been the guy with all the potential. He was the one who was destined for success. Focusing on his goals, he had little time for a life outside of his education and career.

Then one day his well-thought-out plan had been rocked by Gracie’s brother, and everything changed. His college of choice, the one he had planned to attend since he was thirteen, had revoked his acceptance letter, leaving him scrambling to attend a local community college and finally transferring to a small state college.

He g
raduated with honors in the field of criminal justice and also excelled to the top of his class at the police academy. He jumped feetfirst into a position with the Houston Police Department and got his hands dirty working cases that most new recruits would never get their hands on. He had a keen eye, one that picked up on clues most couldn’t see. His mind worked overtime, putting pieces of a puzzle together that solved more crimes than anyone in his precinc

Now, he was prepared to put all that aside, and for whatever reason, he could finally breathe, and that had everything to do with Gracie.

Gazing into the eyes of a woman who made him remember the past rather than avoid it, he wished he could do the same for her.
 Maybe then she’d understand the fire that she somehow evoked in him.

“Gracie, I think we should call it a day. I’m sure Stone is resting peacefully.” He reached his hand out for her to take, and the gesture felt so incredibly natural. “I think we could use some rest, too.”

She held his gaze, her eyes so beautiful his heart skipped. The way she looked at him had his pulse racing and his blood boiling. How it was she could do the things to him she did and not even know it boggled his brain.

Slowly, she slid her hand into his and they left the hospital, driving in silence as the radio played soft country music. Except for Clay, this was the first time he’d invited anyone to his place, and he hoped she liked it. He had a burning need to impress her, make her happy.

“Wow,” Gracie said on a breath.

house was tucked within a nest of trees, hidden from the world outside. Dark-green foliage lined the driveway, and up around the house, tall trees with forty- to fifty-foot canopies blocked the harsh sun, allowing only a few rays to break through. The single story, light-redbrick house was accented by brown trim and had paved stones leading around to the back of the house.
 His home sat on ten acres of secluded land, and the closest neighbor was miles away.

He hoped the wide-eyed expression he witnessed on her face was just a hint of the excitement she might feel once she caught a glimpse of the backyard. 

“This is where you live?” she asked, breathlessly.

James grinned. “It has been for several years.”

She turned to him, the warm glow within her words disappeared as she asked, “You live alone?”

Her question left him feeling numb. Once again he was reminded of his solitary lifestyle. “Yes,” he replied, turning his focus away from her. He hadn’t realized that loneliness would be the consequence for all the time and hard work required in his occupation.

“I’m sorry,” she told him, placing her hand on his forearm.

Cocking his head, and glancing down at her delicate fingers, he asked, “For what?”

She sighed. “For putting my foot in my mouth. I fear I do that a lot.”

He shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. I preferred living alone for a long time.”

“And now?” 

The question drew his eyes to hers, and he took a deep breath, choosing his words. “I’d like to share my life with someone special.” His blood rushed to his ears. His thoughts once again roamed toward Gracie. 

Before she could respond, he exited his truck and went inside his house. She followed close behind.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, stepping into his galley-style kitchen.

Peeking through the pass-through window above the kitchen sink, she told him, “No, thank you. I managed to eat before I was savagely attacked by my overactive imagination.” She giggled, and the sweet, melodious sound warmed him. That was a sound he could get very used to hearing.

“I’m going to make a sandwich. Let me know if you change your mind.” He grabbed a loaf of bread and some lunch meat and cheese from the refrigerator.

Briefly, she disappeared, and then he heard her ask, “What made you buy this house? It’s so far away from everything.”

He finished putting the sandwich together. “I moved here because of Clay. He needed someone to help out,” he said, rounding the corner into the living room carrying his sandwich, “but I think when he told me about the job initially, he didn’t expect me to submit my application. I think he just wanted a referral.” He chuckled. 

“Why would he think you wouldn’t want to live in a place like this?” She waved her hand toward his backyard.

He finished chewing the bite he’d taken of his sandwich and told her, “I think he figured I’d try to get into the FBI.”

Her eyes rounded. “You wanted to be an FBI agent?”

or as long back as James could remember, he’d always wanted to work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but he couldn’t get his head clear after all that occurred with the drug accusations. In so many ways, he had failed his parents and himself.

“Yes,” he said dryly.

“Why didn’t you?” Her big blue eyes were maxed to the brim with curiosity.

He shrugged. “I guess some things are just not meant to be.”

She studied him, her eyes glistening. “You allowed my asshole of a brother to deter you from your dream, didn’t you?”

Surprised that she would outright ask him that question, he said, sharply, “No.” His entire body went rigid with tension.

She stalked toward him. Her eyes penetrated deep into him, while her body enslaved him. How could he resist her? 

“Then why?” she asked, poking him in the chest with her finger.

Almost choking on his sandwich, he swallowed and placed it on the table beside him, wondering why it was so important for her to know.

She folded her arms over her chest. “Come on, James. Spill it.”

“I…” His heart lodged in his throat. “I lost interest.”

Frowning, she said, “But I thought that was what you wanted.”

“It had been,” he admitted. “But after the experience with Adam, I realized my local community would benefit from me more than being plopped in the middle of nowhere handling who knows what kinds of cases. Truth was I felt I was needed more in my hometown.”

BOOK: Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]
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