Read Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] Online

Authors: Morgan Fox

Tags: #Romance

Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] (13 page)

BOOK: Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]
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Gracie smiled. “So my brother didn’t ruin your life after all.”

James narrowed his gaze. Her words sinking in like a lead weight. It had taken him all the way to this very moment to realize and admit to himself that Adam hadn’t ruined his life. He’d only been a speed bump along life’s highway. Gracie had figured him out in a few short days.

“I guess you’re right,” he said softly.

She stepped closer, reached around him, and took the last bite of his sandwich. “I usually am,” she said with a wicked smile, licking her lips.

As she stepped away, he grabbed for her wrist, yanking her up against him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pinned her other behind her back. His eyes captured the longing in her eyes, and no matter how many times she denied her desires, her heated gaze quickly gave her away.

“James,” she breathed.

Her breath was hot on his skin. Her resistance was futile. Deep down, he knew she wanted him, needed him.

“Don’t say anything, Gracie. Stop thinking and give me this one moment.” He captured her lips, tasting her raw passion, wishing he could have her. All of her, but he couldn’t. Stone was still a big part of her life in Temptation, and he wouldn’t make love to her until he was sure he wouldn’t be her regret. Easing back, he kissed her mouth sweetly once again. “I can’t seem to stop kissing you.”


* * * *


Gracie’s heart pounded hard and fast against her ribs. Her mind drenched in desire. “Do you want to?”

What the heck am I asking?

Sex with James would be disastrous. First, she had feelings for Stone, and now James had thrown in his intentions, and that was confusing the hell out of her. Both men knew about her past, and neither seemed affected. Why that was, she had no idea.

Now her heart was just as screwed up as her brain. She couldn’t understand why they would want her. She was trash and not worth their time. Maybe settling in Temptation was not such a good idea. It was bad enough she’d been forced to remember all her misdeeds each time she stared into James’s eyes. She was consumed by guilt over what had happened to him because of Adam. She knew it was ridiculous, but she still felt as though it was somehow her fault.

“Honestly no, but…”

Air rushed into her lungs. “But what?” She had to know. Was he finally going to admit he couldn’t be with her because she was a whore and that he was simply using her like all the men before him? Stone had been the first sexual encounter she’d had on her own terms, and she doubted James would be the same way. Stone hadn’t known what she was. James did. 

His voice was husky as he told her, “I want you to want me.”

She blinked hard several times. Her mind drew a blank. “What?” She was sure she hadn’t heard him correctly. “Why?”

He laughed. “You make it sound like I’ve got some kind of alien DNA ravaging my body and the thought of…”

“No,” she blurted out. “I just don’t know why you’d want me.” She scrunched up her face. Confusion weighed down on her mind. “James, you could have any woman you wanted. I’m not worthy of you.”

He narrowed his brow. His face turned red. Anger filled his eyes. “Are you serious? Do you not see what you’ve done to both me and Stone?”

She glared at him. 
What did I do?

“Gracie, I know you’ve been with Stone…and if you haven’t already, you most likely will soon. I also know that there have been times when I’ve caught you looking at me with that same longing in your eyes.” He groaned, “And your kiss—”

“What’s wrong with the way I kiss?”

He licked his lips. “Nothing if you consider that I’ve never been kissed so hungrily before. I know you’ve never allowed another man to kiss you the way I do.”

Her brow furrowed. “Then what’s the problem?”

He released his hold on her, cupping her face in his hands. “The problem is…I don’t want to just fuck you.”

What was that supposed to mean?


The phone rang, and she was glad for the distraction. Honestly, if he had kissed her again, she feared she wouldn’t have been able to stop herself from stripping down and having her way with him.

Ride ’em, cowgirl!

She dropped her head into her hands.
I’m so screwed up.

Chapter Eight


James closed his cell phone as a wave of dread surged through his veins. “It would appear someone just tried to set fire to the diner,” he said, stalking into his bedroom to change.

“What?” Gracie came up behind him, her voice laced with concern.

Yanking the shirt he wore up over his head, he tossed it to the floor in the closet and grabbed a clean one. “Clay just called. Said someone went into the diner demanding to know where you were. From the description given by Madeline, it was a member of Bullet’s crew.”

Gracie gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. The look in her eyes told him just how freaked she was, and she had every right to be. Bullet and his crew were people he wished had never laid eyes on her. She was now a marked target, and they wouldn’t stop until they had her in their grasp.

Impatiently, she begged, “Then what happened?”

He turned to face her. He knew she wasn’t going to take it well when he told her the crew member threw firebombs at parked cars, one busting through the window of the diner, nearly burning down half the building. She’d blame herself for bringing them here. Her plans of starting over tarnished by her past once again.

“James, what happened?” She ripped the shirt from his hands. The heat in her eyes blazed with fear and panic. “Stop stalling, and just tell me.”

He blew a pent-up breath of air through his nose and placed his hands on her shoulders. He wasn’t going to cave. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her more than she needed to know. Her headstrong personality would have her out searching for the gang herself, and she’d only end up hurt or worse.

“I want you to stay here while I check things out.”

She shoved his hands away. “No way, you are not leaving me here, and you are sure as hell not keeping me in the dark on this.”

He groaned, stepping around her. “I’m not keeping you in the dark, Gracie.”
He hated keeping the truth from her, hated more than anything that he feared for her safety. He put his hands on his hips, lowering his head. His heart pounded fiercely at the thought of her injured. He wouldn’t risk it. No matter what he had once thought of her, she had become too important to him. Sternly, he told her, “Right now my job comes first.”

She pushed on his shoulder, forcing him to face her. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Deputy,” she snapped. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

Frustration poured out of her as she elbowed her way past him. He quickly followed after her, catching her by the arm. She rounded, meeting his gaze head-on. He pinned her to the front door with the weight of his body. Her soft breasts pressed firmly against him. He licked his dry lips. His heart pounded like thunder. Worry, regret, fear, and something else thudded deep within him, making him wonder what she was doing to him.

“Gracie?” He gently caressed her face, holding her still so he could stare into her eyes. Damn her stubbornness. “I need to keep you safe. I can’t do my job if I’m constantly wondering if you’re okay. Once I get all the details, I’ll fill you in. I promise.”

Her bottom lip trembled, and she closed her eyes. “I’m tired of being a victim.”

Her words tore at him, shredding his heart. “I know, but I’ve never looked at you as a victim, Gracie. To me you are one of the strongest, bravest women I know.”

Damn, I would give anything to ravish your mouth, taste you on my lips forever.

She glanced up, her eyes watery. The seconds that passed between them felt like hours. Then she leaned her head back against the door and closed her eyes.

Grinning slyly, he told her, “Don’t make me have to use my handcuffs.”

She smiled and then sighed. Locking onto his gaze, her expression softened. “What if I promise to stay out of your way?”

He kissed her forehead. He had to admit, he loved her spirit. Gently, he brushed away her fallen tears. “I’m still going to worry about you, so it does me no good if you’re there. If you stay here, at least I know you’ll be safe.”

She dug her hands into her hips. “How do you know that Bullet and his jerk-wads haven’t followed us? Maybe this was all a trap, and they’re just waiting for you to leave me alone.”

His eyes widened
. Damn it!
He hadn’t thought of that.

Groaning, his gut twisted. As much as he didn’t want to consider that possibility, he didn’t really have a choice. What if she was right and this was all a trick to separate them? Were they waiting to strike the moment she was by herself?
He couldn’t risk it. If he couldn’t leave her here and he couldn’t take her with him, then he really only had one other option. 

He released his hold on her, edging back a space. “Okay, you can come, but you’re not going to go to the scene with me. We’ll need to make a slight detour first.”

Before she could question him further, he grabbed his keys, shirt, and gun, and they hopped into his truck. She wasn’t about to like where he was taking her, but at least she’d be safe.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the station. He waited for her to moan and bitch, and just as he figured she would, she did. Even though she’d just entered back into his life, he felt as if he’d known her forever. Like a favorite book, he could easily read her.

“Oh hell no!” She folded her arms over her chest and wouldn’t budge from the seat. “You said I could go with you. This is not going with you. This is low-grade incarceration.”

He signed, frowning at her. “I also said you were not going to the scene with me.”

She huffed out a breath, flopping her hands onto her lap in an over-exaggerated pout. “I thought you meant I’d just sit in the truck and wait for you.”

Why was it so dang important for her to be with him? Was she afraid to be alone? Was she worried they’d come after her? Would she be afraid if Stone were here with her? His stomach rolled.

“Gracie, I know you want to go with me, but you can’t. Clay’s wife Delilah is inside with Hunter. They’re holding down the fort while Clay and I head over to the diner.”

She inclined her head in his direction. “This is so not fair. I thought you were taking me with you. I don’t want to stay here with anyone else. I don’t even know them.”

Why did his gut churn at the thought of leaving her behind? “I know, and I’m sorry I wasn’t totally honest, but this is how it has to be.” He jumped out of his truck and walked around to the side, opening her door. She sat like a statue, unmoving.

“I’m not getting out,” she said, her bottom lip extended out just enough to show her pouty face. “I’m not leaving this truck. You’re just going to have to take me with you.”

“Why do you need to put yourself in danger?” he questioned sharply.

Her eyes glistened, and her mouth pressed tightly shut. His chest rose with heated breaths. She was starting to irritate him. He had to get to the crime scene so he could get back to her. How could she not see how important it was for her to stay safe?

“Gracie Myles, if you don’t get out of my truck, I’m going to haul you out of there and place you inside one of the jail cells.” She huffed as if she didn’t believe him. “I mean it. I will lock you up until I get back.”

She scowled at him, her expression taunting. “I don’t think you will, Deputy. You wouldn’t dare,” she said through clenched teeth.

Adrenaline roared inside him, and in an instant, he reached out and took one of her arms, pulling her out of the truck and over his shoulder. As she flailed like a fish out of water, he carried her inside the station.

Delilah rose from the front desk, glaring at him in shock. “What are you doing to her, James?” she cried.

Hunter chuckled. “Looks like you sure do have a way with the ladies, Rico Suave.”

“Blow it out your ass, Hunter,” James said with a growl. His steps were slightly uncontrolled from her wild movements. From over his shoulder, he continued shouting. “She’s as stubborn as an ass, and she needs a little time to cool off.” He moved toward the back where the jail cells were.

Her body went ramrod stiff. “No! Don’t. I won’t leave, damn it. I promise. Please don’t lock me in there.”

Sheer panic surged through her body, but he kept walking, only a few feet from the door. “I don’t believe you, Gracie. You’ll do something stupid like sneak out, and I won’t risk it.” He dropped her to her feet inside the cell.

She jumped forward, gripping his shirt in her hands. “Please!” she screamed, her voice trembling with fear. “I don’t want to be in jail again. I don’t want…” Then she froze. Her eyes full of tears. Her face was etched with gut-wrenching pain.

He hated seeing her so upset. Her past had been filled with emotional turmoil, and it would take a long time for her to learn to work through them all. Right now, he had to do his job. Once things settled, he would help her any way he could.

“This is serious, Gracie. Those men could easily kill you, and from what you’ve told me, and what I know about them, you don’t want them to get their hands on you.”

Every member of Bullet’s gang would have their turn raping and beating her. If she were lucky, they’d kill her fast, but that was something they only saved for special people. Normally, they’d stab their victims and let them bleed out nice and slow, dropping the body off at the front door of the family residence. Feeling her trembling body, he figured she already knew this.

He wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry I scared you. I wasn’t thinking about what this would be like for you. I just wanted to prove a point. I had to show you how serious I am about this.” She sniffled, and hearing how distraught he made her ripped a hole in his heart. “Look, if you get tired, there is a bunk in the back. Rest while you can. If you need anything, Hunter and Delilah are here.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

BOOK: Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]
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