Stoned (The Stone Series) (56 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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“It’s the control freak dominant thing” I explain.


“Yeah, you might be right about that. There is something so sexy about a man so in control of himself and everything around him that it makes you just want to do things to him then watch as he loses control over you” Parker states.


“Mmm” is all I can say.


We decide on our outfits, shoes, hairstyles and makeup after numerous trips between Damian’s closet, Drea’s and my old and now Parker’s new apartment. By the time we have finished Damian has returned from holing up in his home office for hours.


“Ladies” he says in greeting and Parker stares at him as Drea blushes. After a little arm wrenching Parker talked me into telling her why I had to wear that bra tonight and Drea was stuck listening to the whole sordid story.


He continues, “I see you’ve kept my girl busy while I was working. Did you decide what you’re all wearing tonight?” he asks as he lays on his bed and puts his arms behind his head.


We tell Damian we have our outfits picked out before Drea excuses herself to go in search of Mac and Parker says she needs to go have a nap before she gets ready.


“A nap sounds great, join me?” Damian asks me.


I nod as I start to get undressed and climb naked into bed with him. Damian removes his clothes then spoons around me. He inhales my hair then whispers; “I love you, Sydney Cooper” before we both drift off to sleep.


Damian and I wake around five and shower together. We again manage to keep our hands almost to ourselves. Once again we stick to just a little heavy kissing and a few quick feels. Damian leaves me to do my hair and makeup while he gets dressed. “If I don’t get away from you right now, we’ll never get out of here tonight” he explains.


I do my makeup first. I create smoldering eyes by adding a light-reflecting shade at the inner corners, punctuating the look with eye shadow in gunmetal and a smudge stick waterproof eye liner in stingray. My lips are glossed in fuchsia. I style my hair with a few strategically placed hot fuchsia extensions. The rest of my hair is styled in a messy just been fucked smoldering look. Now when I do this style I know what it should really look like.


When I enter the bedroom Damian is nowhere to be seen so I start to get dressed. I search my lingerie drawer for my new bikini bra and briefs and I blush as I slide them on remembering what happened in the dressing room earlier today. Next I put on the sexy sheer white see-through top and pure white short skirt. To finish up the look I slide on a pair of black and white wedges.


I step out into the living space to find Drea looking like the model she is. She is wearing one of the new dresses Damian bought me earlier today. It’s a white short lacy dress from Oscar de la Renta. It makes her blond hair look even more sunshine yellow. Her makeup can only be described as metallic shine and iridescence. She has layered a metallic lip gloss over a matte berry color to add dimension, her eyes pop and shock with bold blues and metallics. She has brushed silver shadow through her eyebrows and has dyed the tips of her golden locks blue.



“Wow, holy cow, Syd you look amazing. Day is going to lose his freakin’ mind” Drea confirms my fears.


“You’re the stunning one” I counter but she brushes the compliment off. For someone as attractive as she is and a world known model, Drea doesn’t have an ounce of self-conceit in her.


Mac and Damian come walking into the room; apparently they were playing pool in the great room by their back and forth banter. Damian stops in his tracks when he sees me. He looks like a model who has just stepped out of the pages of a photo shoot. His hair is styled in its usual messy look, it helps that he is always running his hands through it. One piece keeps breaking free and flopping over his eye. He has on a pair of black jeans slung low on his hips with a white dress shirt that he’s wearing with the top two buttons open and no tie. It’s a look that is making me hot already. I want to plunge my hands into his shirt and feel the hard muscles of his chest and stomach that I know are under there.


Mac looks hot too in his denim jeans and fitted black shirt that he also has open at the neck. Drea is clearly made just as hot by his look as I am by her brother’s. She strolls over to Mac and he neatly fits her under his arm and pulls her into his body. He whispers something in her ear that makes her giggle and run her hands over his chest.


“Oh, hell no. You cannot go out like that. I told you before I would end up kicking some dude’s ass tonight if you went out like that. Is that what you want to have happen?” Damian roars.


“Day, calm down, she looks great. No one will bother her with you hovering over her all night. Now shut up, let’s go” Drea orders her brother who listens to her from time to time, tonight thankfully being one of them, but reluctantly.


Damian takes me by the hand and we lead Mac and Drea out of the penthouse and into the elevator. Damian leans down and whispers into my ear, “Stay right next to me all night.”


Parker and Alex meet us in the lobby of our building. Parker has her hair blown straight and hanging down her back. Her makeup is as sheen as the Arctic. She has glided a luminizer onto her cheek and brow bones for a special gleam. She has added a golden lining to her black liner to make it even more extraordinary. Alex is wearing black dress pants and a gray dress shirt, also open at the top. This is apparently the male look of the evening and it’s working so well for all of them. Tate, Brook, Dominick, Heidi, Jonesie and his wife, Tara are waiting for us in a limo to head to Stone’s for dinner after which we’ll head to Stone Faced.


Dinner at Stone’s is delicious as always and our conversations come easily. Damian even talks about The Society party next weekend and invites everyone to attend. He explains his membership and lifestyle choice to the few in attendance that weren’t aware of his sexual interests. Parker and Alex already had planned to attend and Dominick and Heidi say they’d like to come and see what it’s all about. Mac said he’d be in but Drea and Damian refuse to be there at the same time understandably. Jonesie laughs and says he’d think about it to his wife’s surprise.


We finish dinner and once again climb into the limo to head over to Stone Faced. There’s a line around the building but as we pull up one of the doormen rushes over, opens the door for us and ushers us all inside. We are shown to Damian’s private table, the best in the house, where I sat the last time I was here.


Damian sits next to me and casually flings his arm over the back of my chair. He growls our drink order at the waiter who can’t take his eyes off of me. “See, that right there? That’s why I didn’t want you dressed like this. That poor kid can barely walk with that boner in his pants” Damian admonishes me, I just laugh, he’s being ridiculous.


The guys start drinking pretty heavily and the girls start banging them back pretty good too. Damian and the guys are drinking Dirty Martinis. The combination of top shelf Vodka, a splash of olive juice and an olive for garnish says, "Vigorous" and “Powerful". The men are all in charge; sophisticated, in control with all eyes on them from everywhere in the room. They are appealing, urban sophisticates to the extreme and their drink of choice for the evening helps personify that image. Damian makes sure to tease me with memories of our first date when he sucks his olive into his mouth causing me to gasp and every girl in the place to take notice.


He orders me a
Sweet Release. It’s t
he ultimate sugary, fruity drink made with fresh strawberries and raspberries, spiced rum, powdered sugar and sweetened cream. It is served in a champagne flute and garnished with extra berries. They go down much too easily and before the shots arrive I have already downed two of them. Damian orders
Champagne Love Shots for the table. Those are made with c
hampagne and a raspberry, passion fruit, blood orange, peach and pomegranate fruit puree. When they arrive Damian clears his throat and asks for the table’s attention so he may make a toast.


“I want to make a toast to my beautiful girlfriend. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and without her I would be lost and empty. She is stunningly gorgeous but she doesn’t see her own beauty. She is shy but playful, gentle but fierce, kind, loving and my favorite…kinky as hell. I have never been in love before but, Sydney Cooper I am head over heels in love with you.”


The table cheers and Damian pulls me on to his lap where I nuzzle into place and kiss his lips soft and gently. Damian grabs the back of my head, holding me in place and our kiss grows stronger.


I finally excuse myself saying I need to use the ladies room. The rest of the girls come along. We leave the men at the table even though Damian is reluctant to let me walk around the club without him. I use the ladies room then exit to wait for the others in the hallway. While I’m waiting a drunk guy about my age approaches me on his way to the men’s room. He tries to chat me up and I try just as hard to nicely discourage him. When he relentlessly continues I start to get a little nervous, feeling trapped in the hallway as if the walls are closing in around us. He keeps talking to me but I no longer hear his words, I’m looking for an escape route, the fear building inside me. He moves closer and traps me against the wall with his hips, his hands on the wall next to me. At the moment that I am about to knee him in the crotch I hear Damian’s voice over the loud music. “Let my girl go or I break every fucking bone in your body” he promises.


“Calm down, dude. There’s enough for everyone. We’re just having a little fun. You can have her when I’m done.”


“Maybe you didn’t hear me. I said let MY girl go” Damian says at the same time as I knee the guy in the groin as hard as I can. He collapses to the floor and Damian grabs him and throws him up against the wall. The other girls come out of the bathroom as Damian grabs the guy with his arm behind his back and ushers him to one of the bouncers telling him, “Get him the fuck out of my club.”


Damian takes me under his arm, kisses my head and inhales my hair. “You did good, baby. You okay?”


“Yep, fine.”


“Told you I’d end up in a fight tonight. Remind me not to fight you though; you have a pretty mean right knee.”


“Yeah, and don’t you forget it” I warn.


We return to our table to find the rest of the men just as drunk as I realize Damian is and they are all dancing. We down another drink and two more shots then the girls and I start to squeal and dance with the men as the music changes to a fast techno beat.
By the time we are all on the dance floor coupled up and dancing with our partners we have an audience.


Damian has himself pressed hard against me, claiming me as his. The strobe lights are casting shadows and the music is thumping through my veins. He moves smoothly while he’s behind me with his hands cinched tightly on my gyrating hips. Parker who is dancing with Alex next to us leans in to me and whispers in my ear, “If he fucks like that I see why you’re into the S&M scene. That’s what I mean about him just having something about him, things like that drive women mad.” 


I run my hands over his flawless chest that is entrapped in a tight white dress shirt. I undo first one then two more of the buttons pushing my hands into his now opened shirt to feel his exposed chest and the six-pack muscles of his abdomen. I feel his muscles flex, stretch and tense under my hands. I run my finger down his happy trail into the waist band of his jeans. “If you keep doing that to me we’ll be leaving early and our friends will be disappointed” he slurs as I untuck his shirt so I can slip my hands up his back. I lick the sweat from his neck and he tilts his head to give me easier accesses. I start to suck his neck stopping short only before leaving a bruise, the taste of salt on my lips.


“God, you’re fucking killing me, Sydney. If I didn’t care about people seeing you, I’d fuck you standing up right here on this dance floor. And make you come so hard you wouldn’t be able to hide it.”


I turn my back to him and Damian wraps his arms around my waist. I brush my ass up against the swelling organ in his jeans and he leans down and bites my earlobe. My eyes involuntarily close from the large amount of alcohol I have consumed combined with my growing desire and I lean back against his shoulder to stabilize myself. Damian grabs my hands and pulls them up and around his neck, “Hold on to me before you fall down” he commands.


His hands run down my ribs one at a time to my hips while his lips find the delicate skin on my neck, his tongue licks my throat. He nuzzles my neck and nips at my ear. Damian smells my hair and says, “I love the way you smell. You’re all hot and sweaty like when I’m fucking you. Mmm, it’s such a fucking turn on. I want to get inside you right now.”

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