Stoned (The Stone Series) (54 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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We spend the day with Tate and Brook at their home in Connecticut. We arrive right after the twins go down for their afternoon nap so it gives us some time to sit and talk, allowing me to really get to know them better.


Tate asks, “We love seeing you guys but is everything alright, I mean what made you drive out here today at the spur of the moment?”


Damian explains the six week restriction on our sex life from my injuries then about my waxing from earlier. Tate and Brook laugh at us and joke about how much we are like them.


“So do you think all couples are like this?” I inquire.


“No, only the lucky ones. I was luckier than your man over there” Tate says to me as he motions to Damian. “I found the woman meant for me when I was a teenager; he had to wait a lot longer for you.”


“Yeah, I don’t think he suffered while he waited, he had himself a pretty damn good time from what I’ve heard” I sarcastically point out.


“Careful with that mouth or I can start counting up from where we left off, I believe it was fifteen, I can make it sixteen or seventeen if you want to keep it up” Damian threatens.


“Wow, they are exactly like us” Brook teases Tate causing me to look at Damian.


I learn all about how Brook is the one who set Drea and Mac up behind Damian’s back. Mac used to work for Tate and Brook and he and Brook hit it off right away. She instantly decided that he and Drea would be great together and went to work making it happened. Brook tells me about her accident and how Mac saved her life. When she was unconscious she spent her days in a hospital bed listening to Mac tell her every intimate detail about his and Drea’s budding romance. These stories apparently spurred on some wild dreams.


“I imagined that Tate had cheated on me with my best friend then I ended up on an island in paradise with Mac.”


“I was not thrilled” Tate states. “The only thing that kept me from kicking his ass was that I knew he was with Drea and had been telling Brook about their time on an island during one of her photo shoots.”


“Yeah, that’s the only reason why you didn’t kick his ass, man” Damian teases him.


“Hey, you’re the one allowing him to fuck your sister. Why didn’t you kick his ass?”


“Okay, that’s enough now. We’ve been over this a thousand times. Mac and Drea are great together and it’s all because of me. I dreamt about Mac and I because my mind played tricks on me when I was unconscious. I love you, Tater, my first, my last and my only” Brook coos as she kisses her husband’s nose.


As night time falls we say our good-byes and leave Tate and Brook’s hand in hand. The car is filled with sexual tension the whole ride back to the city. Damian’s hands on me are causing me to fantasize about what the night has in store for me. When we finally get back to the apartment around eight p.m. we find we have it all to ourselves, I almost self combust right on the spot. Damian takes my hand and leads me in the direction of his playroom.


“I’ve been waiting for a long time to resume your training, Sydney. Come. I’ve got big plans for you tonight” he says as he unlocks the door and leads me inside. I hear the door catch and he locks it behind us. When I turn to face him it’s like I’m looking at a different person. He has slipped into his Dominant Damian persona, and he is hot as hell.


“I’m going to be harder on you tonight then I was at The Society, you can handle it, you know more of what to expect this time. Now, remember when we are in here, I am in control. You will not question me or hesitate to do as I say. You remember the safe words?” he asks. I shake my head yes and swallow hard. I’m getting nervous now that I’m in here and he’s dominating me. “Good, use them only if you have to, understand?” When I shake my head again he raises his voice at me, “Answer me” he sternly commands.


“Yes, I understand.”


“Good. Now when you are in here you are to be naked. Take off your clothes; put them by the door in a neat folded pile on the floor.”


I do as I’m told immediately, Damian smiles to himself but I catch a fast glance at his smirk before he hides it behind his Dominant persona again. “I’ve missed seeing you like this. You are gorgeous, Sydney. My God I want you” he says as he circles me. I can feel his eyes roaming over my body. “Now come here. Bring that tray over to the chest of drawers and do as I say. Open the top drawer, remove the black satin blindfold, the one all the way to the left and place it on the tray then close the drawer.”


I do as he orders and place the blindfold on the tray.


“Now open the second drawer, those are the anal plugs, take the smallest one, the one on the right and place it on the tray” he orders. I begin to protest but before I can get a word out he warns, “Without hesitation or I will punish you. Now do as I say.”


I remove the plug from the drawer and place it on the tray.


“Good girl. Now the lubricating cream that’s in the same drawer, the blue tube, put that on the tray then close the drawer. Now one more drawer down, open it and take out the padded handcuffs and place them on the tray. Close the drawer and bring the tray to the closet” he orders, his voice sounding scratchy and husky. I do as he commands and walk to the closet.


“Open it and remove the red twelve inch riding crop in the middle. Place it on the tray and bring the tray over here” he says as he walks toward the red leather padded benches. Once again I do as he says. The anticipation of what’s to come is making me jittery. Damian’s commanding me to get his items of choice and bring them to him is making this experience almost too intense to handle.


“Sit down” he orders and I sit on one of the benches. Damian brings my gaze to his by lifting my chin. He looks into my eyes and says, “Mmmm…sinking fast.”


He removes the blindfold from the tray and moves behind me. He places the blindfold over my eyes and ties it behind my head. He’s still standing behind me as he grabs my chin and lifts my face. He leans into my ear and whispers, “You’ve seen enough and you’re not even here are you? God, I love watching you sink, it’s so amazing. Now be a good girl and do everything I tell you.”


Damian guides me up onto the bench so I am on all fours only inches from his face, so close I can feel his breathe on my ass as he says, “Climb up.” I feel Damian’s index finger slowly make circles on first one then the other cheek of my backside. Then he strokes me between my ribs and my hip, gently, testing for pain or tenderness before he begins. When he finds none he eases my legs open, far apart and shifts my hips until I know my sex is in his full view.


“That’s my sweet angel, now hold still just like that” he whispers.


His breath catches and a moan escapes him as he allows his index finger to explore my fleshy fun strip that runs from one entrance to the other. He separates my labia to closely inspect my wet entrance. “You are very wet already. Are you excited, Sydney?”


“Mmm…yes” I immediately reply.


Damian slips a finger inside me and I moan at his touch. He makes me whimper when he slips in a second finger and presses on the flat of my abdomen. Damian’s fingers begin to thrust in and out of me while his other hand gently rubs my ass cheek.  He allows me another momentary pleasure when his thumb circles my clit just once and then he removes all contact. I hear the sound of the lubricant as he squirts it onto his pinkie finger.


He places one hand on the small of my back and lets his lubricated finger run down the slit of my ass, circling my tight hole. I hear him grunt as he slips his finger into me and I bite my lip. He stops, allowing me to process the foreign feeling for a second before he begins to move his finger. My head is involuntarily flung back as I grunt and moan along with him.


“Your ass is so fucking tight, baby. Does this feel good? You okay with this?”


“Mmm” is all I can manage.


“Mmm” he repeats as he withdraws his finger. “Now hold onto the edge of the bench tightly and do not let go. This isn’t much bigger but it will make you feel full. Once it’s in you mustn’t let it fall out, do you understand?”


“Yes” I reply and then I hear Damian squirt more of the lubricant onto the anal plug before inserting it inside of me. It’s cold and plastic feeling; it fits snuggly, pinches, burns but doesn’t hurt. Once in place I hear his breath catch and he turns and twists it a few times. I try not to squirm but I can’t control the whimpers escaping me. The feeling of fullness is arousing, making me want him inside me more than ever. I can only imagine how full I’d feel if he was inside me now along with this plug. 


“You’re doing well. You okay?” he inquires and I moan a response.


“Now we need to address your punishment. You flinched fifteen times during your waxing today. Do you know what that means, Sydney?” When I don’t answer he says louder, “Answer me, do you?”




He begins to rain down fifteen hard fast snaps of the riding crop over my ass. The pain is sharper than from his palm and if delivered more slowly I never would have been able to take it but he apparently knew that.


“Now stand up, I’ll lead you to the table.”


Damian lifts me onto the table and places my feet in the stirrups one at a time then he secures them each with a strap. He cuffs each of my wrists to the wall above and behind the table. “Is that okay? It doesn’t hurt your wrist does it? You’re safe, it’s only us.”


“I’m fine” I pant as I feel his lips on my body. Damian kisses first my feet, swirling his tongue between my toes then my legs. He works his way up to my sex while he blows his cool breath over my exposed area. I try to writher away but I am unable to move.


“Hold still now” he orders. “Good girl keeping the plug in place. Let’s see if you can keep it in while I do this” he says as he leans down. Damian then gently laps at my clitoris in hard fast lashes; the sensation instantly throws me into an orgasm so strong I see nothing but red lights.


“You taste amazing. I am going to make you come all night.”


I hear a snap sound and Damian says, “Hold yourself by pushing on your feet just for a second then I’ll take care of everything” and I realize that he has collapsed the end of the table where he now stands.


When Damian enters me he does so without guiding himself in. It’s as if our bodies were made for each other’s, finding each other without assistance. It is so hot. Damian enters me and with each thrust he makes an animalistic grunting sound that I have never heard come from him before. It’s a sound that alone could make me come. Add to that his right hand on the back of my left thigh; his left hand bracing the top corner of the table and I am ready to lose it. Damian is unable to form sentences while he enters me. As he thrusts he grunts and says one word with each. “Ah..fuck, Argh…tight, Mmm…missed this…mine…come. Ahh, come now, Sydney. Ohh…now” he commands as his cock spurts hot inside of me and I obey his command and come undone around him.


Damian’s body collapses on mine and he gently removes the plug and drops it to the floor then he unbuckles my feet, I wrap my legs around his waist. He reaches for the key to the cuffs and unlocks my wrists; I lace my fingers around his neck. Before removing my blindfold and picking me up off the table he kisses my mouth.


“You looked amazing like that, so beautiful.”


He carries me to one of the beds in the center of the room. When he places my limp body down I feel the coolness of the red silk sheets under me and I finally open my eyes. “Welcome back” he says with a smile. “Good?” he asks.


“Wow, that was…wow!” I say.


“Thank you for doing that for me, now I want to make love to you very slowly” he says as he slides me underneath him and enters me again with a familiar ease. As we make love we look at each other and smile, Damian even makes me laugh when he sticks his tongue out at me as he continues to slowly thrust in and out of my body. I love the Dominant Damian because he’s hot and dangerous but I also love the playful Damian because he’s sweet and loving, having both in one session is a treat to every one of my senses. This time I remain in the here and now and savor every moment with him. As much as I have grown to love sinking, staying here in this moment is delicious too. By the time we finish and Damian carries me to his bedroom I am incoherent from exhaustion. He places me on the bed and goes into the bathroom to run us a bath; I am sleeping before he returns.

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