Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War (22 page)

BOOK: Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War
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              “It is a case of mistaken identity.”

              “Would you like to clarify?” Liam asked.

              “Anthony over there seems to think I was the one who turned him in back when he was robbing the dead. In truth, it was someone else but he was worried about reprisals. I knew about the situation so I volunteered to go on record as being the informant.”

              At hearing this last part Liam heard Anthony quietly spout off some colorful expletives. So it seems this Private Robinson wasn’t really a trouble maker but in truth more honorable.

              “So what brings you to be stationed here? You don’t seem to fit the category that the rest of these men and women would fall into.”

              “Well, I am far from innocent; I have had a few disagreements with some of my superior officers.”

              “A few disagreements? Would you care to elaborate?”

              Private Robinson grimaced for a moment before he spoke.

              “During the bird flu my commanding officer ordered my squad to execute a group of women and children that were found looting a store for food. The looting had been going on for awhile and we were the first ones to actually find the group responsible. It was clear they were starved but he wanted to show his superiors he was on top of the situation and could make the hard decisions. I have issues with taking orders that get people killed just to further someone else’s career so I knocked him out, broke his jaw in the process.

              There have been a few other incidents but the most recently one I knocked out my current superior officer. He ordered me to cover up an incident involving his nephew and the rape of a local girl. So needless to say I have a problem with superior officers.”

              “So that is pretty much everyone seeing as you are only a private,” Liam observed aloud.

              Robinson seemed to consider this for a moment before he shrugged.

              “Yeah, that would seem to sum it all up or maybe I just haven’t met any worthy superior officers”

              Liam considered this for a moment and nodded towards Robinson.

              “Yeah, I think you will do for what I am looking for.”

              Robinson’s eyebrows rose but Liam didn’t elaborate any further. Instead he turned and walked over to stand in front of Anthony.

              “Now, what to do with you and your little group of hoodlums,” Liam observed aloud.

              Anthony began to squirm at this point, clearly not comfortable with the possibilities of what an angry
knight could do.

              “Give me one reason why I could still use you instead of dumping you in the deepest darkest pit I can find?”

              Anthony looked rather sick at this prospect but he quickly spoke up.

              “I am very good at finding things, if you need it I can find it.”

              Liam seemed to consider this for a moment before he decided to respond.

              “That all? I never seem to have a problem getting what I need.”

              “Depends on your situation…I have heard some rumors we are to go on the offensive. We will be taking the fight to the Shenkar which means we could be behind enemy lines. If that happens we could have our supply lines shut off and you will need someone good at finding things,” Anthony said with a little more confidence.

              “And if I accept this can I be assured that there will be no more confrontations with Private Robinson?”

              “Yeah…I was obviously misinformed about who turned me in and I am not stupid. He just dismantled my crew pretty handily so it would be pointless to try again.”

              “Okay and what about your little group of followers? Are any of them useful?” Liam asked skeptically as he looked over the battered group.

              Anthony turned looked at his battered group and seemed to be thinking it over. It was several moments before he pointed at a semi conscious man lying on the floor.

              “Henderson is an expert sniper; he grew up in Alabama where he hunted with his father all the time. I have seen him take some incredibly sick shots under the worst conditions.”

              “Okay that is a start…anyone else?”

              Again Anthony’s hand moved to point at two men and a woman standing off to the side. The man on the left was of average height with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was rather plain looking except for a scar above his left eye. He also had quite the bruise forming on his left cheek as well as a trickle of blood dripping down his chin from a split lip. The man in the middle was also average in height with short crew cut hair, he also sported several bruises from the recent fight. The woman had red hair, a pale complexion and was plain in features. Liam also noted she sported no bruises nor did her uniform look ruffled in any way that would suggest she had participated in the recent fight.

              “Carpenter, Flynn and Locke are excellent shots as well although not snipers.”

              Looking around it was quite easy to spot the perpetrators that had been involved in the altercation. Of the group in front of Liam, roughly one third looked rather disheveled in their uniforms. In addition to their roughed up appearances most sported some sort of bruise or cut to their faces.

              “Well I hope Henderson is up for it as I plan to put his skills to the test. As for the other three I am sure we can find a use for them. Is there any other snipers in the group?”

              Anthony looked at the group arrayed behind him as if searching for someone. After several moments he raised a hand to point out a short woman in the back of the group who was doing her best not to be noticed.

              “Dewitt is just about as good as Henderson although I have no clue where she acquired such skills as she doesn’t talk about her past,” Anthony explained.

              Liam took a few moments to examine the short women. While she did her best to look everywhere but at Liam, he still was able to see that she hadn’t been one of the people involved in the fight. In fact, her uniform looked to be perfect. If Liam had seen her anywhere but here he would have credited her with being a model soldier based on appearance. But her uniform wasn’t what made her stand out; it was how attractive she was. She looked to be in her early twenties; Liam would have guessed twenty two at most. Her sharp facial features, startlingly blue eyes and full lips formed a most exotically beautiful face. Shoulder length raven dark hair framed her face to add to her beauty all the more.

              This girl intrigued Liam slightly as in all appearances this girl would have better fit a model or movie star before a soldier. He found himself wondering why she was trying to hide. He made a note to himself to talk to Leah about this later; perhaps she could help him with this one.

              Putting Dewitt out of his mind Liam once again turned back to Anthony.

              “Okay so two snipers will be useful for our mission. Who else do we have here?”

              Immediately Anthony pointed to the black man who had been thrown through the window upon Liam’s arrival. The stocky man now sat groggily in a chair as he rubbed the back of his neck.

              “Reuban is an expert with explosives, if you need something blown up he is the man to do it.”

              Before Liam could comment on the man or even examine him, Anthony pointed out another man who stood a little ways off.

              “Graniar is also an expert with explosives, although he makes me nervous. Personally I think he is a bit crazy,” Anthony explained, the latter part he whispered.

              Liam looked over at the man who Anthony had dubbed as “crazy”. The man was perhaps in his mid thirties, average height, thinning brown hair and green eyes. He shifted a bit from one foot to the other, while he fumbled with something in his hands. As Liam looked at him, Graniar in turn looked back at Liam, looking as if he was just as curious of Liam. After a few moments of quiet scrutiny Graniar raised one hand, shyly waved at Liam, as he smiled slightly. Liam couldn’t help but smile back. It was now Liam could see what Graniar had been fumbling with…a small detonator switch. As if knowing what Liam was looking at Graniar quickly tucked the detonator switch away and looked at his boots. Liam thought he would have Tim talk to this one as he was very good with people. Tim would be able to tell whether the man was just eccentric or really “crazy.”

              “Okay, they will be useful, who else do we have?” Liam once again asked Anthony.

              Anthony looked over the group again and then pointed to a small Asian man.

              “Kim Xang is incredibly good at breaking into places; he is especially good at fitting into areas no one can usually go. Contorts his body in ways you wouldn’t think is humanly possible. He is also very good with electronic equipment, can fix almost anything if given the right tools.

              His brother Chen, who is next to him, is excellent in breaking codes and cyber infiltration. He too is excellent with electronics.”

              Liam looked at the two brothers and couldn’t help but notice the differences between the two. Kim was the complete opposite in stature to his brother but looked to be several years older. He couldn’t be any taller than five foot and was fairly thin yet his brother, Chen, stood roughly Liam’s height and looked to be a body builder. Liam also noted that neither man looked to have partaken in the recent fight.

              “That’s really about it for specialties but I can assure you that while none of the rest of the men and woman possess any specific skill they all are very useful in a fight. I can assure you my men won’t let you down,” Anthony explained.

              Liam raised an eyebrow at hearing this pronouncement of Anthony’s. Anthony as if understanding Liam’s meaning quickly spoke up again.

              “I know I am just a criminal in uniform but even if you don’t like me I can tell you that these men and woman are loyal to those who earn and show them respect and I have earned their respect.”

              Liam looked over the men and woman arrayed behind Anthony looking for any sign that this was not the case. All wore determined looks on their faces but none showed the slightest hint that they disagreed with Anthony’s statement.

              Liam looked over at Robinson. As if understanding the meaning of Liam’s look, Robinson nodded his head once to confirm what Anthony had said. Liam gave a slight nod in return before he turned away and walked to stand between Evan and Steve once again.

              “All of you are to gather your belongings and are to report to hanger thirty eight by 0800 tomorrow morning. There you will be transferred to your new posting where you will begin your new training. If there is anything specific you require please requisition such items from supply. If there is any problems attaining items then have the supply officer contact me. As long as it isn’t something I disapprove of then you will receive what you ask for. Since it doesn’t seem to be a big secret to this group I have no problems telling you that this could be the last time you see Earth again. So I suggest you get everything in order that you will need.

Henderson and Dewitt you will accompany Lieutenant Barrows here to the range where you will demonstrate your sniper skills. Everyone is dismissed.”

Turning to Steve he spoke in a low voice so only he could hear him.

“Requisition two of the new long range energy rifles for them to practice with. Test them at the most extreme ranges rated for the rifle. Snipers will be very useful in our upcoming mission so I want to know the limits of those two.”

To Liam’s surprise Steve didn’t make any jokes nor call him “Mein Fuhrer”. Instead all he did was salute him and say “Yes sir!” before he waved at the two to follow him and then left.

“I swear if I didn’t see it I would have never believed it. Who would have thought Steve could act like a soldier?” Evan said quietly to Liam.

              “Oh, I think he knows when he can get away with it and when he can’t. He knows I will need to gain all of their respect so he knows none of his smart ass antics would help in the matter. I am sure when we are all out of view of their eyes then Steve will devolve back to his old smart-ass self.”

              Turning Liam saw that the mess hall had cleared out except for Private Robinson who stood looking at Liam and Evan.

              “Is there something you need?” Liam asked.

              “I was just wondering when you said we could requisition items does that include the new energy weapons?”

              “Yes, your group will have access to all of the new technology.”

              A broad smile spread across Robinson’s face at hearing this which made Liam wonder what he was thinking.

              “Anything else?” asked Liam.

              “Nope, that’s all I needed to know.”

              With that said, Private Robinson saluted then turned and left the mess hall.

              “Get me the files on all of them, especially Robinson. Also see about getting him promoted to Sergeant, I believe he would make an excellent squad leader as long as his files check out.”

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