Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War (19 page)

BOOK: Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War
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              “Alright, I will do it, but I can’t promise anything. For all I know he might get more defensive under my questioning. I was, as you know, the one who butchered over a thousand Shenkar warriors aboard the

              “Maybe, but I am willing to bet you will surprise yourself. If we even learn a small bit of information then it could make the difference of lives lost.”

              “Okay when would you like me to start?”

              “Well as soon as possible would be good but I need you to help in another matter first. As I stated before most of the officers will be replaced with
until they can train up a new set of officers and you will have to replace any non comms that were lost. What I need of you is for you to take some of these men and women and train them into an elite group of
Praetorian Guard
, kind of like a Special Forces group. A group that can really only be trained by a

              Liam thought this over and didn’t see anything wrong with this. It made sense in fact as one day there might not be any

              “Do you have any particular men and women in mind to choose from?”

              Admiral Kelvin smiled at Liam’s question, his left hand reaching up to scratch the side of his face before he answered.

              “Well let’s just say these men and women aren’t exactly the cream of crop. In fact all of them have had some disciplinary issues in their pasts. I would define them as an interesting group. However, when they are doing their jobs they are the best at what they do. This is more of a test to see if we can incorporate men and woman that are considered lost causes. If you are successful then perhaps we could utilize those men and woman that are part of the penal system…at least those with lesser crimes.”

              “Well I guess if I can handle the Shenkar then I can handle some men and woman with attitudes.”

              Admiral Kelvin smiled and reached up to clap a hand upon Liam’s shoulder.

              “I will remember you said that. Also just to let you know, this upcoming mission will have embedded reporters aboard the
. I know how you feel about them but they are being forced on us by the council. The council feels we need to follow the story of the Kraken and its crew as a positive story arc. They will be following the crew, the
Praetorian Guard
, the
and yes the
around. They are not to interfere in everyday functions and will need to clear any interviews with the command staff but please do not give them to much of a hard time.”

              “I will try, sir, but I cannot guarantee anything,” Liam said, a smile across his face.

              Admiral Kelvin smiled back then saluted Liam and Evan before he did an about face and exited the brig.

              “Do you get the feeling he wasn’t completely honest on how colorful the men and woman you are supposed to train are?”

              “Yeah, I didn’t like the way he smiled when I mention I shouldn’t have any problems.”

              Evan looked like he wanted to say something but instead changed the subject.

              “So shall we get going?”

              Liam and Evan left the brig and headed off towards the fighter bay.               The pair walked in silence for several minutes before Evan spoke.

              “So what do you think of being a legend within the Shenkar?”

              Liam let out a slight disgusted snort at the thought of this.

              “Do you really believe that crap?”

              “Sure, why not? I am sure your deeds have spread throughout the Shenkar military. An unknown warrior who seemingly rose from death only to slaughter the whole crew of a battlecruiser. Liam, you are my friend but I have seen you when you were angry. What was it called?
Dala Dvierik
? You truly are the storm of death or death storm; however they want to translate it. I have watched you use your new abilities, seen how they are growing and to be honest it puts me in awe. Every day your abilities seem to grow in intensity with seemingly no limits. It makes me wonder the devastation you could unleash and it also worries me if you were to ever lose control. Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t anyone I wouldn’t want next to me in a fight but just remember you always need to keep control.”

              Liam thought this over and he could see where his friend was coming from. He himself worried the limits his abilities would have or what could happen if he did lose control.

              “I wonder that every day, my friend, and it scares me to think of what could happen if I lost control,” said Liam, grimly.

              Evan looked at his friend for a moment before he smiled broadly, clapping Liam on the back.

              “You will be fine especially with me and Steve around to keep you in check.”

              Liam laughed at Evan’s comment, holding his hands up in mock fear.

              “Oh, I am so frightened.”

              Evan laughed again then something seemed to occur to him.

              “You know I think we should warn others of you though, someone might accidently unleash the
Dala Dvierik

              “Oh ha ha, very funny,” Liam said sarcastically.

              Before Liam could stop him, Evan quickened his step to move ahead of Liam. As he did this he held his arms aloft in front of him and spoke in a loud commanding voice.

              “Everyone move aside, move aside I tell you! Move aside for
Dala Dvierik

              Startled crew members looked at Evan, upon seeing two
knights heading their way, they quickly stepped aside. Liam quickly moved forward to attempt to quiet Evan but Evan, in turn, quickened his step.

              “Will you be quiet!?” Liam said in loud whisper.

              Ignoring Liam, Evan continued walking quickly up the passage shouting loudly.

              “Step aside quickly! For you do not wish to unleash the storm of death!”

              Liam could see the smile upon Evan’s face as he glanced back to make sure he wasn’t within Liam’s reach. This time Liam didn’t whisper but still tried to keep his voice quiet as he spoke.

              “So help me if you do not shut up I swear I will pull out my plasma sword and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine!”

              Clearly not believing Liam would follow through on such a threat Evan continued his loud speech.

              “Yes, you heard me! The storm of death walks these corridors so step aside….”

              But whatever Evan was going to say was suddenly cut off in a yelp as he saw Liam pull his plasma sword free of his belt and ignited it, his face wearing as evil a grin as Liam could manage.

              “Uh...Liam I was just kidding you know,” Evan said quickly.

              Liam continued to move forward as Evan back pedaled a few steps before finally turning and breaking into a full sprint. Liam sprinted after Evan, not trying to catch but instead staying just close enough to keep him moving. Startled crew members jumped aside, pressing themselves against the walls, at the sight of two
knights sprinting through the corridors...especially since one had his plasma sword ignited.

              The pursuit lasted until they reached the hanger bay where their fighters were secured. Knowing he had nowhere to go Evan wheeled about, throwing up his hands in surrender.

              “Okay okay, I am sorry and I won’t bring up the storm thing again.”

              Liam switched off his plasma sword and stood there with his hands folded across his chest. Several moments passed as Liam continued to stand there while Evan shifted uncomfortably.

              “Liam? Come on, you know I was just joking, don’t you?”

              Liam smiled finally which made Evan relax visibly.

              “I know you were joking but it was fun to chase you throughout the ship,” Liam explained.

              “Oh ha ha, very funny….by the look on your face I thought you really meant to follow through on your threat. I can’t think of anything worse than that.”

              Liam smiled and was about to speak when he spotted someone approaching from across the hanger bay. From the look on their face it appeared this person was extremely unhappy.

              “Uh…Evan you might want to turn around. I think someone wants to talk to you.”

              The smile Evan had been wearing immediately slipped from his face as he turned to see who Liam had referred too.”

              Evan’s wife, Crystal, marched determinedly towards him with a severely angry look upon her face. Seeing the angry look upon her face Evan, unconsciously, took a step back and began to look for an escape route. But it was already too late to run as Crystal closed the distance rapidly to stand before him. Evan who stood six foot five inches tall stood over a foot taller than his wife but this didn’t stop him from cowering from the anger of his wife. Crystal stood there for several moments just glaring at Evan, not saying a word or moving. Then suddenly her hands moved shot forward in a blur as she reached up to grab a hold of the front of his flight suit and pulled him down to her level. Her face now within a few inches from Evan’s she opened her mouth and exploded in anger.

              “So got a little sidetracked getting some groceries, did you? Didn’t bother to inform your wife that you were planning on joining the battle? I seem to remember you and I were ordered to stand down from this fight because we were on our honeymoon so why were you up here then?”

              Evan cringed under the diminutive woman’s onslaught clearly not knowing what to do or say. Liam sensing he could be a possible recipient of Crystal’s tirade slowly edged his way back and away from the pair. Unfortunately at that very moment Evan tried to glance his way, most likely intending to throw a plea for help. Seeing where her husband’s eyes had averted too, Crystal’s head turned sideways to look over at Liam, her hands never leaving her husbands flightsuit.

              “And just where do you think you are going?!? I would have expected better of you! You should have ordered him to stand down!”

              “But I did try….” Liam began.

              “Oh I don’t want to hear your excuses, you’re his superior officer! You could have just ordered him to withdraw.”

              True, Liam was Evan’s superior officer but clearly Crystal had forgotten, or chose to ignore, that he was also her superior officer. He was having no luck stopping her….so what chance did he have with his friend?

              “Now wait…I did order.”

              Liam began again, this time with a little more authority in his voice, but once again she cut him off.

              “I mean really, how much of a difference could one pilot have made?” she asked sarcastically.

              Before Liam could answer another voice joined the conversation.

              “Actually the way I understand it he was a significant part of turning the tide of battle, Mrs. Maxis.”

              All three turned to see the President of the United States, walking towards them, heading towards his awaiting shuttle. Nodding to Liam, the President continued on his way without another word.

              Crystal’s mouth opened, closed, then once again opened but nothing came out. Instead she looked from Liam to Evan to the President and then back to Liam.

              “Ummm…sweetie, could you let me go?” Evan whispered.

              Suddenly noticing Evan was still hunched over, due to her grip on his flightsuit, she quickly let go. Evan stood up, massaging the back of his neck as he tried to look inconspicuous. Looking about Crystal finally noticed the rather large audience she had attracted. Her normally pale complexion turned quickly to a bright red. However, in typical womanly fashion she quickly regained her composure. Straightening her back she then folded her arms across her chest as she addressed Liam.

              “Is this true?”

              “Yes, if he hadn’t arrived with the new recruits and the
then we could have lost. Evan is credited with eighteen kills along with significant damage dealt to some of the Shenkar warships.”

              Crystal smiled slightly as she turned to look at her husband. Still not convinced he was forgiven Evan took an unconscious half a step back. Crystal only smiled again at her husband but then quickly turned back to Liam, the smile vanishing to be replaced with concern.

              “You said the new recruits? Are they all okay? Did we lose any?”

              Liam looked grim for several moments as he thought back to the preliminary reports on the battle. Two
recruits had been confirmed killed in action and four others had been reported as missing in action. Liam was holding onto hopes that the missing pilots had just gone E.V.A and would be found by the search teams. Of the
recruits, Liam did not have their numbers as of yet but it was much higher.

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