Storm of Sharks

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Authors: Curtis Jobling

BOOK: Storm of Sharks
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Part I: Perilous Passage

1. Lackeys and Lickspittles

2. Deathwalker

3. Graced

4. The Captain’s Table

5. Outlaws

6. Conspirators

Part II: Bound and Beaten

1. The Kraken’s Reach

2. The Mother of Icegarden

3. Dead Eyes

4. The Emissary

5. Courtship

6. Foul-Hooked

Part III: Scarlet Seas

1. Below the Surface

2. Skipper

3. The Shark, the Shackles and the Shanty

4. Strange Counsel

5. Banquet for a Bride

6. Cry Wolf

7. Locking Horns

8. The King’s Justice

Part IV: Battling Back

1. The Sea Fortress of the Kraken

2. Wolf Blood

3. Breaking Bonds

4. Ballad of Butchery

5. Tentacles of Terror

6. Crossing the Redwine

7. The Lion Rides Out

8. The Reckoning

Part V: Turning the Tide

1. The Nemesis

2. The Chapel of Brenn

3. A Mother’s Love

4. A Darkness Lifted

5. The Choice

6. Gone Fishing

7. The Tale of the Tiger

8. A Wasted Talent

Part VI: Waves of War

1. The Emerald Forest

2. Bad Blood

3. The Burning of Bray

4. The Forum of Elders

5. Locked In

6. The Broken Triangle

7. The Long Sleep Can Wait

The designer of
Bob the Builder
creator of
Frankenstein’s Cat
Raa Raa the Noisy Lion
, and
the author/illustrator of numerous children’s books, Curtis Jobling lives with his
family in Cheshire, England. Although perhaps best known for his work in TV and picture
books, Curtis’s other love has always been horror and fantasy for an older
Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf
was shortlisted for the 2011
Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize.
Explore Wereworld if you dare

Books by Curtis Jobling
The Wereworld series
(in reading
Rise of the Wolf
Rage of Lions
Shadow of the Hawk
Nest of Serpents
Storm of Sharks

For Matilda Rose Cullen



Praise for Wereworld: Rise of the

‘A promising start to an excellent new


‘… superior to
, and pure

The Times

‘Jobling’s characterizations are solid,
his world-building is complex and fascinating, and the combat scenes are suitably

Publishers Weekly
starred review

‘… this will find broad appeal among
lovers of adventure fantasy’

Kirkus Reviews

‘The most exciting fantasy story I have read
for years,
had me enthralled from the first page until the very last,
leaving me hungry for the next instalment’


‘Incredibly highly
recommended – dramatic escapes, incredible rescues, huge battles, terrible
betrayals, human sacrifices, and all of it feels perfect!’


‘A fantastic blend of action-adventure, with a
great sprinkling of horror-magic stirred in’

is a brilliant adventure
story that keeps you utterly hooked. I can’t wait for the next one!’


Shortlisted for the 2011 Waterstone’s
Children’s Book Prize

Lackeys and Lickspittles

With winter finally relinquishing her cruel
hold over the Cold Coast, All Hallows Bay had gradually returned to life. The piers and
jetties, home to only the hardiest vessels weeks earlier, were now crowded with boats of
all sizes, weather-worn fishing skiffs bumping up against the barnacle-encrusted hulls
of their huge, ocean-going cousins. The taverns and inns, so quiet during the harshest
months, now thronged with life, sea captains and merchants haggling for bargains while
less fortunate souls drowned their sorrows. The streets thrummed with activity, spring
bringing hope to the people of the bustling port. All Hallows Bay was alive once more,
but it came at a cost.

A Lion once more ruled Westland. The newly
crowned King Lucas had reclaimed his father’s stolen throne from the young
Werewolf, Drew Ferran. The Catlords of Bast had sailed to
aid, swelling the lion’s ranks with Bastian warriors, strengthening his hold over
the Seven Realms and helping to put the Werelords of the Wolf’s Council to the
sword. Shape-shifting Werelords of all colours and sizes had marched to support Lucas,
their enslaved homelands ensuring allegiance. Lucas ruled with an iron paw, squeezing
every copper from his people’s pockets and pressing them into his army of
Redcloaks. He turned wives into widows as he sought to destroy the last of the Grey
Wolves and all who supported Drew.

The Lionguard’s presence had never
been more apparent in All Hallows Bay. Many of the locals kept a wary distance, the
violent reputation of the king’s soldiers well known to all. As with every land
under Lucas’s control, the Lionguard raised a force from the indigenous
population. Though many people were reluctant to ‘take the red’, some were
happy to swear fealty to King Lucas. The Redcloaks of All Hallows Bay had a large
proportion of the latter, made up of rogues and ruffians. The odd Bastian captain or
Lyssian from more noble stock made up their numbers, but for the most part the Lionguard
were a cruel bunch. Rarely a day went by without brutality, ensuring that the locals
remained fearful of their so-called guardians.

Other books

A Sunset in Paris by Langdon, Liz
Bitter Water by Gordon, Ferris
Little Wolves by Thomas Maltman
The Shooting by James Boice
A Dozen Black Roses by Nancy A. Collins
Beyond Belief by Jenna Miscavige Hill