Strange Angel (51 page)

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Authors: George Pendle

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Marshall Plan,

Martin, Glenn,

Marvel, Addie M. (grandmother),

Marx, Harpo,

Marx, Karl,

Materials Laboratory (Philadelphia),

Maugham, Somerset,

McMurtry, Claire,

McMurtry, Grady,

McPherson, Aimee Semple,

McWilliams, Carey,

Mellinger, Frederick,

Mencken, H. L.,

Method of Reaching Extreme
Altitudes, A

methyl alcohol,

MGM studios,

Miles, John,

Miller, Fred,

Miller, Grace,

Millikan, Clark,

Millikan, Robert,

Millionaires' Row/Orange Grove Avenue (Pasadena)

Agape Lodge on,

in the Great Depression,

Jack Parsons' grandparents' home on,

Jack Parsons' home on,

Mills, Mark,

moon craters,

moon landing,

moon rocket hypothesis,

Morgan, Thomas Hunt,

Mount Palomar Observatory,

Mount Wilson Observatory,

Mulholland, William,

Murder at Pirate Castle

Muroc Auxiliary Air Field,

mystical societies,


Napoleonic War,

National Academy of Sciences (NAS),

National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA),

Navaho Missile Program,

Nazi Germany,

Nelson, Olga,

New Deal program,

New Fandom,

New Thought movement,

Newton, Isaac,

New York World's Fair (1939),

Nin, Anai's,

nitric acid,

nitrogen oxide,

nitrogen tetroxide,



North American Aviation,

Northrup, Betty,

Allied Enterprises and,

L. Ron Hubbard and,

Jack Parsons and,

Northrup, Burton,

Northrup, Helen.
Smith, Helen Northrup Parsons (wife)

Northrup, John,

Northrup, Olga Nelson Cowley,

Northrup Aircraft,

Nowlan, Philip Francis,

Noyes, Arthur,

nuclear fission,


Oberth, Hermann,

Odets, Clifford,

Oppenheimer, Frank,

Oppenheimer, J. Robert,

Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO),

See also
Agape Lodge; Church of Thelema


Ottinger, Jeanne,


P. A. English Motor Car Company,

Pacific Electric Railway,

Pacific Rocket Society,

Parker, Charlie,

Parsons, Charles (step-brother),

Parsons, Helen.
Smith, Helen Northrup Parsons (wife)

Parsons, John Whiteside (Jack)

Ad Astra Engineering Company and,

Agape Lodge house on Millionaires' Row (Pasadena),

Allied Enterprises and,

American Technion Society and,

Bermite Powder Company and,

birth of,

black magic rituals and,

at California Institute of Technology (Caltech),

Candy Cameron and,

childhood years of,

Church of Thelema and,

as cofounder of Aerojet Engineering Corporation,

as cofounder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL),

Communist party and,

Aleister Crowley and,

death by explosion,


downtown explosion (1947) and,

drug use by,

dyslexia and,

early interest in rockets,

family wealth and,

FBI investigations and,

formal education of,

Edward Forman and,

GALCIT Rocket Research Group (Caltech) and,

gatherings at Andrew Haley's house,

Gladis Gohan and,

at Halifax Powder Company,

at Hercules Powder Company,

house on Terrace Drive (Pasadena),

L. Ron Hubbard and,

at Hughes Aircraft Company,

Kynette car-bombing trial (1938) and,

learns about explosives,

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