Strange Angel (49 page)

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Authors: George Pendle

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Craftsman-style houses,

Cravens, John S.,

Crowley, Aleister,

background of,

black magic and,

books of,

death of,


growth of reputation,

health problems of,

L. Ron Hubbard and,

“Hymn to Pan,”

marriage and,

Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and,

Jack Parsons and,

Jack Parsons' resignation from OTO,

portrait of,

Wilfred Smith and,

visits Los Angeles,

Culling, Louis,


Dane, Paul,

Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics,

Darwin, Charles,

Davis, James,

de Camp, L. Sprague,

Dee, John,

De la Terre à la Lune (From the Earth to the Moon)

Destination Moon


Dingle, Edwin,

Dinsmore, Carrie,

Disney, Walt,

Douglas, Donald W.,

Douglas A-20A bomber,

Douglas Aircraft Company,

Durand, William F.,

Dynamic Science Stories,


Eastern States Refrigeration Company,

Eddington, Arthur,

Einstein, Albert,

Eliot, T. S.,

Elliott, Thomas,

Enochian Magic,


Erickson, Jonas,

escape velocities,



Fairbanks, Douglas,

Farley, Ralph Milne,


Faulkner, William,

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation),

Feynes, Adalbert,

Fitzgerald, Warren,

Fleming, Alexander,

Fleming, Arthur

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and,

home in Pasadena,

Forman, Beverly “Bud,”

Forman, Edward

Ad Astra Engineering Company and,

Agape Lodge and,

black magic and,

at California Institute of Technology (Caltech),

as cofounder of Aerojet Engineering Corporation,

Communist party and,


education of,

GALCIT Rocket Research Group (Caltech) and,

gatherings at Andrew Haley's house,

at Halifax Powder Company,

at Hercules Powder Company,

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and,

Laundromats and,

Jack Parsons and,

triumvirate with Parsons and Malina,

Forman, Jeanne,

Forman, Phyllis,

Foshaug, Martin,

Foundation of the General Theory of

Relativity, The

Franco, Francisco,

Frazer, James George,

Freud, Sigmund,

Frey, George,

From the Earth to the Moon

Fuchs, Klaus,



GALCIT Rocket Research Group (Caltech),




GALCIT Project Number One,

See also
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Ganci, Greg,

Garfield, James A.,

gaseous oxygen,

gasoline, as fuel,

gay rights movement,

General Theory of Relativity (Einstein),

General Tire and Rubber Company,

Germer, Karl,

Gernsback, Hugo,

Gnostic Mass of the Church of Thelema,

See also
Agape Lodge; Church of Thelema; Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)

Goddard, Robert,

death of,

exile in New Mexico,

Guggenheim family backing of,

visits Caltech,

Gohan, Gladis,
Golden Bough, The

gold rush, California,

Goldstone, Louis,
Graf Zeppelin,

Grand Central Rocket Company,

Great Beast, The

Great Debate (1920),

Great Depression,

Greek Fire,

Greene, Charles,

Greene, Henry,

guanidine nitrate,

Guggenheim, Harry,

Gun for Dinosaur, A
(de Camp),

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