Street Chronicles Girls in the Game (3 page)

BOOK: Street Chronicles Girls in the Game
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She'd been in college since she was fresh out of high school. Now, at almost twenty-six years old, she was just about done with her doctorate. Li'l Man always bragged how proud he was of her. Next to his newborn child, Stacey was his pride and joy.

Just then the nurse came through the door with TJ. in her arms.

“Oh, there he is,” Stacey stated in her proper voice.

“Okay, who do we give him to?” the nurse asked as she looked around the room.

I guess after I refused to take TJ. in my arms when he was born, the nurse was hesitant to hand him to me again.

“Why don't we give him to his godmother?” Stacey said as she stood up and extended her arms to receive the baby The nurse handed the baby to Stacey and advised that she'd be back with a wheelchair. Already pissed, I gave the nurse a look of death.

“I don't need a wheelchair. My legs work perfectly fine,” I snapped.

“Hospital procedure,” the nurse snapped back, then stepped into the hall to grab a wheelchair to wheel me out of the hospital.

I quickly turned my attention back to Stacey's previous comment.

Godmother? I know this bitch didn't say godmother,
I thought, while frowning and turning up my nose.
Who the fuck said she was the godmother? I know damn well Li'l Man didn't tell this bitch she was the godmother.

I nearly blanked out as the shit really started to register in my brain. I had to say something.

“Stacey, did I hear you say godmother?” I asked with a baffled look on my face.

“Yes, honey,” she said, cooing at the baby. “Tyrone didn't tell you?” She looked over at Li'l Man for confirmation.

I hated when that proper bitch called Li'l Man Tyrone. He never allowed me to address him as anything other than Li'l Man. Nobody called him by his government name, not even his mama. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but it was time I acknowledged the fact that this bitch was overstepping her boundaries. I had officially earned the title of baby mama, and Stacey needed to take a backseat. If I didn't call him Tyrone, neither would she.

“Li'l Man, I thought you hated being called Tyrone?” I said, hoping he would straighten Stacey out immediately.

Before Li'l Man could respond, Miss Prissy was already flapping her lips.

“Tyrone is his given name, and I shall address him as such. Tyrone knows I refuse to use street names because we are not on the streets. We don't have a street relationship. What we have is real, so I call him by his w/ name.”

I looked at Li'l Man for a response, but he said nothing. That shit really pissed me off. Plus, I believed the bitch was trying to say I was from the streets, since I called him Li'l Man. Trying to be respectful and not cause a scene, I decided to bite my tongue on that one. Besides, I knew Li'l Man would take her side and only upset me more or leave me feeling embarrassed.

“Oh, yeah, baby. I'm gon’ let Stacey be the godmother,” he added, acknowledging her statement and not mine. “I think li'l TJ. could learn a lot from her. You know, proper English, manners, and a lot of educational shit. I want to keep him away from that street life. Ya know what I mean?” Li'l Man said, changing the subject.

I couldn't believe the shit that was coming out of this nigga's mouth. Hell, he didn't even speak proper English his damn self. Like I can't give my damn child a good upbringing or something. I was insulted, but I wasn't even going to waste my breath arguing with Li'l Man.

“Yeah, whatever,” I said as I got up and gathered my things. “Did you bring his car seat carrier thing?” I asked.

“Yeah, it's in the car,” he answered. “Stacey bought him a brand-new Eddie Bauer one. It has the carrier, car seat, and stroller all in one. It's hot!”

“What?” I said with a puzzled look on my face. Just then the nurse pushed the wheelchair into the room. “But my sister gave us one already.”

“I know, darling, but the one I purchased was rated number one as far as child safety,” Stacey said as she wrapped up TJ.

I sat down in the wheelchair once the nurse rolled it over to me. Li'l Man and Stacey, with TJ. in her arms, headed for the door, and the nurse wheeled me behind them. I was fuming as I sat in the wheelchair. It took all I had not to snap off on Stacey, but nonetheless I refrained. Just how long I could refrain was the question.

e and TJ. weren't even out of the hospital for a full week before Li'l Man started acting up. At first he was there for my every need: getting milk, Pampers, and even coming over to sit with TJ. just so I could get a little sleep. Then that all slowly started to change. I guess the time he was spending with us was starting to dip into his club and street time. He started making excuses about why he couldn't come around, and eventually started sending that bitch Stacey over to handle his business for him. At first she'd bring over whatever it was I told Li'l Man the baby needed. Then she began to just bring me the money to go get the stuff myself. Before I knew it, me and TJ. were hearing and seeing less and less of Li'l Man and more and more of Stacey.

Stacey always had an excuse for why Li'l Man couldn't come through. It even got to the point where I was leaving him messages and Stacey was calling me back. That was definitely a cue it was time to put his ass in check.

I dialed his number, almost positive he wouldn't answer. I decided in advance that I'd leave a message so grimy that he wouldn't dare have that bitch respond to the message for him.

The phone rang twice. I knew after three rings his voice mail would pick up. I was prepared to spit knives through the phone.

“HEllo,” a female voice answered Li'l Man's phone.

“Who the fuck is this?” I yelled, ready to attack.

“Tee, it's me. Calm down, honey,” Stacey said in her best schoolteacher voice.

I hated when she talked to me in that manner. I took it as though she was talking down to me. Like she was speaking to a child.

“What are you doing with Li'l Man's phone?” I asked with a slight attitude.

“He gave it to me to hold on to just in case someone called, someone like you. He has a new phone.”

That was it! This nigga had truly violated. I said nothing more and politely ended the call. That would be the last time I would dial that number ever again.

Days passed, and me and TJ. didn't see or hear from Li'l Man at all. Luckily, the last drop Stacey made for Li'l Man was enough to cover the bills and provide for TJ. for the rest of the month. I had to start planning my money hustle for the next month, because there was no way I was going to go begging to Li'l Man. Fuck him! I refused to call that number.

My phone started to ring. I rushed to answer it before it woke T.J., who I had just laid down for a nap.

“HEllo?” I answered the phone with a major attitude, as if the caller knew TJ. was sleeping.

The caller ID read, WIRELESS CALLER
, SO
I knew it could only be one person: Li'l Man.

“What up, baby girl? How's my son?” Li'l Man asked, as though everything was all good.

“Your son?” I said, sucking my teeth and rolling my eyes. “We ain't seen or heard from you in two weeks. We found a new baby daddy,” I said, knowing it would burn Li'l Man up inside. But with him not being right here in my face to try to swing on me, I had mad courage.

“What the fuck you say?” Li'l Man said, infuriated.

“What, you ain't noticed? I stopped calling your ass a week ago,” I said in a nonchalant tone.

“Bitch, I'm coming to get my son. Have his shit ready.”

“WhaTeva!” I said, and hung up the phone in Li'l Man's ear.

Ten minutes hadn't even passed before Li'l Man was raging through my apartment door. In a split second he was banging on my locked bedroom door. I knew locking the bedroom door would really piss him off. The first thing he'd think was that some nigga was laid up in there with me. I picked up TJ. out of the bassinet. Li'l Man had woken him up with his banging. I took my sweet time unlocking the door and letting him in. When I opened the door, I just let it swing open, and I walked away. He followed closely behind me. I knew he was watching my ass bounce in my matching fire-red lace boy shorts and bra that I put on to entice him. I didn't say a word. I just turned around and handed him the baby, then went to lie down on my bed.

“That's it? Where his shit at? And why the fuck you got that li'l shit on?” Li'l Man asked. “Prancing around my son lookin’ like some tramp.”

“That's it. He ain't got shit else,” I responded in reference to TJ.

I jumped off of the bed and pointed my finger at Li'l Man, but refrained from getting too close. “You ain't brought shit over here. You ain't even called to check on him. TJ. ain't got shit but a carrier. I'm sure your sister, his so-called godmother, has everything he needs. And as far as my attire, if you spent more time around here, you would know I've been wearing shit like this to bed every night,” I said sarcastically.

Li'l Man didn't even put up an argument. He just turned around and headed out the door with TJ.

As soon as he left, I called up a couple of my girls to see if they wanted to go to the club. Although the club wasn't my drop, I
really needed to get out and release. In the fewweeks since having TJ. I'd already gotten my shape back, and I couldn't wait to flaunt it once again. Seems as though childbearing had widened my hips, and I couldn't wait to put a little twist in them.

My girls and I decided that we'd meet up at the Beach House, a club near the ocean. My sister let me borrow her car and use her ID, so I was able to get in with no problem. I didn't spot any of my girls, so I decided to go over to the bar and start the party without them. Just as I was beginning to get nice and tipsy, I spotted Li'l Man's ass at the bar hanging all over some bitch. Not only was I pissed that he was on another female, but he was here, which meant my son was someplace else. I wasted no time approaching his ass.

“Excuse me!” I said as I pushed my way between Li'l Man and the knotty-head bitch he was with. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked Li'l Man, grilling him in the face. My presence took him by surprise.

“What'chu mean? The question should be, What are
doing here!” he spit back.

“Nigga, if your ass is here then that means my damn son is wit’ somebody else. Where the fuck is my son?” I snapped.

“He a'ight. What you think? Fma leave my son wit’ just anybody? He wit his godmother, so chill,” Li'l Man replied, and then walked off. I watched as he walked into the VIP room.

By this time my girls had arrived and encouraged me to calm down because I was starting to make a scene. The night was still young, and they didn't want to risk getting thrown out of the club.

“Here, girl,” one of my girls said, handing me a drink. “Take this Long Island iced tea. It'll make you feel betta. Don't worry ‘bout that fool.”

I drank the Long Island in almost one gulp. Li'l Man had me
steaming, and it was going to take more than one drink to cool me off.

“Damn, Tee, you looking better than ever, girl,” a voice said from behind me.

I looked back, ready to snap on whoever that corny-ass nigga was who was breathing down my neck. To my surprise it was no corny nigga at all. It was Young Boy, one of Li'l Man's best friends. I hadn't seen him in months.

“What up, Young Boy?” I said, excited to see him as I gave him a big hug.

“Chilling, baby,” he replied. “You want something to drink? I see yo’ glass empty. Let me buy you one.”

I readily accepted. I don't know if I was a little drunk, but Young Boy was looking damn good in his Versace outfit and smelling good with his Versace cologne. His hair was cut low, with waves flowing around his head in perfect circles. Young Boy stood an even six feet, with the perfect build. Damn, was he fine!

After I finished the Hennessy and Coke he ordered me, I was feeling real nice, almost to the point of being fucked-up! I wasted no time hitting the dance floor. The deejay was playing reggae, and I felt like I could dance all night. I moved like the dance hall queen, grabbing the attention of every nigga on the floor, and those off.

It wasn't long before cats were trying to move in on me. Of course, I turned each of them down. Well, that was until Young Boy pulled up to the bumper. I was in another world as I ground on his body. I must have really been putting some moves on him, because I could feel his manhood growing hard as I popped my ass against it. And what an awesome size it grew!

“You see what you do to me,” Young Boy whispered in my ear as he grabbed my hand and placed it on his king-size penis.

I don't know if I was overwhelmed by lust or just pissy drunk, but all of a sudden the whole room started to spin.

“I don't feel very well. I have to go,” I told Young Boy before rushing off the dance floor.

I headed to the club exit. I'd left just in time because as soon as I reached the door the lights were turned on and they were doing last call for alcohol. I couldn't risk the chance of anyone seeing me in such a condition. I had to get some fresh air. I didn't even tell my friends I was leaving the club. I just dipped. I planned to call them on my cell phone once I got outside and got myself together.

Once outside I decided to go sit in the car for a minute and get my head right. Ten minutes hadn't passed before I saw Li'l Man drive by with a chick sitting in the passenger side of his brand-new Range Rover. I couldn't believe he had another bitch in the truck. I hadn't even had a chance to break the leather in good on the passenger seat, and he already had another bitch in there. I was furious as I watched them pull out of the parking lot. The liquor must have had me going, because I started the car and followed behind his ass. I wasn't sure where he was headed, but it didn't seem familiar. Come to find out he was headed no place.

He pulled into a dark parking lot near a pier and parked. I passed the parking lot, swerving, and parked around the corner, nearly on top of the curb. I then stumbled back toward the area where Li'l Man was parked. I slowly approached the car. Li'l Man seemed to be very pleased with the brain he was receiving. From afar I could see the freak bitch's nappy-ass head bobbing up and down, and I could hear Li'l Man moaning. My stomach began to ache with anxiety. I couldn't take any more. I rushed to the driver side of the car and started banging on the window.

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