Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock) (6 page)

BOOK: Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock)
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Me to J-
No anal play or pussy play for you. You’re supposed to be abstinent, remember? And yes you are. Now, what are you drinking?

I should be drinking your fucking pussy. But you’re being a bitch and won’t let me fuck you or suck your cunt. Damn-it woman. Let me fuck you and suck your cunt. I’m coming over. I’m going to fuck you. Tell James to leave. He’s whipped. He’ll listen. Then I’m going to come in you and you’re going to suck my cock.

Me to J-
HA-HA I’m not home. So you can’t come and try to fuck me. James is not whipped. And stop being a dick and tell me what you’re drinking?

I’m drinking beers and um some kind of weird fucking shots. They taste good. If you’re not home. Where are you? Did Claire take you out? Is she fucking your ass right now? I want to fuck your ass.

Oh my god! He’s an asshole a lot but he’s worse when he’s drunk. But it’s kind of comical in a strange way. I can’t stop laughing and James has put me on ignore. He’s in the book zone. I live in that zone a lot. So I can relate.

Me to J-
I’m in Colorado with James in a cabin for the next two weeks. And no Claire is sadly in New York. Stop texting. Go home, be a good boy and go to bed. I’m going to go to sleep and tuck your daughter and son in for the night.

- Colorado? Is he proposing marriage? That’s the kind of place to propose. If he does you better tell him no. Your pussy is mine. James can’t have it. And apparently Claire already owns your ass. So I guess he can have your mouth. That’s a good one. We need to get a contract. Pussy is Johnathan’s, Claire Kennedy gets asshole and Calvin James claims mouth. Will you sign it? I’ll call a lawyer tomorrow if you will.

Oh my fucking god! He did not just say that. I am cracking up. He sure is hilarious tonight. Funny as hell. Oh man! Johnathan, Johnathan, Johnathan. Crazy as all get out. I can hear his voice with all the slurring and hand gestures. This would be a conversation to see in person. It’s that funny.

Me to J-
If James proposes I’ll say yes. He treats me better than you do. And no I’m not signing anything. Knowing you, you’d put a clause saying you get to fuck my ear every other Thursday. So keep dreaming bucko and go to bed. I’m tired, stop making me laugh. I might pee my pants.

Ooooo, fucking your ear. That’s a good one. A little small but so is your pussy. And it’s oh so sweet. I can still remember that smell. Damn you’re fine. Why won’t you marry me? You shouldn’t marry James. He’s too old. I’m a young vibrant stud. Ready to rock your world. With my ten inch cock. Fuck I’m horny. This absita fucking thing sucks. I’m forcing myself to jack my cock like ten times a damn day. I’d rather you suck it with those sweet luscious lips of yours.

Me to J-
Oh wow, that’s a sweet sentiment. Not. And James isn’t too old. He’s hot for being forty three. Now, go to bed. I’m done talking. Please don’t drive and be safe.

Are you fucking your bodyguard? I think there was a movie about that. You shouldn’t do it.

Me to J-
Not that it’s any of your business. No, I’m not. But go to sleep. Goodnight Johnathan.

I love you my sweet pussed lady. Sleep well. Kiss my kiddos night night from daddy.

Me to J-
Love you too, drunken crazy man

I sit my phone on my nightstand and click out the light. James is still reading his book and focusing on the words. I see two pages turned down already. Must be two good parts he likes. I love that he does that.

“I’m going to bed
Teddy Bear.” I say to him cuddling down in the bed, slinging the covers up over my shoulders.

He lays his book on his lap and sinks down in the bed next to me. So we are eye to eye. He leans over and places a sweet kiss on my lips. I feel my eyes spark to life, in amazement. His mouth is soft and tender. I lift my hand to his cheek and hold him to my mouth. Our lips touching. I breathe him in. My eyes close completely. I feel him. His touch and kindness. It’s like his delicate tenderness reaches into my body and washes all my worries away. He makes a light groaning noise and I retract my hands from his face and pull my lips from his, opening my eyes as I pull away from his magnetism. Snapping the gentle bond between us.

James doesn’t say a word, he sits back and up starts to read again. My heart feels wonderful and at peace.

Chapter Six


It’s now Wednesday, the day Stacy is arriving. He should be here any minute now, with Kyle. Yesterday, James and I woke up and cuddled in bed like nothing happened the day before. He never spoke to me about what happened or what he said he was going to. I let it go because I’m not going to push him. He didn’t kiss me again yesterday either, which totally bummed me out. Why? I don’t freaking know. I was actually anti-horny yesterday too. For the first day in weeks. I only flicked the bic once, right before I took a dip in the relaxing whirlpool tub.

This cabin is so relaxing. I haven’t heard from Johnathan or Claire again. Which sucks. But I’ll live, and I read a book in bed most of the day yesterday as James finished
We ate leftover chicken for dinner and I made sure to bring him up a Snickers bar when I went down to the kitchen. He loves those things. He took some time out to go for a run in the forest and some of his daily workout. Most days he does dumbbells, crunches, pushups and runs on the treadmill at home. Occasionally
if we have a slow paparazzi day he goes to the gym. But thanks to me he’s been too busy to hit it up regularly. His body doesn’t show any less musculature. So, I guess that’s good.

Right now I’m lying on the same couch that I’ve fallen in love with. James is doing another work out. I hate to see him after he gets done. Especially yesterday, all hot and sweaty and sexy as hell. I truthfully can’t get his cock out of my mind. I’m like a love
struck teenager. Without the love part, it’s more lust. I lust his cock. No, correction, my greedy pussy does. I do not.

I’m reading my nook on this expensive couch.
Wuthering Heights
for the sixth time. I love this book. I’m relaxing in a blue dress that’s not maternity but fits well over my bump. Makes me look fat, but everything does. At least my ass hasn’t earned its own zip code yet.


Stacy’s here!

I put my nook on the coffee table and skip like a little girl to the door
so excited to see my best friend. I unlock the two dead bolts and open it up.

“Stacy!!!” I scream, jumping up and down excited. He drops his bag on the ground. “Emily!” he screams back just as enthusiastic and grabs me up into his beautiful arms and we hug. I kiss his cheek over and over and over. In quick chicken pecks. Damn, I’ve missed him. I know we’re like stupid teenage girls. But I love Stacy. He’s great.

He lets me go and takes a step back.

“Look at you woman, I haven’t seen you in what? A week and you’ve grown.” He stares at my belly.

“Yep, fat artichokes.” I pat my tummy and glance around him and there’s Kyle. “Hi Kyle
” I smile and walk around Stacy and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into an awkward hug. He hugs me back, it’s loose but not as weird as I anticipated. Yah! Maybe he doesn’t hate me as much after all.

“Aw, look at you two. My two favorite people hugging... Adorable
” Stacy chimes in. I think he’s sounding gayer and gayer every day. My sweet best friend. I can’t stop smiling. It’s one of those perma-grins that I know will eventually hurt. But I’m so stinking excited to spend the week with my BFF.

I pull away from Kyle and chuckle. “Yep, Stace. We’re practically painting each other’s toe nails and braiding each other’s hair.”

“Hey, don’t hate Emily, I paint your toes and help with your hair.”

I smack him on the arm lovingly, roll my eyes and reach down to snatch up his bag to carry it in for him.

“Oh no you don’t
my pregnant lady.” James scolds, a towel draped around his sweaty neck. Fuck! He’s hot. He moseys outside onto the porch and greets the men with a nod. “You do not carry luggage. Don’t make me call the doctor and tell her.” He warns with a sweet smile. I roll my eyes.

“I’m not an invalid James.” I wag my finger at him.

“Don’t you give me that. Get your booty in the house and out of this cold. I don’t need to be fixing you chicken noodle soup in the next couple of days because you forgot to put on a coat.”

“Says the pot calling the kettle black
” I sass and check out his tank, gym shorts and towel. Making it obvious I’m scrutinizing his gear.

He smacks my ass hard with a crack and I yip. “Get that booty in the house my pregnant lady. I’m a grown man who’s not twenty weeks pregnant with a son and a daughter.”

I listen. Stacy laughs and James grabs Stacy’s bag, carrying it into the house to his and Kyle’s bedroom. It’s the only one on the first floor.

James is extra saucy today. He usually picks on me. But damn
he’s on fire today. Maybe he’s revved up, post workout. I sit back on the couch and all three men re-join me.

“So, this place rocks.” Stacy says dropping down on the couch across from me, running his gaze over the room. I miss him that far away. I want some Stacy cuddle time. But I know it’s all about Kyle now. Who sits down next to him, placing his hand on this partner’s knee. How cute is that? James and his sweatiness plops beside me. The couch crunches at his force.

“I love this place. I think I could live here forever. It would be an amazing place to raise a family
” I add.

Pivoting my body, I see James using the towel to dry off his damp chest and sweat soaked hair. It makes the blackness glisten in this lighting. I really should stop looking at him. He’s gorgeous. Post workout
his face shines with sweat and is slightly flush. His arm muscles appear larger and exceptionally delectable. He’s not a body builder but if he worked out a lot and used massive amounts of supplements
he could be. The way he is now is built but thick. Which makes me feel even smaller around him than I do Johnathan because he’s larger.

“Yeah, it’s a great place Em, I think we should take a vacation up here every year with the twins
” Stace comments.

“That sounds like a great idea Stace.” I smile. “So how’s the boyfriend-boyfriend thing coming along?” I ask them both, truly curious.

James relaxes on the couch and stretches his arms across the top. His forearm resting behind my head. And he kicks a foot up onto his knee wearing his black workout shoes. They are the only shoes I see him wear other than his leather boots. No sandals or slippers. And he only ever wears white socks. Crew socks with his boots and ankles with his workout gear. Most if not all of his clothing consists of black. He wears black cargo pants, gray cargo pants and occasionally dark denim jeans. His workout clothes are the same, always dark colors. I’ve never seen him in a light blue shirt or anything with a collar. Very manly clothes and anytime we wears long sleeves they are slouched up his forearms like the cuffs bug the shit out of his wrists or something. But it’s super sexy when he does it. Ok, I have to stop thinking of James that way. He’s attractive Em, not sexy. He’s your bodyguard, he’s your bodyguard. Time to keep that in mind. Putting it on a loop in my brain. Bodyguard…. Bodyguard. That helps. Woo, thank the lord.

“Emily? Emily?” Stace says.

I look at him and he’s face is dusted with confusion.


“You were out of it for a second
” Stacy says.

Shit! I zoned out. That’s not good. I only zone out when I’m thinking too much. Or when I’m stressed. Not good, not good at all.

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I was saying. Things with Kyle and I have been great.”

“That’s wonderful. I’m glad you two are finally together. It’s about damn time.” I chuckle anxiously
reeling myself back into the present.

“Hey babe I think I’m going to go take a shower and rest a bit
” Kyle says to Stacy.

“No problem. I’ll hang with Em, you go rest and if you need anything I’ll be around.” Stacy answers back and pecks him quickly on the lips. Kyle stands and waves us goodbye. I wave back with a smile. I hope this tension I can feel between us dies down by the end of the week.

“Well since Kyle’s gone. I think I’ll retire too. You two have fun,” James says, standing to leave. “But, Stacy please make sure my pregnant lady doesn’t pick up anything too heavy or do anything she’s not allowed to. She thinks she’s Xena and I have to walk behind her everywhere to make sure she’s being good.”

“You do not,” I rebuke, frowning.

He kneels in front of me.

“Come here.” He waves me over and I scoot forward on the couch my legs open so he fits between them.

He removes the sweaty towel from around his thick neck and tosses onto the floor beside him. Reaching out he caresses the sides of my belly, tilting his head down so his lips are but an inch from touching the babies.

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