Strictland Academy (14 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Faulkner,Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Strictland Academy
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there were no further unacceptable sounds, Dr. Krouse pried her bottom open
even further this time and said,

continue, Wells."

heat from the light began to feel uncomfortably warm against her bottom
"Well, she does not give
any indication of having been penetrated at any recent time.
Have you ever been violated here,

sir, Dr. Wells.


you saying you are a virgin?"

Dr. Wells."

am certain she is lying," Dr. Krouse snorted.
"Look at that quim!
How stretched, and ..."

violated her during her examination, thinking she was deflowered.
This also looks like someone might have
recently had their way with her as well.
Who was it, April?"

one, Dr. Wells," April sniffled, fearful of both the truth and further

you sure?"
His question was
firm, no nonsense.
"These new
little tears did not come from the exam, and the region is quite swollen."

sure, Dr. Wells." April whispered.
She squeezed her eyes shut while he gently probed her pussy.

don't believe you are telling me the truth, April.
We will discuss this later.
In the meantime, I do believe that very
little has ever entered here.
is no evidence of stretching or scars."

Krouse nodded.
"In that case,
what do you think is the best thing to use on her?
Keep in mind that she is not to be
coddled in any way.
I am sure that
the dear attendant prefers we use something that's going to make the entire
process even more unpleasant, in order to remind her of her behavior."

anything!" April wailed.
"Damn it, Dr. Wells!
They wouldn't let me fuckin' pee!"

a temper! And that language!
that act of rebellion, young lady, you're going to receive a paddling
you're getting your enema,

Dr. Krouse clucked.

April, how can you expect me to help you when you break the most basic
We are both subject to
policy here, child, like it or not," Dr. Wells sadly asked.

I'm just scared, and
everyone keeps hurting me!

it or not, this is the kindest thing I can do for you in your present
Think about it ... never
having to worry about breaking another bathroom rule.
What can I do to assist you,
Doctor?" Dr. Wells asked, with a shake of his head.

How about I allow you to
administer the solution, while I attend to this naughty little
As he spoke, the old
man lifted a bar up from the side of the table and adjusted its height, then
proceeded to hang a large red bag full of soapy solution upon the hook.
He checked the tubing, running a bit of
the contents out the end of the nozzle-less hose and into a nearby emesis
basin, emptying the tubing of air pockets.
He clamped it off near the tip and gestured to the tray that contained a
variety of nozzles, plugs, and clamps.

do you think of this one, Doctor?
It looks like it would be a challenge for her," Dr.
Krouse announced.
"Especially if she's as untried as
I think she is back there.
certainly won't be able to remove it since it is designed for retention."

is a bit large and bulbous, but I think she can take it without any problems,
if she cooperates.
April, this will
go much easier on you if you try to relax.
You have already earned yourself a little paddling, with which I will
not intervene.
Can you please try
to behave?"

try, Dr. Wells.
I'm just

is nothing to be afraid of, you foolish chit," Dr. Krouse grumbled.
"You will feel a lot of pressure
and stretching, and your stomach will cramp a little.
It is nothing like what my paddle is
going to feel like on your bottom."

would think your hand would be more appropriate," Dr. Wells quickly
"Flesh to flesh
would add to the humiliation, and you said that humiliation is part of the
learning process, right?"

I really didn't think you had
it in you, Wells, but you are starting to change my opinion about you."

whimpered as she felt a large, cold dollop of lubricant placed over her
She clenched her muscles as
Dr. Wells began to gently massage the greasy substance into her bottom-hole,
passing the tight opening with his gloved finger.
She yelped and he smacked her lightly,
startling her, and ordered her again to cease resisting him.
Slowly, he introduced the tip of the
black nozzle to her tiny pucker, moving the long, slender hose very carefully
in and out to encourage her cooperation.
With a reluctant sigh, he began to press it home, urging the wide, flat
base through the unyielding sphincter.
April bucked in protest, earning three sharp smacks.

fighting me!
I am trying to
Push out!"

... OW!" April yelped, staring back at the man with surprise.
That spank hurt!

me," his low voice ordered.

a cry, April obeyed.
The thick
device was pressed deeply within her, and she felt her body swallow it to the
hilt, leaving her tender and uncomfortably filled.

is a special design at the neck that we call a knot," he explained to the
blubbering girl.
"It is wider
than the nozzle, to prevent any accidental leakage during the procedure.
If you stay still, I will go very slowly
and give you time to adjust.
Disobey me and we will have to get this over with quickly, which I
assure you is something you might want to avoid.

sir, Dr. Wells," April mumbled in her arms, her face flushing with blood
as she tossed about a mental image of herself in her mind.

Here we go."

heard the click of the device as the liquid was gradually released.
The slow progression into her bowels
felt odd at best, but was not particularly uncomfortable.
Another loud click was heard, and her
entire world was suddenly dominated by the feeling of an irritating solution
cascading through her insides.
began to pant and squirm, without a thought about the noise she was making,
momentarily forgetting the old doctor's promise of a paddling.

stood directly behind her, unbothered by the hose that protruded from her
behind and down between her spread knees.
He raised his thick hand to the unobstructed target and began to spank
her sharply, adding sting upon painful sting over several already tenderized
The pain to her bottom was a
surprisingly temporary distraction from her bloated, cramping stomach, and she
welcomed the smacks with loud outbursts of yips.

Wells successfully hid the moisture seeping from her pussy from the old man's
sight, sparing the girl the additional mortification of her condition's being
noticed and announced.
The old man
stopped the spanking and brushed off his hands after the bag was emptied.

is nothing like a nice red bottom to remind a girl how to behave around her
betters, right, Dr. Wells?"

I am sure April appreciates your
correction and wishes to thank you.
Don't you, April?"


yes, sir.

thank you, Dr.
Krouse," April sniffed, still
focused on the burning of her newly-spanked backside.

are welcome.
And for your good
manners, I think we can reduce your holding time to ten minutes, instead of
thirty," Dr. Krouse said, gruffly.

ticked by.
As the sting wore off
from her bottom, the rolling in her tummy increased.
She kept herself as quiet as possible,
not wanting to entice additional time.
Dr. Wells checked on her, noticing that she was drenched in a layer of
clammy sweat.
He patted her bottom
and glanced at the clock.
more minutes.
Do you think you can
hang in there?"

you need me to do, I will," April forced out.

Krouse clucked, "Two more minutes?
That is nothing.
In my day,
these things were held for hours."

Dr. Wells asked, with a raised eyebrow, as he prepared the commode.

Sometimes even overnight.
See how kind I am, Compton?"

sir," she whispered.
am very grateful."

Wells winked at her as he lifted her to the commode, reached between her legs,
and ordered her to relax as he removed the nozzle.
She wanted to fling her arms around his
handsome neck and beg him to take her away from this place, willing to give him
anything he desired if he would do just that.
He knew her thoughts, patting her
tea-stained cheek as her insides erupted from her.
His eyes told her to give him time and
that he
find a way to save all of them!

He knew!
Oh, Thank the good
Lord, he knew!
Silently, he cleaned her,
placed her in a set of clean diapers, and slipped her dress over her head.
On impulse, she hugged him and
reluctantly repeated the same gesture to the other doctor.
April had understood the younger man's
silent message:
Gain whatever
support you can.


April presented to the classroom, Molly grabbed her hand and pulled her to the
desk next to her.
Strictland's idea
of education was to have them either read out loud from the Book of
Declarations, to memorize rules and then recite them in front of the class, or
to copy passages.
These methods, of
course, lent themselves easily to discipline

stumbling when reading
the Declarations was considered disrespectful, and therefore, punishable.
Forgetting a word to a memorized rule
was considered an act of defiance, and therefore, punishable.
The same concept was applied to the
copying of passages.
Any mistake,
even a blur made from an escaped tear, was seen as a lack of self-control and
Every person who
transgressed was caned immediately, without ceremony or warning, and the
frequency increased when the room above contained visitors.

an hour of April's arrival, Molly was dragged to the front of the room, bent
over the back of a chair, and ordered to hold the seat without moving.
A puddle was already forming on the
floor directly beneath her face before Attendant Hazel even began the
The prune faced woman
produced a formidable-looking belt and mottled the poor girl's backside with
raised wheals and welts.
strapping only stopped after Molly slumped to the floor in defeat; bruised and

second portion of their school day, dedicated to home economics, was conducted
in the room next door.
There was a
single kitchen setup, as well as a regular classroom with desks.
It was here that the 'young ladies' were
taught proper etiquette, pouring over select portions of ancient manuals that
dealt with Victorian ideals of modesty, comportment, household budget
management, wifely duties, and submission to the head of the home.
The theme, however, fixated upon
submission to all authority.
followed an inflexible agenda, and nothing less than a perfect score on all
tests and quizzes was acceptable.

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