Strictland Academy (17 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Faulkner,Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Strictland Academy
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a growl, the attendant responded. The beating ceased and April found herself in
the same position as she had been before, diapered like a baby and bound to the
Her bottom throbbed abominably
within its very tight confines and, oddly, she felt grateful that the unseen
viewer had stopped the assault. She looked up and mouthed the words

thank you

, hoping he could see
that she was appreciative.

Attendant Angela turned on her heels and left, and the viewing room was vacant,
LeClair descended.
April was
subjected to a second, even more humiliating orgasm.
She was appalled to realize that the
girls who eagerly watched her violation were now betting on how long it took
for her to reach completion.
used oral sexual favors as currency, which they referred to as 'special
kisses', on her and one another. After lights-out, April turned her head to see
Molly at her shoulders, skillfully untying the bindings that held her.

changed my mind.
We are going
tonight," Molly whispered.
"You are in danger.
were right.
They have been watching
you, and I think someone is going to take you away."

you sure?
How do you know?
What have you heard?" April asked,
her voice panicked.

been watching.
Those men who lurk
in the shadows watch everything.
Haven't you noticed that they are always up there when you are being
The attendants wait until
they arrive and then focus all this attention on punishing and humiliating
It is all for the observers,
and I just have this sick feeling that one of them is going to take you away
Probably the one who just
stopped your beating.
We have to
get you out of here."

about these?" April asked, pointing to her locked red pants.
With a dramatic flair, Molly produced
the key.
"Oh, my God!
How'd you get that?"

gave April a look.
She made short work of
the lock, and April gratefully shed her unwanted undergarments while Molly
unpinned the skirt of her dress so that she was decently covered.

on your shoes and socks, then use your nightgown to make your bed up with lumps
under the covers that will look like you're sleeping, if anyone should bother
to look."

April looked at her blankly.

"Haven't you ever
done this to make your mom think you were in bed when you'd gone out?"

shook her head.



a virgin, weren't


April nodded,
"I guess I was.
Until they took me.
I thought Dr. Wells would stop
I trusted him...."

am so sorry.
Patricia is probably
right about him being as stuck here as we are.
He has not even been able to interview
any of us without one of those beasts around him.
It's almost over.
I promise.
We will get you out of here.

than I could ever say."

crawled out of the room on their hands and knees, listening in the stillness
for the sound of movement or a change in breathing that would suggest they had
been caught.
Molly had previously
slipped the paper in the door, preventing it from latching.
She pushed gently, elbowing April as it
slowly drifted open with a faint creak.
Stealthily, and driven by adrenaline, the two worked their ways to the
supply room and inched their way out the back door.

perused the area with their eyes, hiding behind trees while they sought a
direction that would lead to their freedom.
April silently pointed to a clearing.

looks like a road," she whispered, clutching Molly's hand tightly.
They crept to the area, looking over
their shoulders for any hint of movement, and to the trees for evidence of
cameras or wires.
There was a big
iron gate with bars about twelve inches apart at the end of the lane.
It opened to about four inches, but,
knowing that freedom was so close, Molly flung herself at it and shoved with
all her might.

heart leapt in her throat as she pushed the edge of the gate directly into
Headmaster Judas, who had been lying in wait in the bushes on the other
Both Attendants Hazel and
Angela were there as well, their clawlike hands descending on the two girls'
Shaking his head in
silence behind them was Dr. Wells, looking worse for wear, his clothing and
beard in disarray.

do we have here?" Headmaster Judas intoned, as if finding them there was a
"Did you two decide
that you needed some fresh air and took it upon yourself to take a midnight
stroll around the grounds?"

say we have ungrateful little sluts who don't appreciate what opportunity they
have been given.
Or the sacrifices
their mothers have made,

Attendant Hazel proclaimed.

mothers were lied to!" Molly screeched, jerking away.
"That judge is in on this farce,
just like all of you.
We are being
sold to strangers, those men who watch everything we do!
You have made it so that it looks like
this is our choice and it's not!
When the State gets here

What horrible accusations you
are making!
As for the State, they
postponed their inspection for a month.
Didn't you hear?" Attendant Angela mocked, tweaking April's ear.

touching me!
All she does is beat
up on me, tie me down and forces herself sexually on me!
They all do!" April screamed.
"This is wrong!
You people, ALL of you are a bunch of
sick perverts who are using us for your own sadistic pleasures.
Even you, you son of a bitch!"
She glared at the silent doctor.

gasped as Attendant Angela tightened her fingers around her jaw and forced her
to her toes.
"Don't blame your
little doctor friend for this.
been somewhat ... indisposed

for the last few days since we caught him trying to make an illegal telephone
Ask him how the solitary
cells feel."


you hag!" April
screamed, trying to jerk her jaw away.

that anyway to talk to Mommy?
will apologize this minute, little girl.
For everything you said."

go of that child!" Dr. Wells shouted, shoving Judas aside as he stepped
forward to glare at the attendants.
"What do you mean the State inspection is postponed?
Why wasn't I told?"

does not concern you,
You are no longer an employee here, remember?
We are just waiting for the police to
come pick you up for forcing yourself on these girls."

is a bold-faced lie and I will make that declaration under a lie detector any
day. What about these other accusations?
Is any of this true?
these girls being molested by the attendants?
Why would they think they are being
What the hell is going on
here, Judas?
Goddammit, answer

the prefects," Molly added, her eye shifting to a shadow creeping behind
Headmaster Judas and out the iron gate.
Was that Patricia? Had she used her and April as a decoy to
Molly watched the girl
put her fingers to her lips and disappear into the night.
How could she?

cleared her throat, the thoughts of Patricia being able to escape and possibly
alerting someone to help gave her hope. "Since the day we got here, they
have been using April sexually.
They tie her down and she can't defend herself."

sluts are liars," Attendant Hazel said, angrily.
"None of my staff would ever do
such an abhorrent thing.
They are
striving to earn your sympathy."

wish I could believe you, but I have witnessed what occurs in the infirmary and
in the punishment halls.
I want an
answer, Judas!
You are standing
there like none of this is a shock to you."
With fire blazing in his eyes, Dr. Wells
looked at the man.

Dillon, you have always been such a bleeding heart.
Didn't you learn anything in
I had such high hopes for
Of course I know about
this," the man chuckled, producing a revolver from inside of his coat and
pointing it directly at the doctor's chest.
"I had released you in the hopes
you would fight me, and well, I would have need of self-defense."

the gun down, Judas." Dr. Wells lifted his hands in the air.
"We can talk about this ... make it

you need to monitor your staff more diligently.
Damaged goods do none of us any
Our buyers want their
little slaves in one piece and vulnerable.
These ladies are worth a lot of money to us, and deflowering the
innocents lessens their value.
him," the headmaster nodded.

the hell are you doing, Judas?!" Dr. Wells growled, suddenly finding his
arms being torn backward and held in place by one of the male guards that
patrolled the institution's perimeters at night.

life better for all of us.
We get
these little tramps off the streets and give them a chance for a life they
would never have in this town.
Their mothers are generously rewarded with a lifetime of financial
assistance when the slut is purchased.
And the rest of us," he grinned evilly, "are allowed to
indulge in what we desire.
haven't seen the Attendants apartments, have you?
They are rather ... posh."

You sick, goddamned
pervert!" Molly shrieked.
"What kind of fucking monster are you?
How much money do you get for buying our
families silence and selling us into slavery?
How much?!"

more than you can ever count.
them away."

two Attendants moved their painful grasp of their captives to the scruff of
their necks and began to frog march them back towards Strictland.
April was silent, all hope gone from her
Molly, on the other hand,
struggled like a wildcat.
didn't have any intention of going back without a fight, and intended to leave
causalities in her wake.
kicked, bit, scratched, and even managed to land a fist straight to Attendant
Hazel's right eye.
The sound of the
two men arguing were all she heard through her own protesting screams, coupled
by the string of deadly promises being whispered in her ear by the half-blinded

girls were not returned to the dormitory.
As Molly was wrestled in the direction of a dark building located far
behind the main facility, her anger grew as she thought of Patricia and how the
girl had used them to gain her own freedom. The tiny ray of hope rose that
Patricia would help them was shattered when Molly realized the girl had no
proof other than a slightly-bruised bottom.
Like the others, Patricia had been
fattened up the last couple of weeks in anticipation of the State's coming; her
hands were free of blisters from the steamroom-laundry, and she had no evidence
of having been physically violated.
Ultimately, it would be Patricia's word against those of the institution.
As a sentenced 'criminal' who escaped
from a reform facility, she would likely end up in the woman's prison, plus
destroy her family.

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