Strictly Friends? (10 page)

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Authors: Jo Cotterill

BOOK: Strictly Friends?
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Megan skidded across the track and crashed heavily into the wall of tyres. A kart just behind her caught the back wheel and spun off too, though the driver regained control quickly and sped off, shouting something at Megan.

Megan sat winded for a moment, her head fizzing. Was she hurt? No, nothing was aching or sore. That had been a massive jolt – but she was uninjured. ‘Wow!' she said out loud. And then, almost without knowing, she revved the engine. ‘Let's do it again!'

Round and round she drove, getting faster and more confident all the time. And then – yes! With only minutes left before the end of the session, Megan overtook another kart! ‘Wheeee!' she screamed as she zoomed past. This was the most amazing thing she'd ever done!

By the time the bell rang shrilly, Megan felt as though she had been driving all her life. Expertly, she steered the kart into the pit. What a shame it had to stop just as she was getting the hang of it! She sat there for a moment, trying to slow her breathing.

‘You OK?' came Danny's voice. He leaned over and undid her harness for her. ‘There you go.'

‘Thanks.' Megan pulled off her helmet and grinned up at him. ‘I'm not sure I can get out of this.'

He laughed. ‘Give me your hand.' With a strong heave, he helped Megan up. Her legs felt stiff and strangely tingly, as though they could still feel the engine beneath them. ‘You're all pink.'

‘Am I?' Megan pulled the band from her ponytail and shook out her hair. She rubbed the back of her head ruefully. ‘Remind me to have my hair loose next time.'

‘I think you should wear it down like that more often,' said Danny, staring at her. ‘It suits you.'

‘Thanks.' She smiled. Why did everything suddenly seem so much more vibrant, more vivid?

‘Move along, folks,' said Bodge from their left. ‘Next group wants to get in. Don't forget to take your kit back to reception.'

Danny took Megan's hand. ‘Come on. Got to get out of the way.'

The two of them headed back to the front desk where they wriggled out of their boiler suits and Megan handed back the items she'd borrowed.

‘What did you think?' Danny turned to Megan. ‘Did you like it?'

Megan looked at him. His eyes were alight, as though there were a flame burning inside them. His cheeks were flushed and he gazed at her with that strange intensity.
He really loves this
, Megan realized.
He loves it, lives for it. His whole being is exploding with passion for racing

She beamed at him. ‘You know what? I thought I was going to hate it, but I love it! It's amazing!'

His face split into a smile. ‘I knew it!'

‘I want another go,' said Megan. ‘But maybe not just now, because my legs are all shaky.'

‘That gets better,' Danny told her. ‘The first time is scary, but your legs won't shake next time.' He put an arm around her shoulders. ‘Let's get some food.'

Megan nodded, suddenly realizing she was ravenous. The snack bar was along one side of the track. ‘What's good?'

‘Pizza!' said Danny confidently. He dug around in his pocket and produced a twenty-pound note. ‘Have what you like, my mum's paying.'

‘Oh, that's nice of her.'

‘She doesn't actually know,' Danny said with a laugh. ‘I sort of borrowed it from her purse.'

‘You didn't!' Megan stared at him.

He held up his hands. ‘Don't worry, I'll tell her when I get home.' He laughed again. ‘She's used to it anyway. And I always pay her back. Right, what do you want?'

‘What are you having?'

‘Meat feast,' said Danny promptly. ‘I always have a meat feast after racing.'

‘Oh, right. Can I have the four-cheese pizza then?'

‘Sure. You go get us a table.'


‘Near the track,' Danny called after her. ‘Then we can watch the racing.'

Megan sat down at a table right at the edge of the track. The next group session was well under way and the karts were zipping around the track at speed. Megan couldn't quite believe that had been her just a few minutes ago. And to think that when she first came in, the noise gave her a headache and she was shaking with fear! Now she gazed intently at the track, drinking in the speed, the noise, the wildness of it all. The whole place seemed to suit Danny's personality. He was wild and fast and loud too. She felt uneasy that he'd taken the money from his mum's purse without
asking. But maybe that's just how things were in his family? And he
say he always paid her back . . .

Danny joined her a few minutes later, clutching two Cokes and a ticket for the pizzas. ‘They'll yell out our number when they're ready,' he told her. ‘I got you a Coke.'


‘So . . .' He sat back on his chair and looked at her with that intensity in his eyes again. ‘What was it you liked most about racing?'

Megan glanced out across the track and smiled. ‘I don't know. All of it, I guess.'

‘The speed?'

‘I wasn't sure about the speed to start with,' she admitted. ‘It seems so fast when you're that close to the ground. Everything whizzes by in a blur. And the engines are so powerful.'

Danny nodded, his eyes gleaming. ‘I know. Cool, isn't it?'

‘It is, but it was kind of scary to start with. And then I got a grip, and it all got easier. I even overtook someone!'

Danny laughed at her pride. ‘I knew you'd understand. Racing is awesome. Winning is just the best feeling ever.'

‘I think I'm a long way from winning.'

‘Come a few more times and you will, I bet.' He hesitated a moment. ‘Most girls go all stupid over things like this. You know, they start squealing or going on about how they can't possibly, it's too scary. But not you.'

Megan blushed. ‘Well, it was nice to try something different.' She tried to sound casual, and not at all as though she had been scared stiff only an hour before.

‘That's what I mean. You're up for trying new stuff and you don't mind having a go.' He leaned forward. ‘You're a cool kind of girl.'

Megan didn't know where to look. He thought she was cool! ‘I think you're cool too,' she mumbled, and instantly regretted it. What a dumb thing to say!

But Danny just smiled. ‘See? We should definitely hang out together again.'

Megan beamed. Right now, there was nothing she'd like more!

By the time their number was called for the pizzas, Megan felt as though they were getting on brilliantly. She'd pretended to Danny that it wasn't really a date, but inside she felt they had such a connection, it might as well be. Danny came back with the pizzas and Megan was pleasantly surprised.
‘They look really good. I thought somewhere like this . . .'

‘. . . would do cheap rubbish,' finished Danny.

‘Well, yeah.'

He laughed. ‘You say what you think. Just like me. It's cool.'

Megan blushed again and tried to hide her confusion by tucking into her pizza. For a few minutes they ate without speaking, though Megan noticed that Danny's eyes were constantly drawn to the karts whizzing round the track. ‘You really love it, don't you?' she commented.


‘You've asked me – now I'm asking you. What is it
like the most?'

Danny wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and paused for a moment. ‘I like going fast. I like wheels.'


He shrugged. ‘I dunno. Maybe because feet seem so – kind of useless. You know? You can only walk or run. Wheels, now . . . you can make them spin or skid or screech.'

‘Is it about power?' Megan persisted. ‘Or being in control?'

Danny laughed. ‘More about being
of control. I
love that feeling when you know something's so close to disaster . . . and then you bring it back, and you've survived. Awesome!'

‘Like being on a rollercoaster?' suggested Megan.

‘Nah, rollercoasters are tame,' replied Danny, taking another bite of pizza. ‘You know you're never going to fall off. Skateboards, now, or bikes . . . you never know what's going to happen.'

Megan nodded thoughtfully. ‘I see.' She smiled. ‘It's very different from what I'm used to.'

‘What are you used to?'

‘Dancing,' Megan said simply.

‘Oh yeah, you said.' Danny glanced at the track again. ‘I can see why this is different.'

Megan felt anxious to explain. ‘It's not about speed or winning, so much. It's about control and perfection. And beauty.' She blushed slightly.

Danny separated out his last two pieces of pizza. ‘Sounds a bit – well . . . lame to me.'

‘It's about skill,' countered Megan. ‘Just like driving is about skill. You work hard to get good at it.'

Danny nodded. ‘Fair enough. You wouldn't catch me in tights though.'

Megan rolled her eyes. ‘Why does everyone go on about the tights? It's not just the clothes, you know.'

Danny chuckled. ‘You are so easy to wind up. You want that last piece of pizza?'

‘Yes I do, so hands off.'

He laughed again and Megan found herself smiling back. Being with Danny was so amazing. It was as though the real world didn't exist. At least . . . was it really that? Or was it more that he was the most
person she'd ever met? He was almost
real than real, if that made any sense . . . ‘I've never met anyone like you,' she blurted out, and then felt horrified. What a ridiculous thing to say!

Danny was amused. ‘Don't they have karts and skateboards oop north?'

‘Very funny. Of course they do. I've just never been karting before.'
Especially not with a boy
, she added silently to herself. An involuntary chuckle escaped her at the thought of Jake on a skateboard.


‘Nothing. Just thinking about this boy back home.'

‘Yeah?' Danny crumpled his serviette into a ball. ‘Boring, was he?'

Megan laughed again. ‘Compared to you? Yes, I guess so.'

Danny nodded, satisfied. Megan felt a tiny twinge of betrayal. She had never thought of Jake as boring
before, had she?
But then I hadn't met Danny
, she thought.
And now, suddenly, life looks a lot more exciting

‘You want to come out with me again next weekend?'

A thrill shot through Megan. ‘Back here?'

He shook his head. ‘No. There's a BMX meet just outside Parchester. Paul and I are going, and I guess the girls will tag along too. You want to come?'

Megan frowned. ‘What's a BMX meet? Will I be standing around getting bored?'

Danny grinned. ‘It's racing. And if you want, I'll let you have a go on my bike.'

Megan picked a small ball of fluff off her jumper and tried to sound cool. ‘I'll think about it.'

But she already knew she would go.

Chapter 8
we're desperate for gossip!

said, wrinkling her little button-shaped nose. ‘That sounds a bit . . . boyish.'

‘You know, I really enjoyed it,' Megan told her as they sat down for lunch at school. ‘Jacket potato and cheese, yum.'

‘You know, tuna's much better for you than cheese,' said Suki, distracted for a moment. ‘If you want to keep a dancer's shape, I mean. Have you heard about the Atkins Diet?'

‘No,' replied Megan, determined to keep control of the conversation. ‘Have you ever been go-karting?'

Suki shook her head. ‘I wouldn't dare. What if I broke my leg or something? What about my dance career? I'm amazed you risked it. But then you're not so serious about your dancing as I am about mine.'

‘It was fun,' said Megan, ignoring this last
comment. ‘I didn't think I'd like it but it was amazing.'

‘And who was this boy you went with again?' asked Suki.

‘His name's Danny. He's not from our school. I met him at the skate park. He does skateboarding and things.'

Suki had a funny expression on her face. ‘He sounds a bit . . . well, I wouldn't have thought he was your type.'

Megan felt faintly annoyed. ‘What do you mean?'

Suki shrugged. ‘No offence or anything. I just didn't realize you were that sort of girl. You know, into skating and dangerous sports.'

‘You never know until you try them,' Megan said defensively. ‘I just never had the chance to try them before. And I like them – it. Go-karting, I mean. It's brilliant fun. And I'd definitely go again.'

Suki shrugged. ‘Cool. Whatever suits you.'

Megan attacked the rest of her jacket potato with some force.

Mari's response couldn't have been more different. ‘Go-karting, wow! I went once. I was really, really awful at it. I just froze up, couldn't do anything. In the end they had to get me out again because I was
causing an obstruction.' She laughed. ‘I'd go again but I think I might have been banned.'

Megan grinned. ‘Maybe you just didn't go with the right people.'

‘You're offering to take me, are you?'

Megan raised her eyebrows. ‘If you want to, yeah. It'd be cool!'

The two of them were practising in Megan's front room. Megan's mum was feeding Owen his tea in the kitchen but every now and then he escaped to come and see what the two girls were doing. This was one of those moments, and Megan and Mari looked up to see a little face peering round the door.

‘Can I have a go?' asked Owen.

‘Course you can,' said Mari, just as Megan opened her mouth to refuse. ‘Bet you'll be way better than me though.'

Owen nodded. ‘It's only because I've got more rhythm than you.'

‘Owen!' Megan spluttered. ‘You can't say things like that!'

‘Why not?'

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